Are whites in white nations white supremacists and racists or am I getting full bias because my only contact with white people is pol.
Is pol the normal view of whites in white nations or is just a larper white supremacy board?
Are whites in white nations white supremacists and racists or am I getting full bias because my only contact with white people is pol.
Is pol the normal view of whites in white nations or is just a larper white supremacy board?
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You’ve been drinking the Zig Forums kool-aid
They really fucking aren't, I live in a majority white nation never actually met a white nat. The one who was close is literally a fucking manlet so yeah.
Most white people think white sulremacists are usually uneducated backwards rednecks who are more often than not the subject of jokes rather than being respected and agreed with.
White supremacists are a joke, especially to other white people.
T. White American.
Zig Forums is whiter than Zig Forums
They're one in twenty thousand at most. A vast majority of people are pretty apolitical/disinterested or have generic vague opinions as in most places. I've met more communists out in the wild than i've met anyone with even a hint of fascist sympathies about them and the few one's i've know to have 'subtle' fascist sympathies are arrogant posh wankers 90% of the time. But this is in europe and i'm pretty convinced that white nationalism is an almost exclusively burger-phenomenon which only spreads to europe through young guys yankeefied by the internet who live dumb burger drama.
My mother told me never to look homeless people in the eye and on a few occasions told me to make sure the car doors were locked after seeing a black person, but she never expressed anything remotely like Zig Forumss views. She voted for Clinton.
Reminder that Hitler was in theory a pan-European white nationalist but couldn't contain his German autism
Your mum needs a few months of gu… reeducation.
Most white people are not white supremacists here in America . For an idea of the number, I really think they are probably as common as gay people.Very present , but not a majority .I have known racists. Most racists have been softened into an 'i just don't want to be around people different than me, leave me alone' attitude. .But they could be emboldened;. Plus it will fuel their politics, m'course.
While I don't think that most white people are overtly racist, a lot of them are more covertly racist , and are willing to uphold a racist system .I don't think that ethno-nationalism will ever be a major player, but they will probably succeed in causing people's natural biases to be worse.
Mostly things like denying racism even happens . I hate bringing up Youtubers but just watch the way any centrist tries to pretend that this shit doesn't happen everywhere, and thinks it's not systemic. Depending on where you live it is very easy to be a well meaning white person that is just very ignorant because they maybe only have one non-whitey family in their whole entire town. Accepting people of different colors, but only if they come off as 'clean-cut 'and 'respectable' .
Sort of like this:
That's more the racism you are going to run into.
look up white flight
all those nice white liberals who are polite to your face don't want to live within 20 miles of you
literally every white person with a brain doesn't want to have anything to do with you subhumans and works 60 hour weeks to live in all white suburbs. no exceptions.
How much do we all wanna bet this poster is a mutt?
A significant chunk of all people in all countries are racist.
White Americans, on average, are much more racist than the posters itt want to admit. Ironically the Nazi is right, there are plenty of white people who are ok with being around some black people but they don't want to live in a neighborhood with a significant black population. 39% of white people oppose BLM, which, in my opinion, isn't even an especially radical movement (source:
That said, outright Zig Forums-tier "the Jews are using blacks to destroy the white race" is not a very common sentiment.
My entire family is white and I live in the Southern US, I can give anecdotes.
Most of them are against racism but some of those people still spout whitenat talking points on rare occasions even if they don't like those guys. Out of the ones who aren't against racism, they're not Zig Forums tier since they just don't like brown people, I asked some of them and they're still basically ok with Jews and gays lmao
Here in Shitaly is more of an issue about muh immigrants. Obviously, this is not the place where you can sell racial purity bullshit. Recently, you get people sperging about muh substityooshan of the autoctonous popyoolayshan on the internet. And it's something clearly imported from Burgerland. I think it's taking hold among a certain lunatic fringe because of the recent wave of refugees coming from Africa coupled with the economy barely recovering after years of crisis and austerity.
Zig Forumstards differ from your average white only quantitatively, not qualitatively. In my experience most of us here in burgerland dislike obvious nazis but love cops, can't recognize dogwhistles, and say out of touch / straight up racist shit all the time. Rich liberals pay lip service to affirmative action etc. only for appearances' sake. Poor whites are more likely to hate cops, but usually don't bother hiding their racism at all. We all pretend that white supremacy is some fringe element instead of the status quo. It sucks, honestly.
Its radically racialist if that counts. It doesn't really do anything of substance for black people because its a movement of the black middle class. I'm for some of the things they fight for (such as an end to police brutality) but have a low opinion of the leadership of the movement overall.
Is it? The slogan "You Will Not Replace Us" came from France btw. A lot of burgers get their right-wing ideologies from Europe, where there is a history of fascists coming to power and holding it successfully.
Its a little bewildering why Europe is losing its mind over a few million refugees a year while the US probably has 12-15 million illegal immigrants on its soil. US toleration of legal immigration is higher than; plenty of Trumptards seemed to dig the whole "we want immigration just make sure its legal xD" rhetoric of Trump.
Even the Vltchek who hates the US with a passion admits that between Europe and the US most Third Worlders prefer to go to the US because there's less open racism.
This seems like a contradiction given how reactionary the US but it actually makes sense. Nations that were settled by immigrants are more likely to tolerate immigration; and likewise, when you live in a country that's always been "multi-ethnic/mutli-cultural" its easier to accept.
Yeah it's pretty bad. How do we combat it?
and more diverse than r/fullcommunism
In America, lots of whites live in WASP/jewish/asian enclaves.
People that are born into these areas are anti-racist, but their parents or grandparents who moved to these locations from urban centers are not.
Whites who live among minorities (poor whites) are normally at least a little bit racist.
The vast majority of whites in America, excluding millenials in liberal cities like San Francisco are racist.
Being implicitly racist doesn't make you any less of a racist.
user, I think when you point at you actually mean .
Well, I might have mixed things up. Probably I heard about this "theory" from a Burger source, but I actually don't know its real origin. Anyway, most of the shit going on the Italo-internet - both normie and lunatic stuff - is 99% bad translations and partial repackaging of American stuff. I guess the thing has been bounced back and forth a couple of times across the ocean before it got to this sorry place…
Regarding fascists having been in power, fascism has its fair share of racist ideologies and conspiratard stuff, but hasn't got a monopoly on them. Am I wrong or America - but also Australia, just to name another country which has always had a liberal democratic government - is the birthplace of KKK, has successfully genocided its indigenous population, has fought a civil war around blacks being or not slaves and shit like that? You don't need a one party, officially authoritarian state to have racist shit and corresponding ideologies. Even Italofascism took until 1938 to pass racial laws - and they did it to appease the failed Austrian painter - and there were plenty of Italian men having children with Erithrean and Ethiopian women at the time. Portugal officially rejected racism and bloody Salazar insisted on the multiracial character of the empire, considering nazism's infatuation with "blood" something pagan, with mulatto kids even parading at his funeral as members of the Portuguese Youth. On the other hand, South Africa, with a Westminster system of government for whites - and at times "Coloureds" and Asians too - had the Apartheid.
I don't think it's even one million per year, tbh. Anyway, keep in mind austerity and the last crisis had hit hard a lot of people. They saw the welfare state being savaged - and that is much more important and extensive here than in Burgerland - they lost their jobs or started to feel like it could happen at any moment and sho on and sho on. Some people started sperging about muh niggaz and muh muzlimz quite spontaneously - I guess they had always been racists - while others joined the circlejerk following some astute demagogues like the AfD in Germany, Wilders in the Netherlands, UKIP in Bongistan, Salvini here in Eedahlee etc.
I don't know who Vltchek is - I guess he/she is Czech or Slovakian, though - and I have to trust your word on that.
It makes sense, in a way. It can be a more socially reactionary place compared to Europe - there are some forms of welfare everywhere here, universal healthcare even if sometimes is quite shitty, maybe relatively stronger laws protecting workers and consumers, no widespread climate change denialism, no indigenous/christian fundamentalism being a serious thing - yet it may still have a certain "frontier spirit" and thus being relatively more accomodating to people willing to be "pioneers", if you get what I mean. After all, the founding myth of Burgerland is the self-made man. Enterprise. Opportunity. What's the founding myth of Bongistan instead? Muh Woyal Family? Muh Landed Gentry vs Muh Chavs? And what's the founding myth of Shitaly? This issa the mosta beutifulla country in de worlda becausa we keeppa saying dat and we havva pasta, pizza and so much sun?
Bloody hell… I shouldn't effortpost at this time. I got to wake up early tomorrow…
Jews far more so.
This maybe true, but blaming a Jewish prole for this is just as misguided as blaming white proles.
No one blamed anyone. It's a correction. Whites benefit the second most.
Jewish privilege is real moshe
whtie jews are white, black jews are black
I live in a mixed neighborhood and I'm not even "just a bit" racist. It just does not matter to me, until someone makes race my problem. Maybe it's because I'm part of another social underclass so I grew up far more focused on that then racial privilege or tribalism. I don't claim to be perfect and I don't go for virtue signaling, it's more that the race issue and muh heritage never held relevance to me, and I grew up around several examples of how vacuous race-ideology and tribal affiliations are.
Only if you consider jews white despite them being semites of which a subgroup, the worst group has the unfotunate ability to fool most people into thinking they're "white", which is an awful term to begin with.
…I'm sorry. How can I make amends for this? Are there any local Nazi groups you'd like me to donate to? I'm not Jewish retard
Most white people I know aren't like that.
There are areas where white people are clustered together and you can have sizable portion that are ignorant, but even then there is push back. I lived in a town like that up until I was 14 and use to get beat up by some of them. There were was even a white nationalist group that was active in that area, but their membership was probably sparse, as it was frowned on and derided in the local paper. Looking back, the ones that caused me the most trouble were poor af and came from an abusive household. Everyone in town knew their father was a raging alcoholic who never bathed. He'd go to football games for his kids and everyone would sit at least three feet away from him because he smelled so bad. I hated that family at the time, but now I just pity them.
people who actually live among minorities are generally less racist than the ones whose only contact with different people is through fox news and breitbart
I'm in Western Europe and I wouldn't say so. Barely know anyone I'd call racist (as far as young people go but even the older generations are progressive enough in that regard) and definitely not "white nationalist". It might be worse in America or Eastern Europe though idk
If you don’t count anyone east of Danzig as white sure
I'm mexican and I've been in California multiple times. Anglo-americans are pleasant on a personal level, at least. I've always been treated well, even when I'm speaking spanish with my relatives, and there was a time a complete stranger from Sacramento invited me to sit with his family (I guess I seemed like a lonely lost kid?).
But having been in Los Angeles at night, and in Palo Alto, I can't escape the feeling they are very bigoted towards homeless people. Like, they told me to not listen or look at them at all, that they are 'imported' from other states, and that they are all drug addicted bums. It's as if they don't see the link between high rents and homelessness. And they live in abject conditions that I do not see anywhere back in my country; Sure, we may have poverty, but you won't ever see people so abandoned by society or their own families.
But I, as an average mexican and not particularly wealthy, didn't face any discrimination even when perusing luxury stores or walking around Stanford University.
I wouldn't dare to venture east of Las Vegas, personally.
Pic related; A photo I took of rows of tents outside the Los Angeles greyhound bus station. It goes on and on for 5 or 6 blocks.
I grew up in a city that had a major Neo Nazi base and I can say most white people aren't like that
The treatment and size of the homeless population in LA and San Francisco is something any other first world country would be ashamed of
I live in Texas where whites (we call them Anglos here) are the largest ethnic group but are not a majority. It's 45% Anglo, 38% Hispanic, 12% Black and 5% Asian. I do anti-fascist research and can tell you that Texas has one of the larger operating networks of neo-Nazis in the U.S. but in terms of their absolute numbers it's still a tiny, fringe element.
Posting pics of two of rallies by the most active Nazi group. The one where they're in white shirts is Vanguard from summer 2017. These guys traveled from all over the state to hold that rally, including from Oklahoma and a few from other states – and they had around three dozen people. The pic on a rooftop is from November 2017 after the group rebranded to Patriot Front, along with a Zig Forums meetup club called the Kek Group. And this is in a state with 28 million people. These guys are potentially dangerous, but more of a nuisance than anything else.
In contrast, the pic of the single woman is from a PBS Frontline documentary about affordable housing. She lives in a posh Dallas suburb and doesn't think she's a racist or a white supremacist. But she told the reporter that she opposes affordable housing programs because she doesn't want the "wrong class of people" living in her area. That is how racism is usually expressed here and that is common among an entire *class* of wealthier, property-owning Anglos. The thing is, most of the guys in those Nazi pics are poor (one of their top activists works at a grocery store) and the wealthy suburban Anglos, who tend to vote Republican, don't give a shit about them either and don't want them in their neighborhoods anymore than they do anyone else who is poor. If a wealthy black person moved in and "acted right," then it would be okay. But the barriers to entry are quite high and most people of color in Texas are poor.
One more anecdote: My father was at a county fair in a rural town a few months ago during a daytrip with mom and some of her friends. He's old so he's sitting on a bench near these other two old Anglos. They get to talking and the city of Fort Worth comes up. My dad says, "I've been meaning to make it over to Fort Worth sometime." One of the men says, "I don't go to Fort Worth." Dad: "Why?" He says: "Too many niggers and spics and Fort Worth." These guys are a from a different generation though. My dad once said when he was growing up in Texas in the 1960s, "take those guys at Charlottesville, and make them 80 percent of the population – that's what it was like." At least in the small town where he grew up.
so basically americans give a fuck more about your class than your skin color?
Which makes me think of something.
Of course you didn't face discrimination inside a rich college campus or the state capital, you're a friendly tourist and not an illegal immigrant who lives there. If you had walked through a more rural area like Tulare or Bakersfield where your cousins live, you would have seen a lot more people classify you as homeless and thus scum based purely upon your race. This is because illegal immigrants often live out of their cars when working the fields.
They do, they just don't care. They want the homeless people gone because they perceive it to be a foreign element invading their community.
Only in the south, north Fort Worth is a Wonderbread White McMansion hellhole.
I'm going to use a word that is not popular here but that is "intersectionality." Race and class are interlocked to an extent. And I think Americans are very self-centered. But America is also really fucking big and the racial/class dynamics vary. I was talking to a black guy in a bar in South Carolina who told me how he had family in Dallas and liked it there much more than South Carolina. In S.C. you're either white or black, and it is very segregated.
The Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) metro area is one giant sprawl with more people in it than South Carolina has as a state. There are around one million blacks living in DFW. There are 62 Sunni mosques. So while the city is economically very segregated, ethnically it's a big globo-megacity jumble if you're going out and doing anything, which affords some degree of anonymity and security if you're not white.
Yeah for sure.
The irony is that Zig Forums is more diverse than Zig Forums.
Not that it would change things.
ahahaha nice try D&C shill
This isn't really a point because we criticize BLM all the time
Why didn't this stop with the first post
lol cowards
As someone who has family in Texas i can say that region wise:
East of I-35 becomes Dixieland.
South of Austin is Mexico lite.
The Panhandle and West Texas are the Old West.
This was basically my experience in Palo Alto in California except they're all liberal democrats and 'woke', as in, when I told them I am mexican they said things like
Neo-Nazis are really struggling at not looking like a bunch of gimps
Dunno user, humans just aren't super empathic and really self-centered. A lot of times when people do nice shit it's more about themselves (washing away feelings of guilt) than the other, really. In their environment, it's expected to be nice to be non-whites so that's how they socialize themselves, but then there's some other group that no-one cares about (homeless) and they effortlessly treat them like shit.
If you can stand all the low-key bourg politics read 'the righteous mind' by Haidt. Everything he says about politics is centrist shit but his experimental stuff is cool. One of his points is basically that people behave more morally when people are watching (so a lot of morality is just pure conformism to show you're a good person that people should like).
Yeah but the average white American who is opposed to BLM isn't a communist who critiques BLM on the grounds that it's been coopted by liberals, he's either a "blue lives matter" fascist or just a normie who doesn't like it when protests inconvenience him in any way.
White here, also Anarkiddie. My dad is Zig Forums tier conservative and my sis bf is brainwashed by PragerU's antics. Wat do?
killing family members is not a option, no meme replies pls
I don't know but that should say Линукс comrade.
Fuckin casual
Have you user? How?
shame you live with such brainlets
you should always effortpost italian sandanista man, it's very enjoyable to read
millenial liberals are the most racist though
this is why whity doesn't like BLM