Why do you guys advocate for Communism when communism has failed every single time it tried?
You guys need to realize you're just jealous you don't make as make money as capitalists do. Suck it up, life's not fair. If you were really anti-capitalism you wouldn't be using the computer you're reading this on. Since workers hate you, you faggots have to try to spread your Communist poison through universities. Communism doesn't work
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good post
So improved literacy rates, living conditions, production output, killing reactionaries, building self-sustaining territories, fighting off invading armies, distribution of food without market incentives are failures now?
Quality Bait
muh books
Capitalism has taken millions out of poverty
Capitalism does this better. Communism failed.
I want better shit.
But lets get into the nitty gritty, of your examples. My apologies in advance to any secretarianism I spew while I point out this fuck wits retardation.
North Korea is a person now? My goodness.
Mao's great leap forward and cultural revolution are true points to be sure, but to say that totalitarian governments are somehow exclusive to communism is a complete lie, especially when you take anarchism into account and how they were able to fend-off imperialists albeit would later succumb to soviet/ early 20th century ML sabotage
and especially when capitalist governments have killed more through imperialism and neglect of distributing resources where needed. It is a system that literally profits off war, and exploitation while commodifying struggles for human rights.
oh my god
Unlike the USA, NK gives its citizens free food, housing, and healthcare
In the middle of the Cold War. Probably still a waste of time, but at least understandable.
Don't go pushing your own aversion to read on others burger
Changing the IPL every few years doesn't count
Except where is doesn't
Shocking the capitalist wants people to live in a state of dependency
how does it feel to be utterly retarded and completely unaware of how much of a joke you make of yourself while wondering why everyone is just pointing and laughing?
🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Bezmenov🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 was a tit
Marx was the head communist, fag. Are you awed by knowledge of your pedo Jew leader?
And this is why the US is superior. Americans work for those benefits and aren't given handouts. Handouts = lazy and degeneration is inevitable
Not an argument
So this is the power of the commie planned economy. Free markets win again
Not an argument
Most of the world's wealth is owned by millionaires, and there's enough money made by them to get the world out of global poverty seven times over. On top of that the results posted of "reducing poverty" are purposefully misinterpreted to breed a false sense of triumphant motivation.
When workers control the MOP, production increases ten fold. Though private companies owned by CEOs maintain the active holders, not the workers who own the business. Imagine that if done on a wider-scale without profit incentives.
Even then, look at these posted by user.
Stop being an intellectual fag. The worksrs you love so much don't need to read
I don't know what your fucking acronym means
I know this thread is a troll but there a right wing boomers who actually think like this
See pics related.
Neither is
Nice sandnigger news, pinko. Of course wealthy people have more money, doesn't mean others in capitalist society are poor. Capitalism is a force for good in the world, SORRY
Managers do like 90% of the work. Companies would fail. Hierarchy is indispensible
All Jews are pedos
They are though. Nigs are most of welfare recipients and should've done something about their water
My argument is that Communism is a failure and you and other DNC shills are still falling for it. Sad!
Nothing wrong with spreading democracy by force
Who's being elitist now?
International Poverty Line. You should know this.
Literally giving you the USSR as an example, Cuba hasn't failed, and East Germany was league over the west so much so that that even the USSR was pleasantly surprised. nytimes.com
Embargoes aside, the country is still running and has been able to become self sufficient in times of natural disasters. You could make the argument that they are state-capitalist, but then you'd pull a "not true capitalism" meme on us. I guess the fact that it has the highest population of educated doctors and literacy rates that BTFO out of America means nothing to you.
You mean a country where 70 percent of property is privately owned?
North Korea is still standing. Unless you want to call Juche """communism""" (which is a stateless, classless, moneyless society) then I don't know what to tell you other than read a fucking book.
If it was such a failure why do people want it back?
Last time I checked, Russia won the battle of Berlin and BTFO of the nazis.
So did Ayn Rand. What's your point?
Stop thinking workers need your messiah-complex. OH I'll 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧liberate🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 you poor proles!!
Implying I should care about some arbitrary data point
USSR was a failure and collapsed after Reagan ended the cold war. Cuba is a shithole. East Germany is poor to this day.
I can't even argue. I'm in a state of shock.
I can't tell if this is a troll or a man high on ideology.
Capitalism fostered the conditions for American prosperity.
The governemnt is avowedly Communist and is anti-democratic. Sounds like Marx would cum his panties over that.
Muh books. Kys fag, North Korea's people are shorter than South koreans. Kim kills people with dogs and aircraft guns, threatens america with WAR and gets fat while his people starve. Trump will force him to capitulate and it will FAIL once and for all. I can't wait to imbibe your tears, pinko
Biased commie site. Disregarded
Marx wanted free handouts, Rand didn't
Its the data point your using to say capitalism has raised people out of poverty
The USSR split undemocratically, Cuba is doing fine for its condition, and many East Germans want the GDR back because your right, capitalism did make them poor.
Read the date. It was a point that before reunification, no one really denied that the east was doing better. The narrative only appeared after.
Loving every laugh. Communism killed the kulaks and took their grain, forcing them into poverty. Communism sent millions to starvation in the holodomor. Communism sents 75 million people to Siberian gulags. 100 million died in China because of Communism. Does Capitalism condemn people to death for resisting it? Nope. People are unequal, but at least we are free
Here's some hard hitting data
sourcr: stormfront.org
This isn't even controversial news.
The point of socialism is that you only get what you work for, there are no handouts.
Again, citation needed
Jeez, it's as if effects caused by the war on drugs never happened.
Again, you haven't proved it's failure or given proof to substantiate your claim. You have failed to provide data and just spout pure ideology.
Communism is jealousy in political form
Keep pumping those numbers up.
Give us one reason why we shouldn't band together to murder every rich person and destroy their property.
Funny how you also bring up race when I never brought it up once. Could give less a shit what race a bourg is.
Kulaks burnt their own grain you retard. Nothing wrong with killing capitalists. They're a leech, more so than those pesky blacks you hate.
You mean a famine that was caused by general mismanagement, poor weather conditions and kulak sabotage
Harvey Weinstein, the federal government, idk man open your eyes. the JQ is right in front of them
Blacks are lazy by nature, not muh racism. they can't keep up with the average Aryan man
War on drugs is good. Poisoning our youth and people just to feel good
You give nothing but ideology about a society with no classes, no money, no nations. That sounds like ideology to my ears, pinko. I talk about reality. Want a dose of it? You'd have a society with no fFOOD enjoy the breadlines :^)
That's not who we support, we support democratic rebels and freedom fighters. Stop reading RT
They earned and worked for it unlike you fags who sit on yor computer and demand free shit for existing. It may surprise you, but people WORK for things
Well by that logic, all white people are pesos cuz Kevin Spacey and Roman Polanski diddled a minor.
You mean the stuff you spout? Thomas Sankara's Burkina Faso debunks this.
Sounds like commie propaganda to justify stealing from innocents to me. Why would someone willingly burn their own grain? I'd kill a commie for trying to steel my properyy but not for an honest man and his property
Stalin closed the borders and withheld grain, causing millions to die. Communism in action. The free market would've allowed the unimpeded flow of goods and millions would have survived
Nice proof
Too long, didn't watch. Go watch some Styx if you want some real knowledge bombs on communism
Yes. CIA staged coups are a testament to this, along with imperialist wars.
Coups were justified to stop Communism from spreading. Democracy was spread, no harm done. means justify ends
Better than standing in a bread line and being sent to a gulag for not wanting to share your house and wife with subhumans
Famines were not uncommon in Russia and its surrounding countries history, and they were always weather related. The actions of the USSR prevented such famines from ever occurring again.
Overthrowing secular dictators is justified if they are madman tyrants like Assad (gases his people) or Gaddafi (dictator). Again, stop reading RT and taking their anti-capitalist propoganda as a fact
I'll have what you're smoking, user.
Death from a natural disaster is not the same as an ATROCITY imposed by a human (Stalin, if you can even call him a human). If a person dies from a naturally occuring event, no one is culpable. If a person is deliberately murdered, then there is guilt. Stalin (embodying communsm) is guilty
Literally disproved in the video you refused to watch.
Literally disproved in the video you failed to watch.
Now who's telling fake news?
Except it is fact and you're blatantly rejecting it like a 5 year old.
Pesos? They aren't Mexican retard. Jews and their hypersexual nature are well-knwon. Jews push fun upon other cultures. Gay rights, trans rights, pedo rights, all of it is Jewish driven
Shithole African country. Sankara failed and luckily the next president reverted to the status quo before millions started dying
I'm 100% Euro heritage, nigger. I know you're a nigger because of how shitty all of these non-arguments are. The negro's intelligence is no match to the Aryan brain
Wikileaks is Russian-funded, pinko. Fake news doesn't escape my eyes
From 1921–22, a drought caused there to be a famine. The Kulaks horded grain during the famine which had been initially farmed by other farmers who worked for them and refused to sell it at lower prices of which the government offered. To prevent further death especially within the urban centers, the government began seizing the grain supplies, which the Kulaks began burning. Then with no other choice, they began seizing the farms themselves to prevent the destruction. Later the restrictions on the Kulaks were lifted until Stalin later implemented constitutional reform which liquidated them in order to prevent such future problem from occurring. In regards to the Holodohoax, here's a good video on it youtube.com
The Soviets offered to trade gold with the west for supplies, to which the west demanded that they would only accept payment in timber, oil, and most of all ==Grain==. No grain was withheld form the people though during the famine and grain export were reduced during those years.
Open a history book
Good things neither of those happened
So then Stalin is innocent? Because the Black Book (where your obviously getting your sources) counts any death under communism, including natural occurring events down to heart attacks, as a death under communism.
>From 1921–22, a drought caused there to be a famine. The Kulaks horded grain during the famine which had been initially farmed by other farmers who worked for them and refused to sell it at lower prices of which the government offered. To prevent further death especially within the urban centers, the government began seizing the grain supplies, which the Kulaks began burning. Then with no other choice, they began seizing the farms themselves to prevent the destruction. Later the restrictions on the Kulaks were lifted until Stalin later implemented constitutional reform which liquidated them in order to prevent such future problem from occurring. In regards to the Holodohoax, here's a good video on it youtube.com
Once again, some of us actually are hard workers and don't have time to watch your propaganda. If you worked as hard as me maybe you'd be living a good life – oh but wait, you're a jealous pinko piece of shit who expects everything on a platter
Source: your ass
I say the same to you. Everything I tell you is common knowledge
Yes they did. Private property was stolen
I like how you didn't mention which country in this
good one
you almost got me thinking you were serious, comrade
keep up cracking jokes to embarrass those Zig Forumsacks haha
Nice purity spiraling. Not going to fall for your nordicism trolling
with the mix of fin and english alone you can't be considered anything but a mutt in a traditional racial sense
you're really setting the bar just arbitrarily low enough so you personally pass your "purity" test, what a pathetic joke
Once again:
A so-called Euromutt is nothing bad. A mix of very closely related racial subgroups is no harm done. Groups further apart is more harmful
I actually work in a trade, you bitcoin-bot
You could have just looked this up yourself
Taking grain which was farmed by others but horded by the land owners during a famine in which people are starving due to a drought is 100% justified if that's what your talking about.
delusional mutt keeps makign excuses
100 % german btw, du kleiner Hurensohn :-)
Kulaks owned the farms and someone else harvested the grain. Despite those who harvested it, the grain belongs ultimately to the Kulak. It is theft and was taken against his will, regardless of the situation. His individual rights prevail
nice arbitrary lowered bar, kleine hässliche Mischlingsgeburt :-)
Whoa bro, nice German skills!!!!!1
"individual rights" is something granted by society and not natural law
their own decisions led to them getting deprived of their individual right to continue existing
u mad?
Caricatures are not an argument
Individual rights are the naturalest of laws
And you were the one complaining about lazy people expecting things to be handed to them.
The property wasn't acquired through being lazy
Sprichst du überhaupt eine einzige der anderen Sprachen deiner angeblichen Abstammung? Was hast du hässliche, heruntergekommene, nichtsnutzige Made mit den Kulturen zu tun, denen du dich ungefragt zuschreibst?
Sei doch ehrlich, in nicht einem deiner "Herkunftsländer" wärst du willkommen. Du kannst froh sein, dass ihr Amerikaner abgeschottet von der Realität lebt und euch gegenseitig euer erbärmliches Mischlingsdasein entschuldigen könnt. "Europäische Herkunft" allein schon, als wäre die EU irgendetwas kulturell oder ethnisch gemeinsames, es ist ein imperialistisches Konstrukt des deutschen und französischen Kapitals. Selbst in rechten Kreisen wird Europa nicht in so einer Form zusammengeworfen, wie du es dir herbeifantasierst. Du bist einfach nur erbärmlich, Ami.
Well at least you admit it
You literally said Finland and Hungry, its not even a caricature at this point.
Buying up property and then making a profit by having others work it for you if definitively lazy.
t. Türke
Ich bin weißer als du, fag. Rein weiß. Der weißeste Mann in diesem Faden
I won't leave now. I will never sleep as long as you retards don't realize communism is bound to fail
*until you realize communism is bound to fail
holy shit, are you trying to make me choke on laughter? it's almost working
Nein, bist du nicht, Kanacke. :^)
Ich hoffe, dass du erstickst und stirbst. Menschen aus Ungarn, Finnland, usw, sind Europäer, deshalb bin ich weiß
Fuck my anglo correct
Als wäre das eine Ethnie
Nicht nur ein miserabler Mischling sondern auch noch ein Spast, hahaha.
Das einzig weiße an dir ist das Sperma auf deinen Lippen, du Lutscher!
Als wäre das eine Ethnie
Ich bin kein Mischling (Neger + Europäer = Mischling. Europäer + Europäer (sie sind eine Rasse, nicht zwei) = Arier
Only commies suck cock
Kid, this is just germany alone you fucking disgusting mongrel ahahaha
does this look like "one race"?
you got to be an american mongrel if you can't tell fins and hungarians apart, lmao
What the fuck are you talking about? Roman Polanski and Spacey are white.
Your mums floppy beaver is also well knwon.
So why do you hate fun? I personally invited my local rabbi to a party. Turned out he was a god-tier DJ. Do you hate parties user? I figure someone who shares your views would.
Spanish are 20 per cent Arab mutts, Hungarians probably have a different ancestor, and Turks are byzantine/asiatic mutts. Otherwise Europeans are pretty damn similar.
The Ukrainian nationalist leader Issac Mazepa admitted it.
t. Isaac Mazepa in Slavonic Review, January 1934
Why should we give a shit whether they earned it or not? They have it, we want it.
Why shouldnt we take it?