imagine being so far up your own arse you want to defend a person who ratted out other leftists to the british fucking intelligence because "MUH ☭TANKIE☭S!!!!"
Imagine being so far up your own arse you want to defend a person who ratted out other leftists to the british fucking...
imagine going to reddit
I understand Orwell ratting out socialists is bad and all and very sectarian of him, but we can't just completely reject him. He had genuine criticisms of Stalin which were valid. That guy defending Orwell though is defending him for the wrong reason imo.
1. The people Orwell mentioned were mostly public figures and well-known for their sympathies.
2. He didn't rat them out to the Gestapo. They weren't going to be arrested. He gave a list of names to a government department that was making anti-Soviet propaganda and didn't want to accidentally involve people with Soviet sympathies.
3. At this point in Orwell's life he wanted to prevent the takeover of Britain by a totalitarian dictatorship, and he probably saw the Soviets as the most likely sponsor of that.
Even Anarchists self crit dude, Stalinists should too
I sleep
>"Eric Arthur Blair"
I'm not going to be so accepting of criticism coming from a guy who used literal propaganda to scare liberals into calling the USSR the same as Nazi Germany
not all of them and besides this is a disingenuous copout, if they were so obvious there wouldn't be a list
Ah well that makes collaborating with a reactionary, imperialist and anti-communist state alright, because they weren't going to be killed. Actively interfering and trying to prevent leftists from working within the british state where they could undermine western propaganda efforts against the soviet union is 1. counter-revolutionary and 2. being a fucking cunt.
to be fair it was under a Labour government.
actually that might make it worse because he named MPs so rather than being mere anti-communism it would come under aiding the wrong factions within the labour party, a much more serious offence to the sensibilities of the British left.
Fun fact: one of the names was Michael Foot, a future labour leader.
George Orwell was shot in the neck and nearly died fighting fascism in Spain. He also criticized the attitudes of the British upper classes being more sympathetic to the fascists than the left. He also criticized the left in particular for being more focused on fringe causes rather than issues that working people could understand. He fought fascism and once the threat of fascism was gone his concern switched to Stalinism. Why? Because Orwell was a democratic socialist.
I mean, really, you're posting under a 4th International flag. The leader of which was assassinated by a Soviet agent. And you want to question someone for trying to stop the spread of influence of the Soviet Union?
Wow, the liberals self crit? Liberals… doing something cringy? I can scarcely believe it.
This guy is right.
Orwell bought into the propoganda hard. The destruction of the Soviet Union was nothing but a tragedy, and any other take is braindead, boomer tier retardation.
Liberals like liberals? Imagine my shock.
soviet apologia =! socialism
The collapse of the USSR was indeed a tragedy but it was inevitable. Once the bureaucracy and party hierarchy took over it would have required another revolution to establish genuine socialism. They had the opportunity to develop technology that would have made real economic planning possible but the bureaucracy killed it out of its own self interest. The bureaucrats realized things like cybernetics would have eliminated their own positions.
I honestly believe most ☭TANKIE☭s are against capitalism because they fit on the lower end of the social ladder.
Red Bureaucracy = Corporate Oligarchy
George Orwell was literally Hitler. Here's a pic of him when he signed up to go kill oppressed peasants in India.
For starters, it was Burma. Secondly, his experiance in India turned him into a firm anti imperialist (see Brusilov, Butler):
and I say in India because he spent time before and after his service in Burma, being born there and that
Imagine actually thinking that a person making a single mistake in their entire life disqualifies them from having anything valuable to say.
is there a pattern we're not noticing here?
But, of course, these are the same people that refuse to actually engage with Trotsky's ideas and instead just baselessly smear him as a racist and a Nazi, so why would I be surprised that they disregard Orwell's whole body of work because of one (rather minimally damaging) betrayal on his part.
criticism is fine but being rat is not. Orwell should just criticize labor, not betray them.
Bullshit, it turned him into a liberal imperialist. His "Shooting an Elephant" story is the prototype for all liberal "shoot and cry" narratives (such as Waltz With Bashir, The Deer Hunter, American Sniper).
Orwell also had an extreme and unrelenting hatred for the Irish his whole life.
what the fuck
forgot shitpost flag
he fucking hated his job as an indian policeman
Orwell was an Anglo, that's enough of a sauce :^)
never thought I'd see father ted on here
Imagine being so reddit that you still censor usernames.
this is worth a full read:
Orwell was a fucking piece of shit.
People become communists because their lives are horrible and they see real face of capitalism every day, not because they read about it on the college campus.
Are you implying that working as a propagandist of the bourgeoisie doesn't count as betrayal?
That irish page was full of some extremely hot takes. I could imagine Orwell as a leftypol poster who gets regularly banned lmao.