Chomsky and anti-imperialism

Why does Chomsky seem to be the ONLY anarchist or libertarian socialist who consistently opposes imperialism and refuses to parrot imperialist propaganda?

So many libcoms gladly fall for it, but he never does.

Attached: chomsky.jpg (220x293, 21.16K)

He is for Ro-Java.

except for the loads of anti-Soviet propaganda he promoted you mean? except for the anti-Syrian propaganda?

He might be pro over a dozen US military bases in Syria, but he repeatedly debunks any of the bullshit the Western media says about Assad

This reads like one very subtle way to say "Pledge your support for NK"

you should tho

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How does he work for the US military? Never heard this

he doesn't, its a reactionary trying to spread dis information

no you shouldn't

He worked for the military for years at MIT

That’s not disinformation there are many books written about this clear hypocrisy

This. He also vehemently denies it for some reason.

Saying he used to work for the military is different than saying he currently is employed by the military. Most scientist at the top of their fields will directly or indirectly be funded by the military through the universities they work at. Its called the Military INDUSTRIAL Complex for a reason. Alot of the military funding is being spent on research of technology that makes it public decades later.

And he chose to stay at MIT and help the government in their war effort, all while publishing endless essays condemning them.

So, what, you think that if Chomsky abandoned his university job, that would've seriously impeded the US war machine? This thought process is redolent of teenage individualist anarchists.

There's pretending that your dark energy research needs an NSF grant then there's working as a consultant for MITRE.

I didn’t say that. Lmao why are you defending Chomsky’s honor online?


I give him a break about working for MITRE, because the guy was in his 30s and America was coming out of ww2. When i was in college i majored in Mathematics and wanted into PHD program. There is alot of status in getting those positions at elite universities.

You aren't wrong tho, just my opinion

He hasn't worked on a military project since the 60's after he got serious about politics.

No he doesn't, he says Assad is a monstrous dictator. Can't wait for Chomsky to die.
Also, can't forget he did research at MIT that was instrumental to bombing campaigns in Vietnam, he openly admits this.

Source? I've read before that the command/control project he consulted on turned out to be a failure.
He'll openly admit to working for MITRE but he's pretty cagey about what level of direct involvement the military had on the project.

His theories were vital to the design of programming languages such as LISP, which were originally used primarily for military applications.

Right but he didn't work on LISP or even with McCarthy and Russell. They just adapted his work on recursion for their own purposes. How is he responsible for that?

Cuz he worked at MIT, he was contributing to MIT and the MIC, you think they'd have used his theories as heavily if he was publishing in the USSR or somewhere?