/ccg/ - Climate Change General

How are we going to end this nightmare Edition

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Are we gonna make it, comrades? Are you feeling hopeless or optimistic?

Carbon recapturing is our only chance apparently. Are people even working on this stuff?

Acknowledging this is all capitalism's fault crearly isn't gonna solve anything, so what solution do YOU propose?

Attached: melting-glaciers-680x365_c.jpg (680x365, 48.44K)

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An experiment in Iceland worked really well, you can dissolve CO2 inti carbonic acid and store it in basaltic rock.

kms when my island stops getting food

But it puts us on the right path, because if you don't take this into account morons start thinking that it's a question of individuality and performativity, and then get angry at environmentalists for using planes.

Idk mate I'm not an expert, but creating means of public and social coordination over production and technology seems like a good strategy to both decrease the problem and come up with solutions for whatever damage is done, and this is what we're about.

I assume that, while it would be a global hazard, it's hardly a threat to human species, civilisation or even technology. Thus, the only realistic thing to do is to brace for its' impact as an inevitable challenge.

Do you read the article?

Just cycled through it. It describes some purely hypothetical scenarios, a couple of which matches the one I believe would happen in a tabloid fashion, what of it?

Climate change is the most revolutionary material force in human history.

It is the height of absurdist techno-utopianism to believe that super-complex global capitalist society will be able to solve or even withstand the consequences of climate change. 'Carbon capture' is a joke, as is any alleged method of decoupling economic activity or growth from resource consumption. On the contrary, the instability and destruction wrought by the changing climate will slowly demolish global industrial capitalism whether the proletariat is ready for it or not. The disruption of global supply chains and food supplies, along with the tides of climate refugees, will overwhelm the ability of capitalist states to repress and maintain order. The crisis can not and will not be mitigated. The rose-tinted glasses will be ripped off and the choice of "socialism or barbarism" will finally be laid bare for the excessively online, hyper-alienated, self-absorbed consumers of the West.


Porky knows that climate change is going to really fuck shit up, see pic related.

The only thing is, what are we supposed to do about it now without billions of dollars to spend on private bunkers and arable land? There seems to be few signs that the elites will make an effort to fix shit before its too late.

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Here's the link to pic related if anyone is interested.

They're going to choose barbarism aren't they?

Well they are barbarians for all their fine trappings, so

Many probably will, but even more will be forced to accept it if there is no leftist alternative advanced that acknowledges the new reality.

Bathed in nuclear fire

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Socialists in all countries should probably start doing similar things. Buy considerable amount of land, solar panels and all of that stuff needed for survival. If we work together we could make it work.

As an electrical engineer student I'm up to setting up something like that when the wage-slave money starts flowing. I'm from Chile and Patagonia is a strong candidate for future habitable land when all goes to shit near the tropics. See you there South American comrades!

Destroying capitalism is the only solution to global warming. It's probably unlikely to happen on a fast enough time scale, so we're all prolly gonna die. The only optimistic capitalist scenario is living in acidic ocean hellworld as we machinegun and landmine our borders against refugees.

Put nukes in a couple volcanoes. Real talk.



What you do is, you nuke a few calderas.

Seems to me like an anti-tech revolution is the only option

You all know about the solution

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Why should we do that?

Sure, but it will always cost resources without providing a marketable commodity.

realistically? mass die off, humanity will survive but population will be way down mostly due to starvation, water and the wars that will happen over those resources

The climate is changing, humans are the cause, but retrofitted models can't be trusted.
Climate scientists have been predicting imminent 'hockey stick' warming for decades, and they have always been wrong.

The current pace of warming will probably continue for the foreseeable future. 1 foot of sea level rise by 2120 isn't the end of the world. Shit only gets real if we go past that.

who /solarpunk/ here?

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Solar punk looks so dope. All high-rise buildings should be covered in plants tbh. Like make that a law or something!
