Tommy Robinson

As any fellow britbongs here may know, Tommy Robinson, an outspoken member of the far right has been tried and inprisoned for 13 months following a lengthy livestream of him criticising Islam and its followers.

Does Zig Forums have an opinion on this? The right is having a shitfit about it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He was doing it right outside a courthouse while a trial was going on inside, under UK law that counts as contempt of court so he was arrested. Just to clarify in case anyone thought he was being arrested just for talking shit about islam. He's currently on a suspended sentence for doing the exact same thing a few months ago so he's almost definitely going to prison for this.

That was the trial of Count Dankula, right?

Speaking of which, what are this board's thoughts on him?

He already has a record anyhow for fraud & inciting plus the countless other things he's gotten away with considering he was always a fascist thug he's just gotten better at hiding it with age.

It's fucking weird seeing yanks having sympathy for him. Especially when he got kicked in by antifascists. I mean the guy was EDL not some classical liberal, you play the game, you get fucked.

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Basically what he was doing was saying mudslimes are rapists outside a court room, and was arrested for breeching the peace. The reason he got time is because he is on probation. Now why did he go down? MORTGAGE FRAUD, yes he lied on a mortgage application: he is a real second coming of John McLean.
For some context, Tommy Robinson was the former leader of the EDL who after meeting with a major muslim community leader supposedly renounced antiislamism, until a few years back when presumably he ran out of money.

No, as for Count Dankula he is an edgy shit but he didn't deserve a fine. David Baddiel did a really good piece on it.

wait what John McLean you referring to?

WWI Scottish Communist teacher turned activist who went to prison for organising anti draft action and strikes. He was a british repp to the comtintern and knew both Liebknecht and Lenin.

Ah thought so, I just misread the context

Don't care too much. Just think it's kinda weird how censorious the Brits are being lately. Feels like a lack of self-awareness.

Meh, he's a right-wing fuckhead he deserves what happens to him

Mother May is an authoeriterian who introduced mass surveillance why is anyone fucking suprised?

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be a good lad and simply acquiesce to your shitskin invaders, besides you don't even have a "I do not wish to be killed and raped by poo skinned Pakis" license

do not kill yourself either, your license to kill too has been revoked

chip chip cherio

>>>Zig Forums is that way

Nigger get out and go back to your safe space in >>>Zig Forums

Don't be such a child.

Not denying that, but prosecuting him is bad optics and I don't get the reasoning behind it.

Can't wait for the Zig Forumsyps to square the circle of all this happening under the conservatives

Southern was reporting that he got arrested and sentenced in 4 hours, I don't believe it.
He's an MI5 agent anyway

Reminder Robinson is a Zionist shill, here is him with the IDF.

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My opinion is the situation is excellent. Daily reminder muh free speech is a spook and there is no reason to uphold an ideal for the sake of the ideal itself, only follow what leads to the best material outcome that exists in physical reality; we wouldn't allow fascists to have guns, don't let them have speech, either. Never let them speak, never hear them lie. Read Stirner, etc.

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And this is why "free speech" is now a fascist dogwhistle as far as I'm concerned. You always see these slimy fucks trying to make themselves look like martyrs for that and it's infuriating.

This basically.

I don't think it's just "bad optics". "Breach of the peace" is one of those statutes that are on the books simply to allow police the power to nab anyone that power finds a nuisance. That ruling power structures are pulling these sorts of tactics out of the bag is far more concerning to me than the burbling of some inconsequential far-right gobshite. These are the sorts of policing tactics that beat confessions out of random Irishmen.

Can you give me links to stuff about this, burgers keep treating it like it’s the “great violation of free speech”

Nah it was Maajid Nawaz, who paid him through his counter-radicalization "think tank" Qulliam to renounce the EDL. Quilliam was also receiving money from the British government. Nawaz was never a "community leader" in any kind of grassroots sense.

Paid was the least of it. Robinson (there's a reason he uses that name for his activism) has had a target on his back for extra-legal violence since he started. The police are the least of his concerns, except to the extent that they like to lock him in cages with people who want him dead. His short-lived renouncement was about protecting himself and his family, he thought he could buy mercy by pretending to have some Derek Vinyard redemption arc.

Yeah, when he was in prison for mortgage fraud he was involved in an assult by three muslim men. Oh also he runs a shop in Luton so there is a 100% chance he has some dealings with organised crime.
Tbh during this stint in prison I imagine he will be assaulted again, watching right wingers care about prison conditions will be entertaining.

Hi reddit. Samizdat.

We don't need to cry tears over Tommy getting owned but if the capitalist state will do it to him then it'll do it to us when it feels the least bit threatened

1) same shit is going to happen to you, yeah you, you personally who read this, if they can murder this guy by putting him in a muslim cell in prison they can execute you as well completely arbitrarily

2) islam really is cancer, I mean why the fuck would any sane person defend it?
islam is a hostile political movement and not a religion, islam CAN NOT separate the church and the state and it is utterly incompatible with englightenment ideas

basically islam is hyper retarded and i dont know why is anyone supporting that shit
supporting islamic theocracy is incompatible with increasing productive forces because those people make best students memorize whole quran, and burn all other books because they dont need more than one book, thinking one they have is perfect

Butthurt centrist detected

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[Centrist butthurt intensifies]

Eyy-o it looks like we've got a memba' of the League of the Militant Godless ova' 'ere. That was the same argument used to justify that organization in the 1920s, but even they realized that they had to take a different tact when dealing with Islam because an aggressively anti-Islamic campaign would too easily remind Muslims of their persecution under their former Orthodox rulers.

But anti-Islamic attitudes never really stuck because Islam didn't compete with communism like Christianity did. Converting to Islam is easy. Just say: "There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God." It doesn't place as many demands on people as you might think and is more easily compatible with private rituals and a social existence aligned with a communist government – much more than the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Church ever allowed.

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It's a severe indictment of the UK justice system that someone can adopt the moniker "count danukla" and get anything short of a firing squad.

>I am an ignorant worm who doesn't know what Samizdat were in the USSR.

deserves it for being a free speech warrior sperg, i think its funny, I hope Peterson's career gets nuked too

I don't think he should be imprisoned over stupid britbog laws, but he should go to the gulag for being alt-right. That said there are a lot of people I would want to see gulaged first like the entirety of the world bank.

tldr: who cares about some asshole going to prison in a capitalist police state?

So fucking what? They'd do it for us anyway. JFC imagine thinking double standards is some kinda gotcha any more.

lol butthurt, still doesn't mean we shouldn't supress nazifags. Back to the armchair with you, faggot.

good fuck right wingers

this guy gets it, i know tons of communist muslims.

they are just normal ass people, to think islam is some kind of "evil hate doctrone that forces you to burn all your books and study quran and other evil insane shit" shows some real ass orientalist retardation on your part

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I don't give a fuck about what happens to this guy but censorship is honestly a waste of time. I mean, if you're at the point where you're censoring people who say fascist bullshit to prevent the spread of fascism then you've already failed in that regard to a fantastic degree.

They're giving him the victim status he craves

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So he was actually arrested for an unrelated reason regarding his proximity to a court?

Ok, so it's another "break an actual law, use instance to claim fascist victimhood" episode.

There is absolutely a reason to hold fast to an ideal for the sake of the ideal itself. Individual human reason is fallible, brittle and fickle. Ideals exist to provide guidance in the face of that tumult; if you don't agree with a certain absolute, challenge it. But to not at least abide by a set of self imposed absolutes is to be rudderless and cowardly. Are all you Communists such masochists in need of a master?
Ironically, you're holding to an ideal here. What is "the best material outcome?" Who defines it? Who has power over it? You want me to deprive myself of certain ideals only to offer me the ideal of materialism in their place. No thanks.

Stirner is reddit anyway, so fuck off back to where you came from.

This is so naive it hurts to read. The Islam of today is not the Islam of soviet Russia: they are increasingly politicised, organised and willing to enforce their world view. Ideologically, financially and structurally they are in a much better place than Communism as of now. If you don't think they're a threat to your ideals, then you are a fool. In terms of strictures and ritual as it relates to daily life, Islam is actually far more impositional than Orthodox Christianity, so I don't know what you're getting at there.
basically a more malignant form of champagne socialist

No he wasn't critizing Islam you Zig Forums false flagger, he was trying to influence a trial before it finished. Funny isn't it how right wingers are quick enough to say any women who make a sexual abuse accusation is a liar and we should wait for the facts, but the when the person being accused is brown suddenly fuck facts, just jump to the conclusion they're guilt.

no, it is what thinking men and women do
your "absolutes" are tools of the weakling, the one who cannot live in a complex world and crawls back into the comfortable womb of ignorance, holding to no-exceptions rules that simply cannot work in the real world because there are always exceptions

This whole "they" business has got to stop. Who's they? The Mullahs? The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? Last I checked they were fighting a bloody, brutal proxy war with each other.

protect marxism-leninism-robinsonism
free tommy
tommy's life matters


Pretty sure this poster (and thread) is falseflagging-to-all-fuck, but in the grand Zig Forums tradition of taking the bait, I'm going to address it:

But aren't you arguing to work towards an ideal by abandoning other ideals? In this particular (hypothetical, since free speech is basically irrelevant and the guy got arrested for something else) case, by actually yielding more power to the state?

Given the condition, your argument is nonsense. It also sounds (maybe I'm wrong) like you're trying to use egoist or existentialist-type prose here in order to argue against personal conviction. But if it's self-imposed, then it can be done so rationally.

Why should leftists support freedom of speech?

Because when they are done destroying the right, the elites will go after the left. It's that simple.

If you think they won't, then you are parts of the elites and not true communism or anarchism.

this was about contempt of court, not freedom of speech, he did this knowing he'd be arrested

Oh no, I am just talking generally, think about it.

I'm arguing that ideals are nice but they inevitably clash with reality and it's not always clear-cut "well just follow your principles and it's all gonna be good". Having ideals is good but being autistic about them isn't.

What exactly is it that you think he did?

He filmed inside a court, his own lawyer admitted that he had done this. That has been illegal since BEFORE recording with audio was possible.

If he'd been filming inside the court, he'd have been done for contempt, not breach of the peace. I've seen numerous reports stating that Robinson was filming OUTSIDE the court when arrested.

Actually can get either because he was also going around calling the peadopholes ect. during the court case itself. I refer you to what the judge said last time he did this [pic 1 related]. But that is neither here nor there, he was arrested for contempt of court [pic 2 related].
Oh also Robinson's actions
I hope he is fucking happy.

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Why are you posting some random gobshite on twitter? Also, it's "paedophile".

Are you implying that the NKVD did anything wrong?


Excuse me but homosexuals have human rights too, what makes you think youre better than someone else just because he puts a penis in his mouth.

Islam oppresses women and homosexuals.

>>>Zig Forums is that way

Thats not the real Islam you xenophobic bigot.


Pedophilia is inherently antifascist, it breaks up families which are racist, sexist, classist and a tool of white supremacy. I dont understand what your problem is.

Pol just because your board went to fucking hell-in-a-handbasket doesn't mean you can shitup everywhere else, so kindly fuck off, ty.

Looks like they would make good friends for you, Zig Forums.

Weak. Step it up, fag.

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Pedophobia is not acceptable under communism.

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I see you're a transphobic piece of shit.

My sides.

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Wow, you're terrible at this. Just go back to baboon posting.

Garbage tier argument, Rosa Parks also knew she'd be arrested

Rosa Parks wasn't risking stopping a trail of SERIAL CHILD RAPISTS.

What did he exactly say or do?

If he was just like "Islam is a shit ideology" then there should be no problems with him.

TL;DR he went around calling these blokes paedophiles outside a court and filmed inside of it. This is not the first time he has done this. The first two acts are illegal under UK law because it risks breaking jury impartiality and thus causing a mistrial. He was arrested because he was on a suspended sentance for doing this already. He was also publicising the exist point from a court of suspects under protective custody, which is breaching the peace.

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Makes sense, similar shit has happened in the US. Even without hurt-feelings laws it usually benefits them in the end because it lets them act like martyrs.

Well the thing is there are two extra aspects to this:
1) because of his actions there is a very real chance the cunts will walk free
2) Robinson has been to prison before (for mortgage fraud) and there he was assulted. He has made many enemies, including some in the mob (he runs a tanning salon in central Luton, he is defo linked with them somehow). There is a very real chance he will be assulted or even killed behind bars. If that happens, things might kinda go off, and it won't be pretty.

Looks moar like a ZOG Occupied Governmentbot.

I'm always sceptical of philosophers you can "interpret" in almost every direction.

Yeah, right! pic related.

Am I the only one who thinks that what he did was lulzy? Not that I am denying that he is a fraud, but this whole thing about "muh English and Welsh laws" makes me throw up.

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Apparently, he was filming quietly in a public space, having learned from last time that he should not make the statements referred to by . Given that it is reported Robinson was livestreaming at the time, there should be video evidence of the man making predjudicial statements.

muh freeze peach

Umm no sweaty, that happened because of this

do i have to explain it to you or can you try figuring out on your own?
a charicature isn't poof of anything, just for your information

Reminder this is what Robsinson thinks we should do to muslims.


Right, as a britbong, I can see this going one of three ways:
1) it simmers down like count D*nkula
2) this leads a new EDL, that will be very visable and active for like a year or two but will die like the last one because "respectable people" won't get on board and that is what happens to RWP protest groups. There will be a lot of streetfighting though, especially since in the UK antifa is actuqlly organised into a group called "United against racism", which funnily enough is an SWP front.
3) this finally turns into a proper hard right political party, think BNP 2.0, this time with more yanks. Now ofc there are lots of UKIP and BNP remnants around the place, what would be gamechanging is if figures like say Katie Hopkins or Anne-Marine Winters or Robinskn got in on the act. Now there was an attempt at entryism with UKIP but that failed since Bolton (remember him? He was the one with the racist gf) won. A political party uniting these kind of figures, the thugs of the former EDL, the personalities of the old altright and the oldguard like Griffin would be a major step. How that would end, nobody knows.

You're twelve, aren't you?

ZOG Occupited Government
what does ZOG Occupied Government stand for?
that wasn't about your argument made there

to the point of trump being a zionist
yeah, duh
doesn't change that also antisemites suck his dick
furthermore, antisemitism and zionism are working together, essentially having the same ideology behind them

Behold, the communist. The supporters of the working class. Can you just stop with the fucking BS already. You don't give a shit about the working class, you care about your own asshole. Robinson is more or less Marx's' definition of the English working class and you are celebrating his arrest.

he had it coming tbh

Stop. just stop, he's a two bit reactionary ideologue who won't be missed.

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No he fucking isn't he is petit bourgeois.

Classcucks might be working class, but they're not revolutionary in any way or form. Nice try though.

the words "more or less" are doing a bangladeshi sweatshop worker's amount of labor in this sentence