Trotskyism and its standing in the world

Hello, Theorylet here. I don't know much about trotskyism or its standing in the world in current times, Can anyone enlighten me on this?

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here you go

In this period of nationalist movements, that argue that everything can be solved from inside the country, Trotskyism is the only one that says that the only possible solution exists at the level of the world economy, through instituting a new world order – socialism. For this, it is necessary to return to the socialist tradition of the existence of a Socialist International. This International addresses the strategy and tactics to succeed in defeating the huge transnational corporations that dominate the entire world, to establish international socialism, which would have to be worldwide to exist.

If the economy is global, we must have a global policy and an international workers’ organization for the whole revolution, on the one hand, so that every country that makes a revolution spreads it on an international scale, and on the other hand, so that the revolution brings each time more democratic rights to the working class, so that, through democracy, it is the working class itself that takes into its own hands its destiny.

Socialism cannot be anything else but worldwide. All of the attempts to build socialism in one country have failed, because the economy is global and therefore we cannot provide a socio-economic solution to the problems within the borders of one country.

The ones we must defeat on a global scale are the transnational corporations in order to enter into socialism on an international scale

lmao is this a mod?

How is trotskyism doing internationally?

we try

For this reason, the synthesis of Trotskyism today is that the Trotskyists are the only ones in the entire world with an international organization. You may say that we are small, weak, whatever you want, but we are the only International in existence. The Fourth International is returning to the entire tradition of the previous Internationals and updating it to face new phenomena, but with a Marxist vision: that a worldwide struggle is necessary.

are you the op to give you a serious answer

Trotskyism has naturally degraded into opportunism, idpol, and social democracy. Trotsky's theories, such as permanent revolution or the question of "should the upcoming revolution be bourgeois or proletarian?", largely don't apply anymore as there no longer is any peasantry, and capitalism has developed massively.

All socialists believe this.

This is empirically false. The USSR achieved early socialism. Socialism can be built in a single country and when faced with military threat on all fronts, that is often the only option.

A lot of what you said here isn't exactly clear (what is meant by "failed", the "socio-economic problems", one country could be referring to Luxembourg or the USSR, etc.). The USSR was massively successful in beginning socialist construction while Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution would've lead to the utter ruin of the Soviet Union.

You try by having a historio-victim complex, churning out news papers, practicing trash tactics like entryism, and let yourselves be derided and crushed by idpol.

There are several moderately well-known "Fourth Internationals" and probably dozens more that are totally irrelevant. Which one are you a part of?

Why is Trotskyism being shilled so hard lately?

A wild Trotskyist appeared a few months ago and started making super effective posts.


I am the 4 guy from the other posts ill awnser after sleep dude

The same fag


like all leftist in your shithole

tell that to the millions of stalinist parties that turned socdem

trotsky supported the ussr all his life he was never against it on economic grounds
he just said that due to bureaucracy will inevitably fall(as it did)
trotsky never said that ussr should go to war with the whole world like you imagine
this thread is not about trotsky's ideas anyway

there are only 2 main 4 th internationals in the world
this one the serious one that you have to remember the names on the list if you want to stay out of the gulag
and that one, i think is only known for this

again only in your shithole

i have to agree when trots say tat a party is bad just cause of stalinism is bad .They should say that this party sucks cause they have you as a member

only militant does that

weakening and splitting the leftist parties

well due to splitting it dosent have that much influence (like most communists) We have to work togeher and then when we win we kill the stalinist :)

what trots want is to create a wave of revolutions to end capitalism thats why they have internationals easy
google if you want more information

Oh, is it Trotsky who killed almost all of the old Bolsheviks? Is it Trotskyites who did everything to subjugate every fucking independent communist movement by killing the most prominent activists and infiltrating with NKVD agents? Is it Trotskyism that has nothing to do with actual Marxism? Really makes you think, my little Stalinist?

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Isn't it best to undermine capitalism by destroying infrastructure like leftcommunism says with individual revolutionary terrorism? just asking your opinions on that

I think che said that but no terrorism is only useful as sabotage

thats how i meant it, sabotage capitalism by destroying infrastructure and obstructing the movement of capital, workers to their jobs etc ending up losing the bourgeoisie money

isnt left communism all marxist that are not leninist, so did they all agree on that?

possibly but all leftist support that so and no individual terrorism is not revolutionary praxis

Bordiga said he was more leninist than lenin so its pretty retarded on its own but I asked on that one part what trotskyists think of that

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Trots stand for workers and only workers. You won't see a trot shilling for bourgeois shit like Podemos, idpol, Putin or Chavez.
Stalinists love bourgeois nationalism


I honestly rather see more trotskyism shilled than more tankyism.