I'm sensible enough to understand that it's a capitalistic decision. Porky needs constant growth, late stage capitalism doesn't produce anything, not even people to enslave, so they need to import people to enslave and domesticate into consumers for an ever increasing growth everywhere. But the Kalergi plan exists, as well as several testimonies from Jews involved that they're intentionally flooding white nations with nonwhites for the purpose of lowering their intelligence, destroying their national identity, and making them into more easily controllable proles.
I'm moderately racist but skeptical of the evidence that circulates on Zig Forums which does not account for cultural and economic influence on people to behave a certain way. They look at statistics at literal face value and swear they aren't human while not providing studies into racial neurological or genetic differences which would prove that more than statistics and test results would. As a result I'm heavily given the impression that Negroid races are not as capable as white races, but I'm hungry for hard evidence to either side.
Also, I actually believe every other race aside from Sub-saharan Africans are normal aside from religion and cultural influence and only disapprove of miscegenation ironically on the basis of preserving human diversity and distinct national cultures and identities. This is an emotion based sentiment and I recognize it is irrational.
Not my strongest suit(HA) but I've always viewed capitalism with disdain. Because it's utility as a system has always been based around deceit, getting something for less and selling the same thing for more to make a living. You have to be deceitful to live and make others suffer for your own greed and weight. Especially when those who accumulate capital are also in a better position to get more, resulting in the creation of an extremely wealthy financial class that wields all the power over those who actually work. I've thought about ways to alleviate this. Kill the rich every ten years floats through my mind, set a wealth cap, industry nationalization. And nationalization always stuck out to me as the most rational answer. Why should dumbfuckstein 1, 2, and 3 have a monopoly over this vital industry and actually cripple efficiency and ruin it while fighting between each other for more profits when the government could own and operate it for everyone as a public service? Nationalization popped out to me as the answer to a lot of things, because it cut the negatives of Porky being involved out of the picture. So I'd say I'm for nationalization of vital industries, of real estate, of health care, of a lot of things that have no right nor make sense as private entities.
I have some qualms with Marx, in particular the notion that everything he says is absolutely certain and that his utopia is completely possible. In which case, I do not believe it is. Any government's economy will require constant fluctuation and modification to work, and socialism is no different. I believe it is possible to create a socialist state, but it will always operate a grey zone where you have to work out kinks and cancers. In that sense it is like capitalism, which isn't utopian and without regulation quickly diverges into corporatism. Marx also mentions the need to a dictatorship to lead the revolution, another thing which I disagree with in general. In a workers state, centralizing power into the hands of the few willingly seems like a death sentence. Bureaucracy and people managing everything will corrupt and find ways to empower themselves as is human and natural. Except bureaucracy's corruption is absolute devastating especially when it becomes normal and they become their own class. If socialism were to function it needs to keep power as divided as possible with checks of power so such a class is not created.
Those are my opinions anyway.