Why can't SocDems convert to labour voucher to stop getting raped in the ass by capitalists?

Why can't SocDems convert to labour voucher to stop getting raped in the ass by capitalists?

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How do?

t. Maduro



Well you could start by nationalizing all industry, instead of leaving 70% in private hands.

the petro is a way to sell sovereign debt in spite of sanctions


I meam 1) like currencies are fiat & 2) petro is actually backed gy a specific quantity of crude.

Labour vouchers are
1) Not fiat
2) Not currencies
3) Not backed by a commodity
4) Not transferrable

smh tbh fam

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trap alunya, what you doing to me

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is alunya canonically a trap?

this one in the pic replied to, in that artstyle, with that short skirt and those stockings, and her cute little fang
yes, she has a cute feminine penis
nobody can convince me otherwise, so it's canon

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Suddenly nationalizing everything doesn't magically make the economy better. Velasco did that in the early 70s, and it didn't accomplish much.

kek, quints confirm

Not under socialism it isnt.

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The flags should be outlined in white or something.



wew lad

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The gay trap and feminine penis are the new dialectic

It's a fictitious commodity.

There was such thing in pre WW2 USSR. It's now compared to slavery. Was called "wordays" if I remember correctly.
