I just saw Chelsea Manning post this on Twitter this morning. Did… Did she just imply a revolution?

I just saw Chelsea Manning post this on Twitter this morning. Did… Did she just imply a revolution?

Attached: Screenshot-2018-5-23.png (640x483, 62.59K)

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an actual revolutionary doesn't use twitter

oh yeah sorry mr. true blue revolutionary, i forgot we were supposed to be solely using GNU social, right? that's how you really get the message out

Attached: fsd.png (400x315, 254.95K)

Sad thing is that most people in the US are too content with their material possessions to even consider something like a violent revolution that will overthrow the state.

wow, i'm so convinced of her now, she was ourgal all along, how could i not see this
call comrade jimmy dore and let him know that the vanguard just got a new member
she and corbin are gonna change the western world!

that's why there's more to socialism than autistic fixation on violent revolution at any given time
it's like you never even read Lenin

Wasn't she caught red handed associating with Nazis though?

iirc that nazi (or whatever) was someone she knew from the military or she met in prison, right?
some kind of "prisoner solidarity" bullshit because he didn't give her shit during that time so she feels she owes him
it's not so much political and just simply a sad emotional weakness of hers
honestly i don't take her political ideas seriously, she did a nice job whistleblowing but that's really all we can be thanking her for, beyond that there's no need for supporting or following

Because real revolutionaries use Zig Forums exclusively

I doubt a real revolutionary would be using Zig Forums all day either

Attached: IMG_1771.PNG (712x979, 337.49K)

A real revolutionary wouldn't try to co-opt the revolutionary movement and crush it afterward to recreate their own vision. Honestly, it would surprise we if someone like her would sincerely advocate for revolution.

Wasn't Stalin caught red handed associating with Nazis though?

Attached: 23.8.1939 Gespräch J.W. Stalin und der deutsche Reichsaußenminister Joachim von Ribbentrop.jpg (545x800, 116.41K)

e-celeb trash

Attached: Hornses.png (498x299, 135.85K)

The is the same as the iphone argument capitalist use against leftists

E-celeb.. really?


What isn't larping acording to you? Xir literally handed over top secret US military reports to wikileaks.

Following that up by giving away ur identity as a whistle blower to a literal autist because he pretended to be ur friend online and then getting caught by the US gov isn’t very revolutionary. It’s all a lot more in line with what a socially maladjusted young adult would do in that very exceptional situation, probably because that’s all Manning is.


Manning got caught because she was an attention seeking dumbass none of which are good traits for a “””revolutionary”””

The post in the OP was clearly implying something more than peaceful protests and social media post but Imma take your advice and still read more Lenin

just like all these countries

Attached: non agression pacts.png (469x340, 14.18K)

Not being careful enough was obviously a mistake, but fuck right off man. Not like she went on Twitter and said "haha in ur face murica lol"
Socially maladjusted meaning what exactly?

Wait, do you realize how manning got caught? It seems like you don’t but if you do and you’re just an idiot I don’t want to waste time explaining it.

Afaik she trusted a person who spilled the beans?


Yah this is the gist of it but you don’t seem to know all the details that are my reason for saying what I’ve said. You might still disagree with me but consider all of this. Manning gives leaks to Assange. Assange is good at keeping whistle blowers protected and tells her she’s safe. Americans had really poor measures in place to protect this data anyway so it was unlikely she’d have ever been caught. (In the aftermath of the leaks a lot of high ranking American officers puzzled over why someone of Manning’s tank even had access to what she did, there are a lot of organizational problems in the army). So manning is home free. How does she get caught? Adrián Lamo. This man is a literal autist but manning was such a desperate loser that she confessed to leaking government secrets to some dude on the Internet. Watch this video, it has their chat logs. Look at what a sad “woe is me” piece of shit manning is. I can’t congratulate that. What she did was great but she’s a shit person.

Fuck I forgot the link

As it's not been done…

So we agree that Stalin was shit?

Then what would they be using in this day and age?

Tbqhwyfam Zig Forums is unironically the 5th international