Kill Em All 2018
I am trash man
410,757,864,530 DEAD IRANIANS
(seriously though, how fucked are we?)
Kill Em All 2018
I am trash man
410,757,864,530 DEAD IRANIANS
(seriously though, how fucked are we?)
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You live on the precipice of carnage and state terror if you reside in the United States. If there is a major terror attack. You'll be on lockdown before you know it, and either used for labor in private prisons or sent to die for Netanyahu and Prince Salmon. You'll be given very little explanation, but told everyone supports it.
The only people who don't get it are 80% of Americans with about 20% more noticing something is HAPPENING.
they weren't even doing that in the first place. Who the fuck wrote this?
so "terrorist group" by the US's and Israel's definition. This is so fucking vague. "Support", like that can be fucking anything. They find one dude speaking Farsi in Lebanon and they have a casus belli on Iran. Sickening.
after this sentence I don't think anybody can take this seriously. "Peaceful solution" means letting the Saudis take over and genocide the Shias. I seriosly doubt any country (besides Israel and US lapdogs like guatemala) will take any of this seriously.
Is this the final part of the US foreign policy agenda that's been in place since 9/11? It seems like Iran is the final target the US has been preparing to destroy for the last two decades.
It isn't meant to be taken seriously, everyone knows Iran would never, under any circumstances, comply with several of those demands. It's a pretext for invasion ("see, we gave them a chance to surrender but they wouldn't, destroying their country is the only option").
The trail doesn't wag the dog, user.
This is now a HoI thread.
I'd say probably not, china, russia and the EU have too much sunk in iran to just let it fall to burgerland
Out of curiosity, what's the liberal reaction been to all of this? Are they opposing it because is Drumpf and not their queen doing this, or are they slowly clapping whole saying that Trump looks "presidential"?
While saying*, fuck me
Why not ask them to convert to evangelical christianity while they're at it?
Austria ultimatum to serbia make more sense.
Dayum. Didn't think they had it in them.
They scarcely care
The US wants to engage in a pincer strike on Iran with Israel, but knowing Trump he will go full 2003 mode rather than doing what Israel wants which is destruction of Iranian assests in the fertile crescent then a cold war that will weaken the Islamic Theocratic Regime.
If the US directly invaded Iran, it would make Vietnam look like a fucking holiday in the Cotswolds.
In short, we're fucked lads.
Yeah, it seems like it.
This, American "lefts" are really oblivious to how bad it can/will get for them.
Indeed, the US left are agonised primarily by their nation's dominance. The US getting themselves whooped by Iran may be good for the left - they might think they can face off against the empire.
I think the US would get bogged down pretty fast. I picture it being a worse version of the Iraq War
Very fucked. Netanyhau will draw from precedent and bomb Iran's nuclear facilities like he did to Assad's in 2007, a decision defended by US UN Ambassador John Bolton who is now Trump's National Security Adviser. However IAF jets will strike Iran's nuclear power plant, causing a meltdown that will spew radioactive dust into the air contaminating the entire middle east. Within days villages without water treatment or greenhouses will be forced to evacuate and within weeks Lake Dahuk will become unsafe to drink thereby completely destroying the Iraqi state outside of Baghdad. Those left outside will slowly die from necrosis or cancer from radiation poisoning. Within months Lake Victoria will become contaminated as well, destroying Egypt and causing a cascading disaster within subsaharan Africa.
Hundreds of millions of refugees will flood to the Mediterranean where they will board boats to Europe, or simply walk in through Turkey. Greece, Italy and Spain will go full fash overnight as citizens' militias are formed to fight the refugees, while underpaid police are replaced by the military. It will be a disaster larger than the holocaust by the time Trump's first term ends. Most Americans will continue not caring as Europe blows itself apart.
America invading Iran would be the worst conceivable option for every party involved which is why it's basically guaranteed to happen at this point.
America will bomb some civilians, quickly declare victory, and then act bewildered when the Middle East becomes even more unstable and Islamic terrorism skyrockets Except this time the US will have to deal with Shia and Sunni extremists fighting both each other and America, which can only realistically lead to an ethnic cleansing campaign by the now dominant and unopposed Saudi Regime.
What is the point, they don`t even have military capability to defend themselves ever since they abolished universal male conscription and turned to volunteer army.
We already simulated that and the US lost so many times some Generals ragequit.
This is like when Cheney predicted invading Afghanistan in the 90's would be a disaster and a waste of money and lives, and then a few years later did exactly that when the military-industrial complex greased his vice presidential wallet.
dude just stop lmao none of that is going to happen
well iran being invaded might happen but not the rest
why wouldn't it happen? Iran's nuclear power plant is a target.
In June 1981, an Israeli air strike completely destroyed Iraq's Osirak nuclear research facility.
Between 1984 and 1987, Iraq bombed Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant six times.
In 1991, the U.S. bombed three nuclear reactors and an enrichment pilot facility in Iraq.
In September 2007, Israel bombed a Syrian reactor under construction.
Sorry but I don't recall massive death tolls, widespread radiation poisoning, streams of refugees flocking away from the middle east etc. happening any of these previous times that nuclear reactors were targeted in the middle east. It's almost like you have a very hyperactive imagination.