Boy am I gonna regret making this thread. How do we unironically deal with the incel problem? What is causing the growth of this mindset? Rampant feminism? Societal problems? Are they just Lumpen?
Other urls found in this thread:
We implement socialism. There is no incels in Venezuela.
who ever made that dumbass post deserves to be beaned (not permanently) for being a fucking dumbass.
There is no way to "deal" with it. We build communism and if they go counter revolutionary we execute them.
Fuck, can we stop the incelposting?
Also your post reeks of dumb nazi.
Whatever you think feminism is is not the reason you can't get laid.
Please fucking look up the word lumpen you dumb fucking polnigger.
I was actually just about to make a thread about the same thing discovering and incelocalypse one of which actively promotes pedophilia but than again so does Tumblr and Zig Forums so who am I to judge?
BUT… It got me to thinking about liberalism, cultural hegemony, and how incels will probably become normalized fairly soon. It's compatible with trans activism in that if you don't sleep with them you're a bigot, and it would be too much effort on the feds part to you know…keep tabs on everyone whose single. Is everyone whose single the next Elliot Rodger? What if they get s girlfriend? What if they breakup?
They'll throw incels a bone. Prostitution, some welfare programs so they can be neets, noodle caboodle stuff that diminishes damage and makes positive returns. We should actually be advocating incels. They are the future and once they're the "in" group of liberalism you'll be the outcast for thinking women have bodily autonomy and that noone should have to sleep with someone they don't want too. I don't know if we'll have arranged marriages and one child policy shit… But I could see people being sued for saying they smell, or they look sick, etc.
And the accelerationism moves forward…
The definition adds up to me unless this site is not accurate. I use it a lot
Uniroinically shoot incels. They contribute nothing but giving """validity"""" to reactionary spooks.
forgot to turn off shitposting flag
I see you were also visiting the socialism bait thread
But reddit just said incels ARE communists
So it must be true teeheehee
Has this board taught you nothing?
Have the state forcefully place them on hormones, provide them with a female clothing/cosmetic “starter pack”, along with 4 months of being housed at a state facility in order for them to receive full re-education. Then begin assigning them as live-in servant/maids to those with disabilities. Thats how real socialism would take care of this problem.
I dig it.
Gulag might be the only real solution honestly
Trannies are mentally ill
They literally aren't.
Psychologists have been documenting the effect that stigma, rejection, discrimination, and abuse have on mental and physical health for decades. As the American Psychological Association pointed out in its March 2016 report (link is external) on the impact of discrimination, "for many adults, dealing with discrimination results in a state of heightened vigilance and changes in behavior, which in itself can trigger stress responses—that is, even the anticipation of discrimination is sufficient to cause people to become stressed."
Yes, yes you will regret making this thread. For multiple reasons.
Fuck off, tranny
I'm glad feminists are finally being honest about being eugenicists. I guess sterilization would just make for too much bad PR.
they've practically been trying to start it for decades
You first, Zig Forumsyp
Incels are victims, not of feminism, but of capitalism
Ending capitalism would mean an end to the commodification of interpersonal relationships and drastically reduce the atomization of society in general
OP ur a real fucking maverick, I hope you know that.
Why are you people so sadistic? Is it not enough that someone is a virgin, you also want to torture them for it?
Is this leftypol or some nazi-sparta fantasy land?
What can I say, it's my speciality
Reposting from the other thread. We can't have an incel thread without words from the incel king. Sp,e of my favorite bits from the canonical tome on the subject of the lottery and it's place in capitalist culture and in the personal feelings of the lone gunman Elliot Rodger.
I bought my first Lottery ticket when I went out shopping with my mother one day. We stopped at Ralph’s where I noticed the Lottery machine. I didn’t know anything about the Lottery, so I asked my mother about it. She told me how it works and taught me how to buy a ticket. Each ticket provides a very small chance of winning millions of dollars, and the jackpot could rise to the hundreds of millions. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t know such a thing existed!
After buying my ticket, I felt thrilled with the prospect of having a chance to become a multi-millionaire. That ticket, of course, didn’t win. And neither would any of the tickets I buy after it, but they would give me hope. I never thought nor cared about money before I turned 18, because I was still living like a child, with my parents handling the money and giving me the things I needed. However, the more older I grew, the more I realized how important money was, and the more obsessed I would become about getting rich. This obsession, which was barely taking root at the time, sparked a long relationship the Lottery that would only end in disappointment and despair.
PT 1
PT 2
My father gave me a book called The Secret after I had dinner at his house in February. He said it will help me develop a positive attitude. The book explained the fundamentals of a concept known as the Law of Attraction. I had never heard or read anything quite like this before, and I was intrigued. The theory stated that one’s thoughts were connected to a universal force that can shape the future of reality. Being one who always loved fantasy and magic, and who always wished that such things were real, I was swept up in a temporary wave of enthusiasm over this book. The prospect that I could change my future just by visualizing in my mind the life I wanted filled me with a surge of hope that my life could turn out happy. The idea was ridiculous, of course, but the world is such a ridiculous place already that I figured I might as well give it a try. In addition, I was so desperate for something to live for that I wanted to believe in the Law of Attraction, even if it was proven to me that it wasn’t real.
Once I finished reading it, I drove all the way to Point Dume in Malibu and climbed out to the cliffs at the very edge. It was a windy day, and I could see the ocean roiling below me. As night fell, I looked out to the stars and proclaimed to the universe everything I wanted in life. I proclaimed how I wanted to be a millionaire, so I could live a luxurious life and finally be able to attract the beautiful girls I covet so much. I wished to make up for the years of youth that I wasted in bleak loneliness, and by doing so I would get revenge on everyone who thought they were better than me, just by becoming better than them through the accumulation of wealth. I believed that the only way for me to attain this wealth at the time was to win the Lottery, and that is what I visualized doing.
I then descended the clifftop on Point Dume and walked along the Malibu ocean, just like I did a couple of months previously at the beach house. I saw a couple walking along the shore ahead of me; the man looked to be in his late 20’s or early 30’s, and the girl he was walking with looked like a supermodel. I assumed he was very rich and owned a nice house in Malibu. The two of them were walking hand in hand, and I saw him subtly place his hand on her ass every now and then. He was living the life. He was in heaven. I was envious, but since the man was older than me, it also gave me a twinge of hope, especially after my proclamation to the universe at the clifftop. If I become a multi-millionaire, I would be able to walk on the beach with a beautiful girlfriend too, and my life would be complete. That was what I wanted. That was what I wished for in my future. As I’ve always believed, I am destined for great things. Becoming a multi -millionaire at a young age is what I am meant for. My faith was soon broken, as I bought a few Megamillions Lottery tickets and visualized myself being the winner. I usually visualized it by meditating on the rooftop of my mother’s apartment rightat the time of the drawing. A part of me knew it was impossible to will the universe to make me the winner just by wishing for it on a rooftop, but I was so desperate that I wanted to believe I could. I wanted to believe I had the POWER to do it. After failing to win when the jackpot reset because someone else won, I lost all faith in that book, and I almost ripped it apart in frustration. I desperately pondered if there was some other way I could make millions of dollars at my age, but I came up with nothing. I realized that my miserable, lonely virgin life was going to continue, and my only hope was to give Santa Barbara a try.
Feminists has always ran in lockstep with the most reactionary bourgoies thought. Most feminists love capitalism and just want a reshuffling of who's at the top.
PT 3
For the next week or so, I spent time meditating in my room, trying to come up with ways to get rich. I could either invent something, start a great business idea, or go back to my original idea I had of writing an epic fantasy story that could be made into a movie. That reminded me of the reason why I gave up on that idea in the first place… the amount of time it would take to achieve success from such a prospect. I was so desperate and I needed to do something right there and then. It was a matter of life and death. If I couldn’t make it, then I had nothing to live for.After a lot of deep thinking, I couldn’t come up with anything. Was I doomed to fail at everything?I began to feel hopeless, until I saw the current jackpot for the Megemillions Lottery. It was rising very high in the month of March. I had saved up a lot of money at the time, so I had enough to spare on lottery tickets, so long as I didn’t go under $5000 dollars, which I wanted to keep as my minimum amount of savings just in case of an emergency, or in case I would have to carry out the Day of Retribution. As it so happened, I had well over $6000 saved up at the time, from all of the allowance, Christmas money, and birthday money that my parents and grandmothers had been sending me. For the first time since moving to Santa Barbara, I began to take a serious interest in playing the Lottery again.I believed that it was destiny for me to win the Megamillions Lottery, particularly this very jackpot.
People win the lottery every single month, so why not me? I was meant to live a life of significance and extravagance. I was meant to win this jackpot. It was destiny. For the first few drawings I played, I spent $50 to $100 on tickets, but to my profound frustration I still didn’t win, and the jackpot kept rising. This only increased my enthusiasm. I started to picture a whole new, perfect life for myself after I won. I imagined buyinga beautiful, opulent mansion with an extravagant view, and acquiring a collection of supercars which I would use specifically to attract beautiful girls into my life.I planned to go back to college once I had bolstered myself with all this wealth, and lord myself over all the other students there, finally fulfilling my dream of being the coolest and most popular kid at school. As I sat meditating in my room, I imagined the ecstasy I would feel as scores of beautiful girls look at me with admiration as I drive up to college in a Lamborghini. Such an experience would make up for everything. I had to win this jackpot.
OP here, I'm a virgin and have never had a gf. At the rate I'm at I'll probably become a wizard or at least get close to it. But I'm not an incel and I'll never identify as one. Incels are cancer, thinking the fact that they have gotten pussy or not really even matters that much. It doesn't matter and building your whole life off of whether or not you've had sex is stupid.
PT 4
As the jackpot reached over $200 Million, I spent more of my saved money on lottery tickets, but I still didn’t win. I knew that the more I spent on tickets, the higher chance I had of winning. I was so desperate to live a satisfying life that I spent $400 dollars on tickets when the jackpot hit $290 Million. When I failed to win that, I spent $500 dollars on tickets when it reached $363 million, and I still didn’t win it on that one… And then the jackpot reached a number that I never imagined it would… $656 Million. I was astounded and filled with a feverish enthusiasm of hope and desire. This was the highest lottery jackpot in history. I knew I was always destined for great things. This must be it! I was destined to be the winner of the highest lottery jackpot in existence. I knew right then and there that this jackpot was meant for me. Who else deserved such a victory? I had been through so much rejection, suffering, and injustice in my life, and this was to be my salvation. With my whole body filled with feverish hope, I spent $700 dollars on lottery tickets for this drawing. As I spent this money, I imagined all the amazing sex I would have with a beautiful model girlfriend I would have once I become a man of wealth. After the ultimate and fateful drawing, I waited three days to check the result. I was too anxious about what I will see. The result would determine the fate of my whole life. For those three days, I meditated alone in my room, trying to convince myself that I was the winner. I held all of the tickets in my hand, excitedly pondering over which one was the true winning ticket. There were many times during this period where I was about to check the result, but cancelled the webpage in the last second out of fear of what I might see. The prospect of finding out that I lost was devastating. On the fourth day, I decided to just go through with it. The result was already decided,and the amount of time it took for me to check it wouldn’t change anything. I had to see the truth. My heart was beating rapidly as I loaded up the webpage to the Megamillions website. What I saw crushed all of my hope completely. My whole body shivered with horrific agony. I didn’t win.Three people won that jackpot, and it was split between them. But none of those three people were me. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I was certain I would be the winner. It was destiny… fate. But no, the world continued to give me no justice or salvation whatsoever. I sank into one of the worst depressions of my life. It was Spring Break, and while all other young boys my age were going off to vacation with their attractive friends, I was feeling miserable and alone in my room because I failed to win the lottery jackpot that would enable me to rise above them ALL! I was so depressed that even when my mother came up to Santa Barbara with my sister and her friends for a short day trip, I refused to see them.
We don't give a fuck if someone is a virgin. We hate incels because they assume that their owed something and people who don't want to have sex with them are at fault, as opposed to themselves.
You'd think his dumb cunt father would be more clued in to not have his son read that shit. Elliot is a product of his immediate environment, this is what happens when you give incels platitudes and half assed mysticism in the form of "advice".
Future generations of men would be oblivious to these remaining women’s existence, and that is for the best. If a man grows up without knowing of the existence of women, there will be no desire for sex. Sexuality will completely cease to exist. Love will cease to exist. There will no longer be any imprint of such concepts in the human psyche. It is the only way to purify the world.
Lol more anarchkiddies showing their liberal spooks, there's equal numbers of men and women in the States, if no line will sleep with them it's by definition not their fault and society spooked by capitalist superstructure.
In places like China and India there is physical less women, so its literally not their fault there by any measure.
But please keep getting your liberal spooks triggered.
I didn't read the whole thing. I only found these parts because I recently heard about the Lottery thread and Ctrl+F'd "lottery."
This bit alone was too much for me. He thinks of himself as poor and destitute yet has thousands in his bank account from allowance money which he promptly blows on lotto tickets, but not TOO much because he's still financially responsible enough to plan for "The Day of Retribution." Imagine if he had focused this much energy into starting a Beta-Uprising?
That looks like a young Elong Musk
I'm a bitter as fuck "incel" and even I hate what elliot did, he went after other asian goobers instead of going full out in spring break or some shit. What's wrong with these idiots? Why do they always target other losers?
It's a wild ride
Yupp. Everyone remembers the stacies he killed taking potshots from his BMW but I think who he fucked up the most were his STEMlord roomates who he stabbed up before he went for his final drive.
Elliot Rodger was already on the fun meme all the way back in 2014. What a visionary. Ahead of his time.
I still think Elliot was a psyop, he just seemed too delusional to be real. I honestly can't imagine him actually killing people, then himself - he seemed too autistic for that conviction.
For the most part we don't.
We handle employment, work conditions, and living conditions. Increasing employment (and the value of entering into it) will thin incel numbers a little by itself.
But that's unlikely to solve it completely. Incels and mass shooters share a trait of being fed in some part by a kind of cultural feedback loop. They self-perpetuate, becoming reinforced like a number of other stupid ideas. So, at some point the reason someone might decide to shoot up a school or think they can't get laid is effectively because someone else also did it. But alienation plays a part, one way or another, in attracting those people to those ideas.
So deal with alienation - but the cultural loop could still be there. Censorship (of a particularly vicious variety) could probably handle it. It shouldn't, but those who are talking about forcing them out of it or shooting them are right that these would "solve" the "problem."
Elliott came off a lot like American Psycho, yeah. And autistic people can be obsessive and violent - I mean, at least one of those is something they're known for. Thing is autism is probably at least partially bullshit and overdiagnosis could encourage forging an identity around being antisocial.
No one can take the title from Elliot. Especially not by doing it just for the sake of doing it. Have you seen the excerpts from the ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTY ONE page manifesto? Not to mention the hours of videos. You can't fake that funk. You can top the kill count but you can't top the self-righteous indignation.
Based. I agree with this.
ffs mods make this a bannable offense already
While discussion about capitalism and socialism often only revolve around economic aspects (since these are what makes the world run at the end of the day) we must not forget the psychological aspects. Elliot should be a constant reminder how the human psyche is easily influenced by not only your peers, however, also the economic system we live under. Moreso that the only solution to these problems is minimizing alienation and trying to grant support to these people along the way. While gently putting down any incel who cannot find the capacity to better themselves.
Are there incel women?
Are they called incels too?
As of now, "we" do not have the power to deal with them. Their existence is caused by isolation and a breakdown of societal interaction. Capitalism pushes people into their own fenced off suburb house, where there is no neighbourhood interaction, no events, and people don't even know their own neighbours. These young folks do not meet new people or interact with anyone in a meaningful way outside of mandatory school. There is no community in the suburbs, this stunts their emotional growth and self confidence, which carries over even into university, which unlike the movies, is not all parties and social life, its just another institution you have to go to in order to get a slip of paper.
They are isolated, and society is set up to keep and that way and make more people that way. The only social interaction they have is on social media, where algorithms push them into bubbles of people like them, self hating lonely men or women, which breeds an online culture of hatred, self hate and sourness, which they internalize and carry with them.
The only way to fix this is to tackle the fundamental cause of this, alienation. Break up the social media bubbles, or shut down social media altogether. Radically restructure living areas to be far more community oriented, actively promote a culture of activities and events where people from the area come together.
As for the short term solution, I would even put out forced state socialization out there. Pull people out of their fenced of houses and rooms, do a little screening about their interests, neurological disorder (tism and whatnot) and character and set up weekly mandatory clubs with activities such as survivaling and whatnot, with people from the area. Preferably under surveillance of mental health professionals or social workers, this would force people to make more contact, to socialize, to make new friends, and to develop. The most important part is pulling people out of their isolated concrete shells and have them interact, be appreciated by peers, find likeminded people from various backgrounds, and develop their social circle and social skills.
I should know, I am the same as many of these incels, without blaming it on da womynz or femininism or karltural marxism or whatnot.
The idea seems nice, but it will just make them more insane most like.
Regardless of what you think about transsexuals, putting someone through sex reassignment against their will is likely to make them go bonkers.
Yeah but they are too ugly and/or retarded for these incel guys and vice versa. These people have unnaturally high standards as they view themselves to be a far better catch than is due. Incels are basically narcissists without enough charisma to hide their terrible persona.
virginity is a spook
Why do so many people here unironically think that "executing the counter revolutionaries" won't lead to a super authoritarian counter revolutionary state?
So what are we going to do, make people take virginity test after a certain age? I know I'm probably never going to get any and I don't blame women for it.
It is funny how society puts an insane amount of pressure upon young people to lose their virginity. It is pretty much a case of reaping what you sow. Incels feel alienated because it is unaccepted to be a virgin. And know the response is increasing that pressure even more.
I am not saying that mental illness doesn't factor into this. However, claiming that all incels who act out in some fashion are mentally ill would be ignoring the larger issue at hand. And it isn't an issue of losing one's virginity. It is an issue of virgins being shunned for just that, and not because they are bad people.
Then you're probably not going to be a problem to national security. People like in OP's pic arent exactly difficult to spot, since they spout their rhetoric loudly online. There should definitely be consequences for speaking weird shit about "a conspiracy against straight white males" and that sort of thing - but instead of getting a fine or imprisonment for hatespeech, it should be grounds for mental health check. Most hatespeech online is basically a cry for help anyway, they would be glad to have someone listen to them and give sympathy. Also a small part of hatespeech is coming from actual deranged and dangerous individuals, who are just ticking timebombs. Giving these people mental health attention would be win-win all around, and it would be a lot more cost-effective than pouring money in police force.
For the relief of guys who just cant get any, I dont see why prostitution couldnt exist in socialism - as long as the MoP is owned by the sex worker, i.e. no pimps
He could have gotten laid if he had just been given then the right advice.
He had all this money he could have used on magic mushrooms and he ended up playing the lottery. I wish I had met this guy and told him to stop being a fucking idiot. He clearly had no friends. jfc
Let natural selection take it's course.
Increase the ratio women per man. Make it so for every male born, 20 females are born.
Oh my God
I was curious so I looked the odds up just now, too. For the record, he bought himself almost a 0.00023134733216040234% chance.
Surely that won't have negative societal consequences towards women
Will it? it won't be anything as bad as incelism, since women can never hope to crave for men as much as men crave for them.
Honestly just leave, incels aren't a problem, they aren't even a significant part of society.
Elliot would absolutely be a Jordan Peterson stan if he was still alive
put them all into a gulag
split them in 2 groups:
one is fed testosterone, the other one gets oestrogen
the testosterone group will be indoctrinated into opening up to fucking traps
the oestrogen group will be indoctrinated into bimbofication
you bring them back together
problem solved
This is exactly what Alex Jones warned communism would lead to!
yeah, i know, but i was just joking
honestly they'd just be killed off
but there needs to be a cover story so they don't struggle too hard when getting the lethal injections
This is now a 2 black (fucking niggers) men mowing the lawns of the crippled and the elderly thread.
Post your fucking pictures of 2 black men mowing the lawns of the crippled and the elderly ITT
I can see them totally half-assing it and just kinda fidgeting. You know if you injected them with placebo, they'd wake up "suddenly" gay.
What he SHOULD have done was hit something the kikes care about. Absolute waste. Any suicidal user that doesn't take some kikes down with him is a true disgrace.
So you see it only describes a relation to the means of production, but still you use it to mean "le bad guys"?
Back to Zig Forums
I mean from time to time I daydream about a violent death, putting an end to all this torture and having some FUN for ONCE in my whole life, but I am way too tired to actually do anything. So I basically dont care about anything. When I see someone murdered someone or I dont know, I am too preoccupied with being in pain from filling my quota of the day so Im not fired tomorrow.
Guess it is for the best that I remain at the metal workshop for ever. This job, I basically have lifter body because I lift metal rods and constructions all the time. So I am full of strength and testosterone and can bench 150 kilos for sure, pretty sure lifting causes you to produce more test. I've been in this naturally induced steroid rage state
now, and if there EVER was a young, tight, leggings wearing, 3/10 attractiveness chick anywhere near me, I could probably force her to the ground with one arm and there would be no way for anyone to pull me away from her alive till I finish.
If I could somehow end up in a soft westerner cushy prison for the rest of my life after doing that, I think it would be a good deal for me.
Sweden has pretty easy going prisons, lots of Turks and africans though
Based mods, gulaging incels
zašto ne ideš v njemačko?
The problem is that incels but to much emphasis on losing ones virginity, if they do lose their v card through prostitution they are still lonely. For me I just want some one to hold and like I said I dont blame women, its just the fact that i am not attractive or interesting person and unless I can become I whole different person im probably going to die alone.
What makes you say that?
Possible. Anfem suggested something like that.
im fat about 330 pounds been trying to lose weight the last few weeks and its going ok
I cant change the fact that im a very introverted person
Elliot Roger was middle class/petit bourg. You seem to have trouble understanding things and their definitions. Also fuck you and your shitty thread.
My brother had serious depression and was basically an incel supported by mom and dad. Always incredibly shy and reserved and the parents' worried he'd shoot up a school. Was struggling and eventually just gave up, lived in a filthy room in a one-bedroom apartment that the parents' paid for. I found suicidal ideation he posted on a forum and had him involuntarily committed. He spent several days in a mental hospital and had to move back in with parents at the age of 26.
He basically hit rock bottom and rebuilt himself after that. He started working out and focused on painting. He now does naturalist animal and landscape paintings (not posting one of his, but it's like this), and he wants to branch out into paleoart (think dinosaurs, plants and fossils) for scientific publications. He also now has a girlfriend he met while we were hanging out at a queer drag bar. We are preparing to go into business together so he can focus solely on painting and illustration full-time while I handle the accounting, sales and marketing end, and I want to change careers anyways and have some money saved. We're going to become bourgie art dealers / illustrators.
He said exactly what you said. They think losing their virginity or getting a girlfriend is the root of all their problems, and will cure them of their depression, but it doesn't work like that. Even if they lose their virginity they're going to remain miserable, and the singular focus toward "virginity" in the first place means they tend to creep out women who are around them. They have a destination in mind but the way of getting there is like spinning your wheels in the mud.
No one fucking noticed this obvious cop rhetoric? Holy fuck you stupid dumb liberals get too distracted by angry men.
Enjoy having a "mental health check" when you start talking ill against society as a communist in the future. Jesus.
The people who are really on the front lines of this problem are parents and siblings, and then extending further out in the community. Police are fairly low on the list IMO. If the state was effective then I might support its efforts but these kinds of programs don't have a great track record. (See the Prevent program in the U.K.) On the Islamist side, my city has the fourth-largest Muslim population in the U.S. and the mosques around here do a pretty good job sniffing out the angry young men who are radicalizing, which is why we haven't had any terror attacks. Bottom-up as opposed to top-down.
A lot of parents have no idea what their kids are up to, though. And then one goes to shoot up a school and the parents are like "he's a good boy he didn't do nuffin." Enablers. Or they had guns within easy reach. The Orlando shooter was a nightmare, and his dad was an FBI informant who also thought he was the president of Afghanistan. Just a disaster. That shows how effective I think the cops are.
You all can't even provide Elliot Rodger killed anyone
He was never prosecuted so I refuse to acknowledge and deface the fine young man who loved his mama and papa. Leftypol mods have more evidence of crime on paper then Elliot Rodger does
How can you be an incel in the year of our lord 2018? There's free pussy online you fucking morons lmao. I'm a socially retarded, ugly, nonwhite loser with no friends, severe depression, and a degenerative nerve problem and even I've fucked a solid 4/10 Jewish girl. My 5' 5" ginger boss is fucking married. If you're white just go find some Asian girl, and if you're not, find a fat white chick. I've spent the past three nights edging and talking to fat chicks on dating websites. If you aren't deformed you have literally no excuse.
Dunno why this post made me lol.
individualism caused by the neoprogressive movement, primarily in the US
social intervention is the most unpopular policy ever, noone even THINKS about proposing it, would be career suicide
Sadly the only "solutation" would be dystopian; lets start with a Singapore style technocracy so we have a well functioning social economy, and add the Sesame credit system, and we can link tax to social activity or something, or plainly force people to interact with eachother, pseudo-voluntarily though Tinder-like apps but instead for same-sex friendships
how do you explain the extreme reaction, bordering on eugenics, to the van attacker guy?
I agree, first world "poor" people are a drag to society and need to be put in working camps, or be slaves to actual 3rd world shitholes and help nationbuilding there
go back to Zig Forums
Most incels are deeply afraid of other people , and it causes intense envy. They don't know how to deal with their emotional problems, so they can't build relationships. Most of them just need therapy to help them socially adjust better.
I'm not saying that ugly guys with no talents or money don't have a more difficult time, but emotional problems on top of that just make it worse . (Also Elliot wasn't ugly and he had money, and he was still an incel , so it shows that social inability has a larger impact ) . People blaming their looks or being poor are not helping themselves.
I would also be really interested to see how many girl incels there are, because I suspect there is much more than people are aware of . I'm not denying it may be more of a male problem,though.