ITT: name a leftist ideology or trend, and explain all the reasons why you do NOT follow that ideology, or the general faults you find with it.
I'll go first:
ITT: name a leftist ideology or trend, and explain all the reasons why you do NOT follow that ideology, or the general faults you find with it.
I'll go first:
I'm sure this thread will be filled with wonderful, civil discussion without any strawman arguments or name-calling.
Memechins communalism / Democratic Confederalism
that's it
Not an anarchist and mods plz don't ban but why is this so horrendous? In the Dutch revolt against Spain the Dutch literally sold the guys some of the guns they would go on to shoot us with. Point is, guns don't mean all that much. ☭TANKIE☭s here sometimes shill for the literal Molotov von Ribbentrop pact as being 'realpolitik' but when the over a dozen US military bases in Syria needs guns when it literally is in an existential struggle they're scum.
Yes, objectively the over a dozen US military bases in Syria is an extension of US interests now, but that's because of necessity, it's not inherent to their program imo.
Yeah weve heard this a million times
"Once ISIS is defeated the over a dozen US military bases in Syria will kindly ask america to leave which they surely will"
Leads to dictatorship every single time it has been tried. Bourgeoisie are replaced by party bureaucrats and workers have no control over the MOP.
Nice try FBI
That's the fucking point, ya twat.
I respect it, but it just isn’t for Greenland. We have too many disconnected communities which do rely on the government for survival.
Not right for here either.
People will naturally go against it and we lack the ability to do any “global revolutionary action.”
I'm not a teenager anymore
I unironically think it'll be constructive viewing for undecided socialists like myself
when? i thought he didnt even interact with marx ever?
Bad critisism tbh. Communists should take all the help they can get, even if its from the litteral devil.
of course this doesnt alleviate or answer the problems with anarchists doing anything historically or with radical individualism any more than pointing out those problems is an answer to the fundemental problems with governance of any kind.
so I'm more of a social minarchist by comparison to really the most mastubatory lifestylist varieties of anarchism.
because i still don't understand how things are going to be distributed without a central planning agency, after all some products can't be produced everywhere, and their factories need to be localized in some part of the world, how the fuck is anarchism gonna deal with that?, lets say coltan, that's only produced in handful of countries, to supply the world you'd need a high porcentage of the population in those areas to be dedicated to that, and probably in such a high number that those areas wouldn't be self sufficient, and now you got to think about who in the world is going to produce more of everything to give to them, and where exactly is the coltan shipped, in what amount, and why should the people in those areas want to do that, and you could just say "hey how about we just get the most amount we can off the ground and give it acordding to population", and then you start thinking what is the amount of products that everybody consumes that can only be produced in certain parts of the world, like coffee, europe is the biggest consumer, yet coffee doesn't grow there, or bananas, or mangoes, or even better ground resources, like oil, germany doesn't have any fucking oil, except for like a couple of irrelevant fields, who is going to make sure all this moving of products across the world is done in a way that doesn't bring capitalism back?, and who is going to make sure everyone gets what they need?
Christ, Anarchism is getting beat today.
distributed cybernetic planning user.
each community networks the computer systems that keep the books for their productive industry and the sites of consumption to coordinate.
who's going to distribute the hardware needed for that? if a community doesn't want to opt in to that system over fears of security then what happens to them?
the hardware was there already under capitalism, we seize and repurpouse it.
I suppose they have to just ask for stuff and give out their extra stuff manually. if everyone still in the system records that shipments went to or came from commune soandso they're still accounted for roughly.
meanwhile, if they ask for fifty gorillion tons of grain and send nothing back and refuse to allow anyone to send an inspector to see that they actually need what they're asking for, they can be told to fuck off.
Really fucking strange in that I like chomsky better than most anarchist despite the fact he is a fucking lib
Would anarchist society kind of just run like a series of gangs? Am I wrong to think this?
I once had a lolbert-former-ancap friend who said that when I was talking about this.
Define dictatorship.
Mutualism, technocratic socialism, NazBol, and Maoism-Third Worldism:
dictatorship of the proletariat =/= a one man dictatorship
marx and engels were diametrically opposed to authoritarian socialism & socialism from above
Marxists Leninists/Maoists
Leninists themselves are cool though.
Exactly what I am fucking talking about….
Mostly due to MLs backstabbing them from Ukraine, Shin Minh and Spain
Holy straw man batman. It's as though we don't analyse both social and economic classes
Define human nature. Unless you want to talk about Peter Kropotkin's mutual aid a factor in evolution, he also showed that human nature is broad, but when push comes to shove human beings can organise without power structures.
As oppposed to a marxist one which is broad
And left-coms don't? This is bullshit considering Makhno and other revolutionaries such as Durruti were organised prior to their respective revolutions
Post proofs. I've yet to see
post a yeet if you believe traitors and spies should be executed pursuant to the espionage act
YEET, starting with OP.
Nah, they should get a life sentence in the gulag
Only as a second option, the first option would be to attempt to turn them against their masters in some way shape or form
This is coming from a ML?
Diactatorship of the capitalist class has often taken the form of diactatorship of one man. Why couldn't diactatorship of the proletariat do the same?
Anything outside of Titoism. Because markets work.
I guess it depends on how you define "works". Markets for health care? Fuck that. Markets for custom-made violins? Sure why not.
Of course not Health Care. But technological progress and innovation markets are undeniably best means for progress.
GTFO reactionary.
Maoism/Mao Zedong Thought:
Which wasn't entirely Mao's fault.
Jason Unruhe is probably one of the saner Maoists tbqh
Compared to?
Seriously, what's up with the ML talking point that Makhno was some kind of jew-hating mass murderer?
I wouldn't say its MLs exclusively, but it's just premature dengist rage from OP.
He did murder a bunch of Mennonites though.
Marxist-Leninism: The painful transition from capitalism, to capitalism.