If you use Windows for anything related to socialism, you are a danger to yourself and your comrades. Windows is uploading everything you do to NSA servers. When the McCarthyite purges start up again, you'll be on all the lists.
There's no excuse for being lazy, revolution is hard work.

Attached: 5b2b46a31781bac060719538efe3bc497ae21a057493bc629aea759fef241033.jpg (1148x813, 620.23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

how do I do this exactly?

Pick an easy distro like Ubuntu (or Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc), Mint, Solus, or something similar. Basically just choose the one you think looks nice. Back up your files, put the linux ISO on a USB stick, and plug it into your computer then boot up. Boot off of the USB, then go through the installer wizard.

also there are loads of tutorials you can follow. here's an example
just google when you get stuck

Free software is great, but the feds are spying on you regardless of what OS you use. It's just unavoidable. You should ditch Windows because you dislike Microsoft's crappy products, not for the sake of lifestylism.

This is a ridiculous simplification. Windows has comprehensive spying built-in, and Linux doesn't. Spying tools and viruses are usually OS-specific, meaning most of them (designed for Windows or Mac OS) won't work on Linux. Those that do require more effort/expense, higher clearance, and so on. Switching to Linux is a major, important step towards avoiding NSA spying, and it helps educate socialists in how to take further steps.

This - lines of code aren't voodoo.

I wonder which weird unknown distro are you using to be so sure about that.

It is not, but any reliably secure unix clone is unusable for "normal" use.

Fuck off with your FUD.

This is true for common skiddie and phisher malware, but the NSA can crack into damn near anything and pays close attention to your ISP's traffic.
That's silly, free software isn't inherently socialistic, even if it is obviously left wing to a certain extent. If anything people are so used to Windows that most people despite Linux distros. Windows is how computers work, to many people.

Cracking and having a built-in backdoor are different things and different levels of effort.

Have you read through what systemd is doing?

Implying there are also not hardware vectors of attack for potential snoopers.

systemd is just poettering being a fucktard

You're probably right. Windows is garbage. Thanks for reminding me.

Attack vectors are NOT the same as automatically sending all your shit to the NSA by default.

Yes, and they have to go to the effort to do so. Unlike with Windows.

I'm saying that installing and using Linux will start training revolutionaries in the necessary skills for the computer security practices they will need.

b-but muh vidya

As if any of you are gonna do shit anyway. You're about as dangerous as someone buying a car because you like the color red

Attached: firefly.gif (350x197, 1.6M)

That doesn't make any sense, it's not the hacker training kit that normies think it is.

I made these a while back, they're yours if you want them

Attached: gnu_red_yellow_flag1.png (900x600 2.33 KB, 8.11K)

I don't get how people can be against capitalism and still use software designed to give the owner control over the user.

Even if you weren't on the left, Windows is just a shitty OS.It lags, installs Software from 3rd Parties and gives them your Data, it is basically a spying Machine, the support is shit, forced updates, licensing issues and much more make it the worst OS on the Marker.

I like video games That is all.

If you are thinking long-term, Gamers are much more better off using Linux. Microsoft has been proven again again to use shady tactics to get competetors out of their way, and when they finally try to push the Store a bit more you will bet that things like Steam are going away soon.

Also: I've been gaming on Linux for 4-5 Years now and it's been working fine for me. Most actually good Games (non Triple A shit) are playable one way or another in Linux.

Except it is, at least when it comes to OS and applications that are used to access the internet.
You are basically paying rent to Microsoft to be able to access knowledge databases and our social space, both of which has been commodified.

It trains people in some basic poweruser tasks, use of CLI, and demystifies a lot of the OS. As a bonus, it usually has FDE by default. That's a great step towards getting people to use PGP more often and similar stuff.

Ex-gamer here. Most popular video games are literally designed to get you addicted and ruin your life. On top of that, loads of games are fascist/imperialist propaganda. You're better off without them. That said, lots of games on Steam can be played on Linux, including all the VAlve games.

Any revolution that hedges itself on bourgeois privacy constituted through consumption is already a danger to itself insofar as it has any pretenses towards actually being revolutionary.

lmao what a fucking word salad. Literally every Bolshevik had a pseudonym and went under cover frequently. Ho Chi Minh had hundreds of pseudonyms. security measures are a prerequisite for a revolutionary movement.

I see alot of people in this thread brush off linux to justify their own lack of initiative. Please just use any OS other than Windows or apple. FreeBSD, HardenedBSD, OpenBSD, and just about any other OS if good too.
I use gentoo with hardened use flags, alpine is also good hardened linux. personally most software is pozzed and it is a chore to do this type of stuff so if you don't have enough interest it is okay to go with the mainstream/ easy to use ones. Any step away from porkies grasp is positive. It is a good idea for serious communists and anarchists to take the plunge, hopefully we'll learn how to make a more secure OS ourselves in ADA or some carful programming in C when we gain momentum

Attached: Rus_Stamp-Vavilov_SI.jpg (220x301, 18.58K)

OS MS windows 10 is probably the most secure operating system currently aviliable. When I hearing someone to shout "use linux because [enter childish reson]"like OP, I know I'm hearing tech illiterate, most likely some underage kid which dreams to be le most wanted h4ck0r alive. Which is not wrong by any means, I was similiar when I was kid. My main problem with open source OS is people like comrade => "If you like one of things I like, you have to hate same things as I do" is nothing less than shitload of ideology and IDPOL. I'm marxist because I'm trying to get rid myself of ideology, but all those open source communities bring me back to my elementary school days when my parents sent me to radical chrisian camps, open source meetups are flowing with so much ideology it feels pretty much like radical religious meetings. Especially situations like:
makes my brain hurt. I might not be absolutely neutral, I'm using MS technologies at work (and I will for at least a year, then I'll go to open sources), and I sincerely love them since they are much more clear and reliable than alternatives I know about. MS, as a company, have so much untapped potential, there probably isn't another single company employing as much genius developers - one of the reasons I'm commie is because I like to fantasize how much could MS change the world to the better if it was directed by employees, not stockholders.

Yes, except most of them are made for most popular linux distros. Or do you thing """terrorists""" are using windows en masse?

I heard about one trial in USA a few years ago - Apple VS mossad. Mossad claimed to got one """terrorist""" using apple software and asked apple to provide them with key to backdoor. After Apple won trial, mossad claimed that they will get to data in a week. They did it in a two days. While I am sceptical that, If said story was true, apple would heistate if CIA asked them about that, even as insignificant country as Slovenia have enough security specialists to crack any system they won't - at least unless it's really well protected.

Nigga, I know 50+ years old woman using some ubuntu version because it's very simple, free and all she needs from PC to be able to read mails and open some text editor. Installing linux will not teach you anything about security.

Pretty much this. I live in country where commies and liberals were purged during our "nazi times", and nazis and liberals were purged during our "commie times". Yet no mass genocide of people not agreeing on 100% with ruling regime ever happened. We now live in liberal "democratic" republic, and nobody is being purged because ruling class realized that some random dude with anti-regime thoughts is not a problem threatening status quo.

Fite me niggers.

Also, let's compose some list of security advices, not starting or ending with "install linux", but at least some concrete distro. I admit that I do not know much about security.

Kill yourself.

but windows 10 is objectively a shitty OS

Attached: pkvkq2s8qcpx.jpg (3264x2448, 1.02M)

I don't know if i should feel sad for you illiteracy or just laugh.
I mean, you can literally rewrite all of the Permissions just using a USB-Stick
You have to install some shitty antivirus just to not get malware FROM BROWSING THE NORMAL WEB!
Even windows fans should be able to see how Windows is not a secure OS.

The most secure OS rn is probably Qubes.

Citation needed. Qubes OS is the most reasonably secure operating system with it's high levels of virtualization compartmentalizing threats.

Humanizing the argument somehow like this isn't an argument.
I think you're using
1. Shitty strawmans
2. A bad understanding of what the free software movement is about
Go read "Free Software, Free Society" by Richard Stallman.
Nah, go see Windows 7 and up spying tech.
I'd argue that given the company level of programmers they don't get to 'genius' shit and do whatever their manager thinks is cool.
You're not communist, you're a fucking succdem.
Citation needed.
1. Citation needed
2. When was there a GNU/Linux wannacry?
This is pretty much not really an argument.
A completely variable dependent argument. Installing and using, say, a distro such as Qubes would teach you a lot about good security practices.
Install the GNU/Linux distro Qubes OS.

kiddo thinking that installing most common linux distro makes him h4ck0r

Don't take me wrong, you are on right path, you just need to learn much more than using weird OS.

Often OS updates do not mean your OS is shitty.

how can I do that?
This is bullshit, no common internet browser allows you to install software or access hard drive. And windows defender should alert you when such actions are requested from uncommon ones.
Tell me more about Qubes, it looks interesting, and I have never heard about it.

Attached: 2s8iyx5.gif (640x480, 170.14K)

Attached: bitch.gif (480x242, 1.6M)

Making a new Desktop OS from the ground up would be too much for any movement without a state to back them.
If we just want to secure communication we could start by hardening minix or some other small OS and start use something like gnunet to communicate. This would minimalize our attack vectors and maximize security for specific members.
But at first we need to make more Comerades beware of the Problems of using proprietary Operating Systems.

That will never work, normies need OS which they know will work when they are trying to use soft for work, which is designed for proprietary os

On the USB Stick
On Qubes
It's a Linux based OS using the Hardened Kernel
and putting every Program in it's own VM. They have a system in place to be able to share ram between the vm's while still only assigning a certain section to each.
On Web
On windows, you can disguise any type of file as any other type, so you can download a picture containing malware and if you open it, the malware is executed.

Most Office Software already runs Linux and you can make it basically look like Windows.

I suppose I should make the dive at some point soon. Some others have posted some resources here already, but any more tips for beginners? I'd like to run primarily Linux and sometimes switch over to Windows when there's something I want to do which Linux can't do.

Attached: GNUlag.jpg (1024x768 211.52 KB, 248.58K)

Clearly you don't know jack shit about the topic

just do it

I'll skim through article you posted tomorrow
that DO sound very secure. I'll write qubes on my "to check" list.
I'm too drunk to do anything today, but I'll try it tomorrow using IE, chrome, firefox and opera. I doubt that it is possible, but hey, if comrade anonymous said it can be done, I need to verify it myself.

I'm not sure what are you trying to ask, butโ€ฆ
Install ubuntu. It's fast, reliable and as-easy-to-crack as any windows distro.
firefox is SJW run. you can use it, but because of their "muh diversity and wymyn" run development they can not stand a chance with companies as MS or google which do have "diversity points" just by exploiting skilled engineers from third world countries.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (500x289, 158.94K)

May I introduce you to ? It's nice, ordered website where you can find many people like you - all for free! Please, stay there and never return.

No investigation, no right to speak. STFU if you don't know what you're talking about.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (787x874, 78.54K)

what ifโ€ฆ I want to play vidya?
all other OSes eliminate more than half my options sadly

terry a davis dot gif
(just kidding i know its not a functionaly thing)

You can play plenty of imperialist murder simulators on linux.

Is the Intel Management Engine really the hardware backdoor I've heard it made out to be? I actually have installed Lunix (Manjaro) but I kind of have the impression that I'm fucked no matter what I try to do to maintain privacy, if anything it would probably draw attention to myself.

Attached: Intel Backdoor.png (589x360, 72.3K)

but user, I only play the Soviet union and friends in FreeCiv.

Given all the other exploits that intel have found in their CPU's you're better off with AMD with PSP unless you can libreboot your computer (maybe coreboot but that's iffy). Even then you're screwed unless you can get a RISC-V mobo which I doubt. We really need the dual power structure to make these things to really challenge the status quo.

Attached: 300px-Kurchatov_1930th.jpeg (300x157, 14.22K)

I know Firefox isn't the best, but it's still FOSS and I'm always looking for more lefty-themed FOSS memes of pretty much any sort to add to my collection. It's surprisingly hard for me to find and I usually just stumble across them.

Attached: 9765.png (625x491, 760.96K)

IME is pretty damn bad, get an AMD chip when you can. They have something called the PSP, but it's not as bad and easier to disable.

no fuck that. >>>/reactos/ is the future

Attached: reactos skyrim.jpg (1920x1080, 179K)

Windows actually downloads a lot of media from the sites you use as "cache", I found a bunch of folders deep in my hard drive of webms and MP4s, so if the feds came to your door, they could theoretically track your entire internet search history, even if you have deleted your browser's information.

I'm kind of a noob about computer science, but does anyone here know if it's possible to build your own PC for it to be off the grid, so, like, can you buy untraceable microchips and hard drives and stuff, to avoid being tracked, if you don't connect your computer to the internet? Also, is there a way for you to create your own indpendent internet connection so that an ISP can't fax your info to the government? Even software like VLC tracks your video info and can keep it on a database, I don't understand why I can't just use the internet without every action being monitored.


Don't install Ubuntu if you want to be serious about Anti-Capitalism. If you want to run exclusively Free Software run any of these
I would recommend Trisquel because it's based on Ubuntu, so you can find better help online.
Alternatively you could also try PureOS although i haven't really tested it
If you don't care about Free Software you can use something like Mint (although the default security settings are shit)
If you want a more minimal Distro (uses less resources but sometimes harder to use)
try Parabola or Gentoo (only when you are familiar with the terminal)

On most linux distros you install Software via the Package Manager, that means you are going to either use a GUI Program like an App Store to install Software or you type this into the Terminal
sudo apt install
(Example for Trisquel)
You update your OS and Software the same way or by typing
sudo apt update (updates the list of software your os knows) and then
sudo apt upgrade (updates the software to the newest version)

On Linux it's all about choice, so you can for choose your Desktop Environment.
Gnome is a bit bloated but is very Easy to use
KDE is a good Windows replacement which is very configuravle
Xfce is less resource intensive as the above but still very costumizeable
Lxqt s when you have no ram or cpu cycles to spare
i3 is a pretty good tiling window manager (which means it automatically manages where your windows are) it's also very keyboard focused.
These are just a few, there are many more to choose from.

If you still need help with anything just google or if you need help with a terminal program you can read the manual by typing

And at last, if you want to find out more about the Free Software Philosophy try

Thanks for sitting through my terrible misspells and grammar and have a nice day :).

In you wet dreams maybe, on Ubuntu you can't even install a virus without admin priviledges or some hard exploitation. On windows a normal user just clicks on a program (because you have to download these from the web on windows) and the whole system is compromised (glancing over the fact thar windows itself isn't compromised already).


Linux and BSD are not good for desktop.

Linux distro is getting buggy due to lack of funds

Linux desktop is mess especially GNOME.

I use Windows 10 Pro

Systemd sucks

I need a girlfriend

Try looking into
And find a reasonably trustworthy hosting provider to host your vpn.
Also you have to disable javascript and disable cookies.

any peer to peer network

I started to Linux from 2014 to 2016

Linux desktop is getting horrible and buggy.
They suffer from lack of fund.

See this from former Linux user.

Linux is secure hahahahahaha. It is true that most home linux users won't get a virus in Linux but again see this link.

I need a girlfriend

Problem is that most hardware are closed source you dumbass. I need a girlfriend

Nobody said Linux doesn't have Problems, and looking at it from the view of "it has to ne better to be used" is bullshit, because the Philosophy behind should be enough reason for People to use it.
And the fact that for many People it is useable and in a lot of cases better than Windows even though it doesn't have a multi billion dollar coorperstion backing it is enough for me to use it. And with more People using it and more support coming in, things are only going to get better.

As it stands, windows is still a spyware infested piece of bloatware that forces the users to give their data to random People and disrupts their work for forced updates which just introduce more bugs.And did i mention that it costs 100 Dollars while Linux is FREE

I know Windows is not perfect. Yes forced update is problem.

Anyway see my thread :

I need girlfriend

Which windows version are you using? Can you post screenshots?
Or they can simply call your internet provider and he will give them all your browsing history. How long they store data varies based on country, in my country it's at least 6 months. Your OS choice won't change this fact.

That's some serious Windows XP shit.

Have you ever wrote piece of software used by someone else than you and your university teacher? Not gathering user behaviour data is simply bad practice. Thinking that NSA is indexing whole your hard drive looking for "enemies of state" is simply paranoia.

Pretty sure Windows pushes diversity and therefore we can rest easy knowing its to track the white supremacists.

If you want to game then use a duel boot. Get a hard drive for your Linux and two SSDs in a raid for your windows gaming machine. Or if you got the juice set up a Linux virtual machine and use that for browsing, projects, and saving sensitive files. Depending how deep you are I suggest the harddrive. Its easier to destroy(heavy magnet) and or hide do to its physical nature.

Ubuntu is unforgivable by now, but a pure-FOSS distro is overkill from a political perspective. A mostly free distro with tiny bits of proprietary software for technical efficiency like kernel blobs isn't quite the same as a distro with actual adware baked in.

Criticizing Linux fantards is one thing, but Windows really is the security and design mess that it's made out to be. Microsoft is a company that thrives on brand ubiquity and a de facto monopoly built on the need for legacy support, which it established through violation of antitrust laws (thanks for the "regulated" capitalism, liberals). The talents of the smart people they hire are at odds with the need to maintain an increasingly unmaintainable project.

Check out this red-pozzed รผbermensch over here. So volkisch I could die.

Is this what suffering from a retarded seizure in front of a keyboard looks like? Windows 10 is the worst OS evar:

your ISP gives up everything to the feds no matter what OS you use you absolute brainlet

Hello public relations consultant working for NSA! Is it sunny in Fort Meade? For your sake, I hope so. Let's find out: . Oh no, that's a shame! Turns out it's going to rain there the rest of the day. I really do pity you. But don't worry, next thursday the sun shine through the clouds.

Attached: NSA hide ignore.png (1340x877, 119.47K)

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (715x732, 93.04K)

nice strawman
vpn providers see all your traffic and log it moron
funny how you call me a nsa agent when they control 99% of tor exit nodes
see pic related you neckbeard go back to your dead board >>>Zig Forums

Attached: f17a2-1447259626008648.jpeg (1112x488, 180.24K)

Microsoft is gathering identifiable data about the Software you use and the Websites you visit. This is not data you use to improve yourvsoftware (which they rarely do) this is used to make more money by selling it to Governments and Advertisers.

If you want to know just how much they even admit to collecting look
And i'm not trusting a company like microsoft to keep it to thos.


Web spying is easy and effective to prevent, especially when social networks have lost their novelty and normies no longer assume you have no life if you don't use them. Spyware in your OS is very hard to cope with.

the problem is that not only OS, but every worthwhile app you are using is "spying" on you. If I'm making an app for people to use, I want to watch how they are using so data analytics can look at data and suggest new features, UI redesign and so on. If we also add the facts like your mobile phone position is being logged every time you send or receive sms or phone call and every provider storing your browsing history, the only way to avoid "spying" is going full anprim and stop using any kind of communicating devices.

How to make Linux Boot USB:

- Download Rufus
- Download a Linux ISO for your architecture (x86 or 32 bit is universal, x64 ought to work with newer machines)
- ex or
- ex
- Put it into your PC and mash the Escape and random F# keys until you can boot from USB

I recommend getting comfy with Linux before actually installing it. VirtualBox and Live Linux (CD, DVD, or USB based) are great ways to get familiar.

XMPP, Signal, PGP email don't "spy" on me. IRC doesn't spy on me. GNU Social isn't spying on me.

๐Ÿ…ฑ โ„นf yโญ•u ยฉ๐Ÿ…ฐโ™Œt fโ„นgโ›Žยฎ3 ๐Ÿ…พโ›Žt h๐Ÿ…พโ™’ 2 โ›Žs3 โ›Žโ™‘โ„นยฉ๐Ÿ…พd3 โ›Ž โ™Œ โ™Œ3t๐Ÿ…ฐd3d

advanced Linux paranoia tips

- encrypt your hard drive
- host one or more tor nodes
- learn how Tor works and how Tor users CAN get busted
- use a VPN or SOCKS
- host your own email and XMPP
- learn crypto basics and buy $5 or $10 worth
- become familiar with PGP encryption
- learn how to dd backup drives and also how to DBAN drives
- learn good security measures about wifi, Mac addresses, read about what data ISPs actually store and monitor
- get familiar with security-aware distros, kernel extensions, etc
- learn how to quickly get laptops in your area, paid for in cash
- get a secure offshore shell (like a Linux PC you can remote connect into, running programs or servers remotely, or can back up files like Gdrive / Dropbox, use as a proxy, etc)

Assuming you are , you said that
>Zig Forums
Nice talking to you too!

Attached: tor-stinks.png (702x543, 93.88K)

Smartphones are shit, what else is new. Has no bearing on personal computers.

ever heard of GPU passthrough ? didn't make the jump yet, but basically native perf in a windows VM on your linux


windows server 2003 (32/64-bit) is the primary kernel target right now with nt6+ application support

theres a win7 basic theme btw

I know, and from what i've heard it's not really that hard to set up anymore.
But i have the Problem of having a CPU without integrated Graphics and when i did get a 2nd GPU it didn't have Dual GPU which is basically a Requirement for this.

What's the point to switching to Linux other than to feel superior? I recently got Antergos and I'm missing Windows 7 because at least i,could play all the video games I got on itโ€ฆ

Other than the things mentioned ITT already? Using Windows is computerized serfdom, you have absolutely no freedom. It's dogshit for productive computing (programming, IT, etc).

So now you have more free time to read Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin. If you really have such a strong desire to waste time on stupid crap, just torrent some anime. Megalo Box is a pretty good show this season.

ITT: dumb ass niggas making life 10x harder for themselves even though linux has already been cracked ages ago by the NSA and co.

just use windows 10 and google chrome in incognito mode; it's essentially the same level of protection

I've been using Ubuntu for 5+ years, but I had to go back to windows because of softwares I needed for work.
I was also using my computer for music creation and Linux was a complete pain in the ass for that.


For anyone that needs any info on where to get started

Forgot to post this with it

Attached: Ospicker.png (1559x1107, 219.56K)

ok so i posted this in leftytrash, but it got too low of a response so i'll ask here:
so linux is starting to peak my curiosity, apparently most of is corporate now, so what distro should i investigate if i want a noob friendly one that is generally free from surveilance up the ass, and whose development still continues?, i know that ubunto monitors you through amazom, so that one is out of the question, and arc and gentoo i'm too much of a brainlet to use, i know debian is worked on by volunteers and not corporations, however i have no idea how difficult it is to use, and i know mint and mate are easy to use, but i've heard bad things about the security of mint, and who the fuck develops those?, and manjaro apparently has a good package manager, and is """noob friendly""", but isn't that one developed by two guys?(according to wikipedia) , please help me stallman side of leftypol

Look at the OS Picker above. I'd probably recommend Manjaro, Debian, or Fedora, and it's up to you to pick your Desktop Environment. KDE, MATE, and Cinnamon are my favorites, but XFCE is great too and LXDE is great if you want your system to run with very little system resources.

Trisquel is Comrade Stallman approved

Attached: .jpg (1920x1080, 317.26K)

Ubuntu. The answer is always ubuntu.