This is the most accurate communist political compass synthesized to date. Where would you place yourself? Upper center is Lenin.
Communist political compass
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This is retarded and makes no sense but i'll answer anyway and i can't be bothered to open mspaint.
I'd place myself between Lenin and Luxemburg but skewed closer to Lenin, but also wanting to be as far away from Tito and DeLeon as i can without getting too close to Bordiga but a little close is okay.
That image is sick
What the FUCK is this
A political compass of the communist spectrum. This means even the most far right on the compass will still have communist views.
Bukharin was to the right of Stalin and Deng was to the right of Mao. They were still communists tho.
Not only the coordinates are super fucking wrong, but the whole point of Marxism is the idea that what dictates the path and pace of social change are the material and historical circumstances a given society finds itself in, not a fixed, abstract set of policies that should be treated as an ideal to arrive at, which makes it impossible to reduce them to a spot on a compass. Sure you can do that with anarchists, but it doesn't work with half of the people there.
In general, you're an idiot
lo what in the fuck is that retarded ass image.
Go to bed Jim.
they seem pretty accurate to me
you are dumb
De Leon is center gang
I place myself in a superposition between Kropotkin and Proudhon.
Only time where the rational centerists are true.
Where's Pol Pot? Dugin? Zerzan? M3W?
More like IdPol Pot-smoking liberal corporate feel goodism
probably right around here
Political compass tests are peak armchair, it is anti-intellectual subversion.
yeah let's have collective parenting
Being one of the admins of PCM memes, I don't think you ought to take the test seriously.
I'd probably place myself between Kropotkin and Luxemburg.
The only real political compass test.
I know this is a shitpost, but I tried it out. I literally only picked the most female faces without reading the questions. This is very dumb.
I picked only male faces. What kind of shit is this? How can they equate primitive gender roles and politics to being the same thing. It's some grade A social science.
Women and fags are fash, men and dykes are commie. QED
tito had a great aesthetic
Allowing syndicalism was the final straw, huh?
Actually it was only half shitpost, as this is a legitimate test. The feminine faces represent 'tact and discussion' while the masculine faces represent 'will and single-mindedness'. It is stupid though: it's meant to be. You are supposed to answer it on an instinctual level rather than a rational one. In this sense, it is actually pretty good at cutting through self deception (see 'tolerant' liberals and 'single issue voter' conservatives).
The only real downside is that it is completely useless if you are inoculated against gender bias, as the test will swiftly make no fucking sense. I think I have gotten there myself, at least because I get a straight line across the middle of the graph. Last time I took it I was 25% ingroup dominance and 75% outgroup dominance, which is fairly accurate. I am pretty internationalist and anti-imperialist, though I don't believe the answer to every porkie is the wall. (Not that I am against the wall per say, but a lot of smaller porkies/most social liberals don't deserve it. Hell, there are a few class conscious conservatives hanging about, who only fear communism because 'muh gorillions'. )
the most epic meme of all time
Not seeing your point. Yes it is a massive spook, but the average person who takes it is going to operate under said spook…
It's such a damaging spook that I think it's worth pointing out whenever it comes up.
he's a zionist who believes in an apartheid ethno state and the genocide of palestinians because "Saddam Hussein"
is 8values the best test out there?