Four kinds of tanks

I can't help but notice that this board has become a lot more… homogenous over the past few months. I hardly see anyone posting with the AnCom, cat, or blackflags (at least, not as much as I used to) and all the leftcoms and marxheads are just false flags at this point. It's really a shame, because having a whole bunch of weird-ass people is what made this board interesting, even if it gave us unironic pol-potists and fucking hoochie. The wankies themselves aren't even that different from each other, they're always just:

The people who treat communism like a doomsday cult, where the impending revolution will cleanse the Earth of everyone who isn't like him both physically and ideologically. These redlibs will make constant demands for genocide of various groups to show how uninhibited and revolutionary they are. Examples include: "liberals get the bullet too", "kill all dejenuwwit bourg gays/trannies/whoever", and a bunch of other cliches about how they will survive the great socialist rapture and build socialism with like ten other people who share the exact same ideology.

These are people who have internalised anti-communist propaganda to the extent where they think that actually establishing a socialist society is too good to be true, so they compensate by uncritically supporting the most edgy regimes possible. I'm not talking about people who support Assad or the DPRK or whatever on the basis that the US is a major imperialist power that shouldn't have more power. I'm talking about the people who see the US as the Great Satan, the literal embodiment of capitalism, and think that anything is good if it's not the burgers. This is in a similar vein to the people who want to commit an actual genocide against Americans (see previous).

These are arguably the worst kind, mostly consisting of lmaoists, although Stalinstaches can sometimes qualify. These tanks don't just believe all the myths about communism, the USSR, and the PRC; they embrace them and will defend them with their lives. They believe that communist regimes killed 100 million people, and they will justify and condone it.

The rarest kind

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Other urls found in this thread:

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At least use tank analogies.

I'm a BT tank.

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Flying saucers > Tanks

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You mean normal people?

I can think of a few subcategories of each:

Usually 15-22 years old with a skin tone lighter than butterscotch, these people fetishize Shia Islam as a kind of de facto liberation theology. They insist Imam Ali (Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law) was a socialist, modern Iran is socialist (because, hey, they have a basic income and a lot of state-owned industry), Hezbollah are closeted socialists, the Houthis in Yemen are socialist (despite Yemeni Shias being historically aligned against the Soviet Bloc), and Shi'ism is "more materialist" or "has a more dialectical theology" than other religions. They often inject Arabic words into their daily lexicon, wear keffiyehs every day, refer to all Muslims who don't follow their brand of Shia socialism as "takfiri", and own at least one piece of Hezbollah paraphernalia.

Lost of overlap here with Red Koolaid Bro, only these individuals try to justify their die-hard anti-revisionism through pseudointellectualism and quasi-postmodernist word salads. They follow theoretical antihumanism, meaning they believe human agency doesn't exist and humans are just products of "interpellation" by societal institutions. Therefore, they insist on controlling every aspect of their comrades' minds and severely chastise those who slip out-of-line ideologically. Extremely dangerous.

Like the Shiaboo, only the Chinaboo views everything Chinese as culturally and morally superior. They believe China is still socialist, that China's current policies are really part of an NEP-type thing, and that China can return to Mao-type policies at any time. They wear a ton of Mao pins, often quote the Little Red Book, and believe Mao was the 11th incarnation of Vishnu.

Pretty self-explanatory. Anyone who has dealt with TERFs online knows these ladies quite well.

My fucking sides

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Literally nobody but paper-thin Zig Forums falseflags fits in one of these categories as described.

Maybe OP exaggerated somewhat but he's not that far off. This board has become a total parody of itself these last few months. I've always leaned towards Marxism-Leninism and couldn't stand the leftcoms and anarchists that used to dominate this board, but I honestly prefer them over all these literal reddit ☭TANKIE☭s from r/communism.

this. as a ancom.

how could anyone believe this in the age of liveleak

Attached: rip kid.webm (480x360 2.11 MB, 827.26K)

We have a containment board for liberals
>>>Zig Forums

The great big mistake of inventing internet, was that now people get to choose exactly what information they want. Some people believe in crazy shit and nobody likes being told they're wrong, so what internet does is it lets you find all the information you wanted to hear, while filtering out anything that disagrees with you. Facts dont matter in this age, because you've got all these alternative facts to choose from.

I thought that was the containment board for nazbols. Leftypol is still pretty spooked.

Pigs are smarter than dogs, eat in pork should make you cringe as much as seeing people eat doggos

not really. people get banned for criticizing anti-imperialist dogma. you can't even joke about it, i got banned for that..

"Facts" are a meme. All information has traveled by word of mouth and filtered by biases since forever. It's just now that the traditional information authorities are being questioned, but not the idea of an authority. The result is people latch on to any self proclaimed "authority" who has a narrative that makes them feel good whithout ever resorting to critical thinking. I'm not saying there isn't an absolute truth, but unless you are everywhere all the time you will never know what it is. "Facts" are just an appeal to authority. I'm fine with redefining facts as a commom understanding, but lets not kid ourselves and believe all the numbers and statics we call facts are not biased or outright lies.

I agree with your point, but I do still think Chinese culture and morality is objectively fucked up.
The 'double hit' phenomenon is an interesting microcosm of this.

Mods can you ban this monster already? He's a subhuman animal abuser.
*sipps latte*
They are man's best friend and he wants to boil them alive.

Take note that owning a car in china is a luxury. I'm pretty sure the bourgeois would do that in other contries too if it was advantageous.

Pigs aren't smarter than dogs. Dogs value to us humans is not their meat, they read our body language better than chimpanzees, they can be people's eyes and ears. Call it a spook, I don't give a fuck. I'll just plain imprison people for eating dogs.

We all should be eating less meat anyway.

read the article I linked.
There are also many documented cases of trucks and school buses 'double hitting'.

You are correct that it often it seems to be some wealthy person (presumably a CPC petite aristocrat/industrialist) driving a BMW, but there are many cases of proles doing it as well.

I included that point in my post.

Nazbols are mostly a meme and also a boogeyman for some reason. Liberalism is an actual popular ideology and its home on Zig Forums is Zig Forums

Has nothing to do with the strawman made by OP.

Essential Shiaboo reading?

Don't bother. Any "comrade" who prioritizes cultural/religious loyalties and "spiritual struggle" over materialism and class struggle is not a socialist.

We don't boil pigs alive or torture them with flamethrowers.

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🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧socialism with chinese characteristics🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

I went into the real world, also the leftcom faggotry became too insufferable turning every single discussion into the same boring argument that completely ignores actually existing socialism, plus the dumb fucking BO banned over a dozen US military bases in Syria talk and caused the split, after that it got sucky.