Hello, I'm 16 in the east-netherlands with no active communist parties. How can I help the international revolution?

Hello, I'm 16 in the east-netherlands with no active communist parties. How can I help the international revolution?

I already convinced my family on anti-capitalistism, african neo-colonialism, hating the banks and distrusting the central government and such. What else could I do?

Attached: Flag_of_Overijssel.svg.png (125x83, 1.56K)

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leave this place and never come back before it's too late
also read Lenin and everything related

Have you read a good number of marxist and anarchist lit?

except read Marx first

read kapital then read cockshott

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Read some books, look respectable, start your own party.
And don't forget the workers.

Read widely, don't be a student activist. Student activists kill everything.

What party did you vote for?

have you tried changing genders?

i used to be a man, now that i got plastic surgery breast implants i feel like a whole new person.

it helps me feel powerful when im defeating capitalism.

the LGBTQIAPK+ is accepting of all comrades also!

it is a fantastic group i *have* to tell you to join!(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

what is this post trying to be?

Do your trade in life, look up some junior political group and get on board. Do activism later as applicable.

Twente toevallig? De Nieuwe Communistische Partij bestaat nog en is erg actief.

hahaha waar de kanker ben je mee bezig maak eerst even de middelbare af vriend

Wat de fuk is dit nou weer


Oh ja lees cockshott

Ik denk dat het een shitpost is oetz

gewoon dat we afrika uitbuiten

Read Marx's Kapital and Communist Manifesto and then Lenin's State and Revolution. Then Stalin's Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR.

The pics contain some sources.

The idea that we can just jump into a revolution is erroneous, as you will see in these books.

Attached: soviet Poland.png (716x2144 504.09 KB, 302.87K)

just head on directly to Zig Forums

there I just saved you five to ten years of your life. fight for global total aryan victory instead.

Leave nazik

Attached: Shut the Fuck Up, You're a Fucking Cunt. Shut the Fuck Up. You're a Stupid Cunt, Suck My Dick..mp4 (1276x720, 2.02M)

you're probably browner than any other "human" of your sort so fuck off.

i'm op btw

Lenin makes Marx more approachable imo, i started with Marx myself but later found that if i had just gone with Lenin first i would've had a much easier time with Marx.
One further reason is that Lenin is referencing Marx alot so you naturally get into his works as well.

State and Revolution is quoting Marx, Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR as well. Good material. Hope people would actually read this and also the sources they give.
May i just add that Stalins work was a contribution for the creation of this Textbook:
This is the last pre XXth Party Congress version.

deze neger serieus?

Not only. State and Revolution analyses marx and re-formats it for the current time period. Problems of Socialism in the USSR is almost wholly economic and only refers to Marx as a goal, but not the main guide.

wait, wut

read lenin.

tell your friends and co-workers about exploitation and how we are heading towards hellworld if socialism doesn't do something about it.

buy a weapon.

wait for the apple to fall from the tree.

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don't read any anarchist shit. just understand marx as much as you possible can.

here youtu.be/6P97r9Ci5Kg?t=146

seriously don't waste your time with anarchist literature its borderline retarded. just read marx

if you have other commie friendz create a collective and begin to do stuff on your territory

Move to a third world country where you have an actual chance of establishing communism, Europe is predominantly ignorant, no I'm not saying Muttland Empire is better, it's worse, but in general most of the west can't be helped.