I'm confused, this seems like a very esoteric take on the issue, and I'm not sure what the themes are.
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
There's a conspiracy that the UK government protects Muslims due to their religion and censors anyone speaking against them, of course only retarded right wingers believe this But the government really should do it.
Consider that "free speech" is a white nationalist dogwhistle and it makes a lot more sense. It's more like Zyklon Ben dropped the pretense that they were actually talking about free speech.
Is it that time again?
Don't call him that, that's what Zig Forums wants.
As a brit, I think this will just fissile out but I honestly hope it doesn't, all under heaven and that.
To demonstrate just how transparently bullshit the right's claims are here, last year Tommy was charged for contempt for recording inside a courtroom during a gang rape case. He was on probation then rolled up again at another trial involving Muslims with a camera while shouting about Muslim pedos and got charged for the same offense – now he's off to jail. The defendants in the case then requested a mistrial because of Tommy's interference.
Now, keep in mind is that the entire point behind Tommy's antics is to get exactly such a mistrial: to let the pedos off. Because then him and his allies can go "ah! The system protects Muslim pedos!" and then there will be riots.
Fucking saved
Okay, but could he not have used some more labels or something?
He isn't joking about riots btw, I remeber the haydays of the EDL and every time they marched they would smash shit up. If either the paedos (which btw, there is basically no doubt they did it) get off or Tommy gets beaten up/dies in prison there will be literal riots and a refoundation of the EDL. Thing is it won't get to Germany levels where a party gets loads of seats, the BNP were infinately better at electoralism than any new party would be amd they failed to ever beat UKIP during UKIP's slow rise. Neither will it get to US tiers of fash running around the streets because the ANTIFA movement in the UK and the orgs around it are so well organised that EVERY rally will be opposed will more numbers. Unlike the US or Germany, UK ANTIFA is organised into a main org called "Unite against Fascism" (which was founded by the trot SWP, who also set up the major anti war Stop the War Movement). Having a unified org makes things INFINITELY èasier to manage, react and get shit down. The reason the EDL failed is because UAF would rockup everytime the EDL had a rally with more people. Letting the EDL make tits of themselves (throwback: youtu.be
traitors hang the highest
whats the other way
there you go
simple ben
Lol considering Milo is a massive pedo
I dunno, seems pretty complicated to me.
Splitting over innaine shit.
"Great Britain has become an Orwellian, globalist police state. Once the land of the Magna Carta, it’s now the land of tyranny.
Free speech is gone–the imprisonment of Tommy Robinson proves that. There was no legitimate charge, no trial, no due process. Instead, he was disappeared into jail where death threatens him. Remember, an anti-Muslim Englander was imprisoned for a year for leaving a bacon sandwich near a mosque. He was murdered while locked up. The same threat looms for Robinson. The media are not allowed to talk about it. It’s the ‘law.’
Robinson is a whistleblower who cast light on a huge problem in his country: Muslim pedophile rape gangs. Apparently Muslims are a protected caste and so Robinson was arrested and locked up. He was on parole and the British authorities were determined to lock him up again on any pretense. They said he was a ‘threat to the peace,’ which is ridiculous."
What’s next, England—people getting ‘disappeared’ into gulags or the being shot in the back of the head, Stalin-style? It’s good to see many patriotic citizens in England protesting Robinson’s arrest. Unfortunately, they’ve all been disarmed. Let that reinforce a lesson for us Americans: Never, ever give up your guns. If our government ignores our Constitutional rights and tries to ‘disappear’ us into prison camps, we’ll know what to do. Remember the words of Solzhenitsyn:
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst; the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
The sun once never set on the British Empire. Their light of freedom is now gone. It’s a country divided by their ‘diversity’ and permeated by darkness. If the Deep State globalists have their way, America will be next.
It’s time to take a stand for the Freedom of Speech across the world."
-Ben Garrison
What a whiner.
The SWP may have won the battle, but arguably lost the war. Much of the far-right's current success is built on some serious strategic errors made when the EDL emerged. The BNP and far-right caught wind of the paedophile activity in the Muslim community early and unsurprisingly decided to use these accusations to fuel xenophobic rhetoric. The UAF decided to smear the accusers as bigots in response. The passage of time has, unfortunately for the anti-fascists, vindicated the accusations. There were also incidents where the antifascist movement was overtly and blatantly caught telling lies. An example was the arrest of Weyman Bennett, a long time and leading anti-fascist activist, during a counter-protest against the EDL. The anti-fascist new organizations all denied the arrest while the mainstream media unanimously reported the arrest as true. Yes, the EDL eventually withered under the weight of UAF counter-protest and was defeated. The price has been to damage the credibility of the left and produce the appearance that the left will defend wrongdoers in a minority against a legitimately aggrieved majority.
The thing is, the leftwing protest movement has grown immensely also. The foundation of the People's assembly in 2013 (RIP Tony Benn, you will be missed) has expanded upon STW and UAF and can rally 150k for a tory conference (that is more people than are in the tory party). Also UKIP was never able to make the "voice of the working man" image stick, I doubt For Britain or nEoDL could either (òne thing the UAF always did was get unions involved, good move from them). The one thing a new Crypto party will involve is your Carl Benjamin types, who will get lanced by the first proper journalists and comedians they come into contact with. Also most people have forgottoen who UAF are, actually a good thing for them as the scandals you mentioned won't stick. I think things will turn out okay, but there will be brawls, god it is 2007 all over again.
What the fuck
It's true, though. Britain has tens of thousands of pet jihadis on its soil because it uses them to carry out its imperialist interests in the rest of the world (see: Syria, Libya etc.). The British government is more than willing to sacrifice one homegrown white fascist to protect its army of puppet Islamic fascists at home and abroad from criticism.
Tbh I dont know that much about Tony Robinson but from what I hear there was more to the story than him just "opposing muslim fundamentalists"
He always had a cunning plan; usually involving a number of small walls.
How come? Burger here, not too informed on perception of UKIP in the UK.
Mostly because a lot of them were petit boojies, Farage while a character to himself was very southern and appealed only to Essex and in the north UKIP had a hard time dealing with true red labourites. Their support was always in the old seaside towns, which while deprived are not a part of the trad working class britsnare familiar with.
Because UKIP especially under Farage was constantly spinning between having various members and party figures go too far (be outright xenophobic), and Farage having to go on the news and clear up the misunderstanding and make it clear UKIP wasn't like that - he was a leader, but also a diplomat constraining the party's base. This made him inauthentic to one of the two parts of his base. The two parts were broadly simple anglo blokes who want to be proud of the nation again, basic reactionary dupes, and the slightly more politically sophisticated libertarians/wealthy boomers who wanted Friedmanesque economic reform. The smarter libertarians knew Farage was doing politics. The nationalists saw him giving in.
I love caveman wojack but you crossed the fucking line dissing greggs you Londoner piece of shit.
Go and eat Pret a mong. You posh cunt.
I have no idea what this pic is referencing but I love the replies to it.
Never, ever believe anything a right winger says or give them the benefit of the doubt.
Oh, and by the way, Crehen was not "murdered" in prison, he took a drug overdose.
Seriously, these lying sack of shits need executing. All those fucking protests and far-right demonstrations and liberal whining over shit that never even happened.
a chicken in every pot and a dick in every thot
Stop trying to make this a thing.
Are croatians globalists?
I'm a Leeds lad, I just love the pic so much I had to share.
all serbs are tbh
It's hard to know exactly what he meant, there are too many layers
needs more labels tbh
You're about as fucking delusional as a Zig Forumsyp.
Quit apologizing for Islam to fit in with your liberal friends and do some actual research.
There's a reason why the Brit media supported the Syrian rebels (aka Al Qaeda and Al-Nusra) in lockstep with the American media
Poundbakery > Greggs
Fight me you cunts
He'll be murdered in prison. There'll be riots. I can't wait.
All of Ben Garrisons cartoons involve an innocent conservative man being abused by a leftist/liberal/globalist.
We should be taking him at his word though. The right is a paper tiger. The myth of the powerful might-is-right right-wing is the biggest lie in politics. The left and right were born when reactionaries were beheaded and slaughtered without mercy in 1789 and it will end that way too.
Good he should die in prison
Oh yeah sure Zig Forums your definitely going to stop the joos this time right?
Meant for
lol this is the legacy of British fascism
It's showing how the good white people can help the naturally good people (the colored peoples of diversity, who rightfully possess all land, all rights (such as to violence), and all power). Here you see, in the middle, a Hitler figure. Clean looking, and young, probably someone who says "true" things about the good people, who are the colored ones of the Earth.
What are you doing to stop the flow of white people? Have you had your tubes tied, yet, for example, missy?
UAF didn't kill the EDL, the Arab spring did. It's hard to fuel a movement on "all Muslims are fascists" while all you're seeing in the media is Muslims demanding European style democracy.
Dang, if only I had these (Especially the last two) a while ago.
love you socdem
Eh, from the article
Probably not legally murder, but this is pretty much SOP for how incarceration systems kill off underclass undesirables
requesting template for some Big Ben shnanigans
Just remember that fascist classcuckery is the strongest drug in the world, it's sad to see so many of the youth in my country think that this crypto-Jew agent is a martyr for anything meaningful.
Yeah that's why a guy is going to jail for a year
pol thinks this whole thing is a psyop, Tommy Robinson is an actor, apparently it isnt his real name. And robinson is working for the Zionist jews.
My sides.
This is true. More likely to do with Luton mafiosos not getting to him.
Robsinson is an Israel shill, and Israeli trolls are shilling him, this is also true.
Really activates the almonds. The British nationalists are probably the only right wingers who can be anti-Israel but not antisemitic due to the amount of British civilians killed by Israeli terrorists. Being a British nationalist and pro-Israel just doesn't make sense
WRONG en.wikipedia.org
🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱Britons🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 are JEWS
If I have to hear the word Orwell one more damn time I swear to the skies I will rip out my eyeballs and shove them so far up my butt they come out my belly button.
Protestant British want to be Jewish my friend, we Catholic British are the true heirs of their soil! CathComm gang with DIRECT RULE FROM LONDON
*Dissolves Parliament*
Cuz he literally is
Surprised to see Zig Forums took this long to find out
A bit like trump
How embarrassing
Reminder that no matter how much these people scream about their spooking shit like free speech they don't believe in it
Remember that these people would have issue putting you and everyone you have ever loved in a gas chamber if it was in order to save their spooky tradishuns and of course protect capital the true goal of fascism
*Would have no issue