Do communists have better sex?
Apparently communist east germany was a paradise on earth compared to west germany, people fucking all the time and no one going broke and homeless.
Do communists have better sex?
Apparently communist east germany was a paradise on earth compared to west germany, people fucking all the time and no one going broke and homeless.
What a fucking child you are.
the gdr was god tier
We also have bigger dicks to. I used to be a liberal but when i started to go farther left and read up on theory, my dick literally grew 2 more inches.
And the lady's have been coming at me ever since. Ive been making girls cum left and even more left.
We fucking told you bruv
reminder that "workplace sexual harassment" is a myth perpetuated by corporatist ideology. you should flirt with all your co-workers. Having sex with co-workers is the highest form of anti-capitalist praxis. Endorse PUA Socialism
Well a lot of the defectors were men so that left a surplus of women
These are really kinky ideas. I like it.
I mean, china has a pretty high sex satisfaction rate, so that firewall is doing something right
Women had more orgasms in the Soviet Union, google it
They did a study once that showed extremists in general were way more into sex compared to centrists.
Extreme in politics, extreme in fucking
This has been posted like a dozen times by now and I unironically believe it should be posted a dozen times more.
Inspirobot gang
what is that
Rightwing pseudoscience refering to R&K selection in biology and thinking that it can be applied to humans in a way that makes any sense and isnt just a dodge.
t. virgin
East Germany was traditionalist and monogamous
Oy vey, is that your overlord, Donald Shekelberg?
Wow, check out this incel! He doesn't want to see orgies as soon as he leaves his house! Virgin loser loooooooooooooool!
Or how about one that activly ended hunger and starvation where it already existed?
What would trump say if he found out you're shitposting on chan sites instead of fighting for israel in some obscure middle eastern country?
He would be sooo disappointed in you.
Nobody said anything about public orgies you fucking spastic.
What's wrong with public orgies? Why are you a reactionary?
You need to make up your mind.
how does one get so bad at baiting.
Enjoy your ban
I've never had sex. When I become General Secretary of the Communist Party of Britain, you'll pay. All of you, I'll outlaw sex. Sex is bourgeois.
You're confusing sex for porn
Slow down there. There is such a thing as sexual harassment and unwanted sexual advances, they are mostly done by bosses.
Sexual harassment is capitalist propaganda and rape is too. Just fuck anyone you want, consent is optional.
Let me sum it up for you
K-selection: everything Zig Forums likes
R-selection: everything Zig Forums doesn't like
That brainlet Stefan Molyneux is fucking obsessed with it.
you didn't even watch the video did you
Workplace sexual harassment is just propaganda to keep prole women single and available, and male proles productive and not fucking in the storeroom. It would be the ultimate insult for a boss to get cucked by one of his subordinates. When a boss sleeps with their employees, it's not called sexual harassment, and they can get away with it indefinitely. remember with Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein, the complaint is that these people didn't need to rape anyone because they had so much opportunity to use their money and status to have consensual sex.>>2540940
No, chances are communists aren't having any sex. However, people living in communist countries have better sex.
propelled my feels into orbit
out in space where nobody can hear them scream
why is this important
moar sex doesn't mean better life that is a very pubescent outlook on life,
so much for the united right
Yes, because they always get fucked by imperialists
this is why capitalists have shit sex
Fine, degeneracy.
The degeneracy of other races.
To answer your question though; absolutely nothing.
Holy shit that's a desperate argument.
Bananas are essential for the lonely, unless you have a carrot or a cucumber, but doesn't do the job quite as well as a yellow fruit..
Women had more orgasms in the Soviet Union
I dont know, id feel pretty good to be able to frequently slam my binky into my gf's bunghole every now and then.
It took Zig Forums 2 days and 52 replies to bring up big black penises. Nice improvement.
Did those 100-push-ups a day improvement threads and Jordan Peterson memes work after all?
No one cares Sargon.
This, but unironically.
Just buy a dildo
A lot of right wingers don't even believe women can have orgasms. So yes.
I would say YES.
Fun fact: in catholic theology for the longest time it was important, whe conceiving, to make a woman cum. It was believed eggs were deposited when she came, so she had to do so otherwise you wouldn't have a child. It wasnonly in the 1800s, when it was discovered eggs were released cyclically that this practice of being good at sex, stopped. Ironically, it is thought today the fmale orgasm helps with the uptake of semen, so I guess they were right.
most of my sexual partners are commie as well. Maybe comrades don't fuck much in countries were they are seen as Satan (i.e. US), but i suppose that in latin america and most of europe there shouldn't be any problem. Also, rich people are often neurotic af when it comes to sex, comrades are usually less spooked and so they can fuck better.
It was overturend.
And double the orgasm rate.
If the user was not banned, but just picture hidden, then I apologize.
Pretty sure it was one of those joke 1 second bans.
Last I saw it in the log, it was crossed out.
Idk about all of you crypto-liberals, but as an actual communist I can confirm that we do have better sex