I still havent received a good answer to this question

I still havent received a good answer to this question
"In your ideal society, what if I refuse to clean the shitters/do the unpleasant job?"
No automation responses

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someone else will do it and get better labor vouchers/whatever reward is for more intense labor, which depends on whatever flavor of communism it would be

You don't get any compensation. Hopefully you have no relatives to mooch off of, and will thusly stop being a crybaby and go to work like a normal person.
The tones of your post are really oh-so original; it is truthfully a small wonder that people can so consistently come here thinking "Socialism=me scrub toilet for bad dollar". It's almost amazing.
But to talk about the "ideal" society, I'll go wide and bland. There will be no classes, because the people who work will have full say in their work. The end, story time is over. You will be paid according to the intensity/quality/time of your labor, and whatever else people want. You can go forever like this. Perhaps people will give you extra money for being beautiful? Stop being an idealist and recognize that society can be changed but not molded.



/Cockshott/ reporting

Positions that simply are not being filled will have to be temporarily incentivized (ie you get 1.5 hours instead of just 1 per hour, increasing your means of consumption relative to others). This is inflationary and so must be controlled tightly, but valuable yet undesirable jobs have to be done. In the mean time, this is the cue for planning boards to invest much more time in researching and developing technologies which will automate these processes: these are the jobs society doesn't want to do, it's the obligation of the state to do whatever it can to releave society of the burden. Capitalism has it's own set of stimuli which promote growth and automation, an unfilled position serves that purpose in socialism.


Kindly fuck off.

Your waifu gets stolen.

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I'll do it. I'm pretty certain a lot of people do unpleasant jobs like cleaning up shit. I don't think they're that unpleasant.

I mean, the real unpleasant job is probably retail and dealing with assholes, and you already have millions of people doing that.

Then you shitter is going to be covered in shit, its on your head bucko.

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It's simple. The slaves.

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Make the leftists do it, or else

I'm a communist. I don't deal in ideals.

artificial intelligence

either that or these >>2537810

Step aside you fucking baby, I'll clean the toilets. I'll make those toilets fucking spotless in 4 hours and earn more money than I ever did with my 10 hour shifts working retail while trying to go to school at the same time. Those who are spoiled yet still want more will always be outnumbered by those that barely have enough to get by and will be happy for lives that aren't even much better, just less hard and miserable. You are soft and you can always be replaced.

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Unpleasant jobs are often extremely low skill, thereby the duty should be shared, everyone has to have a shit job for one week out of the year or something like that.
I mean, same thing that happens if you don't pay taxes or a loan.

Of all the challenges the CNT, free ukraine, the Paris commune and the Zapatistas faced, I don't cleaning toilets was one of them.

In fact, fucking hell, most uni students have got this one figured out.

Unpleasant jobs are usually necessary for the society to function, since they deal with sanitation, or material production. Dirty jobs because no one did optimize it yet to be less dirty and more efficient. Since you have 8-hour shifts, there is no pressure to do the same amount of work in less time since you will always have to work those 8 hours.

In fact the function of actually doing these jobs by many people in turns is to remind ourselves on how our society is dependent on this unpleasant labour. Improvements towards hygiene, work safety, ease of work are always welcome, since having to participate is self-flagellating insistence on 8-hour work day is no longer an issue. In fact today many people are not that productive, especially in the first world. They do not work the entire 8 hours. Only in assembly line work they do, or other kinds of material production, or construction work. But in information processing kind of work, this does not apply, office rats obviously do their work in 2-4 hours and then slack off, or are burdened with a work that could be automated and instead driven to insanity with stress. But nobody would risk creating an automaton that would result in them being repositioned or risking future layoff since they are not needed.

Exploited and alienated workers have no desire to perform more efficienty in less time, they have no incentive due to the structures and practices around them.

Hell is other people.

Mommy will spank you.

There are worse jobs than that. And those either are just assigned according to a schedule to everyone, or are used as a punishment for misbehaving.

cleaning toilets isn't a profession everyone can and should do it, take it from someone who's been doing it on and off for about two years in bars.

If you're working in a bar/restaurant/shop/whatever and someone vomits and clogs up the urinal then its the responsibility of the workers in that establishment to resolve that issue collectively because unlike under capitalism there isn't going to be some guy who's entire job is to mop piss up off the toilet floor or offer breathmints to drunks, cleaning a toilet takes 5 minutes to do a decent job - half an hour at max if you want it to look really good.

I cleaned my bathroom toilet yesterday, it wasn't that hard.

Bitch you live in a society, drop that liberal bullshit

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STOP spreading false ideology

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Then you get to live in shit. Enjoy, I guess.

Not as hard as your head I bet. Shut your fucking mouth until you've cleaned 100 toilets in a day, covered in the shit of fat, retarded Americans.

Is there a way to make people do certain jobs as punishment for lesser crimes, and as long as they do that job they don't have to go into a prison system? I guess like community service?

In my ideal society you won't exist and neither will I. So there.

Mini gulags. You steal someone's cellphone despite having your own because loltrolling and you get sentenced to clean public bathrooms for 2 months.
Sounds kool.


If there is still currency shit jobs recieve more, if not you work less if you are in one.
I am pretty sure it's easier to find 4 people willing to clean shit for 2 hours recieving x than 1 people willing to do it for 8 for the same ammount.

If you want it spelled out completely

There is no worse punishment than social exclusion. People looking down on you because you don't want to clean the toilets. And then some other person will show the whiner the reasonable way to clean the toilets, and the whiner will realize that it is not that bad, if only they knew then they would not be refusing to clean the toilet in the first place, knowing it is not that difficult nor messy.