Vox is here to explain to us how monogamy is unnatural

Vox is here to explain to us how monogamy is unnatural


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They're not wrong. Pretty good analysis.

Monogamy is one of the reasons that humans developed beyond the point that bonobos did.

Whatever you need to do to feel better about your degenerate mental illness, you disgusting hypergamous homosexual. By the way, they present anthropological evidence of monogamy naturally spawning from the agricultural revolution. Just because monkeys fuck each other nonstop doesn't mean monogamy is not natural. There's a positive correlation between monogamy and the amount of civilization a social group has.


Back to Zig Forums. Quick, give me your spooky reason why monogamy is intrinsically natural


Monogamy is extremely unnatural and that’s why it’s extremely good. I’m not tryna shit outside because it’s “natural” man.

Even if that were true who cares? Why should people be pressured to abide by it today?

And why is it so good?

Because polygamy is dangerous; it puts everyone involved at risk of disease/social degradation, and undermines society at large. I can understand why no one on the left would care, because they have no concept of long term thinking, nor any desire to create functioning civilizations, but for those of us who aren't mindless niggers out to destroy everything, it's simply the bees knees.

as if arguing with a stirnerite is possible

Not watching that

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… How?

you probabaly grew up in a broken home

How so?
Lol. Simpling stating things doesn't make it true. If I marry two women instead of one society won't break down all of the sudden

If you marry two women instead of one and then proceed to have children with them, which is how civilization continues to exist it will damage the children relative to children growing up in a nuclear family, thus damaging society


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refer to my earlier comment regarding stitnerites

Maybe it's because Stirner was right.

You haven't even made an argument, that's the point. All you do is make more baseless claims.

How will it "damage the children"? Define "damage".

Good. The whole point of communism is to undermine unjustified hierarchies including reactionary social norms.

Fuck Vox tbh.

Also I dont like polygamy and think its gross and bad for social cohesion and mental health.

I've made several arguments, appealing to empiricism (anthropology) as well as the development of children in a nuclear family which effects society long term on a massive scale and you just call it a spook because stirner is not receptive to anything despite there being a very clear evolutionary advantage to monogamy and nuclear families. I honestly expect you to call evolution a spook

What if actually monogamy is bad and gross

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Threads about anything related to sex are doomed to be flooded by angry incels. Let's stop.




Simply making assertions isn't an argument.

I am seriously disappointed that no one has yet to mention how both polygamy and monogamy are bad and will be abolished under communism. Marriage is an institution that arose with property and it will fall with it. Again, read Engels.

Have you seen the show Sister Wives? How are those kids doing?

The way you talk about evolution makes it abundantly clear that you are indeed spooked by evolution. Read stirner retard.

I agree that we need to free people from their biological impulses. I propose that we ban breathing. Then we can truly be free.

Nice anecdote


I dont need to justify silly retarded shit about sex.
It does not matter, we should not encourage either side. Its identity politics. I just stated my subjective feelings about them.

Go find another board then.


No u dumb incel. This is a board for politics.

Go home, Zig Forumsack

I dont live in the USA

The kids seem basically normal tbh. Although, this is a scripted reality show and the polygamy in question is the extremely patriarchal mormon variety which is not really what the video is talking about.

I like how your go-to argument for everything is "human nature" except when it doesn't fit your own narrative.

Politics cover every aspect of life. This thread has a place here.

Thanks for the bump.

No you made two claims about reality that can either be true or false. How did you come to the conclusion that polygamy or non-monogamy is bad for mental health? If you don't have any evidence to back that up, then you're literally just making shit up.

You really grasped the essence of my critique.

Sociology is not a science that can be proven.

Just to be clear, if you are in this thread to claim monogamy is unnatural you are consequentially making the claim that an indefinite number of parents is the same as having the biologically determined two parents.

No this thread doesnt have a place here anymore than a thread about your latest shoe shopping. Kill yoursel idpolyp.

Now that's a hot take


I misworded my post slightly


Why are you equating a discussion of family structure to footwear purchases?

Wrong. You are forgetting about the gender pay gap & equal pay movement.

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discussing family-structure =/= talking about wanting to sleeparound

I want Stalin to be back so he can purge all of you and your bourgeoise ways of life.

The normal prol seeks to build a family something that polygamy doesn't allow for, it is nothing more than a lavish style of life that today is more based around sex than anything.

The nuclear family is bourgeois.

Pues en su ausecia el mal se propagó
Otro monarca el trono usurpó
La democracia en nuestra patria entró, rompiendo los cimientos de nuestra tradición
La democracia en nuestra patria entró, rompiendo los cimientos de nuestra tradición

De nuestras leyes nos desapareció, Y la familia desunida quedó
Pornografía, drogas y corrupción, los tiranos creyéron ganar la situación
Pornografía, drogas y corrupción, los tiranos creyéron ganar la situación

The "normal prole" ranges from fast food workers to school teachers to shitheads like you and me. It is not necessarily an old-values parochial steel worker that you'd imagine in the union movements of the past, stop fetishizing.

I'm not with you anarchists. Most people are not happy with open relationships or any sort of polyamory. While I also understand the nuclear family is a capitalist creation, the extended family is not. Women are the only creatures on Earth that can have and want sex while pregnant. This is something that is explained as to keep the male around and what male would want to stick around with a female who cannot guarantee the child she's carrying isn't his.

I am talking about the extended family model not nuclear family.

How many layers of revisionism are you on right now? Any worker in the end wants to have a life where he is loved by their family, we see more than just profit in the eyes of the bourgeoise.

this but unironically

You didn't read Engels, did you? Pro-tip: He thought most if not all relationships would be monogamous in socialism/communism

How does that clash with polygamy? Couldn't the exact same be said of the bourgeoisie?

What are you talking about? Not every worker wants a family nor do they necessarily define a family in the narrow sense of the historical family structure. You do realize that both the extended and nuclear family were both informed and enforced by social and religious institutions outside of the average person's control? It wasn't a choice that everybody happened to land on.


there's a positive correlation between civilisation and the amount of furry porn a social group has too. something you want to tell us?

what the fuck kind of weird platitude is this
making shitty arguments undermines society at large.

we shouldn't encourage identity politics but by the way here are my views on identity politics i really hate the gays


t. middle class white 20 something male (who will respond to this with "n…no i'm not middle class! t-there is no middle class! i am a REAL prole!"

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Where is this from?

oh ok


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Except you my nigga, amirite? reddit.com/r/incel

If you can't find a bitch to exclusively fuck you without society group shaming them to do it maybe it wasn't meant to be. You know, evolution, selective breeding, and so forth.

>anyone who doesn't fit my fetishistic, romanticized image of the true proletarian should be put in a labour camp by daddy Stalin
People like you are the reason I'm embarrassed to call myself an ML.

Why not just focus on building an egalitarian society where the means of production are collectively owned and controlled by the people, where everybody has a job, an equal opportunity to get an education, all that good shit, and then let people decide for themselves who they have sex with, if they want to get married and start a family, how many or few children they want to raise, etc. Your obsession with micromanaging peoples lives is alarmingly similar to the way fascists and christian conservatives approach these issues.

Masturbation is the true monogamy.

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Don't you have some people to castrate?

I approve of this message.

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Too all the incels in this thread and future threads. There are ~3.5 billion woman on this planet, but you can't find one, and the problem is with everyone else? Let that one sink in for a moment.

it's debatable whether marxist-leninism and stalinism could be considered the same thing


not to defend incels, but this kind of argumentation is used by the "pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps" "individualist" conservative corporate-apologists. can't afford healthcare, food or shelter? must be an individual problem. go get a better job you entitled spoiled millennial.


Someone give me a TL;DR, if it's something about muh human nature I'll fucking gag

I don't think you know what that word means in this context

i hope you fags can afford condoms that aren't owned by companies that also invest in pharmaceutical "treatments" for STDs.

i only got to half way through, but "muh human nature" is all the argument they have so far

I'm not saying society is fucked up and not even saying society isn't at fault. I'm just saying if a larger social movement is the quickest and most direct way to fix your personal problems I think you're in for a rude awakening. I think this would be the same advice one would give to a struggling prole too right? If a man was starving under capitalism, you wouldn't tell them to keep starving, and wait for revolution right? People have to make do in the mean time don't they?

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I just noticed that. This is all capitalism's fault.

When will netflix make a show like 13 Reasons Why but with an incel protagonist based on Elliot Rodgers? He was such a melodramatic teenage asshole.

Unless you think monogamy should be enforced by the state or something, then the answer is letting people decide for themselves. Personally I've been in a monogamous relationship for five years, and that's what makes me happy, but I know people who are in an "open relationship" who are legitimately happy that way.

Besides the fact his manifesto seems like the lottery was more of a driving factor for him than the women:

bought my first Lottery ticket when I went out shopping with my mother one day. We stopped at Ralph’s where I noticed the Lottery machine. I didn’t know anything about the Lottery, so I asked my mother about it. She told me how it works and taught me how to buy a ticket. Each ticket provides a very small chance of winning millions of dollars, and the jackpot could rise to the hundreds of millions. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t know such a thing existed!
After buying my ticket, I felt thrilled with the prospect of having a chance to become a multi-millionaire. That ticket, of course, didn’t win. And neither would any of the tickets I buy after it, but they would give me hope. I never thought nor cared about money before I turned 18, because I was still living like a child, with my parents handling the money and giving me the things I needed. However, the more older I grew, the more I realized how important money was, and the more obsessed I would become about getting rich. This obsession, which was barely taking root at the time, sparked a long relationship the Lottery that would only end in disappointment and despair.

My father gave me a book called The Secret after I had dinner at his house in February. He said it will help me develop a positive attitude. The book explained the fundamentals of a concept known as the Law of Attraction. I had never heard or read anything quite like this before, and I was intrigued. The theory stated that one’s thoughts were connected to a universal force that can shape the future of reality. Being one who always loved fantasy and magic, and who always wished that such things were real, I was swept up in a temporary wave of enthusiasm over this book. The prospect that I could change my future just by visualizing in my mind the life I wanted filled me with a surge of hope that my life could turn out happy. The idea was ridiculous, of course, but the world is such a ridiculous place already that I figured I might as well give it a try. In addition, I was so desperate for something to live for that I wanted to believe in the Law of Attraction, even if it was proven to me that it wasn’t real.
Once I finished reading it, I drove all the way to Point Dume in Malibu and climbed out to the cliffs at the very edge. It was a windy day, and I could see the ocean roiling below me. As night fell, I looked out to the stars and proclaimed to the universe everything I wanted in life. I proclaimed how I wanted to be a millionaire, so I could live a luxurious life and finally be able to attract the beautiful girls I covet so much. I wished to make up for the years of youth that I wasted in bleak loneliness, and by doing so I would get revenge on everyone who thought they were better than me, just by becoming better than them through the accumulation of wealth. I believed that the only way for me to attain this wealth at the time was to win the Lottery, and that is what I visualized doing.

I then descended the clifftop on Point Dume and walked along the Malibu ocean, just like I did a couple of months previously at the beach house. I saw a couple walking along the shore ahead of me; the man looked to be in his late 20’s or early 30’s, and the girl he was walking with looked like a supermodel. I assumed he was very rich and owned a nice house in Malibu. The two of them were walking hand in hand, and I saw him subtly place his hand on her ass every now and then. He was living the life. He was in heaven. I was envious, but since the man was older than me, it also gave me a twinge of hope, especially after my proclamation to the universe at the clifftop. If I become a multi-millionaire, I would be able to walk on the beach with a beautiful girlfriend too, and my life would be complete. That was what I wanted. That was what I wished for in my future. As I’ve always believed, I am destined for great things. Becoming a multi -millionaire at a young age is what I am meant for. My faith was soon broken, as I bought a few Megamillions Lottery tickets and visualized myself being the winner. I usually visualized it by meditating on the rooftop of my mother’s apartment rightat the time of the drawing. A part of me knew it was impossible to will the universe to make me the winner just by wishing for it on a rooftop, but I was so desperate that I wanted to believe I could. I wanted to believe I had the POWER to do it. After failing to win when the jackpot reset because someone else won, I lost all faith in that book, and I almost ripped it apart in frustration. I desperately pondered if there was some other way I could make millions of dollars at my age, but I came up with nothing. I realized that my miserable, lonely virgin life was going to continue, and my only hope was to give Santa Barbara a try.

I can't comprehend this feel. Also let people do what they feel is best for them. Some people like to sleep around, others want to be in a relationship

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There's a difference with distribution of vital resources and the availability of two-way consensual relationships. A sexual partner is just like a friend, in that both have to agree to the relationship, and if one is forced to couple with another then someone is being violated. Food, shelter, healthcare, these are legitimately being wrongfully taken from the proletariat, being that the proletariat not only is the engine which makes all of those things possible, but we just have the excess to provide everyone with those things.
Capitalism definitely has a disruptive effect on our ability to establish relationships but that's the limit of its impact, disruption. At the end of the day, you still have to be nice to make friends and be charming to have sex, that won't change no matter our model of production.
I would agree that the issue of inceldom shouldn't be so widely derided and mocked but that's honestly on the fault of the "incel community" online, who widely advocate for socially enforced rape and sex slavery and other atrocious "solutions" to the issue. This is a specific, very fucked up portion of the total amount of people who can't have sex and it would be best to acknowledge that however.

For the next week or so, I spent time meditating in my room, trying to come up with ways to get rich. I could either invent something, start a great business idea, or go back to my original idea I had of writing an epic fantasy story that could be made into a movie. That reminded me of the reason why I gave up on that idea in the first place… the amount of time it would take to achieve success from such a prospect. I was so desperate and I needed to do something right there and then. It was a matter of life and death. If I couldn’t make it, then I had nothing to live for.After a lot of deep thinking, I couldn’t come up with anything. Was I doomed to fail at everything?I began to feel hopeless, until I saw the current jackpot for the Megemillions Lottery. It was rising very high in the month of March. I had saved up a lot of money at the time, so I had enough to spare on lottery tickets, so long as I didn’t go under $5000 dollars, which I wanted to keep as my minimum amount of savings just in case of an emergency, or in case I would have to carry out the Day of Retribution. As it so happened, I had well over $6000 saved up at the time, from all of the allowance, Christmas money, and birthday money that my parents and grandmothers had been sending me. For the first time since moving to Santa Barbara, I began to take a serious interest in playing the Lottery again.I believed that it was destiny for me to win the Megamillions Lottery, particularly this very jackpot.
People win the lottery every single month, so why not me? I was meant to live a life of significance and extravagance. I was meant to win this jackpot. It was destiny. For the first few drawings I played, I spent $50 to $100 on tickets, but to my profound frustration I still didn’t win, and the jackpot kept rising. This only increased my enthusiasm. I started to picture a whole new, perfect life for myself after I won. I imagined buyinga beautiful, opulent mansion with an extravagant view, and acquiring a collection of supercars which I would use specifically to attract beautiful girls into my life.I planned to go back to college once I had bolstered myself with all this wealth, and lord myself over all the other students there, finally fulfilling my dream of being the coolest and most popular kid at school. As I sat meditating in my room, I imagined the ecstasy I would feel as scores of beautiful girls look at me with admiration as I drive up to college in a Lamborghini. Such an experience would make up for everything. I had to win this jackpot.

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I'll get to you in a minute. God, they're always in a rush…


As the jackpot reached over $200 Million, I spent more of my saved money on lottery tickets, but I still didn’t win. I knew that the more I spent on tickets, the higher chance I had of winning. I was so desperate to live a satisfying life that I spent $400 dollars on tickets when the jackpot hit $290 Million. When I failed to win that, I spent $500 dollars on tickets when it reached $363 million, and I still didn’t win it on that one… And then the jackpot reached a number that I never imagined it would… $656 Million. I was astounded and filled with a feverish enthusiasm of hope and desire. This was the highest lottery jackpot in history. I knew I was always destined for great things. This must be it! I was destined to be the winner of the highest lottery jackpot in existence. I knew right then and there that this jackpot was meant for me. Who else deserved such a victory? I had been through so much rejection, suffering, and injustice in my life, and this was to be my salvation. With my whole body filled with feverish hope, I spent $700 dollars on lottery tickets for this drawing. As I spent this money, I imagined all the amazing sex I would have with a beautiful model girlfriend I would have once I become a man of wealth. After the ultimate and fateful drawing, I waited three days to check the result. I was too anxious about what I will see. The result would determine the fate of my whole life. For those three days, I meditated alone in my room, trying to convince myself that I was the winner. I held all of the tickets in my hand, excitedly pondering over which one was the true winning ticket. There were many times during this period where I was about to check the result, but cancelled the webpage in the last second out of fear of what I might see. The prospect of finding out that I lost was devastating. On the fourth day, I decided to just go through with it. The result was already decided,and the amount of time it took for me to check it wouldn’t change anything. I had to see the truth. My heart was beating rapidly as I loaded up the webpage to the Megamillions website. What I saw crushed all of my hope completely. My whole body shivered with horrific agony. I didn’t win.Three people won that jackpot, and it was split between them. But none of those three people were me. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I was certain I would be the winner. It was destiny… fate. But no, the world continued to give me no justice or salvation whatsoever. I sank into one of the worst depressions of my life. It was Spring Break, and while all other young boys my age were going off to vacation with their attractive friends, I was feeling miserable and alone in my room because I failed to win the lottery jackpot that would enable me to rise above them ALL! I was so depressed that even when my mother came up to Santa Barbara with my sister and her friends for a short day trip, I refused to see them.

This shit is like the 21st Century's Catcher In The Rye and Mein Kampf all rolled into one.

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Google: "single mothers". Monogamy is successful, it doesn't matter if it's natural when it's the morally superior position.