Brazil crisis 2018

New Venezuela incoming. Why isn't this being discussed? It's all over Zig Forums and /int/, brazilians are going insane in real time.

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The USA has a good number of military bases in Brazil, and through constitutional machinations a soft coup was already staged in the country to remove social democrats from power. Why would the western media ever report on the events there when there is no boogeyman?

That's because the truckers' union signed a deal today. Crisis is already over.
Also Venezuela was over fucking inflation, not some short term strike.
And the army doesn't even have the power to launch a coup.

Can't make this up

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Army can't even deal with the gangstas, let alone launch martial law.

Please, Xi Jinping, ethnically cleanse Brazil of its reactionaries. Please, I beg of you. How much longer must I keep praying for your salvation?

Kill them all. Skin them slive, feed them to a pack of wolves. I don't care. THIS NIGHTMARE NEEDS TO END.

I am an ethnic Brazilian, some of my family is slightly reactionary, so I'm going to have to say a big no thank you to the concept of ethnic cleansing
Your god wont save you now
Please do not advocate for the genocide of my family, we are indeed humans too after all, blame the horrid right wing oligarchy that rules over our media.

When did Brazil turn so reactionary that socialism has a bigger stigma there than in the US and there is an unironic Monarchist restauration popular movement?

werent the truckers right wing?

That was with a fake leader without legitimacy. The truckers themselves are still striking and the military can't stop them.

popular disillusionment with the PT and their incompetency, and biased right wing media spewing out reactionary drivel.

Literally the Brazilian government rn. Favorite prez candidate is right wing as fuck, said he will move the embassy to Jerusalem and give unconditional support to Israel

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I hate the right wing so much.
Just came back from Zaffari, they were full.
Literal shills and reactionary kids. Fuck them.

No. That's Lula and he isn't and never was right wing nor does he support israel.

Lula is in jail dummy, I meant Bolsonaro.


Lula was based AF.
Of course, the subhuman right wingers would prefer 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Jair Bolsonaro🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧's zionist cock up their ass.

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Because Dilma is no longer in power and the immensely corrupt, centrist neoliberal president is very friendly to foreign interests so it's not in the media's interests to decontextualize a bunch of isolated failures (like empty supermarkets) and pretend they're outwards symptoms of deep structural flaws. Same reason you don't hear about the crisis in Argentina.

lol of course. Blaming a very capital-friendly, center-left party that hasn't been in power for years, and even before that had all sorts of political limitations imposed on them, for everything. The anti-socialist logic.

Funny thing is that before that, every time the successes of the Brazilian economy were brought up these same people would credit FHC's reform and say Lula didn't really change anything so the successes were not really his credit. You're listening to zealots, their interpretation of reality bends according to their religion.

The union leaders behind the strikes are not labour union leaders, mostly they belong to unions for managers and owners. We call them sindicatos patronais (sorry but I don't really know how to translate that) and truckers for the most part are not wage-earning people, they own their means of transportations and make deals with companies. It's mostly a strike of owners and small owners against new taxes, something every american here must be familiar with. Most right-leaning political mass movements like MBL have even declared their support to the truckers, but left-wing people are declaring support as well because they think it can lead to a nationwide strike against Temer's government (which imo is not going to happen)

In general, the situation is not that bad and you shouldn't really listen to what brazilians on /int/ and Zig Forums because you're talking to a segment of the population that isn't very smart. Despite what people there might tell you, no, the supermarkets are not empty, we're not starving and the atmosphere is not a violent one.

Pic related always comes to mind.

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This part is so fucking funny to me, because it paints an image of potential mass violence when in reality the person who said that probably meant his fat, red-faced father yelled this while shaking his fist in front of the TV.

Then some of your family should spend the rest of their lives on labour camps, unless they're really old and can't bear children anymore.
Why do you praise your own demise?
Sorry, I refuse not to. I think you should replace your family with a qt commie girlfriend tbh. Fill in that void by loving a decent human being.
Should I hate Satan for tempting the unclean ones to follow the sick path of evil?
*insert christcom flag*


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Yep, and the right is almost achieving a general strike.

Decades of brainwashing, we only elect PT because the military dictatorship and the government which followed failed extremely bad, and .

Nothing can save us now.

why tho

Idk, maybe because they just can.

Argentina is close to the edge too

This is a truly horrid comment, are all Christians such sociopaths?

it's been a car crash in slow motion since the 1800s, what else is new.


This isn't even remotely surprising to me. The last 2 years have shown me that proles are literal subhuman filth who crave a boot to their neck 24/7 and they will never, ever attain class conciseness. They are too dumb, lazy and reactionary to ever rise up against capitalists. I am unironically turning into an egoist.

Brazil is the most liberal country in Latin america

Lemme guess; not real socialism?

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I am not just saying this about Brazillians, I mean proles worldwide.

did anyone here say it was?

Yeah, this country is fucked, maybe after a total collapse it can be rebuilt from the ground up and grain some fucking pride
Not trying to sound edgy, its just that thinking about my country's future legitimately makes me depressed

ok retard

Sounds like another capitalist shithole to me.

Brainlet Burger here, I have dumb some questions about Brazil.

How corrupt the country really is?
How much damage did the porkies fuck up the country?
How bad the crime here and do the government care at all?
Do the government had ties with criminal organizations like the PCC and CV?
Is Bolsonaro is more likable or hated?
Can Lula (if able to run from jail) or other leftists can win the elections?
What will happened to the indigenous people?
If not, what would happened if Bolsonaro win?
Do the country have a strong leftist presence there?

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Let them eat cake

Not as corrupt as it seems, the issue is overblown and used for political reasons. As it was stated by the editor of Estado de São Paulo, a right leaning newspaper.
They started a war against Dilma and now are reaping the results. Big companies died, factories are closing and only the big agricultural business are doing somewhat well, also the financial elite are having a blast and earning shitloads of money.
Not as bad as it seems, but worse than I would care to admit. And they do care, but their solution is the worst one possible, i.e. give the police free reign to murder anyone.
The right wing parties are in bed with them, the current minister of justice is the lawyer of PCC.
Hated but loved by a very loud and reactionary cult. Vladimir Saflate said something that I agree with: he is not meant to win but to turn the center rightwards.
Only Lula can win and, if the judges follow the law, he'll run.
Almost exterminated by the dictatorship, their numbers went to half they were before them. They still existis and very small, half percent of the population if I'm not mistaken. They are going to get buttfucked, they already are being fucked and it will only get worse.
Pinochet style of shit.
Which country? The only two big parties with actual ties to workers and the population in general is PCdoB(Dengists) and PT(they actually had a surge in their numbers with all this shit going on).


wtf based christians

What a about the communist party of Brazil

Aren't they in the parliament

PCdoB is the Communist Party of Brazil, Partido Comunista do Brasil means that. Or do you mean PCB, Partido Comunista Brasileiro/Brazilian Communist Party which has no representation in the parliament and only have edgy students and uni teachers in their ranks.

My phone keyboard is fucked up right now and I'm outside that's why I write so weirdly

Yeah I meant the former. But can u redpill me about the latter are they any good

And what about the Trots

Not a christian, just LARPed as one for that commentary lol. But really, I mean it. If your family is made up of Bolsonaro supporters, they would be aprehended during a revolution. There's no other way of going about this.

Well, I kinda like PCdoB as I like what some of their guys write, but their tactics in parliament and their youth wing are just cancer coupled with their tendencie to work with right-wingers is pretty fucking awful. They still act as a left party and defend the Cubans, Venezuelans and everyone that still formally clings to a marxist banner in the international scene. They used to be a maoist split from PCB, then went Hoxhaist after almost getting exterminated during the dictatorship then back to maoism and now they shill for Xi Jinping. They also have control of one state and are doing a good job.
PCB is small and supposedly the same as the old one, but they never really recovered from the dictatorship . They seem to be growing and getting more people, but often falls into what lenin would call the infantile left.
There's two main parties PCO and PSTU, most of their members consists of edgy students, metro workers and mail workers. PCO is more aligned with orthodox trotskyism, meaning they can get pretty tanky at times. PSTU follows Nahuel Moreno, an argentinian trot, and is often called PSTUSA for their bizarre stances on many issues. PSTU is the bigger one. PCO defends Lula more than PT and have a very accurate analysis of what happens in this shithole. If you can understand some spoken portuguese try searching Analise Politica da Semana PCO, a nice thing they do every week where they talk about the political landscape of the country.

Wrong. Genetics makes it so we can divide those who fail the test and those who succeed it. I'm sure one day we'll be able to determine whether or not a person is a crypto fascist, but until that day, stop acting like Lula isn't the prole's favorite.

Reported for triggering me, asshole.

A shithole of a circus. About as corrupt as it can get. Temer could rape a newborn baby on camera and nothing would happen to him.
Porkies have fucked up this country for centuries, making it so the poor live horrible alienating and unhealthy lives as slaves.
Crime is pretty fucking bad. A prole thug will get show down no problem, a politician rarely gets a similar treatment. That said, even the military struggles with organized crime.
Can't comment on it.
Bolsonaro is liked by, I don't know, 35% of the population. Maybe 50% at best.
No idea. I wish Ciro or Boulos win, but I really don't know.
The indigenous people are ignored as much as your average prole.
It would be a neoliberal proto fascist hell. A zionist one at that.
Nah, the country is stuck with the curse of the eternal succdem.

name one country more corrupt than Brazil. The only issue being overblown is whatever petty mistake PT members commit heehee.

Russia, Indonesia, most African nations, Thailand, Saudi Arabia and most countries of arabian peninsula. And looking at the corruption ranks Brazil is usually somewhere in the middle, nowhere near the top.
Again, Estado de São Paulo admitted this. The issue is politicized and used against a select few. Look at Juscelino Kubitschek and Getulio Vargas, they used corruption as way to try to damage them.

I was being ironic of course

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You are a crypto fascist because you take genetics as determinant, you're fucking dumb.

Russia? really? are you saying Putin is more corrupt than Count Temer? jeez.

Stfu. I'm just saying that at the end of the day, there's something in the brain of those lunatics who fail to resist the most ludicrous reactionary propaganda, when at the same time many do resist it. A study about this subject would be fascinating.

Doesn't Brazil goes to show the extent of the dangerosity of the media. I don't understand why nobody is taking the issue of media seriously. It's a huge fucking problem that comes up over and over and over, systematically. US South mass brainwashing, UK tabloids garbage, strikes and protests invisibilization, liberal groupthink, US, African and Islamic evangelists… There seems to be no theory of any of that, and no theory of revolution against it. Nobody's talking about seizing the media.
You can have all the smart theory you want, all the big in-depth ideas you want, if it's never popularized and vulgarized (in the good sense), the huge mass of people will remain reactionary retards.

Succdem Lula said he would regulate the media, if elected.
I don't think the issue is the huge mass remaining reactionary, but rather the huge mass remaining center left succdems. Reactionaries are better off aprehended.

That's wrong. People are seizing the media, even in America unions issue their own newsletters. Small, but it allows them to issue political endorsements for local offices (especially the Sheriff) so it has a huge impact. More recently in 2007 Obama stole the nomination from Hilary using email campaigning, and in 2009 the Tea Party rose up largely through the Internet where they organized. And seizing the media by their balls and ripping them off was Trump's strategy to get elected which was overwhelmingly successful.

More broadly speaking the media itself is dying. Print newspapers died in the late 00s, commercial radio in the early 10s and now cable TV is starting to collapse. It's why Comcast now sells phones, because they know that is the future. As this happens governments are reacting to it, which is why there's been a sudden surge in regulating online content (though not profits from ads/datamining). Even online it's likely that FB will get fucked over as the US and EU disagree on how to regulate them and they're pulled apart with an overwhelming amount of contradictory compliance policies while Google is threatened by individual countries making and promoting their own domestic alternatives.

Also, we're only in this situation because Obama (and globalists in general) fucked up so hard. As a candidate he campaigned on trade reform, he never acted on it except for the TPP which would have only facilitated more outsourcing. As factories closed and unions disbanded, formerly hard left areas became bitter and reactionary. Exactly the ground for Republican anti-tax arguments and Zig Forums tier nativism.

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Why do you think China regulates its internet? Or Russia? Why do you think every major country has some media laws?
As for theorists, ever heard of Baudrillard? Or Guy Debord? Maybe Gramsci?
As for the media in Brazil, the biggest reason as for why there wasn't some sort of regulation on it, it's due to the lack of support they had at the congress(I remember reading that at least three times they tried to bring forth the subject and failed to even garner attention). Also Lula isn't Brizola, his personal style and history wouldn't allow him to just brute force killing globo and other media barons.

Lol, so true

That's not the same at all.
Just no. Not before Gen X has died out at least. The huge majority of people still think "news is tv", and for educated people it's "news is newspapers".
I heard that in vast areas of the south, Alex Jones is literally the only radio you can receive. Even if that's not true the point stands. Ditto for Fox News. You can't just ignore the immense hold things like this have on minds, then crash again and again on the wall of brainwashing in people's head every single time. You can't just spend all your energy fighting for things then have everything either ignored or shown completely deformed and contextless on tv, then have the rest of the country turn against you. I'm speaking broadly of course but that's the gist of what's happening to socialism.

Not socialist.
To establish their own propaganda. Socialists need to do the same, but from the bottom-up, or it will be called "stalinist" and cracked down on.
I'm not saying nobody talks about media. I'm saying nobody talks about how to introduce theories like this, precisely, to the mass of people. And I mean *actually* introduce, in a serious manner. Have that be the daily 7pm show instead of propaganda.

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Is there any parallel in history comparable for what is happening in Brazil right now? I never read about a lockout that have support of the workers.

But that makes no fucking sense they literally cheered on a coup against a democratically elected socdem limp wrist president and installed a full blown right wing regime in power. What the fuck do they have to blame besides themslves???

Socialism is when the government exists and you get charged an extra .50 cents on Mcdonalds to pay for roads.

The average brazilian on internet is a mix of a neocon and a lolbertad, in their heads, socialism is when the government do stuff, is the same people who accuse the biggest media conglomerate of the country for being communist.

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Thought people might like to know, Dima looks like she will win her senate race.

Eh, too early to tell; although not surprising considering her main opposition is Aecio Neves who literally got caught twice with half ton of cocaine in his family lands.

remember that brazil has more unironic ancaps than any other country except maybe america.

This isn't Venezuela, this is the Brazilian version of the neoliberal coup that happened after the Bretton Woods agreement blew up in the 70s.

Burger chick whines about lack of gas in Brazil, blames hte unions:

Daily reminder that social democracy will always led to

Mein Gott, the ideology.

Antagonista, what are you doing here?

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There is a bunch of things which I would like to highlight in this process:

Thats it, the only thing left to do is wait to see what will happen, unfortunately.

I don't know brazilian politics very well,
but i'm sure the 'socialist' party was a bunch of socdems

lmao this is so funny

I was in Argentina while the elections were going on, that snake's face was everywhere while I saw pretty much no posters of other parties.

i don't think it has any, i've never seen lists of foreign us military bases with brazil on it
(i have seen brazil on lists of countrys with us troops in them but those lists count miliatary attaches in us embassies)

Yeah there are probably some U.S. troops in Colombia and definitely DEA (who might as well be troops) but not anywhere else on the continent as far as I know. The attitude in Latin America towards the U.S. has changed a lot, and not necessarily in a way that Washington would like it. I met the U.S. ambassador to Brazil once at a conference (I was a student) and I asked him if he thought the U.S. was in a good position to sell F/A-18s to Brazil when the fighter competition was going on, and he flatly replied "No." Brazil ended up buying Swedish Gripens.

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Are satanic feminists, dare I say, /ourgirls/?

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There is only one rightfull way to govern Brazil anyways

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This lady looks sick. Maybe she needs to sleep for a few days.

So whats the state of communism in brazil i didnt saw anyone on the other thread about partys

This is a general question

IIRC Dilma was a self-proclaimed communist *lmao*

How about the Brazilians start killing socialist babies? Why not cut open the soft spot on a socialist baby's head and pour molten aluminum in its brain?

Because babies can't hold political views?
And yes I agree with pirate poster
Brazilian Cons/Libs are the worst of the worst

Ahh Satanchan would have been proud

Unlike you, or most people in this board, she actually was part of a communist movement(of guevarist inclinations). She was part of a guerrilla that fought against the military dictatorship, she even got arrested and tortured.

uhm try again sweetie

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those three guys combined have more chromosomes than the entire population of India

Anyone who approves of that should be butchered with no mercy.
Brazil needs to be purged of its schizophrenic reactionaries.

Dilma is a good lady.

Brazil is the United States if the Confederates had won

Brazil is what Russia could've been if not for October.

The two genders

Is Brazil the third world version of America?

No, in most places there are three: masculine, feminine and neuter, sometimes plural too. Although do you count genders in their own cases as theirnown things.