Cultural conservatives are usually massive hypocrites that don't think their own stigmas apply to them. You'd be surprised how many right wingers are degenerates.
Leo Hill
Grow the fuck up you absolute junkie. Anyone with any sense in them will agree that anything more than weed should be illegal except for some libertarian drug mules.
is this bait, I never even met anyone who did heroin
Ethan Torres
I mean, the international communist movement is basically irrelevant outside of a few battered outposts, while reactionaries are in control of most of the world.
Maybe they're on to something in not spending their time jacking off and taking drugs.
Cameron Robinson
Honestly I'd go further and say that weed and alcohol shouldn't be used by anyone who aspires to carry out some form of revolutionary action.
If you've got spare time, use it to read.
Joshua Young
Fuck yourself faggot. Criminalization of drug use is criminalization of poverty.
read a fucking book
Kayden Gomez
It feels like I just stumbled into Zig Forums
Dylan Cook
It's virtually only the poor who are oppressed and imprisoned for it.
Jason Johnson
I am pro-[having fun] and I am pro-pleasure. The right drugs, used responsibly, in moderation are fun and pleasureable and don't necessarily cause any health problems.
Drugs can also be used as a temporary escape from a terrible life situation, be addictive, cause mental and physical health problems, etc. but criminalization of drugs seems to cause way more problems than it solves. Drug addiction should be treated like any other public health problem, not as a criminal issue. The drug war is also used as an excuse to oppress poor people and racial minorities.
IIRC in the US, white people sell drugs at a higher rate than black people, but black people are way more likely to get thrown in jail for it. The war on drugs is without a doubt used to incarcerate poor people and ethnic minorities for non-violent "crimes".
Liam Mitchell
Carl Hart is so based
Carter Turner
i mean I do have druggy friends, but often heroin and meth are among the only things they never did, and if you openly tell people you did coke you might as well tell them you did heroin
Nicholas Johnson
Watched some interview with this guy a few years ago. Pretty cool guy.
Christopher Barnes
Drug laws are not that simple. Very few narcotics are only useful for getting high, most of them have legitimate uses or at least significant experimental potential. The Western world's hardline violence against drug usage makes this legitimate usage increasingly difficult for people who actually need these substances. I take Adderall, for example, which is a stimulant that is almost exclusively used as medically intended, even when procured illegally, and it's long since been proven to be a safe and effective treatment for moderate to severe ADHD. As far as the government is concerned, I am basically a criminal that is not politically expedient to arrest. The War on Drugs is conservative cultural politics, plain and simple. Even the feds' own drug researchers contradict the DEA's policies, like MDMA being Schedule I, a ruling that is not technically legal (which doesn't matter since the law doesn't apply to neocons).
Jack Long
A more important question: why are they illegal in the first place? What’s the profit motive for keeping these substances illegal? I mean sure, there are spooked people who think they’re inherently bad and dangerous and what not, but it doesn’t seem to make sense for the bouigiose to waste money on a retarded drug war.
Jayden Rogers
Why would you want a drug-addicted proletariat?
I come from a state with one of the highest rates of opiate OD deaths. Of course the war on drugs has been a massive failure, but addicts need help and drug dealers are rats.
James Hill
Then just provide them with access to clean pharmgrade shit.
The problem is lack of harm reduction education
Alexander Clark
I'm in full agreement addicts are victims with an illness not criminals who deserve punishment. HOWEVER many dealers are scumfucks.
Andrew Turner
I don't partake in drug culture, hate it immensely because I grew up around that shit, and I'm not a reactionary. The War on Drugs has nothing to do with stopping drug use though, it was explicitly a justification for building the police state because the rulers of the world foresaw the possibility of a general strike, large-scale riots, or any other resistance to the capitalist ruling order.
I don't really care about the drugs. I'm a smoker, occasional drinker, and have plenty of other vices, and I don't want some assholes telling me what to put in my body. I just object to the asinine glamorization of drugs or drug culture, and after growing up around that shit I know these are just horrible people, and if drugs didn't exist they would find some other pretext to be horrible people. Scum always rises to the top.
Mason Hall
just tryna think of some possible contributing factors
Cooper Cox
Anti-drug politics have historically been a religious thing, mostly Muslim and Christian, which remain a significant factor. Nowadays another major motivation is the War on Drugs' role in the military industry.
Drug prohibition has never led to a drug-free populace, it has only exacerbated the problem in the long run. The violence and exploitation of the illegal drug industry is a direct result of criminal prohibition. Besides, in post-capitalist society, there would be less people doing drugs when government is representative of the needs and wants of the working class. Drug usage is a symptom of social degradation, not the cause. The idea that most of the population would be too addled by narcotics to function as a society if they were not criminalized is incredibly stupid and paternalistic. The opiate epidemic in the US is, in fact, a strong indicator of late capitalism decaying American society.
Colton Bennett
Criminalization of drugs hasn't reduced the harms that drugs cause anyway, like you admit yourself. Countries that have decriminalized use and focus their energy on care are doing fucking fantastic.
Bentley Myers
Every bourgeois person I’ve ever known used drugs on a daily basis. From Wallstreet traders, to the sleezy guy that worked at the car dealership. That being said, only morons do hard narcotics.
Non medicinal drug usage was and is degenerate bourgeois decadence, they introduced it to the masses and they are guilty of using it as much the the junkies next door.
Recreational drug use is older than capitalist society. Probably older than all class societies.
Colton Wood
Blacks are violent drug dealers
Carter Walker
Come to Texas. We've got drug-dealing psychos of every race including white. A member of this gang chopped off a dude's finger over a drug debt in my city in January.
The only legit viewpoint on drug use. best posts in the thread. Thank you comrades.
Jack Nguyen
The benefits of recreational usage of narcotics do not out-weight it's downsides
Fetishization and romanticizing are necessary evils, they speak and move people forward much more than intellectual spew of unintelligible words in the ears the working class The proletariat needs things and people to look up to other than degenerate products of capitalism trying to vaguely appeal to them
Drugs are for the most part a coping mechanism, addiction doesn't actually work how most people think it does. Socialism will with all likelihood remove all of the economic and social reasons people turn to drug use and so use will decrease on a largely voluntary basis. That doesn't mean we should demonize those who currently use or fall into the trap of glamorizing it in protest.
Joseph James
Fun fact, plenty of people in the USSR, i know an old estonian bloke who did it in his uni years.
Michael Torres
Nathaniel Thomas
I've done a fuck ton of drugs through the years, more so than the average person I assume. Started smoking weed since I was 15, in highschool I experimented with mushrooms and psychedelics. I ordered research chemicals online and got them shipped to my house and ate them right out the envelop because I didn't care what they did to my body as long as I tripped balls. It was a thrill not knowing what these drugs did to my body as long as I got fucked up. In college I tried everything from ketamine, cocaine, more psychedelics, pain pills (fuck that shit tbh), molly/XTC, and even heroin. The only drug that really fucked up my shit financially and relationship wise was cocaine. When Rick James said cocaine is a helleva drug he ain't kidding. That being said if drugs aren't your thing then don't do them and especially treat issues like addiction with care. I've seen people go down some rabbit holes and barely get out or die. Also 420 blazeit faggot culture is cancer because it is essentially consumerism and commodity fetishism aimed at drug users to make them content with a shitty situation. I worry what will happen when the US government eventually legalizes weed on the federal level because there is definitely a profit to be made out of the drug industry. I'm (mostly) clean now at least from the hard shit but I still enjoy alcohol and weed. Cannabis will always be my drug of choice.
Heroin, pills, and (yes, even) coke are trash. Relying on drugs for enjoyment is bad. Conversely, relying on drugs (caffeine, alcohol, etc.) to uphold a modern working life is also bad.
Drugs can be fun, but they do damage. Like, by-and-large they are not enhancements. And frankly,the left should do less of them - I don't know about communists, but I used to run with some anarchists… you run the risk of having a group be mainly for cheap drugs which is also about, liek, oppression&shit bro. Like, you're a professional by day, and then you go and do a bunch of uppers or acid or whathaveyou with your 'radical' friends and what time does it really leave for anything besides cleaning up your own messes?
Anthony James
Dose low gas prices.
John Hall
Hunter Brooks
as in bad for you or not enjoyable?
Cause the first time I snorted a line of coke I thought I had been touched by an angel.
Still fun as fuck to go through half a G once every 3 or 4 months.
The key is moderation.
Wyatt Wood
The Bourgeois love taking drugs, just look at the yuppies who snort unholy amounts of cocaine.
The Urban Working Class, in contrast, is plagued by debilitating drugs such as heroin, crack and meth. There is a well-backed conspiracy theory which says that these drugs are purposefully pumped into these areas in order to quell class-based community organising. If you are addicted to a hard drug, all you care about is your next fix. You cannot help to build Socialism, improve your community or do anything positive.
As a matter of fact, there have been Socialist anti-drug movements in Urban communities where the Bourgeois did nothing to stop the spread of drugs. These same Urban communities have had a historic lack of openly-available drugs, and subsequently a lack of homeless people.
Mostly bad for you - though my sole experience with coke actually was shitty and just consisted of getting kinda hyper and jittery and then chasing a down for hours. Guess some people really dig it tho. But I honestly don't even see what you described as moderation - I mean, good for you not doing it every time you have company over, but I dunno, none of my business I s'pose.
I have a sneaking suspicion that besides coke and ketamine and weed and molly and whathaveyou, the rich right now also indulge in shitty drugs. Could just be misidentification/people lying about their societal status, tho.
Grayson Hall
Absolutely, completely false. When people make this argument they usually cite studies showing whites consume more drugs than black people. But these studies only ask people if they have done drugs within a certain time frame. People lie and it doesnt take into account frequency. Studies where individuals are given drug tests after show that black people far and away are the biggest users of drugs. And the ratio of white and black drug users also just so happens to perfectly correllate to white and black drug convictions.
Everybody who doesn't have a pre-existing condition should try psychedelics at some point to (if nothing else) help understand how fragile and malleable our perception is.
Xavier Campbell
I agree but only small to moderate doses (I would never recommend more than 150 ug of LSD to someone who wasn't already experienced and knew what they were doing), with a trip sitter, in their own home or some other comfortable, familiar place. It's also important to make sure you don't have any responsibilities or shit you gotta do for the entire duration of the trip + 24 hours after you've come down.
Also this part is really important My friend introduced his girlfriend to acid. She had a pretty bad trip, and she kept having random hallucinations and minor panic attacks for for over a year afterwards. Turns out she's got multiple relatives that have bipolar disorder and schizophrenia and shit. If serious mental health disorders are common in your family you should never ever fuck with psychedelics imo. It's just way too risky.
I take any chance I get to talk about drug safety, especially when it comes to psychedelics, because I love them so much and I hate seeing people have bad experiences because they're doing it all wrong.
Aaron Hernandez
Untrue. Rat Park has been discredited, addiction is now considered by most psychologists to be a primary condition.
Blake Diaz
Kayden Gutierrez
OP is a falseflag. I know this from the way he worded the things and from having seen quite a few falseflags in my life. For serious though, there is no glory in drug use, but I can't be butthurt about non-habbitual use, so long as people don't think they found the meaning of life during an LSD trip.
Easton Gutierrez
There are chemical addictions and non-chemical addictions where you are addicted to your brain's response to something. So the coping mechanism thing is true, but it's not all cases of drug addiction.
Good on ya, comr8. I'd go further and argue that altered states of consciousness have potentially huge benefits but they're problematic for capitalism most of the time. I think a healthy society uses drugs far more often, with more care, and with more understanding than we do now. Obviously you don't start by giving people a heroic dose of mushrooms or some crazy shit. There's no rush.
Grayson Foster
hallucinogens and booze are patrician
Xavier Perry
Straight edge commie, ask me anything.
Brayden Nguyen
It's called not living in the city and occupying yourself with something that fulfills you as a person.
Brayden Gutierrez
I've tried almost everything except for heroin, crack and meth. Reactionary anti-drug culture is retarded, but so is the left's glorification of it. We should definitely legalize and treat it as a health issue but those glorifying it as some cool lifestyle choice get the gulag.
James Gutierrez
You guys know there's no such thing as clean cocaine right?
Watch this video and if you think you'd still want to put that bootleg shit up your nose.
Drugs were not permitted in the USSR or PRC for good reason.
Jayden Carter
I mean I've known people who pop some pills here or there, or had a phase in their youth of taking too many Adderall or Ritalin or Oxys, or people who have snorted coke here and there, but I don't know if people turn out so good doing much more than that.
Henry Brown
This is what I can't stand about these types.
Ethan Scott
There is a difference between addiction and dependency. I DEPEND on opiates to make it through work every day because I've had chronic gout since I was 20 and my joints are wrecked. When my doctor got paranoid and took away my script, I had to start buying pills from people's grandmas. Its fuckin bullshit.
Asher White
I'm not anti-drug, but if you can't have fun without drugs, that's a huge red flag, and not the good kind. Everything in moderation.
Heroin is litterally a pure opioid, it doesnt even get you high.
Asher Ramirez
Our government did a good job of curbing heroin usage. I think the addicts in my country are within the double digits and are all old addicts from the 80's and 90's.
Straya represent, you're not a real Socialist until you've drunk converted and convinced a bunch of people into Marxism.Bonus points for starting a anti-capitalist riot
Drunk posting is a good praxis, ==made by STRAYA GANG==
Grayson Thomas
fucked my meme text up
Oliver Brooks
This thread is full of bourgeois wannabe commies who are advocating for the purest stupefaction of the working class. Counter-revolutionary hedonism.