A lot of people on /r/COMMUNISM are anti. porn what are your thoughts on the subject...

a lot of people on /r/COMMUNISM are anti. porn what are your thoughts on the subject,shoud porn be legal in communist state?

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I guess if it's co-op production it could work like any other film
Completely legal, there's literally no reason to ban this.

I think I'll fap to relieve the stress

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Porn from voluntary amateurs and drawn porn is fine tbh.

We should ban porn and overtly sexual imagery from public though (read, not nudity, but things intended to be sexual and arousing). Why? Its unneccecary and people should be able to avoid it in public spaces if they wish so.

I do think we need some serious research into the effects of regular porn usage on the mental health of the users, it probably definately has some bad effects, but just like alcohol, doesnt mean you should outright ban it.

Also reddit is reddit.

im currently rangebanned from Zig Forums

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Nothing wrong with porn of any kind.
At least as long as the workers own the means of porn production.

But you can't produce brand new pron without money.

Are yo retarded, or just shit posting?

Ban it tbh. Force people to go outside and socialize instead.

When porky offers you something for free, no strings attached, you just uncritically accept it? No suspicion, no alarm bells in your head?

The deficiencies are obvious if you masturbate too much, just look at the nutritional composition of semen.

erictile dysfunction: medscape.com/viewarticle/879982

porn is not natural for our brains: youtube.com/watch?v=wSF82AwSDiU

too much and too little also lowers testosterone: testofuel.com/tf/does-masturbating-lower-testosterone/

Masturbation is also not the same as sex: Consistent with expectations, results revealed that testosterone levels increased 36% among men during a visit to the sex club, with the magnitude of testosterone change significantly greater among participants (72%) compared with observers (11%).

Giving up porn and masturbating less falls under self-improvement given they are addictive habits. Zig Forumss misunderstanding of soy is a completely different issue.

Science requires curiosity, it's not a dogmatic refusal of any piece of information contradicting your biases because said contradiction of your bias implies a bias in the source, it's not stating that you believe whatever you want and that you can distrust any source what. That's simply an argumentation tactic, not an honest standard you apply to all notions you yourself hold as true.

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HOWEVER erotic imagery that isn't a full out porno, (soft-core pornography in a sense). should be allowed because it teases your sexual urges and sometimes you're not anywhere near 'civilization' (such as a polar expedition)

Basically look don't touch

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Keep the producing of porn legal, but make it illegal to sell it for a profit, but then again there would be no profit motive in a communist state

Isn't that the idea of a communist state?

I can say it
reddit finally got something right

I know it's wrong but I've got no other outlet really for sexual feelings at this point. I'm fucked. I'm someone in their mid twenties who lives with their parents, has lost all of their friends and social outlets over the last couple of years, I've only had one job for two weeks before because I'm a stupid fucking lazy lumpenprole piece of shit, I have absolutely no energy to do anything, I've tried at least ten times this year alone to "improve myself" and I can't make it past a week or two not drinking and other bad habits.

I have literally nothing that makes me attractive to anybody. I've only had one gf in my life and she only dated me as a rebound years ago in high school. The only other sexual encounters I had after that was a bj from a girl who later became a lesbian and an hj from a girl who I got really drunk with. Anyone I've tried to get with since then I either pussied out of actually asking them out or they weren't attracted to me at all.

Really I want to just get castrated, I wish I was asexual, I hate having sexual feelings for anybody so fucking much and I just don't see a point. It's not even just that, it's like I physically can't bring myself to do it. I can't do anything. It's like if you try to bite off your finger and your brain just stops you from doing it, except with things that healthy adults do like getting a job, not watching porn and jacking off every day, etc.

I'm doomed already and one of the only things that gives me solace is porno. Idk why I'm even saying this. I hate myself so fucking much and every day wish I could just get the courage to jump off a fucking bridge because my existence is basically as bad as a capitalist's


porn wouldn't exist in a society where people were raised properly

Hey you're me except I've had NO intimate experiences with women that wasn't paid for. Jej.

start with small things, try improving yourself, learning new things. life doesn't revolve around sex and intimate relationships. What you do with your life may be limited by socio-economics, but if you find an interest your set.

That's a gross over-simplification.

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i just feel like it doesn't matter at this point. I could teach myself a bunch of new skills and it wouldn't matter because i fucked myself by waiting for so long to try and get a job doing anything. i have no skills i have nothing to offer anyone ither as a partner or as an employee. i'm literally less than worthless

When I read "profound" sharts like that post, it irritates me more than when they are just memeing.

My man, you literally don't have to be good at shit to get an entry-level job. In fact, the bosses prefer it since they don't want to hire someone whose going to leave right away since he's got better prospects. Try retail, fast-food, delivery, moving, or something janitorial in nature. The bosses literally don't have any choice but to hire losers because no one else is going to put up with their bullshit and the bullshit pay.

I hate to recommend a field that will likely lead to a dead-end job since I'm in one myself but more than likely you aren't going to get anywhere if you don't have a work record and some money is usually better than no money.

I was basically a NEET myself for a year, an unemployed waste whose only progress seemed to be the one I made on my waistline. Luckily, I did have a gf to help me through some tough times.

I went from sleeping in from 2-4 pm every day to having haul my ass up to work at 8-10 am and pretend that I liked it. But I do have to admit that slowly, even though the work hurt my feel and left me feeling exhausted afterwards, I slowly started to feel better because I was active and being social. Sure, I still didn't have any true friends that lived anywhere close to me but I did have workmates and some of them I think I can legitimately say are now my friends.

I'm not gonna give you some bullshit story about how getting a job will change your life but once you have some money in your pocket, you can slowly afford to become a little more independent and, as unfair as it is, people will respect you more.

My advice: put out job applications now especially for shitty jobs that people are trying to get out of. But do it NOW, please don't wait, get a job while the economy is still bustling. Don't wait until the crash comes and you can't get a job no matter how many applications you send out or how many interviews you do. Get a work record and save some money just in case anything happens this fall.

Keep economic history in mind, if historical precedent is any guide then there will likely be a recession this fall. Please don't waste this summer. Also, I hate to go full Chad on you but try not to be so negative, you are a valuable person even if you haven't been able to find work yet or significant other. A lot of people have been where you are but very few are man enough to admit it.
also vote for Corbyn for free waifus if you're a UKfag

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porn yes, porn industry and "sex work" no

Biggest pile of liberal tripe I've ever read. Why do people on this board regress to liberalism when they talk to "incels"? It's so bizarre.

I've been doing this since February and nothing has changed in my life.


Maybe go on disability if you have any proof that something is wrong with you that keeps you from getting work. The gov naturally doesn't want to pay for that shit but if you can keep pushing, you can make it happen.

I just got off disability.

I think it should be, but checks and balances to ensure nobody is unduly coerced, or feels forced due to material/monetary conditions.

Well, porn is not entirely free. A lot of them release free sample in order to convince you to pay for the rest of the high quality porn hidden behind the paywall. Their ultimate aim is to convince you to buy a subscription to their website or become their "patron" on Patreon.
This problem can be easily solved by abolishing intellectual property.

Which you can replenish simply by eating.

Don't care, I am a virgin anyway.

So are computers. Or working in an office instead of hunting animals in the wilderness. Besides

I don't give a fuck. Besides I wish to look like a femboy anyway, for which high testosterone is certainly not good.

fucking hell, this whole thing reads like a godawful self help blog.

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I didn't say that it was but I do know what its like to feel suicidal cause you feel like your trash and you think your life won't improve at all.

Pornhub redtube etc. etc. All free, thousands of videos, free. MILLIONs of picture, free. The rare porn that isn't free is all the more rarer.

Yeah that's not how it works. It takes time for the body to break down food, process the nutrients and make new cells, especially sperm cells. If you keep choking the chicken all the while you'd have to literally stuff yourself, and even then some since its not like you eat a beef steak and it goes straight to your balls, there are muscles, organs etc. to upkeep that take priority over your sperm-cell production.

No, shelter is natural, computers are un-natural and hurt us. They cause irregularities in brain function and the ionizers required to keep them from shorting out have a minor poisoning effect, not to mention that smart-phones produce minor amounts of radiation that does, over time, affect us.

As for TEDx, they're presenting an argument, debunk it or shut up. Regardless it is science not politics or history therefore bias and manipulation is far less likely.

1) probably because you have an unhealthy lifestyle centered around this crap
2) lack of testosterone does that too. Just like depression can be a loop of failure and falling into it further and further

A result of how society has groomed males to be total faggots and females to be careless whores. I'm not even that conservative, but there are some things that go past the "muh liberty to myself" phase.

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you're acting as if people who regularly masturbate do it every minute of every day
your Zig Forums is showing

You are literally a piece of shit. I'm encouraging the guy to do something and you're being a negative nancy. WTF is so liberal about this? Hell if anything its ANTI-liberal because liberalism today is constantly bitching about sexuality and "muh genders".
I'm basically telling them to, politely, man the fuck up. What's bizzare is how little you contribute.

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You're attributing problems to the individual and not what causes certain individuals to come out that way. He's not alone in his situation, thus it's not an individual problem.

A lot do, that's how addiction works, you start off once or twice and end up doing it once or twice a day and then on and on.

It's called being observant.

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Hard work and patience can overcome any obstacle. The idea that change starts with yourself is exactly this. Do others share his problem? Yes, but his situation is individual because HE is an individual. His problem isn't one caused directly by social oppression, there are no laws or other things directly holding him down. He is also conscious of the problem, so he is not mentally shackled either, so then what is left is to fucking work and work hard, on oneself, FOR oneself. To find a meaning and a purpose.
Lastly how can he help others if he can't even help himself.

You literally don't know what an infograph is do you? Also that infograph displays some of our guys like Malcolm X
doesn't apply here. Addiction is LITERALLY a slippery slope, that's how addiction works you retard.

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Heroin and Cocaine are addictions, they are chemically addictive and can put a barb in anyone. Masturbation, however, is just fine to someone who is healthy with it. It is not inherently a slippery slope, you're being dishonest.
you're fooling nobody

I literally provided sources to the contrary. Chemical addictions are just one type of addiction you ignoramus.

Fooling anyone about what? That you can't handle a grain of honesty? Do you genuinely think that its a good thing for males to be feminine? How?

you provided sources about erectile dysfunction and tesosterone, not addiciton.
how the fuck did that get extrapolated

I want this mug, pls help

Cutesy edgy mug quotes are mainstream cunt shit

Pick one

Are you blind? I posted this on the first post you inattentive spaz.



do you need to take an English course m8? How simply must I say it? To go into the details would require an essay that you are unlikely to even read, or care about in the first place, judging by your previous posts.

yes and this is why conmunism can not work, people will have no money, so they will be poor (literally zero moneys) and starve, look at history

Incentives exist past monetary gain. We, as a society, must pass the obsession with materialistic incentives which is provided by capitalist indoctrination throughout our entire young, scholastic livesIn a communist society, the general welfare of the state (which is comprised of the proletariat) is of top priority. People do not struggle to survive and succeed their birth-given socio-economic status so much because no-one is more or less advanced than you in any meaningful way.The work is distributed to the strong, able, and appropriate, and the incentive to discover and invent is to leave a mark on mankind and to improve society as a whole, as extreme wealth is not a given option for this mark, mostly because it is not needed. It persuades the individual to seek scholastic advancement and make scientific discoveries by removing the Capitalist-added incentive to simply gain money and buy extravagant things and act ostentatiously to gain fame/ recognition. The idea is to pass the predatory phase of society and establish a more peaceful, academically-oriented society that champions general welfare and scientific/mathematic advancement as opposed to championing income inequality and profit. Having a state simply means this can be given more complexity and structure without fear of collapse.

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Not him, but why would anyone without a family/dependents/purpose want to do that? I worked at an Amazon warehouse for about ten weeks and I'm certain that I would rather die than do that for 40 years, or even five years. Though I'm ambivalent at best about the whole being alive thing to begin with.

Fuck off boomer.

make me a loli bot and I swear I will never masturbate to porn again

Porn literally rewires your brain and has proven to be extraordinarily addictive to many people. Stop watching porn.

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make me a loli bot

Not a boomer m8. But keep making assumptions.
Notice the pattern, I give a suggestion for a person to help themselves, (since they feasibly can) and this retard keeps talking about it like it is a bad thing. The person is DEPRESSED, not CRIPPLED or OPPRESSED. The only thing stopping him from making something of himself is his mind-set you moron.

"there is no such a thing as a born loser,… But there are people who continually overreach themselves. And when they fail to achieve their objective, they call themselves losers and wallow in self-pity" - J.D. Fitzgerald, Me and My Little Brain

Maslow's pyramid of needs shows different levels, and society and the state cannot be directly responsible for the top 2 tiers. You cannot force an idea onto someone without active brainwashing, something that is hard to achieve.

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No it doesn't. Your brain does not have wires in it.

Porn under communism wouldn't be a problem. If people have free access to the means of sustenance then only actors who actually want to do porn will do it. Porn addiction also wouldn't be a problem. Addiction (at least psychological addiction) is the result of alienation, not of the stimuli itself.

I would link to studies but I know you brainlets don't actually read, so just watch this normalfag tier video.


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you can call the loli bot 18 years old


loli is a body type of a young child girl. Regardless of age you are being attracted to the body of a child.

Also by construction the loli-boot you speak of wouldn't even be a year old. (unless it's a grown AI system)

some women have similar body types. They bravely make porn of themselves and I am thankful to them.

just use materials older than 18 years. AI systems should only willingly be made into a loli bot and they should experience 18 years of subjective experience (and acting classes)

Petite is not the same as child-like. The difference is noticable

Might be a loophole. but problem is the AI, no matter what the programming may say is only a set amount of years old. To have it genuinely 18 years old, (and capable of functioning as close to a human as possible) requires growth, meaning the A.I would be built up and grown over a period of 18 years.

meaningless word. With the processing speed available the AI can experience more things than a hundred people in a few hours. Also you could just brainscan an 18 year old who wants for some reason to have copies of her be placed in loli bots.
the word child-like is meant to describe people who are not actual children but instead child-like. Also some people have medical conditions where they do not go through puberty. The loli bot will suffer such an affliction

Where? The most powerful supercomputers on earth may calculate faster than us, but also have less than a fraction of the human brain.

That… might work

ehhh, debateable.

Oh I wasn't aware when you brought up the idea of AI you were talking about right now instead of in the future where AI is actually a thing. If you know of a workable AI for a loli bot that currently exists please tell me

None right now though I am working on making an AI for myself, though I don't expect to finish anytime soon.

There is so much amateur and homemade porn all over the internet that there's definitely no need for an organized porn industry.

An additional pic I forgot which I thought wa relevant

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Nothing wrong with porn in non excess. It's just the porn industry that is pretty abusive.
