Right Wing Cringelord Thread

Guy in the picture is NK Ryzov aka Militant_Ape on YouTube. He deleted all of his videos on YT but he's still active on FB under the name N.K Ryzov.

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Other urls found in this thread:



I love how he didn't bother to remove the coat hanger from the background. Now it looks like if it were part of the standard Zig Forumstrooper uniform.

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Why do people do this?

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Smoking and using lighters.

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Its so you can have a good grip on things, while your fingers dont get hot and sweat.

makes it look like you listen to slipknot and play call of duty 4 bruh

Latent school shooter tendencies

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Proper combat or mechanic's gloves are like $20, the average Zig Forumstard can't countenance a purchase so extravagant, much better to buy the cheap dollar store fake wool gloves and cut the finger tips off

Wool for digits, leather for warmth.

When I work at my grandparents (the usual, painting shit, sawing, upkeeping their garden, removing rust) I never wear gloves, I find them to be obstructing to me doing stuff in general but if you want to keep a good grip on a weapon I suggest work gloves, my grandpa has a pair

Oh look, a literal snowflake.

Waterproof motorcycle gloves with nbc liner gloves inside are the most comfy and protective
German combat gloves are the most dexterous

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Oh look, a literal snowflake

And I'm 16 and go to school 9:00 ish to 16:30 or 17:00 and I do that shit to help out, I'm not a 22 year old neet working at grandpa's just for clarification

You think I was insulting you?

Can't you see the snowflake in the picture?

Getting pretty defensive there NEET boy

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You wot m8

because of this

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woopsie I thought you responded to the gloves post lol, my bad.

People refer to me as defensive and bad at taking criticism so yeah I guess so.

no U wot

Just found this one also

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1. you can imagine you're Ash Ketchum
2. capacitive touch screens

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GOAT rightwing cringe coming through

i hate everyone right now

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Jesus fuck, the autism on this…..

Saw these on /cow/

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I wanna help that girl transition, honestly.

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Jesus fucking Christ, discord collets the dirtiest scum of the earth.

Only a retard would read their privacy policy and continue to use Discord

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oh look, a picture for ants

Were it not for the swastika, she'd look pretty hot

This image is outdated, It should say queen of poz.

this dude looks like a B-rate molyneux


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A play in three parts.

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The guy holding the red-and-black Sonnenrad shield in that pic is Will Fears' (of "what about the memes" infamy) brother. I think Colton is still in jail facing attempted murder charges after the Gainesville shooting.

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There is probably no intended political meaning in that, they see it just as a snazzy uniform and the crimes of the Nazis are as remote to them as the universe of Star Wars. (Just like when kids dress up as cowboys, that is usually not meant as an endorsement of killing Native Americans.)

Behold the masterrace

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The real question is, who is the dude dressed as sub zero?

OML that last one is just pure gold
This article is too funny. Choice citations:

I think the Russell guy is just as funny as Arthurs. You love the Nazis but cry like a town crier when your friends get shot (spoiler alert this happened a lot to the real Nazis) and deny what you were making the explosives for.

But the guy not only adopting Islam without really knowing the first thing about it and then killing his roommates for disrespecting "his country" and "his" faith is just too funny.

Pretty much, Japanese fascism is much more real and scary to anyone in the Asian Pacific Theater.

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We can use some boomer images

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While we're at it, we should include some liberal cringe as well

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the russia/putin is communist meme offends me the most

I fail to see what is cringe worthy about this. The comparison is apt.

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Wtf where are the white people lmao I only see asians mutts and landwhales…

Not even that surprising, honestly.

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Why do asians love Nazis so much? Heh, it's almost cute.

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what said

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Oh I guess it's because of their history

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They probably see the Swastika differently as well, depending on what part of Asia they're from. pic related

I don't get how the right wing can confuse liberals for leftists when this shit exists.

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a Thai prince made a big facebook rant about Hitler being a genius and the holocaust being a jewish hoax. Kind of funny and interesting, gotta do more research myself on WW2.

here's a thai politician giving the nazi salute during parliament and screaming Heil Hitler!!! WOW


The world really is changing huh?

Have none of you learned by now?
Zig Forums isn't white.

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so is that like the left trying to appropriate anime girls for memes?

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heh, true, but this isn't new.

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Oh yeah I know, even before the Nazi's, the eternal nationalist is in every race.

ya kind of like wanting good families and living in good towns. oh well

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Whoa hold on there buddy Imperial Germany was not Nazi Germany, jeez Zig Forums not even five seconds and you ruined your 2 post streak on being (For once) historically accurate.

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still new to this stuff but how come muslims and nazis got along easily? despite the racial and religious differences

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I never said that pic was nazi germany, notice the filename.

but imperial and nazi germany still used coloreds in their ranks, and didn't segregate them like the Americans did.

Oh god here come the Muslims=Nazi people.

forgot vid for context. blurred out his face for some reason.

"You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"
- Hitler (or so says Speer)

not familiar with this issue, explain.
I guess they are both inherently far-right ideologies?

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Yes Hitler changed his position on Christianity as he aged. Yet most german nazis were christian. Goebbels was a big fan of the bible and Christ, not sure if he actually practiced what he preached though.

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Are there bigger cucks on this earth, honestly?

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Goebbels was an outright new age pagan wasn't he?

Sage you retard. And honorary aryan was just a buzzword used by Hitler.

no shit

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Hard to say, his diary/writings sing a lot of praise for Jesus and the bible.

in war allies help each other. also africans tend to have a lot of resources underground but no idea how to collect them and no tools to extract them, and also less insight when it comes to manufacturing and selling, and so forth.

Honorary aryan applied to Japanese mainly. Germany had strict interracial marriage laws, yet they allowed germans to marry japanese.
Also some Jews were allowed to remain in the military or high ranks despite their ancestry in some exceptions. Like Emil Maurice, who was excellent and allowed to remain in the SS despite being a jew. So it wasn't merely a buzzword.

we got a big brained wojack here.
Guess when you're allies are retarded as you, shouldn't come as a surprise.
Yeah, this is still imperialism, dum dum

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It's the buzzword the same way house nigger is a buzzword.
It's meaningless tokenism.

House nigger isn't a buzzword coon.

Forgot my sage.

great b8 m8

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Fantastic retort my friend, good job bumping a hijacked thread as well.

a buzzword has no functional impact, the title honorary aryan had an impact.


neo nazi bullying a gay man

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So why is this a good thing? Why would leftist want care about what a good imperialist power nazi germany was?

seriously they need to lift more…

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not all actions that can be construed as "imperialist" are bad or evil, nor are are they wise or good; you gotta lay out the argument buddy. Why do you keep bringing up this buzzword?

Buzzwords have the functional impact of being, just that; buzzwords. They only obfuscate a relationship rather than elucidate.

how can this happen?

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ya, outside that they have no functional impact. it doesn't apply to terms like honorary aryan, which actually granted people rights and effected their lives.

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do you know where you are?
This is Zig Forums. Imperialism is always a mechanism of capitalist control over a nation.
you have to go back

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