Zig Forums has been cleansed of it's original moderation and all word filters are gone. You are free to freely debate with people like you did in the past without the treat of being banned unless your so afraid of debate that you would rather stay in this torture chamber.
You can come back home now
Why don't you read Towards A New Socialism and just stay here?
What sort of "debate" do you have between sessions of cucking yourselves for Trump?
I'd rather have a board that is a neutral battleground for all ideologies. If you wish to prove that socialism is the best than by means go for it. No one will stop you on Zig Forums You will no longer banned for arguing leftist ideas.
Trump worship is no longer sanctioned. The mods are gone. You are free to be as critical of Trump as you want to be.
so what, youre gonna let the redditors in now? Nice backbone
The whole point of Zig Forums originally was to be a place in which all ideologies would compete against each other. If your ideas are so weak that you would rather stay here than by all means, but your doing yourself any favors. In what way is having a neutral area for discussion in any way similar to letting in redditors? Would you rather just sit here and discuss the same thing over and over again or sharpen your blade against an ideological enemy?
Oh yeah the mods were the only problem i can't wait to argue with people and only get "but muh jews" as a response to everything.
There are only so many arguments one can make for or against something. I'm not pro-echo chamber by any means but that doesn't mean I support endless argumentation. At the end of the day, all arguments boil down to emotions and how you feel anyway. If you ask "but why?" enough times, eventually, after all the logic and reason has been accounted for, the answer is going to be "I just feel this way."
Honestly, a lot of my "ideological enemies" are already here. There are still threads where the same arguments against any form of socialism are trotted out here.
Not to mention that, well, the level of discourse on Zig Forums is shit.
Facts and figures are often disregarded because they're "lies" without going into why they'd be lies, it's just taken as fact that they're lies. Part of this is that I think our worldviews differ so greatly there can't be much in the way of dialogue as a result. At least, not without earnest and candid attempts to understand each other. Such attempts are rare on the internet at large, rarer still on Zig Forums, in my experience.
I figured I probably wasn't going to convince many people. This was more or less just letting you guys know that you free to debate on Zig Forums if you wish. The last thing that board needs is to regress back into the circle jerk it was before. I may be opposed to you ideologically, but silencing you guys wasn't right.
Maybe I'll come back, maybe not.
Maybe only for some scorchingly hot takes like this one.
Too little, too late.
What is there to debate with a fascist? The only interaction you should get is at the end of a fist or gun.
ok, let's go to Zig Forums
Honestly the divorce is final, and I think we're better off being two separate boards. Like said our worldviews are so radically different that in order to have a worthwhile debate both sides need to make a real effort to understand each other. 9 times out of 10 we have to spend our time shooting down the same low effort "arguments". It just isn't worth it on the internet. I'll still come to Zig Forums every once in a while, but not permanently.
fuck off
Zig Forums didn't split from Zig Forums in the first place. The initial group of users was from a whole collection of places, with a plurality drawn from /lit/.
Some of the rightists on Zig Forums are willing to have an actual argument, but the majority of them are Americans that live in a reality bubble and have an entire nonsensical mythos built on top of straw men and outright lies about far left ideologies. Hating us isn't just common for them, it is literally integral to their national identity, and possibly their mental integrity. Even the views of North America's own self-styled radicals are just edgier liberalism, that is how dead their left wing is.
This board was never meant to be a hug box, but sometimes a line needs to be drawn. You are always free to come here for debate, and some of us will return the favor.
I welcome the leftists. I'm a fascist but I'm a left fascist with sympathies towards Stalin. It's better than that place being an echo chamber.
pls go back
But do you blame the jews for everything when in reality it's just the bourgeoisie acing in it's self interest?
Why consider yourself fash?
I blame bourgeois Jews. i.e. international bankers.
I used to be a communist but I don't like the communist views on social issues.
Like what? There are a fair few actually reactionary reds here.
Why not blame the entire bourgeoisie class instead of JUST the jews in the banking industry?
Like what?
I really do love the word filter sometimes.
I meant s.ocially c.onservative.
I'll probably go debate over there eventually, but only once dust settles from the old Zig Forums mods getting BTFO. I'm not gonna quit posting here either since I quite like it a lot of the time