Hey, I'm going to give you a fresh slate

Hey, I'm going to give you a fresh slate.

I used to be an anti-capitalist conspiratorial socialist. I believed in the existence of a corporate New World Order which propagated all the ills of society to maximize profits and complacency.

A few years ago, I discovered regular Zig Forums and my views lined right up with many of theirs offering explanations as to why things were the way they were.

However I've become disillusioned by them, and there are fundamental things they never convinced me to drop. I've always believed leftism has the momentum and always will, that you can't run a movement without it being leftist in this day and age. I also believe in equality of the sexes, but due to Zig Forums and my own confirmation biases I'm lead to not be a racial egalitarian. I also believe that NWO is real, corporatist, and interconnected through high ranking Christian, Masonic, and Jewish occultism from the top. All the while I've always been strongly sympathetic to economic systems which destroy the basis of their power and the fucked system which put it in place.

I'm open minded to leftism and I'm giving you the opportunity to reverse-'redpill" if you can so that I may some to your side if you're right and help convert others.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You've basically signed yourself up for being a ☭TANKIE☭, you won't earn a lot of love on this board because most anons are salty ankids.

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I figured this was hostile territory but I'm trying anyway.

Some things which I'm willing to debate and learn about from you guys.

I've seen time and time again that without a doubt in my mind, that Jews by their nature are a manipulative capitalistic people, perhaps by darwinistic adaptation, who have woven themselves into international finance over centuries to completely dominate many sectors of the world for the interests of their own group. That to me is pretty undeniable, given the extreme influence of the Rothschilds and Jewish international financers on global affairs and the prominence of Zionism and the glaringly obvious bias towards anything within Jewish interest while anything else gets branded as anti-semetic, racist, or nazi even if it isn't. I'm sane enough to recognize it isn't entirely Jewish, that there are WASPs and other opportunists in power too, but they're all connected in a Judaeo-Christian occultic way that seeks globalism, zionism, control, and profits.

This leads into another point, which feeds a confirmation bias on Zig Forums - if Leftism is a tool used by these individuals(who make up the highest echelon of the bourgeois class), then how is it also a weapon to use against them? The funding for groups such as Antifa and other socialst and anarchist groups stems primarily from millionaire leftist lobbyists and influence who seek to use the party's manpower to silence political dissidents more than anything. Popular leftism is completely corrupted and generally pussified in the West, the best politician you have with viable chance is probably Corbyn for example. Point being that the same people from this capitalist establishment seem to only let leftism fizzle to burn up the discontent of the working class while just making you dependent on their corporatist state when it gives you handouts to pacify you.

I'm sensible enough to understand that it's a capitalistic decision. Porky needs constant growth, late stage capitalism doesn't produce anything, not even people to enslave, so they need to import people to enslave and domesticate into consumers for an ever increasing growth everywhere. But the Kalergi plan exists, as well as several testimonies from Jews involved that they're intentionally flooding white nations with nonwhites for the purpose of lowering their intelligence, destroying their national identity, and making them into more easily controllable proles.

I'm moderately racist but skeptical of the evidence that circulates on Zig Forums which does not account for cultural and economic influence on people to behave a certain way. They look at statistics at literal face value and swear they aren't human while not providing studies into racial neurological or genetic differences which would prove that more than statistics and test results would. As a result I'm heavily given the impression that Negroid races are not as capable as white races, but I'm hungry for hard evidence to either side.

Also, I actually believe every other race aside from Sub-saharan Africans are normal aside from religion and cultural influence and only disapprove of miscegenation ironically on the basis of preserving human diversity and distinct national cultures and identities. This is an emotion based sentiment and I recognize it is irrational.

Not my strongest suit(HA) but I've always viewed capitalism with disdain. Because it's utility as a system has always been based around deceit, getting something for less and selling the same thing for more to make a living. You have to be deceitful to live and make others suffer for your own greed and weight. Especially when those who accumulate capital are also in a better position to get more, resulting in the creation of an extremely wealthy financial class that wields all the power over those who actually work. I've thought about ways to alleviate this. Kill the rich every ten years floats through my mind, set a wealth cap, industry nationalization. And nationalization always stuck out to me as the most rational answer. Why should dumbfuckstein 1, 2, and 3 have a monopoly over this vital industry and actually cripple efficiency and ruin it while fighting between each other for more profits when the government could own and operate it for everyone as a public service? Nationalization popped out to me as the answer to a lot of things, because it cut the negatives of Porky being involved out of the picture. So I'd say I'm for nationalization of vital industries, of real estate, of health care, of a lot of things that have no right nor make sense as private entities.

I have some qualms with Marx, in particular the notion that everything he says is absolutely certain and that his utopia is completely possible. In which case, I do not believe it is. Any government's economy will require constant fluctuation and modification to work, and socialism is no different. I believe it is possible to create a socialist state, but it will always operate a grey zone where you have to work out kinks and cancers. In that sense it is like capitalism, which isn't utopian and without regulation quickly diverges into corporatism. Marx also mentions the need to a dictatorship to lead the revolution, another thing which I disagree with in general. In a workers state, centralizing power into the hands of the few willingly seems like a death sentence. Bureaucracy and people managing everything will corrupt and find ways to empower themselves as is human and natural. Except bureaucracy's corruption is absolute devastating especially when it becomes normal and they become their own class. If socialism were to function it needs to keep power as divided as possible with checks of power so such a class is not created.

Those are my opinions anyway.

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stop it with the persecution complex, the board has always been roughly split even between marxists and anarkiddies and most recently the pendulum has been swinging towards marxism.

Well thats an obvious lie
Plenty of jewish comrades have existed
Muh Icepick maymay man
Bela Kun
The Bundists

First ask yourself one thing: you've been zig-zagging political philosophies and outlooks since the beginning but in this whole process, how many books have you actually finished, from the beginning to the end? How many series of lectures about a subject have you sat through irl or on the internet? What real-life experience with people and community organizing have you gained?

If those were embedded into your habits you wouldn't need internet boards to redpill you back and forth between different schools of thought. You would open books, open some college lectures and figure things out. But you don't want that, because when you ask people to redpill you, you're basically asking which set of conspiracy theories will give you the most satisfying groups to hate, which group has the coolest aesthetic, which societal values you think will best reflect on your personality, and other shallow horseshit. And this is probably because like most people who switch ideologies like they'd change clothes, you're just a young person trying to give yourself a sense of individuality and remap your psychology according to insecurities and anxieties you suffer.

So honestly, stop asking for pills online like a retard and go read more and talk to people. Except for maybe some mentally ill Pol Potists we managed to attract somehow, most of us here don't want to recruit people who just yesterday were still stupid, insecure and inconsequential enough to casually become Nazis and believe their idiotic conspiracy theories. Just go read and come up with answers on your own, read, learn and study until it becomes a habit and the habit transforms you. Don't even bother with Marxist literature at the beginning btw, get modern, mainstream history books and humanities textbooks, an academic dictionary for reference, and postpone any attempt to figure out the solution for the problems of the world for a couple of years.

Lol okay, hit me fam, hit me with that source

Not that guy but i agree, there's also Anarcho-Tankies which is great tbh, Zig Forums is pretty chill for me

good post and capped.

Man, I've been getting screwed because I've been doing this for free.

This reminds me of an anecdote I read in a book about the Nazis in the late 20s/early 30s. This journalist was out drinking somewhere in Germany and stayed out too late and missed the cable car home, so this guy at the bar offers to put him up for the night, since he lived down the street. They walk over to his crib, which is a dingy attic apartment, and when they enter the journalist remarks that the walls are covered in NSDAP propaganda, a portrait of Hitler, etc. And the journalists asks: "Gee, this seems a bit much."

Then the guy replies, "Oh this is nothing. You should've seen it six months ago when I was a member of the Communist Party!"

There doesn't need to be. I mean, to some extent there probably is (or are), but it's kind of beside the point. Corporations act in the interest of capital - they hence can do very evil, very big things as a collective without needing any further assistance or direction.

Part of this is an ill of corporations specifically - in early American capitalism, they were actually heavily regulated to prevent them from gaining state-like autonomy. And then they were let loose, and basically all the bad shit people said would happen did. It's a funny thing, economically a lot of classical liberalism is actually considerably to the left of modern day neocon/neolib economics.

Would you actually enact policies against racial egalitarianism? Why? What do you hope to get out of it, and how will it effect the future of those populations?

Then focus energy on the economic tools of that entrenched power - debt, land speculation, corporate personhood, etc.

What's ironic is this came from The Matrix. The post-MRA right wing rhetoric is already the reverse.

Not even a group.

Wut? I thought we bullied them off to Zig Forums

Is it because the liberation of Zig Forums?


One of kikefy's nervous tics that shows who he is when he's hyperventilating on Zig Forums although now I say this, he'll probably stop is that he refers to here as "lefty/pol/"

It's a sign of unconscious shame or guilt for the boardsplit that created Zig Forums in the first place


With this the final section is crucial, it was written just after the thesis of feurbach where marx determined that feurbach was correct in advocating a materialist conception of the world

To translate it into modernspeak

And that led him on the road to studying capitalism and how to overcome it for the greater good

Marx was convinced it was possible because he was a giant nerd… No I mean it, he took notes on Babbages studies on machinery, yes the Charles Babbage, inventor and designer of the first computer and figured that machinery would become more and more capable meaning less and less drudge work for humans… Basically he saw automation coming over the horizon

Opinions differ on exactly what he meant, but it's here it's worth noting that Marx characterized liberal democracy as the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and he lived before the time of dictators in the 20th century… Also, Marx's conception of dictatorship would be based on the political practices of republican rome… If he thought a dictatorship, in the way moderns think of it was necessary; he would have probably called said "absolute monarch", or a "tyrant"

From my reading of Kalergi it seemed he was making a prediction, not creating a plan

… to be continued… I will get to why it's so significant that kikefy refers to Zig Forums as lefty/pol/

Disgusting, don't do that just jump straight to marxist literature instead of filling your head with liberal garbage. i recommend that you start watching this FinBol playlists(linked below) and start reading books in the pic related, if you don't understand a concept or something then just ignore it, don't worry you'll understand it later and if you really can't understand something then come and ask us about it here.
Also Combat Liberalism by Mao might be a good starting place:

FinBol playlists:

Audiobook playlist:

FinBol also explains theory in other videos so try and check that out when you can.

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Destroy Capitalism and you destroy the ability for them to do the evil things, also Capitalism is by far a American/European dominated system with China and Japan being some of the exceptions who play a large role in the global economy everywhere else is either fairly small or already under vast economical and military influence.
It's not even a group it's a heavily decentralized grouping of people who identify as anti-fascists with no hierarchy outside of local chapters. The fabled Jewish,Communist George Soros Zig Forums would you have believe him out to be is just a liberal, he was the sole person donating to Anti-Communist movements in the USSR for many years. The fact is antifa people turn up whenever or not George Soros gives me my monthly check
Even if 100% of all the Jews died all the shit still goes on. Zionist capitalist Jews ares a symptom of the problem not the causation and to arbitrarily group all Jews as having been "bred" by some Darwinism is fucking retarded.
Marx wrote an entire book on this subject. Is he some how some subhuman, what about Lenin,Trotsky,Rosa are they all worthy of death because you somehow believe Jews were bred like dogs. Also the Rothchilds don't have that much power, they're rich but there is no secret NWO shit, it's just capital following it's own path since small business and large business both want the same things.
Infowars tier bullshit and the only websites which are showing it is infowars and white g enocide crying nazi's. Even if it's 100% true and there is a plan they'll be wrong since Autism Level is mainly developed by education,safe housing and schooling and good access to healthy food. Are you going to deny Blacks in the United state aren't repressed or economically and socially disadvantaged? Are you also reading about the proven fake of that other writing of the elders of Zion or something that Ford cried about?
Gulag, Look at the efforts of Thomas Sankara and then tell me your fucking average meth addict capitalist apologist American is smarter and has better genes.
You're the type of person to see a swimming pool at Auschwitz for the first time then jumps to NO HOLOCAUST LMAO cause you never saw one before so it's got to the be the most extreme option then?!?. But in this case it's liberalism failing it's we're all 100% clones so you obviously jump to 100% DISPROVEN AND DEBUNKED NAZI RACIAL THEORIES.
Then despook your emotional bullshit, what happened did someone cuck you?

I'm afraid you've got terminal Zig Forums cancer. You probably lacked theory in the first place as shown by your lack of knowledge on Economics and this shows since Zig Forums is the best example of the dunning kruger effect to date. I hope Zombie Stalin comes back and shoots you in the back of the head for being a sectarian,racist,anti-Semitic,info wars conspiracy eating,NWO order believing,pol infograpth reading no theory brainlet.

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whoops meant this for

Kalergi was just a spooked idealist tbh. He started as a antisemite but quicle reaalized that most antisemetic bullshit he bealived was fabricated by spooked christians and pagans also he liked the fact that many jews surpassed racism and became famous intelectuals .So he had the theory that the best possible future is the one that people can get in positions of power no matter there race , he bealived this was what happened in ancient empires

This was a user survey apparently taken in April 2017.
The top 5 Tendencies are:
1. Anti-idpol
2. Anarcho-Communist
3. Libertarian Socialist
4. Libertarian Marxist
5. Classical Marxism –tied with– Communalism / Bookchin

Where do you see ☭TANKIE☭s?

Holocaust stuff: lefty.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=holocaust

Also he is the epitome of high class globalism by musterbating about how europeans are pretty much the same cause princesses marry princes of different nationality


Bruh that was a year ago things have changed


Wayback machine it.

Also i've lurked and posted for years NOTHING has changed.

You're an idiot and a waste of time. It's embarrassing that anyone would want to convince you.

you are not in a position to give anything to anyone
you are nothing
go be an internet tough guy elswhere

This is why we can't get more people to think like us, because caustic assholes like you push the proletariat away by calling them stupid for not knowing or being sure what to think.

If that was a Clinton voter asking us to explain Socialism you'd be telling him to hang himself. The only reason you're bothering giving him some time is because you know Fascists would make good ☭TANKIE☭s, and that's exactly the reason we're telling him to fuck off.

There's a lot to unpack here and I'm too lazy and stupid to do it so instead I'm going to recommend you read Sartre's "Anti-Semite and Jew."
Marx's "On the Jewish Question" is a great analysis of the history of the idea of a Jewish people and the idea of Jewish liberation or nationalism, but I don't think that's what you're looking for. I'd recommend that essay to a liberal but probably not to a nazi, I just don't think he'd take anything away from it.
There's a psychological reason that anti-semitism, particularly in Europe, has been appealing to crude populist movements and that's what Sartre explores and responds to. It'll be rough, he basically insults you numerous times throughout but you need to hear it tbh.

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lmao, admitting to former nazi sympathies is a good way to get kicked out of every ML party on the planet.

False I know a Clinton voter in real life, managed to convince her to start seeing my way. You're making a fallacious argument based only in your dislike of ☭TANKIE☭s. In otherwords you're generalizing ☭TANKIE☭s. I did not do the same of you.
And here we go again with another fallacy, this time of false equivalence, grouping fascists and m-ls together because you hate both.
So you proved my point: "you won't earn a lot of love on this board because most anons are salty ankids."
Basically you're a triggered idiot

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I'll take survey's and my own lurking experience over a random claim.

Why would you believe in "conspiracies" and the NWO when the fascist blood drenched rulers of the world are quite easy to discern without relying on protocols of zion tier nonsense?

I don't' really get Jewish conspiracies because by the same token, white people would be just as bad/ worse based on what America has done alone .
It just seems like this line of thinking is dangerous because it can just as easily be used by nationalists of other ethnicities.

Plz dont

You're retarded if you think that's what it's about.

It throws in the fact that most of these orgs are in nations full of "PoC" for no reason other then to attempt to shame people into supporting them

Oh and I would also like to point out

Basically you're either a sociiially consssservative ☭TANKIE☭ or nazbol gang.
Either way nice spooks.

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spooked thread

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fucking end yourself.

you're not a fresh slate, you're damaged goods. if you want to understand what we're about, read Marxists like Plekhanov or Mehring to get your feet wet with dialectics and historical materialism then try reading Marx, Engels, and Hegel.

Sorry OP. You're not allowed to stay here if you don't agree with the Zig Forums hivemind on every single issue ever.


Why? What leads you to thinking this explanation is more likely than the people at the top simply acting in rational self interest?

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According to leftypol, yes.

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tankies are the Stalin dindu nuffin types, i.e. not all MLs

Ok, LOL. Whatever y'say boyo.

Who's talking about wordfilters, you've got the wrong guy. Also that's not the only reason Wordfilters were made.

Dengist = ☭TANKIE☭ according to anarchists, MFW

Lies, and stalinism isn't a thing. No-one controls the leftybooru, especially since the most recent posts are conducted by anons and a newly formed account called anccom.

Rubbish you're just being a salty bitch because your shitty makhno memes were downvoted because they're trash, not because they're anarchist.

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lel you're genuinely at a higher stage of denial than grover furr

nothing I say will get through to you will it?

Post explanatory infograph
"its muh POCs" (even though POC was irrelevant to the argument)
Point out how M-Ls are generally lumped as ☭TANKIE☭s (as shown on leftybooru where nearly all ☭TANKIE☭ tags are submitted with m-l and leninism tags), "uh no we now selectively change the definition to stalin supporters".

The label ☭TANKIE☭ comes from the (unfair) insult used by Western shill press like RadioFreeEurope when the USSR was forced to take action in Hungary 1956 and Czechoslovakia 1968. It has exactly NOTHING to do with Stalin and Stalin supporters, but it still is slapped on as such anyway.

You're just going to repeat the same bull, therefore I wash my hands of this. Do as you like.

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The fact that you think he's in "denial" shows me how ignorant you are.

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Just false. The point is nothing to do with shaming anyone you insecure shit, it's a disproval of the "only white LARPers support M-Ls/Tankies

*It's a disproval of the , "only white LARPers support M-Ls/Tankies" myth perpetuated by ancoms, ultraleftists, liberals and other edgy lefties.

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Whom are you quoting?

My point was being hung up one one or two spooky idpol issues isn't a reason to avoid all of leftism.

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schizo post

Thats true btw check the sitty hoxhaist international (or how else they call it ) there are many partys from africa and latin america .
I am not even a stalinist but thats really amyth there are a lot of nutjobs around the world

Wait is he dengist? i've seen him bannig dengists and market socialists

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How many anti-revesionist partys you know that hate Stalin yes they may criticize him sometimes but most of them like him in general.
Tbh i have never met a stalinist that is not one of the two maoist wings
Hoxhaist or sometype of Maoists

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They're really not. They're not anti-Stalin but they also have their own certain points of view, with your logic lets lump together Fidel and Allende.
Doesn't make them stalinist, especially since that's not a fucking word.
So you're generalizing on Maoism, that's brilliant, its not like third-worldism is very different from M-L which is what Stalin followed.
Stop getting triggered over everything.

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