If you had only one chance to make a right-winger consider leftist ideology, what woukl that point be...

If you had only one chance to make a right-winger consider leftist ideology, what woukl that point be? What's the one thing you would like a Zig Forums shill to take away if they decided to come here?

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I can't decide if anti-capitalism or anti-idpol would be more helpful for Zig Forumsyps…

90% of the time when socialism has been implemented (Asides from Absolute Tards Like Sar Saloth Ceausescu etc and Red Capitalists Like Mao) it has Raised the Nations standard of Living and improved the quality of life of those within it

Incoming blogpost

Right-wingers come here in droves and they either
1) downplay your evidence that you may present
2) spam memes
3) shift goal posts
4) think that we're liberals (see the racism watchdog thread that's been anchored)
5) Try to argue that Asserites and nat-sucs were socialist
6) remain spooked about Muh race, culture, national identity etc.

And if by chance you were able to convert them they'll either become some reactionary tankfag (no offence to those who aren't) who's incapable of self-crit, still label anarchists as "liberals", or adopt some sort of weird bootlicker ideology.

If you're able to convince them that not all communists are "le ebil totalitarians" from Makhno, Durruti, Kim Chwa Chin or subcomandante Marcos and/or hell, even convince them of something akin to this

that'd be great.

To be fair, and I apologise if I have come off as pessimistic/ cynical, it does depend on the right winger. Hell I used to be some weird succ-dem, kensyien, civic nationalist Maajid Nawaz, Dave Rubin, Karl of Swindon classic liberal type, then some radical individualist, and then became a synthesist anarchist when I started learning more about other leftist movements and the ineffectiveness of the capitalist system and how said system causes its own problems which right-wingers tend to moan and bitch about.

I'd say (addressing an American right-winger): If you really want to overthrow a tyrannical government, guns alone won't do it. You need to shut down the economy and the only way to do that is through organized, militant labor going on a general strike.

Essentially, I'd try to marry their love of guns with the Teamsters (who if you've ever met one, love their guns).

That's the best I can do. Dunno if it'll work too, because you can't divorce the guns on the right from the class interests involved. The right wants guns not to fight capital, but to serve as an auxiliary force / off-the-books death squad for the cops and the army serving the interests of capital.

Marx made his analysis on the idea that capitalism created the conditions for its transcendence. Whatever it would be would remove the subjective conditions that enable them to desire to control and to dominate. It's something people need to do for themselves. To see that they aren't everything, that the Will or the Mind are transitory things, that Others really exist the same way they do. Not everyone has it in them and our differences are irreconcilable.

I actually don’t know. I’m retarded in that aspect, I guess unionism?

The left has been the real violent might-is-right political force since 1789 where reactionaries were slaughtered, humiliated and decapitated without mercy. The legacy continues on through guerrilla armies, antifas who humiliate, shut down and cock block the supposed "strong men" of the right on a weekly basis from Germany to Brazil.

There hasn't been a single Nationalist org from the right that compares to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ETA_(separatist_group) since the Falangilists and others from the same era.

There's no contingent of right-wing tough guys flying to South Africa to fight for those supposedly persecuted white African farmers like there are white cuck antifas flying to third world nations to fight against imperialism.

When is the last time 3,000 right-wingers tried this against Obama.

Speaking of Greek leftists. Remember that time Greek anarchists BTFO the Golden Dawn so badly that they had to disband only to come back later and get BTFO again by the same anarchists?

Now today Greek anarchists shelter refugees under the state and Golden Dawns noses. Show me a more embarrassing defeat.

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Didn't even fucking Mao and Ceausescu raise the standard of living compared to how it was before?

Depends what "right-winger" means. If they're a fascist I'd probably point out globalization is caused by capitalism.

If they're libertarian it is that capitalism inherently suppresses freedoms and that socialism/anarchism will give people more control over their lives

Attached: capitalism-and-freedom.png (700x368, 218.26K)

Don't know about Ceausescu but I'm pretty sure life expectancy in China nearly doubled under Mao's leadership.

Every single thing that you ascribe to some jewish plot can be rationally explained by the class interest of the bourgeoisie.

… no. Most of the shit they claim da joos are doing is pure smoke.

link them nick land

i would say that
imperialism and capitalism have killed a lot of white able bodied men, broken up their families, and left them with poor health and many addictions. nationalism and fascism don't help with those problems much either since they rely on division and a false sense of meritocracy due to those systems/ideas.




It is completely dishonest to believe that you can not mix nationalism with socialism .


Anti-capitalism for Zig Forumsyps, anti-idpol for ledditors.

Go with where we already have some common ground.

If Zig Forums really took the "but it's NA.TIONAL SOCIALISM" seriously then they wouldn't have voted for Trump. Zig Forums is not anti-capitalist.

And leddit is not anti-idpol holy fuck have you even spent any time in their "left" subreddits?

When the goal is a stateless society, it seems pretty reactionary.

tank-fags in a nutshell, comrades.

that capitalism is inherently globalist and will continue to erode their nations

You gotta kill the jews!

I'm a right winger. Even put the nazi flag on. Feel free to bounce some points off of me.

I've read first volume of das Kapital. I've read lots of meme leftists too, like Zizek and how everything is ideology, or Nick Land and how everything is schizophrenia and so on. I am also pulling 10 hour shifts at machine tool making factory 6 days a week and still having money problems, so I think I am familiar enough with capitalism to have an opinion on it, especially after I see how much are welders/assembly people paid, how much stuff we make and repair, how much of that money goes to the bosses, and how much the bosses even do..

But ONE THING that is more important than all that, one thing that will make the working classes NEVER accept leftism, is leftism's position on race.
Leftism has all the establishment talking points when it comes to race, to islam, immigration, and so on.
Listen, ethnic Europeans and few east Asians had ice ages. They had to hunt mammoths. They HAD to develop better tools, shelters, clothing, organized group hunting, etc.
It is utter and pure insanity to assume that tropical populations, who never had to do anything to survive, who never invented or developed anything, who have more similarities with local chimps than continent exploring Europeans, developed the same problem solving capacity as alpine climate Euros who had to hunt down mammoths.

Socialism with non-whites is impossible. They have no effect on means of production. They can not even maintain democracies or civilization. You can put whites on Australia or Iceland, resourceless barren shithole islands, and they still create 1st world countries. You liberate non-whites from colonialism, and THEIR QUALITY OF LIFE DECREASES! Black South Africa is 50 times more violent than white SA was. Rhodesia was a better place to live than Zimbabwe (those two have the same geographical location, just the government changed).

Non-whites and muslim fundamentalists are outdated agricultural equipment that have no place in modern, industrialized societies. They have a problem with the law, with violence, with secular society, with figuring out math that is required for making all the machinery we have and need for our standard of society.

tl;dr leftists are reactionary on race, it is quite literally impossible for races to be the same or equal in anything, you can ignore whole written history and just go to the root causes such as evolutionary pressure in alpine ice age mammoth hunting regions and evolutionary pressure in tropical easy living regions and come to the same conclusion as history played out

non-whites never had a reason to evolve higher problem solving capacity than they have now, and are absolutely not needed for socialism, nor can they contribute anything, they are just outdated agricultural equipment and everything they can do whites can do better, and ethnostates beat multiculti states in everything

if leftists excepted this, they would have the working class
but leftists follow establishment talking points on race instead, and so they only attract weirdos, quasi intellectuals, nonwhites, sexual freakshows, and other establishment approved vote farms that always vote the same and have no influence on means of production

Why were Northern Europeans literally barbarian savages during the Islamic golden age which invented countless things that we still rely on today? Before the barbarians had done anything? This completely defeats your argument. If you look at all the advanced civilizations in history, before long distance communication, they were all near trade centers. Can you see why that is? Doesn't that make more sense to you than humans vs orcs?

We are not what you think we are.

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You know mammoths existed in the americas and siberia right.
Aborigines created a wapon specialized to fly and look like a bird of prey in order to direct water birds in there nets
and loosed cause the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧eternal🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 stoled chinese tech

Is a meme. They burnt the library of Alexandria, the biggest one in the world at the time, saying "we just need one book, quran". They never invented anything new, they were translating Greek books into arabic and pretending they invented something.

Northern "barbarians" were already creating the most sophisticated trade network, visited Americas, colonized Greenland, and were developed enough for their time, they didnt have to wait westerners to develop their tourist traps in return for oil money like modern islamic shitholes do today.
Islamic "golden age" is a pile of bullshit and I dont see the reason why it would start, and why it would ever end if it actually ever happened.

Persia was superior to islamic anything. Egypt was superior to islamic anything. Islamic "golden age" is the most retarded shit I have ever heard of. If anything, islamic places were far more golden BEFORE islam turned them into the islamic shitholes they are today.

Race stops mattering with the introduction of widespread genetic engineering.
Also, weren't there great civilizations around before Europeans came and killed them all?

You are a retard if you really think that islamic golden is a lie and evreything you said is wrong but..
Evryone had them and there not that sophisticated
and italians visited china what about that many other people may had reached America

Yes and then left and never come back
So race does not matter onlY culture self BTFO again good job

The romans did it first.

If they were ever so great, how could Europeans conquer them so easily?
Like, how can you be "great" AND conquered at the same time??? Dont you see how full of shit that sounds? Dont you see you are.. pretending? Dont you see the obvious fallacy in being great and being conquered?

Listen, if you get conquered, you are not great. I dont know if we are using the same words or if they have the same meaning here. Great civilizations are doing the conquering. Not great civilizations are getting conquered.

About genetic engineering, it is still not implemented enough to be relevant, and implementing genetic engineering to the undesirables is literally the same as wiping them out, which is what most of the right wing and the working classes would be for anyway.

Son you literally can not even spell. English isnt my first language but even I am more coherent than you. Stop with the buzzword format, I am not replying to that shit. And google what Iranian stands for (it stands for Aryan btw), what Indo-European civilization is, and just how retarded 21st century islamic theocracies are.
You can not have socialism and defend non-secular societies at the same time.

This is why leftists will never capture working class. Your bullshit is clear for all the world to see. Defending shitslam, but complaining about capitalism. No worker will ever support your hypocrisy, complaining how capitalism is barbarism while defending literal ultra hyper barbarism in comparison, aka islam.

Have fun with establishment approved voting farms. Your talking points on race and islam are the same as sheltered corporate bubble because unlike the working class, you dont have to deal with feral minorities.


Here we go again.

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You are projecting something. You know, knowing basic biology and basics of evolution, doesnt imply jewish conspiracy.
Lysenkoism all over again. Look it up. Commies tried to ban biology, imprisoned all biologists because as basic biology clearly shows, different environments = different people.

I dont even believe in jewish conspiracy, even tho it makes more sense than capitalist conspiracy. How are jews not the same as capitalists in your own ideology, I do not know. If anything, jewish conspiracy is much more documented than capitalist conspiracy, at least pol can quote how jews did the same thing in Babylon before they threw them out, in Egypt (all translators and court advisers), middle east (money changers), Spain before inquisition (bankers, merchants), eastern Europe before pogroms (merchants, money lenders), Weimar Germany (merchants, lawyers, media) and so on.

Remove 1% and you removed half of the jews.
Remove the jews, and you removed half of the 1%.

But anyway have fun parroting establishment lines on race and islam. Have fun with approved uniform voting farms that is the modern left.
Communists have lost the working class to the populist movements that see capitalism, race and islam for what it is.

Communists without the working class are a joke. You retards even celebrated when they arrested that Tommy Robinson guy in UK, and I doubt you can get a more working class guy than him.
This is what the left is. Establishment approved vote farms. Working class has nothing to gain from supporting modern left. Because modern left parrots the same lines as establishment when it comes to race and islam.

What about the viruses that hit the incas(or whoever they were).
You really should read my post , try….(sry for bad English)

nazi flag man of nazi has no business crying when whitties get bred out by powerful negro seed

nationalism is inherently bourgeois and anti proletarian. nationalism and socialism are absolutely antithetical.

Drag a new one out of the gulag, comrade

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Races do not exist.

Your entire post is the post of an idiot.

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Cool myth, Schlomo. You have any proof for that?

Do you have any evidence for the contrary brainlet


Any given biology textbook, basically.

Attached: I'm the cook.webm (1280x720, 3.61M)

Ah man it's been a while since I've seen your type, I have missed this.

Oh look who's here.

Attached: autistic screeching.webm (1280x720, 547.36K)

THIS fam

No more baboons. Baboon peoples are a scourge. They are a net negative. All baboons in zoos.

It wasn't easy at all you fucking ignorant brainlet. You don't know anything about anything.

Eek eeek


Germans are still the uncontested masters of Europe, subhuman. Russian gdp is smaller than shitaly

Only because Mikhail "The Destroyer" Gorbachev and Boris "the Drunk Retard" Yeltsin were shitty libs and decided to experiment with W E S T E R N C A P I T A L I S M

Eternal reminder that the supposedly "superior" aryan Nazi state were absolutely annihilated and humiliated by the supposedly inferior Bolshevik slavs. LMAO

Attached: China-_Xi_glory.jpg (520x328, 26.67K)

annd? germans were destroyed twice over and still are the standard for decent living in the world, along with world class engineering and science education

how many Russian children live in sewers again? lmao


Answered your own question their fam.

I teach then what post-modernism means in the political context, so they can realize they are all post-modernists, thinking they can run their ethno-state like a city management video game.

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The USSR was already falling way, way behind on production and overall economy, standard of living, even military tech and research. And with China looking to the west… yeah, change was needed.
If Gorbachev's reforms had worked, and Afghanistan had flipped red, maybe the Warsaw Pact would've lasted enough to make use of large scale networking and fast CPUs to plan the economy, which is a game changer. But it didn't work out that way.

Attached: leave communism to me.JPG (600x340 126.04 KB, 59.77K)

So the germans(the jews of europe by your standards)
East germany was BASED
but the only reason germany(now) is so good is the billions of dollars USA put in to it and you know controling the europian market through EU.
btw how nice that you abandoned the whole white nationalism(the one with the shity explanations), now you just support the aglosaxons….


Mass immigration is in the class interest of the capitalists.

Learn to read

You know that group of people who own everything, exist by skimming off the profit you produce at work, dominate electoral politics, and decide when and for how long you're allowed to piss? What if I told you that we, as workers, have a way to fight them, extract concessions, and take over…

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Read a fucking book

That communism is in their material self interest.

Equal world == less migrants

Infect all of their echo-chambers. Be certain to always present leftist worldviews in these echo-chambers so as to always keep them aware. Go out of your way to challenge them on what they perceive as givens. Do so not just on Zig Forums but also on minds.com. That place is becoming a real shit show because there isn't a large enough leftist community on there.

Or you could just kill traitors and have a government that enforces borders. It's far cheaper and actually feasible, unlike an equal world.

Considering 99% of them are classcucks who see no problem with working 12+ hours for a boss, I would try to convince them how flawed that is and that people could be working less than they do now but we don't because of capitalism demands more profits.

lol go ahead and try it fagola. mongoloids like you are always going on about how leftists should house migrants in their own homes and not force it on others. Go kill those traitors yourself faggot. The right has had every excuse to pop off a war since G W Bush at least and you haven't done jack fucking shit. Put your money where your mouth is and commit those crimes you talk about so much.

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Early fascism was quite critical of international finance capitalism. Its true, look it up. Im sure some you know Mussolini started out as a communist. The early fascists saw capitalists as weak, disloyal traitors worried more about money than their nation or people. There is maybe 1% of modern fascists that ever come to the Epiphany that capitalism is bad for nationalism, tradition, and the purity of race. The rest of them are morons screeching about the juice.

"What a waste that we lost Mussolini. He is a first-rate man who would have led our party to power in Italy."- Vladimir Lenin, addressed to a delegation of Italian socialists in Moscow after Mussolini's March on Rome in 1922, as quoted in "Third World Ideology and Western Reality" (1986) by Carlos Rangel, p. 15

That's the point. It's not socialist. That's why it's got nearly the highest living standards in the world.

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This is why Zig Forumsyps never leave their basements

read a fucking book dude, you are only an anarchist because you don't know shit


literally fucking math and the concept of a civilization.

also you just disproved your last point by saying it was all about race, now jumping on to culture/religion. Whats it like being a literal fucking retard

Please tell me you're just pretending to be retarded, lad.

Please tell me you actually have some sort of rebuttal to anything I said.

Not him, but… Venezuela (the country with 70% private industry) does not have the highest living standards in the world.

he's a right wing faggot do you honestly think he isn't a complete and total moron? do you honestly think he even understands capital or even the basic grammer we are using to type our sentences? all it is is humans vs orcs to him, another lord of the rings movie.

literally the dumbest of the dumb while actually managing to convince himself he has the world figured out.

>he's a left wing faggot do you honestly think he isn't a complete and total moron? do you honestly think he even understands human biology, history or even the basic grammar* we are using to type our sentences? all it is is poor vs rich to him, another attempt at attention whoring for free gibs

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He has an excuse you retard, you don't, go back to your shithole on Dickcord or Reddit or wherever you ancraps circle jerk.

Math is a massive subject. Only a minuscule fraction of it can be attributed to the middle east. It's kind of like how the Chinese invented gun powder and then someone else came along and greatly expanded upon it beyond the creative capabilities of the Chinese themselves.

Basic criticism and dislike for leftism a right winger has, is our misunderstanding of leftist view on personal responsibility.

Let me put a gay nazi flag since I am right winger (on fiscal matters, dont really care about society, people can do what they want as long as they arent coming for my money). I do not understand leftism. I see you people even have a bootstraps joke around here, which I do admit that average joe cant become a trillionaire, I agree with you a little bit but I dont know how far do you take it.
I mean is every human bean a special snowflake entitled to a yacht? Is someone considered oppressed if he doesnt have at least 4 sky scrapers? Liberal leftists politics consist of getting the unions together to demand wank pauses every work hour, a pension at 30 years of age, and every workplace has to have a golden toilet or idk.. ok I am blowing it out of proportion but from time to time you would be surprised by how much.

I grew up in Poland without anything, and worked as a farm boy when I was 13. Finished highschool at 20 sadly. In the mean time I have been studying languages and absolutely everything about agricultural mechanization on my own. I am 25 years old now, and I am chopping up farm machines like a mad man. From my own back yard. Which I own. My profits are around 200.000$ a year and through my backyard on average year more than 10 million $ can flow. I dont even have any workers, I have a friend who comes by from time to time to drink with me and help me out, he finished a school and is some sort of machine engineer or I dont know so he is helping me out if I cant handle something.

All I want is governments and busybody assholes and politicians and who ever else to just leave me alone. I dont need to belong to a infinite hive of "workers". Some of the "workers" really are legitimately lazy or mentally undeveloped, I know people and so do you. Why should I group myself with them? For what purpose?
Because of the laws and licences and other shit I dont understand nor will I ever read up on because I dont care about it, I can not declare my business a legitimate thing. I have to rely on reputation. People drive their tractors and trucks and farm machines to my back yard because of the word of mouth. I fix them. I get paid. Cash on hand. Government doesnt know how much I get paid, as it shouldnt, its not its fucking business, its my fucking business quite literally. Officially I am unemployed and I dont care about their classifications. I probably have enough for my pension already. I just keep developing my property, ventilation for painting and welding vehicles, analytical tools for engines, I probably have 2 or more millions just in work equipment and this keeps increasing.

So no thanks, I do not want to share with lazy people. Good personal borders (like private property) make good neighbors. I am swamped in work but I dont even hire a secretary to make appointments, for every job I take i turn down another 10. There is work to go around. Especially for young people. I know so many people with………. drama school and history degrees and fashion or language or political science schools. They are not happy with their situations. They all hope a government or huge corporation will bail them out with a welfare job in their fields.
And I also know tons of tire fixers, welders, electricians, plumbers, metal recycling plant owners (also from their backyards) who are self employed, who are the boss, and employ other workers. Just work their work. They decide if they wanna work that day or not. 10 hours or 2 hours. Work this or work that.

So I dont know. If you are a real working class man, you dont want leftism. You dont want group-ism. You dont want politics. You want politics out of your hair. You want taxation yoke and licence yoke out of your way. You want to work your work, and other people not to bother you. If your trade sucks, or your skills unpaid, or there's too many people in it, it just means it is easy or useless.
So change your fucking trade, get yourself some better skills instead of complaining.
IF YOU HAVE INTERNET, YOU DONT HAVE EXCUSES, you can learn absolutely all of them.

Every time someone comes here from Zig Forums says the same thing try something new…

You're a piece of shit and I won't feel any pity for you when you're put up against the wall. The world will be better off without you.

all i am saying is, leftism has no anti-laziness mechanic
if anything, leftism incentivises laziness because everyone is oh so oppressed, everyone, literally every retard you can pick from the street was oppressed and never had a chance, and his circumstance imprisoned him just like marx said….. oh no, he has 0 skills and blew all his cash on heroin and he is saying he would do it all over again, nevermind i guess

this is why leftism is starvation ideology, it doesnt incentivise personal responsibility, everyone shares, nothing is private, we are all one massive sprawling inefficient bloated collective, no one is personally responsible for anything, and when scarcities happen because scarcity is what you get when you ignore personal responsibility, everyone starves

oooh, lets just infinitely politicize everything, lets politicize this, lets politicize that, lets politicize misery, lets politicize how entropy and gravity and the nature works against us, ooooh poor miserable us

you have internet, you can learn whatever the fuck marketable skill in this world, you can be responsible for yourself for a change, make some money for a change, and stop complaining or politicizing (the same in your case) for a change

dying your hair, getting a tattoo or some useless degree is not a revolutionary act, becoming an electrician is a revolutionary act, getting a real job is a revolutionary act, saving money to buy your own shit and become self employed is a revolutionary act

in the leftist ideologies, everyone is a supreme politicizing leader and no one is a fucking worker, not a single industrial or proper worker in this whole 'worker movement' because actual workers are either busy making money and have no time for politicizing leeches

my grandfather was a KGB agent too

I didn't come here from Zig Forums, but anarchists are liberals.