What does leftypol offer incels?

What does leftypol offer incels?
The left is supposed to look after the disenfranchised.
All ive seen the left do so far is tell incels theyll be put in concentration camps.

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You're not wanted
This is a chad board

You'll get state-run therapy to help you with your psychological issues

But what about incels sexual needs

You get a state issued waifu voucher, redeemable for one daki.

You'll die alone but the next generation will live in a better society and might not.

The question is not what we can offer incels but what they can offer us. The truth is, I am not confused that they are capable of offering anything to anyone except extreme psychological issues.

Nothing. Fuck off virgin, this is a chad board.

Making the care of internet subcultures a part of your political platform is a great way to ensure your party never gets anywhere at all.

psychological issues first. Nookie second. Patience is a virtue in the utopia,kid.

The dating market works just like the regular market.
Chad exploits the local dating market so incels have to look to foreign countries for foreign brides because of the tendency of the pussy to fall.

Nothing, they're reactionary swine. For those of you who do want change and to understand the underlying conditions that created their alienation, you can lurk.

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revolutionary voluntary celibacy> being an incel

Who are you kidding?

3-4 threads a week

So we need pussy socialism in which the state assigns you the gf

I'm chad af. I walk with my arms flailing and everything

a ban hopefully

It's funny, because the analogy actually works in the opposite direction, but you're too blind to see it. but please try and explain how chad is extracting surplus value from you, because as a chad myself, I enjoy watching you struggle

Youre doing soft polygamy and taking roasties out the dating pool.

nice made up phrase
Any more words you want to water down so they mean nothing?

is soft polygamy like softRAM?

It's like polygamy, except you're not actually married, and people are free to come and go as they please, there's nothing binding, it doesn't exclude having one partner at a time, and it's also not polygamy.

Incels want one thing only, and that's girls to fuck them. The left can't offer that, because rape isn't on the menu.

I dont see indian women complaining about their arranged marriages

Just stop. Arranged marriages are on the decline even in India.

The higher up the income and caste bracket, and the less choice they have in the arranged marriage proceedings, the less happier the outcome is for them. Nearly 50 percent of women in economically advanced states have some say in the marriage. It's not fully arranged marriage.

That's a common side effect of not living in India.

Yeah well modern india has burgeois values

it's so blatantly obvious you don't know what that word means

Was there a group of people harder hit by the incel meme (during the 5 seconds that the meme caught fire) than the chapotraphouse loser queers?


Basically what happened was chapolefturds made fun of incels, volcels, everythingcels for about 2 years until Zig Forums and incels themselves found a superficially retarded mongoloid way to relate inceldom to proletarian exploitation so incessantly that the slowest retards who couldn't come up with a proper rebuttal had to either go back on their once beloved target of choice or double down on the bullying and weather the storm with cognitive dissonance burning in their heads asking themselves if they are actually fascists for being so rude to incels?

Was this the perfect meme bomb? A mini-nuke of sorts exposing the absolute shit stain that is 2kool4school-left politics?

Not surprised. Many people who consider themselves leftists do so out of smug superiority. Like they are joining some kind of charity. Their personalities must then be equally shit.
Then again. If you can't turn yourself into a volcel or a better human being, then you don't really deserve sympathy.

If you really look at the background of these "incel" killers you'll find they mostly come from broken households or/and are on the autism spectrum, not because they're sexually frustrated. A good example would be Marc Lépine.

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Yeah the guy who posted that is a perfect representation of everything obnoxious about the bookless, nauseatingly affected style of the Democrat Cops of America-left who hang out on twitter. I'm not sure if it's indicative of a direction the younger american left are heading towards though, even the brooklyn dwelling ones who dig irony humor.
The chapo sub is a particularly strange group of people. They oscillate between attempts at genuine edginess (making fun of mccain's torture, mocking the suffering of conservatives in general) and this weird bullshit. For all the pretense they've built around the "dirtbag left", with the no-gloves humor and open mocking of political opponents, it only takes some asshole like this guy to phrase a request in their language for the whole group to suddenly about-face and appear no different from the sort of touchy liberals they were supposed to making fun of.
I guess if you get all your theory from a podcast and your community from the surrounding subreddit this is about what you could expect. A bunch of jackoffs using words like "comradely" and "praxis" to debate the finer points of what's ok to joke about online.

You not fucking doesn't mean that you're performing some kind of uncompensated labor that is exploited by an ownership class. We have nothing to offer you because this topic is completely divorced from Marxism.

Ask a fucking self-help board.

old meme

We deal in economics not pickup artistry

So communism is the ultimate beta bux alpha fux basically

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That's because they discovered that most incels are non-white. You should look at their website where you have Pajeet, Ahmed, and DeShawn complaining about not getting pussy. There was a comic drawing that was circulated months ago where they had white women feigning empathy in history class about the nazis mistreating nonwhites. After class the same white women were on their iphone picking Aryan Chad on Tinder over other racial groups. I shit you not some users believed that Zig Forums was behind the comic even though Zig Forums mostly consists of "man up and marry her to save the white race" types.

We've had so fucking many incel threads the past months you wouldn't believe it. Don't expect anything but death threats at this point.

Haha my god. Everyone knows Zig Forums literally cannot even imagine a white penis in a white girl.

Sure, let's go with that.
What were you expecting? Communism to address every one of your personal setbacks and flaws? We can't bring your dead dog back either you know.
Now feel free to leave.

Why is Zig Forums is obsessed with cuckholdry?

*so obsessed

I unironically think Batko's meme video on it is spot on.

This is the most realistic answer if you're actually curious

Incels are some of the few semi woke first worlders along with nazbols, turd positionists, self aware ancaps

I have no clear answer OP but what I can tell you is enjoy the collapse. These kiddos want socialism because they want free shit. Not because they are disenfranchised. The fuck would they know about being an incel when mommy and daddy can pay for their neet bucks for them? College is just one big daycare for these slackers as they piss away their youth on larping and pouring alcohol down sluts pussies

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