Crisis in the Kremlin: Fuck Yeltsin edition

We'll see if Zig Forums can run the USSR and save it from sabotage by the burgers and by opportunists within the party ranks. Time to purge revisionists and build Communism.
Setting difficulty to normal since i doubt anyone wants to play Solzhenitsyn difficulty.
Here's the soundtrack for anyone who wants to get in the mood:

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Also at the earliest start date (1985).
First things first, Zig Forums's General Secretary of the CPSU of choice.
Grishin, Gromyko, Romanov, Gorbachev or a (custom) dark horse from the party ranks?

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Vote for Gromyko.

Very well Gromyko it is. Now for the pre-game events, starting with the DDR.

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Use army to control protests.

Now Hungary.

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Send in the tanks, obviously

I mean, obviously

Now for /ourspaceboi/
I've never been able to figure out what you have to do to unlock the last decision which i assume is 'start cult of the new socialist man' or something

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Strengthen atheist propaganda

Not arguing with quads

Next, dealing with Dubček.

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Turn a blind eye.

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They saw what happened to Hungary. They should know better. Remind them.

Limit reforms

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I change my vote to limit reforms.


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Direction of the Economy.

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The central committee appears pretty set on the course of automation.

Next issue at hand, the space race.

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Motion…carried… *stares at Khruschjov*

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space race grows into an armed conflict

Peaceful space race continues

Continue the race in a peaceful manner for the sake of pushing forth science.

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Peaceful space race. I want to see the red flag on Mars

The space race continues, peacefully, in spite of the objection of the posadist members of the presidium.

Now, revolution against the US-backed puppet Shah and Khomeini's return to Iran.

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islamig gommunism all the way

support communist rebels

Support communist rebels

Cut support and sponsor rebels, we can DP Iran later with Saddam and they won't fall into reactionary tendancies.

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The presidium resolves to support guerrillas of the communist party which is eventually suppressed brutally by the new theocratic state.

Now to decide on censorship and artistic freedom within the union.

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Imprison. His work was pretty shit tbh.

Damn, that backfired. Let the shitty artist be.

criticism is helping the party tbh

The party will not fallbecause of some youth musician, let him be.

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Now there is instability in the PRL.

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Control protests

Urge to tank, rising…

Use army to control protests


pls save it for the revisionists

Control protests.

Proposal: Using advanced cheat engine dialectics, our Union is able to summon into existence not less than 10000000000000 rubles/year. Spending in all areas will be increased accordingly.

A challenger appears

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The crisis in Poland has been handled in a measured manner.

Now Comrade Andropov has received a letter from an american girl hoping to get to know our Union better. How should we respond?

Comrade Lenin would not approve

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Invite her as a tourist, I don't think a child can be trusted as an intelligence agent.

Real me: invite her as a tourist

Inner me: recruit her

Spread the loli revolution

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Invite her as a tourist, show her the comfyness of the pioneers.

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This is adorable. Why haven't I heard of this?

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It totally was. really tragic that she died so shortly after.
I'm not sure whether the vote is to recruit her or not. I'm going to assume not recruiting her

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First impulse: Invite and recruit.
On second thought: don't invite her at all, she might be a double agent.

Dude, she's fucking 9.

I kinda want to see what happens if we recruit her

Cooler heads prevailed in the Central Committee and no attempt to recruit Samantha Smith was made.

Now we've caught up to 1985 and the game proper.

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There is no such thing as too little vigilance.

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Recruitment result for the curious.

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Jesus christ…

The letter Andropov wrote to Samantha:

State of the Union
State of the CPSU
Geopolitical alignment

Immediate diplomatic concerns that can be handled:
Do we supply weapons to improve government strength or do we pacify and withdraw
We can supply weapons and support them in war for Kashmir from the start or delay it.
We can invite the People's Republic of Cambodia and Laos into COMECON straight away
As above
As above
We can provide aid for now
as above

Relations with neither France nor China are high enough to get free trade or a pact of friendship.

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Supply weapons to Afghanistan. We are winning this war.


Priority one is to give the Afghans weapons, since that can only be done once a year. Give India weapons too. Invite everyone to the COMECON that we can. I don't think we should do too much in the way of subsidies for countries in Africa or Latin America until the economic situation improves and some computer technology has been developed. Additionally, I vote to legalize Stalinism and support the ML line in the politburo.

meant South Yemen, fuck

Do it, no risk, no cost.
Aid North Yemen
Delay weapons for India, to please China, the ally of Pakistan and rival of India.
Afghanistan: support government while it's still affordable to do so.

Pay off that debt fam

Ya'll should start self-critizing, and read Mao and Che for tips on guerilla warfare in order to defeat the 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Mujahideen 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Supply weapons to Afgan and India.
Give civil and military aid to:
North Yemen,
Invite Cambdia and Vietnam to COMECON, try for Syria too.
Invite Cambodiamand

Debt has been paid off, Aid provided to everyone available. Laos and Cambodia in COMECON.

Now for the CPSU decision.

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Go with the least liberal choice, even though there's no argument


Though what power will he have without political backing?

Stalinism brings stability

Now to select the under-secretary general of the CPSU to give the party clear ideological direction.
Trots have been TINAd

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Romanov (the only one that actually matters)

You can't go wrong with a Romanov

Вперёд товарищ Лигачёв
Forward comrade Ligachev!


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Getting the band back together again.

Elect the conservative so you have support in the party.

Party support isn't such an issue in the remake of the game.

I'm going purely by instinct, have not played this game yet.

It's moderately entertaining, but has limited replay-ability.

Ronnie Ray-gun is talkin' shit about satellites with frickin laser beams, how does the USSR respond?

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Lads if he was the best choice he would be GS, don't fall into return, move to neoleninism with Ligachjov.
Also it makes dealing with the crisis easer being moderates

Research our own SDI. Also, take a look at the detailed budget screens (calculator) one of these days and post the quality of life charts.

Enlarge the nuclear program. It's cheaper by comparison and will kill them just as dead.

Don't waist money on that shit tell em to blow you an get the economy back on track


Annouce a counter programme, it is good for the Cosmonaught programme.

Tell them to fuck off. SDI didn't work, anyway

Yes, and?

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You know what, fuck it. Counter programme. Shoot those satellites out of the sky.

Counter-program it is i guess. Presidium pretty divided tho.

Spending and State of the Union screens coming up.
Also maybe cabinet reshuffle.

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Check the technology screen to see if that gave us anything

Brings tears to the eye


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