So how many of you actually work or even have worked in a factory or agriculture? My main impression is that most of you are NEETs or rebellious middle class teenagers.
So how many of you actually work or even have worked in a factory or agriculture...
You know Zig Forums, if your entire assumptions of the left weren't based on shit-tier straw men you might actually be taken seriously.
Doesn't that disqualify nearly every single capitalist from owning the means of production? And isn't this a literally pro-socialist argument? The idea that those who do the work ought to own the products of their work IS socialism.
I'm pretty sure that's literally syndicalism.
Not to be rude, but care to elaborate?
Went to trade school for and worked in machining before moving over to being a mechanic. Also volunteer as a firefighter now while trying to finish up my certification.
No-one will own a factory under socialism, you silly sausage.
I worked in a matress factory and a rose production green house. Does that count?
HBU op, what do you do?
My guess is high-speed pizza delivery.
I'm guessing E-celeb.
Syndicalists emphasize the workers owning the MOP, not necessarily all of society(being restructured so all are workers) or internationalism. Such nativism is in part responsible for fascism originating there.
Ahhh, Understandable. Have a meme.
Worked in a warehouse and in cherry orchards when I was younger. Now I'm in university, finally.
I think you misunderstood what I said. When I said that those who do the work ought to own the products of their work, I meant it in a collective sense. I'm not a syndicalist.
what this guy said
but just to amuse you
i worked in a factory for 2 months before being fired on christmas because i got a migraine every few days and started throwing up at the assembly line
which wasn't too bad, i hardly got any pay and what i got i had to spend for gas to drive there every day just to then hope that they had a machine free that i could work on, if not i would just get send back home and not get paid for the day
I agree with most of what others have said so far, but in addition…
The majority of manufacturing jobs are not done in the first world m8, so it is more likely that first world socialists have worked service related jobs instead. Agriculture jobs are similarly determined primarily through geographical location but in the current stage of society to not represent the majority of labor in the first world. This is furthered when you consider the fact that those who are more likely to read theory are in generally more wealthy/stable economic situations, and as a result you'd expect to see an over representation of more "privileged" types supporting socialism in the first world. (Granted, this expectation is surprisingly less stark than you might imagine. Many posters here, including myself have a much more "genuine" working class background than reactionaries would have you believe.) As a result, since you are probably in the first world, you're less likely to meet socialists who work in manufacturing or agriculture.
That being said, to then attempt to argue that a leftist's argument is somehow invalid because they fail your personal purity test is a fallacious approach.
I grow potatos.
so nobody owns the means of production? Factories produce things.
What are you talking about? You are literally spouting nonsense right now. In a socialist society, no one would be able to get resources they didn't earn, unlike in capitalism. There is no "party" or class that lives off of other people's work.
so in lack of arguments to adress what he actually said you step down to retarded accusations with this piss poor rhetoric?
you are like a child sucking on its pacifier after realizing that there is no tooth fairy
God I hate moronic ass faces like you.
I'm only 29 and I've been a walmart cart pusher, correctional officer, Insert hand at a news papper, mom n' pop and corporate company Garbage Man, a POL troop in the Air Force for 6 years with an hourable dd214, Homeless, abused by a spouse, molested as a child, alcoholic (recovering), day laborer, Refrac hand, semi successful self employed DJ Slurry wall hand, drywall/painting hand and I have never been fired, never been reprimanded more than a one day don't do it again, and never lived extravagantly and I'm fucking piss fucking broke. 7 fucking k in debt, on food stamps, UNEMFUCKINGPLOYED.
I've been beat up by my step dad, belittled and ignored by my "real" dad who never paid us shit while we lived in a camper. I've had several friends die, people I love breaking down every day from the weight of poverty.
My home town is infested with Meth because everyone is so fucking uneducated and depressed and the cops are all crooked and the city is crooked and everyone I know is rural god fearing republican and I spend 10 motherfucking years educating MY OWN DAMN SELF in fucking detail as to why so that some smug middle class fuck can come shit on muh board.
I will fucking peel your skin from your bones you fascist piece of shit.
Copy pasta me.
We coming for that ass pig boi.
You're stoking the flames that you will be roasted on.
I've done both.
What kind of jogger you use?
You realize that during the 2nd industrial revolution most factory workers were just random people without money? They hired children for fucks sake, the whole point is that workers got paid next to nothing to do mindless assembly line work. Now that automation is kicking into high gear, retail workers are the new assembly line slaves.
Well that is basically what socialism was before Marx. Blanquism was mostly a way for those in the upper classes who became aware of the blight of the workers and lower classes to do something about it out of their sense of empathy/pity. After Marx socialism became merged with the labour movement, and it's focus instead became for the workers to seize the power in society for themselves, and not relying on the charity from the bourgeoisie.
TBH fam I have no idea what I'm looking at.
When I ran inserts I was 14 and did them all on a regular table by hand.
I was also pretty unaware of my surroundings so idk if that thing was there being used by another worker or what.
Holy shit I looked it up and no we did that shit manually.
It was a small hole in the wall town which couldn't afford that fancy shit.
They hired illegals named Rosita and shit.
Pretty sure Engels was the son of a rich Manchester factory owner…
Warehouse/factory/technician jobs are literally the only work I've ever had. I'm unemployed at the moment though.
You wont even leave your basement you pathetic shut in neet
I'm literally sitting inside of a factory right now.
This shit place has done more to radicalize me than any book ever could.
I'm currently a sort line operative. Before that I worked at a pet shop. I also volunteer at my local soup kitchen.
I'm paid minimum wage
epic meme, socialism btfo
I work in a factory.
Specifically, it's a rubber/silicon extrusion factory.
We make weatherstripping for auto manufacturers and construction suppliers.
Specifically, I run the tape slitter, when I'm not helping make dies in the die shop.
It's boring, and the people I work for couldn't find their asses with both hands and a hunting dog, but it pays the bills.
Nah, you're on the wrong board for that one.