Looking for some people to debate on discord

Hi, im looking for left leaning people/communists to debate on discord.
Im free all day, so i will be responding to calls and messages.
Please only message/call me, if you're actually going to debate me.
Discord name is Noctulian Werwolf#3252

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Debate about what exactly?

It can be anything, economics, trump, ethnostates, whatever… Im right leaning myself.

noone engage this autist please

Some guy is posting that guy face on all my forums. Is he a meme?

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Can't you just do that here?

Discord is a better platform for debating.

Why does he want to get you on discord so badly? hmmmm makes ya think


maybe he thinks he can dox some evil commies

this guy shows up in alot of servers and apparently just really likes to debate, can back up his ideas with arguments respectfully and overall pretty cool.

if you're paranoid about being doxed or something make a throwaway account


yes mr. not-Noctulian

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It's a fucking chatbox with a voiceroom. Debates there are pretty shallow.

Discord has massive protection for users against doxing, so there's no reason to worry about doxxing.

I have nothing to do, and enjoy debating people. Is that a problem? or do you enjoy circle jerks?

Much better layout than 8chn + you said it yourself, it has a voiceroom.

Not a fed I promise

This might shock you but people using a text forum are not looking for voice chat.

There are exceptions, and im looking for those. Not you, the person willing to cry about a different platform.

Now that's just ableist against the mute.

People in the thread show disinterest and you immediately start berating and insulting them. Boy do I look forward debating you.

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