Looking for a collaborator

Hi guys, i have a small YouTube channel, focused on Anarchism, but i really don't have a decent mic :(

So i came here to find someone who would like to collaborate on my channel :D!

The requirements to collaborate with me:
1 - Own a microphone
2 - Be an Anarchist

If you have any further question feel free to ask ;-D

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anarchists are hetero and probably cis as well, go away liberal

Gay anarchist here ama

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OP here, sorry for my shitposting flag

some say that Bakunin had a an affair with Proudhon, read an article on that once probably a big conspiracy meme but funny nonetheless

Even if its not true, I love the mental image of those two bears



post pictures of your feet :D

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I only collaborate with girls who don't have penises

Traps aren't gay though

No more retarded YTers!

Just using as a means of propaganda, not to create a cult of personality like muke

Traps aren't girls though

traps are girls and cute

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Penises are gross

not if the penis is feminine

All penises are gross, though. Feminity is a spook.

What's the Marxist Leninist official position on feminine penises?

they're gross.

A feminine penis is a dialectical product of the male penis and the femininity of the female, the feminine penis resembles that of the male penis which is traditional and a reactionary, a feminine penis is thus gay however it has been stripped of its reactionary nature and remains as a vestige, the wielder of that penis, that is the trap is not gay because the entire body is feminine while only a single party is a vestige of masculinity, thus one cannot call a trap gay based on the perception of one part in the same way people cannot call the soviet union capitalist just because it had commodity production on a small scale.

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penises look disgusting yeah
like a tumor between the legs

penis kulaks hoard girth and length

Except that's wrong. The whole point of traps is that they're actually boys.

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Collaborate with who? The DEMOCRATS??
Fuckin' anarchists.

50 percent is best.

all genitalia looks gross. Agender, asexual AAAAA superior beings unite!

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If she has a vagina, she's not a real woman. She's a lightweight. She was born into it and just casually accepted it.
Real women have penises…big penises…strong penises. Real women have gigantic pulsating bulges hidden behind a semi-translucent sheet of cloth…real women embraced womanhood despite the material conditions of their pelvic region…in fact, they use their equipment as an enhancement of their femininity…

Why don't you go message Jim or Jason?

Are you fucking braindead?

Over half my collective goes by they.

Best of luck OP

Feminine penises are proletarian penises and not gay.