Zig Forums has voluntarily stopped saying racial slurs such as "nigger," "gook," and "spic." There are literally no rules against simply saying racial slurs here, yet Zig Forums posters have still decided to stop saying racist words for the most part. Even casual use of racial slurs such as what used to be associated with non-Zig Forums 4chan boards is very low here. I just noticed this recently.
Why do you suppose this is? Personally, I think it's because using these words really does reproduce fascist propaganda in some way, and posters here, as a result of their class consciousness, have realized this consciously or subconsciously. I think it's a positive development that shows how powerful Marxism is against racism. Even after extensive brainwashing from Zig Forums over the years, people who post here have abandoned their vulgar habits.
Zig Forums has voluntarily stopped saying racial slurs such as "nigger," "gook," and "spic...
Part of it is the Reddit retards, but mostly it's so we can avoid seeming like Zig Forumsyps to one another.
I don't need to pepper my posts with words like nigger, gook and spic just to look edgy and cool. Nothing against people saying them personally, I just see no reason to say it constantly. Might vary from poster to poster
Fuck off
Didn't you forget to say, "fuck off, nigger"? Hm…
That's because we just don't do as much talking about various ethnic groups. It's all worker this and porky that, like it should be.
I'll use them around friends irl but it just doesn't fit the leftypol environment tbh.
nigger gook spic
No, its just that there is no incentive to use those words. They don't hold any power over anyone like between liberals or in real life, so you cannot use them to insult. And using them to be "edgy" also isnt really a thing because we aren't retarded contrarian polacks.
I still do it occasionally, I just dont really care.
Also, it does help that we have out own sortof lingo like revisionist, ☭TANKIE☭, anarkiddie, porky and classcuck and whatnot, which hold much more weight between the people on this board than meaningless racial slurs do.
Calling people niggers, baboons, beaners or gooks doesnt really do much as a word of power when you and everybody here knows nobody here gives a flying shit about race.
Sounds idealist but I won't mourn the loss of a slur or two.
What exactly is idealist about recognizing that "nigger" is racist/capitalist propaganda?
How can it be capitalist propaganda if the mainstream media and capitalist education system constantly denounce those words
Believing that racism exists because of words
Aight listen here you nigger faggots
Even if I have no problem with saying racial slurs, the fact that a large portion of the population mostly white liberals finds such language too inappropriate dissuades me from using racial slurs like nigger chink spic etc etc in public. Societal constructs and the way culture shapes our perceptions determines what is acceptable to say or in a certain sense being politically correct may help one get further in life.
Another fact is that capitalism is making racism obsolete by starting to focus on diversity and inclusion when in the past capitalism was overtly white supremacist. Now being an overt racist is frowned upon and even slight racist remarks can get you fired from a professional job. Just look at how people are doxxing nazis and white power people. Overlay all that with the whole hierarchies-of-oppression-bullshit most leftists/liberals promote and you start to see why certain groups can say certain slurs while other groups can't.
What's wrong with Reddit?
The site is poorly designed for actual discussion, but I think a lot of the animosity towards the users is just elitism. When you have a larger population of users, of course there will be more dross, in absolute terms.
Voting system allows contrary opinions to be voted down to oblivion, heavy censorship, poor design
Additionally, site design gives people easy access to peoples posting history, allowing for brigading, encouraging the guilt by association fallacy, punishing people for going against the groupthink even once, not allowing people to express counterpoints or make mistakes, etc.
Its a discussion thing entire centred around social status and ad hominems.
Sounds like you have a reading comprehension problem, buddy.
Read some history.
I don't have any opposition to using these words except in their original function, but I don't generally use them because /po/yp attitude is quite popular at the moment, and I would rather not encourage that low-tier stupidity. I think it's obnoxious to even use them as meaningless insults because I'm not a twelve-year-old. That said, I think language ought to be a libertarian field of engagement, because the only way those words will fall out of use generally is if bigotry is seen socially as more and more inherently ridiculous. You can't make something socially ridiculous if you give it the power of censorship. That makes it seem spooky and it gives those words psychological power. If there is a world where people only use these terms in absurd ways or explanatory ways, then any legitimately bigoted use of them would seem socially repulsive, and that's the world I want.
OP is a faggy gook-nigger-spic
I noticed this too.
Just more evidence that class consciousness really does cure bigotry. Even antisemitism, the most prominent form of ethnic nationalism that tends to survive in leftist environments, has mostly been phased out of our board culture. Completely voluntarily.
Comrade, the gulag is nice and comfortable and they don't even work us all that hard: the thread.
tbh this post was basically asking a bunch of edgelords to come use the words so I guess you got what you wanted.
can someone please explain why nazbols are banned but nazis are allowed to post
I mean, fucking seriously.
I get banned for four fucking weeks because apparently calling Hezbollah reactionary is imperialist, but an ideology that is literally by its very nature fucking imperialist is perfectly acceptable here.
that's baboonposter. he's been banned dozens of times but always comes back using a proxy.
Cloaking reaction in leftist rhetoric is worse than being a reactionary.
Yes, because Nazbols are notorious for killing millions of people
Are you mentally disabled, by any chance?
Are you a liberal?
If we're going to measure how bad an ideology is, it seems perfectly fair to start with how it's actually impacted the real world.
Fascist Italy could've not gassed Ethiopians or tried to ethnically cleanse the Yugoslavs, and hanging Benny upside would still be the right thing to do.
I didn't even think about that.
I think it has something to do with me not being bigoted.
Screencapping this to pass around other leftist online circles.
The absolute state of leftypol smh
Do it faggot. I could care less. It's not like I'm anonymous or anything. Also it's not about being noble or some spooked shit it's about people expressing their frustration on the job. Of course it's going to seem politically incorrect to the vast amount of people.
It should be dealt with casually and its not militant racism which needs militant action to fight against fascistic reaction
Go back to plebbit. This is Leftist Politically Incorrect, don't hit your head on the way out bucko
There, do you need me to be any edgier? Communism is an economic standpoint. It's not a political ideology.
They're fucking words, OP. Who gives a shit?
In my experience nobody in workplaces, especially trades, gives a shit about what language you use unless its confrontational. user here is right, I'll even add that the kind of racist banter and jokes that the people I worked with made with each other helped us get along better and breakdown any ethnic boundaries we may have had. Its mostly more the sensitive liberal types that have this kind of internalized meltdown over language because they never have this kind of "intimate" conversation and instead only deal with the fake acceptable outside facade that other people and themselves project in public. Real conversation between friends, real friends, is vulgar and dirty yet "real" and authentic. I don't know how to really explain it well, but its kind of like you know they're "real", that they're not fake or pretending. Like you could say anything to them and they'd tell you what they really think because they're just that comfortable with you.
Because moderators actually create tension and toxicity rather than suppress it?
I will continue using these words whenever i want to. It's free speech. However, it is a hassle dealing with backlash when i use these words, therefore i choose not to most of the time. Nigger.
Its divisive. The only two classes of peoples that matter are the bourg and the proles. Compared to that, all other divisions are arbitraty. Also, saying shit like that is bad praxis and makes people who might have been sympathetic immediately harden towards whatever you are trying to convince them. It makes you sound Zig Forumsack
So, I guess anarchist want to be unlikable insufferable cunts?
If i hear someone constantly making jokes about how dumb black people are, im going to suspect that theyre racist. And not trying to let off steam.
Comrade, get your shit together.
I read every post I make back to myself and think about what it would be like saying that in a conversation. So saying nigger and stuff like that is just not appropiate. My parents still say Neger, which gets a weird feeling out of me, whenever I hear that.
Good job implying something he never said and not addressing his argument you cunt
To be honest it's just become immensely unfunny and corny to me now after years on imageboards. Combine that with the relatively high discussion quality of the board it's just more fun to post new shit.
now that's fucking based
where did everyone go?
What do you mean? 604 Unique IDs.
i dunno it just feels like it's getting less active to me
Do you also get a tingly feeling in your head sometimes?
Might be brain cancer.
You can get banned for saying nigger & kike here, especially kike so no, it is not voluntary.
I use nigger in irl with friends but im strongly against racism.
Didnt need to call me a cunt, now c'mon.
What happens if it's my black coworkers calling each other retarded? I know I never mentioned their race but I did that intentionally so that people would look at context rather than the race of the person saying it. Obviously is some white guy goes on some long racist tirade about muh bell curve than of course he is nothing more than a mere racist.
It's kinda boring and stupid. It feels like a bunch of kids giggling that they can say stuff that mommy and daddy don't like.