My IRL encounter with a Maoist 3rd Worldist


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I find it hard to believe people this retarded actually exist outside of the internet. What bookfair was this, exactly?

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Can't believe you managed to meet Zig Forums's BO at random like that

Maoism was a mistake

She sounds hot, fug her

Nice try FBI.


What sort of liberal bullshit is this?

TBH it's a pretty common thing Maoists say. "National liberation comes first."

I can only imagine what they say about Yugoslavia.

Funnily enough I saw this happen in real life but it ended up in a fight and with me and some other guy having to break it up, quite a fun story actually.

This is comedy gold. 10/10 OP.

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Isn't the idea that ethnicities should all have their own nations just the liberal formulation of white nationalism? You're essentially doing the Nazis' job for them.

It's "national liberation" you cracker. Read Settlers.

Non-whites only.

ffs how come it's ALWAYS leafs who have the worst white guilt?

why not?

mao was an okay comrade but maoism is revisionism

story time?


Trust me the other sides were not that great, there were fights between libertarians and dem-socs, even some chairs were thrown.

Now the Uni wants to redo the event but only allow "normal" and "casual" ideologies so it is going to be a neo-liberal circlejerk

My. Fucking. Sides.

this is too funny to have actually happened

top lol


It did, I will miss the encounters

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Bless burgers

You know, this is something that I've been thinking about for a long time. Why can't people just be regular ass Marxists? Why do people feel the need to latch on to ideologies that in most cases were a result of the material conditions at that time and place? Even Marx said that in different situations, socialism would emerge differently and take different forms. So then why attempt to have this one size fits all ideology instead of just starting with Marx and working from there based on current conditions?

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cuz theyre burgers therefore badly read on things

There are pretty big epistemological differences between Maoism and "standard" Marxism.

Also I just understood now that a.m.ericanization
gets filtered into capitalization, I can understand such viewpoint but it would be more usefull to get rid of this wordfilter right?

No, you don't get it, people (reddit) were saying that the Amerimutt meme was racist and BO put the world filter to shut them down.
BO is Kahina-Greaves twitter ☭TANKIE☭ who does essentially believe white privilege theory except it only applies to americans.

Isn't he also a Dengist of some sort who blows a lid as soon as you point out how China isn't socialist?

the filter is on ant1_4merican not ant1_4mericanism .

That story reminds me of that ugly Maoist larper

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She's right about this part

That person claims to be a latinx woman now.

l mean lf you want decent political discourse outside of the democratic-liberal apradigm you will be engaging almost exclusively w leftists cause rightwingers don't know or care about political theory

What? I've personally banned several people (short bans) for posting Amerimutt stuff because it's Zig Forums-tier (I know it came from /int/, it's still Zig Forums-tier).
The USA is the Great Satan tho. Actually that gives me a wordfilter idea.

Funny because they used to identify as Jewish. "Ahuviya" is an off-spelling of Ahuvah,, which means love in Hebrew.



That person claims to have cut their dick off, now.

Did they really?

How do you think Maoists in the 3rd World feel about the fact that their two most famous representatives int he West are a boorish fat fuck and an autistic tranny?

no, he instead drank a bottle of laxative to get admitted to the nearest hospital who put a diaper on him and he took a picture of that and claimed he's post-op and has a vagina now

probably how Hitler would have felt if he saw Zig Forums defend Trump moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem

That's…. incredible.


La câlice de tiers-mondiste de tabarnak!

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Hitler actually did support Israel though. Zionists and Nazis got along really well, they do to this day.

Zig Forums meetup

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So do Maoists, atusim and trannies.

so this is… the power of soy….


Why? WN is prevalent in the US and should be mocked and derided at every opportunity. BTW make sure to filter USA and US as well.

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The point of the meme is so Euro WNs can feel good about themselves for being "pure" white people. Its just as reactionary as burgers posting about how their 100% aryan, possibly more so, since everyone knows the bad faith involved there.


eh, I'm basically the amerimutt meme (half hispanic). I'm not really offended by the way they are using it.

Who cares if it's real? It's fucking hilarious.

Their entire identity is centered around being nice.

This never happened. No third worldist believes this kind of nonsense. Learn the difference between Sakaism (1st worldism) and 3rd worldism. Stop attention seeking.

t. actual third worldist.

How about educating us on the difference? Because when most leftists think of 3rd Worldism they think of Sakai and Settlers.

Nice fake story

Noam Chomsky is an open Zionist thou

Kahina and greaves split up because greaves said that the whit proletariat do not reproduce the structure of white supremacy

Of course. No one on this board has the capability to talk to a girl, much less get that far into the convo.

Lol youre asking that here?

Chomsky has compared Israel to South Africa and even says it's worse. How is he a Zionist?

He said the he is an 'early style' Zionist.
I think chomsky isn't the best thinker to use although the larper op described seems to be real annoying

What is the LLCO's position on indigenous peoples in North America?

Amerimutt is a perfectly cromulent meme. It insults both liberal americans, who resent the racist implication, and aut rightist, who resent the implication of mixed ancestry.

It's telling enough that this is plausible with Maoists

Colonization of the Americas was a mistake

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I like how you expected her to fall in love with you, but had a spergy argument instead.

A Canadian Maoist? You don't say…

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You might not be that right, I have seen socialists that sounded like actual centrists and Maoists that sounded like utopian socialists.

It is true that if we consider the horrible cancer of neo-liberalism or white nationalism as rightwing then yes, I can understand it but there are many other friends that I know of that are quite the "armchair" enthusiasts

So far pretty awful but I expect this, but I can't understand why in the Hell you even tried talking to her.
Okay this one she's right on.
You should have unironically knocked the bitch out then and there and left cigarette burns all over her face.

You can't just go full OJ on women merely on the basis you hate their politics. If that sentiment were big on the left, we'd be the biggest abusers of women by far.

Her twitter I assume

Isn't everyone in South America a little bit white though?


We're all mongrels tbh

t. Hispanic

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Its true
because totally classcucked
Good. It reason to introduce automation in yours workplace to force you work more efficiently.

La Luz Extinguido is pretty interesting, how did he get powers to envelop the world in darkness, and why does his progeny not inherit his powers?

canada is a basket case, no surprise there

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Toronto is shit. Montreal is pretty chill.

The entire point of the meme is to make fun of Zig Forums and their overwhelming burger majority. It's meant to be ironic.

Because derivative ideologies do not "adapt" Marxism, they pervert it with the various spooks of local cultural and religious customs. It's a fairly common cognitive bias: no one thinks their values are spooks, even if they think the notion of spooks is accurate in general.
Marxism is a one size fits all ideology, it changes and matures based on rational development from people around the world, not to suit the convenience of hypocritical idealists.

The fact that Zig Forums rats don't already know there's probably more marxist theories than actual marxists shows you how thick they are.

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This guy fucks.

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They like their "flavor of the month" ideologies that match the views they already had before undertaking any sort of academic analysis of Marxism or class struggles in the first place. For instance, most of these queer anarchism, anarchafeminism and whatever the fuck else are all just excuses for edgelords to push their own agendas under the banner of Marxism. It's pathetic and annoying. Basically idpol as political philosophy.

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wtf this isn't what Nazbol gang told me at all!

Most NazBols are ex-tankies who think "da jooz" is an adequate replacement explanation for the evils of capitalism.

Look up "Economic Antisemitism" on wikipedia you nigger.

Can't relate tbh anyone else find themselves becoming more left-wing as they get older?

most nazbols are people who want to be MLs but don't understand DiaMat

By the time i'm 60 I'll be a fucking Post-InterNAZBOL 6th Internationalist Transhuman Marxist-Leninist-Egoist-Posadist with Autro-Indonesian Chariceristics

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Generally speaking, I'm still an anarchist at the age of 30, albeit I'm smarter about it now than I was when I was 19.

Lmao Nazbol is counterinitiatic af

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Haha america sucks cus they have black ppl amirite xD

This marks the one time the feds actually post using their flag, and it's for a shitpost.