What political leanings are your friends? Are they leftist or normie liberals?

What political leanings are your friends? Are they leftist or normie liberals?
Do they ever say some outrageously dumb uniformed bullshit that makes you go "why the fuck am i friends with this person?"
My friend said "If the ozone hole was to be closed,it would be more likely for there to be an iceage than for the earth to be heated"

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Entire family votes Conservative. Sister votes Democrat (she lives over in AmeriKKKa) but has uttered retarded neoliberal talking points (the poor just mooch off benefits!!!!) in her few political comments so I'm guessing the only reason she's not Republican is because Trump might revoke her work visa lmao. It's pretty hellish honestly. I just want a Christian friend who's on the economic left.

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at best my friends are radlibs and at worst they spew bullshit NWO conspiracy theory talking points
I do my best to try and refine their more radical views but it's a chore

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Normie liberals and one nationalist.

ex-military burgers don't tread on me etc. or apolitical. would love for just a socdem type acquaintance in my life. dad just says he's socially liberal, fiscally conservative but said bernie was cool. no idea about my mom except she doesn't like guns.

Friends. Ha ha.

Well one is a solid MLer who takes offense at the word ☭TANKIE☭. Revisionists get the Gulag in his universe. While he may be quick to take offense, he's the most intelligent person I know and I love him dearly. A liberal acquaintance cracked that he reminded him of Paul Kagame (intelligent, sophisticated, ruthless), and that (said as a joking directive) "you shoot him after the revolution." Keep in mind that Kagame has waged an assassination campaign targeting Rwandan dissidents abroad on a level unmatched by anyone except perhaps Putin. So the liberal friend was saying: he's admirable but you don't want him in power.

But maybe you do.

My closest friend is my brother who is a furry socialist but is concerned primarily with the environment and animal rights. He was actually veering toward the alt-right in his more depressive incel-ish days but he snapped out of it, pulled himself together and got a girlfriend. She's a very vaguely, squishy Democrat who liked Hillary for being a woman.

She recently learned about Netanyahu and asked him, "Is he a good guy or bad guy?"

Brother: "Bad."

Her: "He looked creepy."

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We talk about fish A LOT. Very few people talk politics here, with family outright ignoring it. Although, social views stick my parents in the conservative area of things.

One is a normie and the other is a rightard, but not a fascist, though he is part of a pretty reactionairy party.

One of my friends is nazbol. My mother is also probably nazbol. Rest of people I spend my time are socdems.

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My friend was a liberal who was obsessed with idpol but now he is an anarchist who is obsessed with idpol

most of my friends are punks or skaters, so i can´t think of anyone that isn´t some sort of leftie
some of them are even members of the DKP (german communist party), and my familie is also really on the left site, even if not as educated.
so all in all pretty good

My good friend is pretty much your standard Liberal, but doesn't really care about idpol shit. The rest are all red liberals.

Trying to educate my good friend on socialism, but he's a little ignorant when it comes to politics. Oh well.

So basically your mom and friend aren't real they're just memes.


My friends all range from centrists and SJW types to radical leftists. Although I do have an ancap guy who used to be my friend but I haven't talked to him in years so I suppose he doesn't count anymore.
My family are a totally different story. They are almost exclusively Trump-supporting conservatives, some of them are openly racist in addition to that. The sole exceptions are two of them which are a centre-left type and a conspiracy theorist Green Party type.

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My friends are all communists since we grew up together.

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tell us more about these fish-related conversations

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no, they just do not want to drop their racial spooks.

Mostly us bitching about fishing rights, if stuff was good we celebrate. We do talk about TELEPOST a fair amount though, hoping they expand the under water cables more north, and they are a governmental corporation (Internet is fairly expensive since it’s satellite being broadcasted from Aasiaat).

My friends have a split between idpol infested socdems and ☭TANKIE☭ socialism with TUC characteristics. It can get very weird but it ends up with everyone singing the Internationale at New Years which is fun.

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My best friend is a liberal. I'm curious what leftypol thinks of an argument we had that we now just don't revisit. Basically I was saying that I think a way forward on the IDpol front is to bring historical context into play- "whiteness" can't explain anything because it is historically constructed. So, we should go back to stuff like Christianization, the wars of religion, and gender relations in the transition to capitalism in order to explain why white people are the way they are instead of just parroting "you're a fucking white male!" My friend's contention is that history is overrated and that ain't nobody got time for that shit, basically, and thinks the left can win the culture war by bullying racists and stuff like that.

So what do you think, how much should we talk about history?

Oh, yes. The 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Left🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 will definitely win the culture war. What a great win for 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧us🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 all indeed!

So, a question for you is what is it and in what way Idpol triumpf would achieve?

Apart from dividing the Labour and sic them on each other fighting for diminishing scraps thrown down by corporate overlords.

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Most of my friends (and majority of relatives) are pro-Soviet in one way or the other. But then again, I live in Russia. Of course, it matters little that an army colonel praises Lenin as genius, while also having a deeply occult and Imperialistic perception of history and nation (i.e. Nicky not being a symptom, but not enough of the great Leader that the empire needed being the whole problem)

All the time. You can't advance unless you study the past as other wise you'll fall into the same traps as before. Look at the Paris Commune and why it fell so you can see why establishing an army against reaction is the first priority of as socialist state. Look at OWS to see how not to use a protest movement, as we saw a massive turnout fighting for nothing but ideals thus they achieved nothing, showing us that you need a set goal for protesters to work towards. Idpollers refuse to talk about any piece of history that isn't beneficial towards their political outlook, and this is both sides of political spectrum. Liberals ignore the massive amounts of Irish indentured servants around the British Empire while the penal laws against the Catholics, even making it a crime for any Catholic to educate any child. NutSacs will ignores any piece of non-white history and right wingers will flat out ignore anything that doesn't say the USSR was full of Gulags until Yeltsin came to power. Plus remind your friend that Christianity is originally a brown person religion :^)

To ignore history means you believe that something in the past will prove you wrong thus you deride it, pretty common practice.

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My freinds are in that weird zone where they agree that capitalism sucks but are intrenched in pacifism that they don't support any sort of revolution.

I was 19 once too, you know.

I live in Iowa. All my friends and family are centrist or right leaning. I'm MLM and when it got out that I was a socialist, people were pretty shocked. Most have accepted it, except for my grandfather who is basically Steven Crowder in old man form.


My childhood friend is in an online newage cult, and my friend from high school is this big art-school-anarchist now. He's kind of an sjw and needs to read more but he's cool.

Family has weird political opinions. My grandfather said that Mao killed 40 million people, but modernized China. My grandmother also praised Fidel, saying that a lot of people loved him. They also know a lot about American imperialism and political corruption. Given the fact that they come from Afghanistan, that is probably a given. However, they don't seem to have a very positive view of Communism. That's understandable, given that they lived through the Saur Revolution, the Soviet–Afghan War, and the Afghan Civil War. I think they mainly just care about people not being unjustly treated and put under cruel conditions, no matter what ideology they profess. The rest of my family and friends are Social Democrats, although I think I am pushing them in a more Socialist direction.

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Most of them are basic socdems, which is a "radical" position in America. Good guys, but they don't really understand why things are going wrong in the world. I'm sure I could get one of them to read Marx and Engels sometime so I don't have to hear the "we need a healthy mix of both" shit anymore. There was also the Trot, who now spends all day getting high and playing grand strategy games. He was alright, we were never really close but he was one of the few people I knew as a teenager who actually offered me to hang out a few times.

The other ones are somewhat racist reactionary nerds who dislike minorities and couldn't be bothered to care about anything other than video games and computer bullshit. Typical, really. They're also my roommates, and never clean their messes up.

Family was either racist conservatives or literal fascists. You know, either posting minion memes or Zig Forums memes. I don't keep in contact with them.

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I don't discuss politics with my friends, and thus, they've remained my friends.

uhm.. uh.. well, they are all communists of course, just like me, and we are the very best friends this is all a lie
and i have a lot of them, we are like a very big family, which i also have, and which are all friends too why can't i just die
all of them communists, just like me, so we never argue and have a great time [you just had to remind me and ruin my day i planned to spend with escapism and jerking off to anime and theory[/spoiler]

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He's a Bernout who's been trying to """"""""subtly"""""""" enlighten me by trickling lame jokes and shit he learned in college, even though I've taken the Soc pill years ago. I just don't like discussing politics with friends as it starts drama and alienates us. Even when I was trying to joke about voting for a Republican candidate and trying to end the discussion on politics, he blew a gasket. Hell. His reason for liking Bernie was because he was the "honest" one of the politicians.

Hear, hear. Love my bro 5lyfe, though.

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one liberal/radlib roommate interested in Marxist-Leninism who wants me to help her with theory
My other roommate is a misanthrope nihilist or something like that, so I don't discuss anything political with her because it's annoying and futile
My family thinks I'm weird for being interested in politics since I never talked about it growing up but haven't really attempted to stop me and I frequently talk to my mom about the party I'm in the process of joining and books I'm currently reading
I explained socalism to my grandpa and he liked the idea of workers control over the means of production

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Far as I know, liberals and socdems. I have one communist friend, but that's a very recent development, so I wouldn't call that a firm friendship yet. Mostly, they just think I'm crazy but also right about most things that I talk about on their level. When I tell them their shitty jobs are exploiting them to squeeze out productivity and avoid full payment/benefits, they agree. When I tell them racism, sexism, and whatever else are tied to material constraints and that the material conditions need to be changed to structurally fix these problems, they agree. When I say that the corporate elite and finance weasels are quickly driving humanity to a bloody and disastrous end, they agree. But the moment I say "That is why I'm a communist.", suddenly they're all pussies.

I live in Serbia, so most of my friends are jaded by politics and nobody cares about anything anymore
One of my better friends who I usually drink with is a Peterson cultists but I think it's just because of the self help things Peterson says

I honestly don't get why peterson has a cult surrounding him when he's done nothing but write a book with the most basic of self help tips and refuse to use respect his students pronouns

There's nothing profound about anything he does or says


As far as family goes, most of my family are Christian conservatives, except my parents. My dad is a succdem and my mom is a normal liberal. His family was centrist liberal until Christian idpol moved them far to the right.

For friends, it's probably a 50/50 mix of conservative and centrist liberal. I have one friend that's actually a leftist, but I never get to talk to him.

My friends are mostly liberal who watch capeshit movies everytime they out. We discussed politics a few time. They know i'm a Marxist and i talk about Marx a few times with them. The responses are mostly positive such as they acknowledge their misconception about leftist politics in general and i get a few agreeing nods now and then. I've even a few pretty hardcore monarchist and ancaps friends. My family are radical conservative Islamist tho with the exception of my grandfather who fought as a guriella fighter as a communist

All my friends are reactionaries or ancaps
And my whole dad's family are pro military intervention
The few friends I have that aren't reactionaries or ancaps are 100% idpol liberals

I live in hell…

My family is entirely boomer tier republicans.
My gfs dad is a massive boomer 3%er, and i see him the most
My gf is a lazy 'nazi' despite being a tranny
My friends are all gamerweeb reactionaries

Have two groups of friends.

My girlfriend and our mutual friends are all varying shades of leftist, from Corbynite to Luxemburgist. In terms of actual policy I'm fairly "centrist" wrt to them but I have far less problems with violent solutions than the majority of them.

My hall friends I met in first year of uni run a spectrum of Scandinavian succdem to One-Nation Conservative. Most are Lib-Dem types. They are for the most part fairly politically illiterate, especially the conservatives and lib dems. I've been trying to radicalize the succdems for a while, but both of them are committed pacifists…

By parents are centre-left: one is christsoc gang and the other is Wilsonite socdem. My sister is difficult to pin down, I used to think she was more liberal but I heard her bitching once about an only women event that "it isn't fair to the guys, why should I get to work with [x musician] because I'm a woman, you know?". She also has a thing for the USSR, mostly because she really likes Shotakovich: I study Russian so we chew the shit about soviet music alot, is nice. One thing though is that they are all direhard Europhiles, I'm a pragmatic brexiteer but tbh I never talk politics except with my dad and he gets where I am coming from, just thinks I'm wrong.
My mates from back home are kinda weird politically, they are socially libertarian but like the NHS & shit. They are also kinda nationalistic: most of them are brexiteers on atleast an ironic level. Still, last election most of them voted fucking lib dem (no joke) because they hated the tories for being spying fucks and bought the "muh magic money tree" bollocks. However I think some of the are turning towards Corbyn, mostly because of the trains shit and also over Israel shooting up the Gazans & winning Eurovision. We should be getting another election soon, how their votes change will be interesting.
My mates at uni are mostly apolitical: I prefer it that way. One of my flatmates is a USSR larper (although his gf has read Adorno and shit, is interesting to talk to her about culture), the other three are pretty fucking apolitical and we mostly mock student politics by accusing eachother of SJW libtards or of trying to deplatform me. Also "x is when the state does stuff" is a running meme, so atleast they dont think communism is that.
So yeah, I have a weird circle, I am probs the most radical of all my mates but honestly it is because I never talk politics casually: I either go diehard with my dad or not at all. I would never not be a mate with someone for their political beliefs, but most of the tories I've met that are under the age of 35 are right fucking cunts.

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Which version?

my best friend is a nihilist, the others are lefty or left leaning. there's one Zig Forums type among my friends but he expresses some commie ideas now and then except he thinks its right-wing, because according to him communism wants to enslave the world and whatnot. i don't talk politics with him, i just listen, let him bullshit for a while and then switch topics since he's otherwise a nice guy.

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One's an unironic Reaganite, one used to be an ML but then went back to basic bitch SuccDem-ism, one's pretty anti-Marxist because he came from Venezuela and thinks all of us want what happened there, and two of them are apolitical but agree with me whenever I bring up things about capitalism. So it's a mixed bag, but for Burgerstan, this is about as good as you can get.

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Well I mean…he's not wrong.

friend one: depressive conflict averse tumblr user who started namedropping capitalism amongst bad things after 2016, claims to be an 'optimistic nihilist', as politically null as it sounds.
friend two:generic, normal, democrat voting liberalism
friend three: Zig Forums, though light on the racism except in case of jews, comes around to more left-ish and worryingly primmie and accelerationist ideas over time. I accidentially introduced them to nick land and I think they might end up destroying the world sooner or later.
mother:american succdem reformist, capitalism but with more regulation and rainbows
father:an anarchist if anything but not very politically focused.
myself: Some kind of socialist anarchist. primmie sympathies despite not being particularly concerned with ecology.

I dont really know anyone else except as shallow acquaintences.
Come find me FBI

Marxism-Leninism is my friend

Mother: Apolitical, likes Bernie, slightly racist to the Chinese, believes whatever the liberal cappies tell her about buying weird-tasting bread because it doesn't have free radicals or some shit
Father: Washed-up hippie who's always watching docs on Vietnam and 1968 and all that because he can't handle the fact that politics has moved on
Little Brother: Edgy lil' libtard who'll probably end up a NEET
Older Sister: Strange synthesis of cutesy depressed idpol-obsessed tumblr girl and anprim, wishes she could chase after Benedict Cumberbatch on all fours in the forest
Uncle: Thinks the government is using video games to teach children to put chips in people's brains

Your Uncle isn't wrong…

tbh though I can get along with the latter well enough Id rather hang out with gamerweeb reactionaries than idpol "leftists". Though I'd prefer apolitical generic liberal gamerweebs, with maybe lite meaningless reactionaryism or tumblrism. Or actually socially liberal lolberts. The ones who aren't just facists in disguise, just wrong about what capitalism is and spooked by property. Those people are alright, even if I disagree.
not user of course.

your friend is a retard, that "strategy" clearly failed in 2016 and will certainly fail again in 2020

My friend used to be a liberal but I've managed to slowly bait him over to socialism. He's not out and out commie, but he's moving beyond the socdem stage at this moment.

I think the older I get the less concerned I am about what "kind" of people I want to hang out with and this kind of political categorization. It's hard to map personalities onto this stuff. Probably hanging out with a Nazi would be a problem because I'm gay, although odds are it'd turn into strange, gay Nazbol sex considering half the damn Nazis out there appear gay to me – and I'm not even one of those guys who thinks homophobes are all closet gays or anything! It's just that Nazism in particular seems like one big homoerotic closet fest. C'MON PEOPLE WAKE UP.

When I was younger some of the friends I hung around with were, like, white southern kids who casually threw around the word "nogs" and were into conspiracy theories, Christianity, weed and – perhaps atypically – indie rock music like Sleepytime Gorilla Museum. They then started selling coke and got into online gambling so I stopped hanging around them. The cocaine was the biggest problem.

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Guessing America

Mybe there are one or two who are not very much interested in politics. Also my brother is nazbol.

But everyone else is a comrade, i think.

I do role playing games with some nerds, 3/5 of them are right-wing in some way (one thinks Stalin was worse than Hitler and he doesn't like Muslims and another one plays too much CoH2). Although the guy who runs the RPs is fairly left wing and encourages me when I send him Stalin memes. I'm friends with a girl I met through the RPs who's a bit of an SJW but she really doesn't like capitalism and war. So I've been talking to her a bit, trying to introduce more anti-capitalist ideas.

Most of my friends in my home city are either accepting of leftist ideas I've said while generally being anti idpol, or are idpol left. One of my best friends is Palestinian who idk where exactly he aligns other than anti Israel and he claims to be anti communist when tbh I think he's just annoyed by the idpol leftists we know because he was p ok with a lot of the shit I say. In the city where I live most of the time they're all pretty much idpol left or social democrats.

BTW in both cities my friend circles are punks basically.

Parents: My father is a communist/alter-globalist but behave like a right ringer when he run his business. My mother is apolitical/center right wing.
Brother: Anarkiddie (but he's not just talk)
gf: Liberal/apolitical
Friends: From super annoying ⛏️rotskyist to liberal/apolitical

One friend is a closeted nazi who just likes to argue, another dislikes socialism because muh economics, a couple of friends are brainlet commies and the rest all just really hate me talking about politics

Most of my church is kinda leftwing at uni, back home I bet most vote tory but are economically leftwing.

They're various shades of liberal, but part of being friends with somebody is not sperging out on them for believing the wrong thing. I do push back when I can.

My gf is socialist and radfem, which is nice.

Nope Brazil

My friends are liberals with some minor conservative leanings, one part of my family is ND(Conservatives) the other part is hardcore syriza voters and I'm here sitting like this

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First, I don't know what the fuck I am. Situationalist maybe? Anyways, a friend of mines a berniecrat, another psuedo-communist. The psuedo-communist one understands why capitalism is bad, reads theory but is OK with idpol. Convinced him over a four hour talk in the middle of the night. I say he's a psuedo-communist because I have no other name to call it. The berniecrat hears my anticapitalist arguments once in a while but I honestly don't know what he thinks. After 2016 he was just like "I don't like politics". Another friend was a berniecrat in 2016 but after Bernie lost he went full Zig Forumstard. (I think, at least. We haven't talked politically in a while but he said he was on Zig Forums when Trump was elected so that's my guess.) Another is I think a conservative, or at least a libertarian. Likes guns, weed, etc. Explained communism to him once and he was like "that sounds cool". Doubt he actually thinks that and just wanted to move the conversation along but whatever. Parents are liberals as well as my now college age siblings. All other friends are liberals too. Hard to talk about theory with anyone other than one dude.

dude they literally betrayed greece who would unironically vote for Syriza in 2 0 1 8?

That part of the family was with syriza when it was called synaspismos and they know some of the MPs personally, that's the only reason they are with them

Ditch those friends. Ffs, they are NOT your friends. They'll sabotage you betray as soon as you try to go on a PTista rally.

No thanks
Most of them are really dumb but they're the only ones o could make lol
And we have made sort of a pact, it's kinda bad but still, we have tu try as hard as we can to not discuss politics if we do we have to pay the other 10 reais
(I still try to convert any other person that I talk to tho)

Parents used to be socdems without realising it but have recently fallen for "muh globalism" and "muh tommy robinson" dogwhistles. The rest of my family are either standard liberals or stereotypical boomers.

Most of my friends are spooked liberals too, but we usually don't care to talk about politics much so it's ok. The furthest left of my friends is a demsoc and the most reactionary is in some nazbol-tier autism.

I wanna hug you and be your friend fam

Then on which rally will you go to?
and that sounds horrible imo. I mean, we are talking about people who we'll eventually have to murder. I can't afford to live like that.

This is a great moment in british history.

Most of my friends Trumpist type reactionaries (pro assad, anti intervention, anti immigration, nationalists). Funnily enough I converted them all to these positions from libertarianism when I used to be a reactionary, now that im a leftist im trying to take them on the same journey I went on so they'll eventually reach where I'm at.

My best friends are basically apolitical. If anything they're default left-liberals or greens. Don't know if I could talk them into becoming marxists, I haven't really tried. I have some commie/anarkiddie friends but none that i'm really close with. My mom votes for one of the anti-immigrant parties on the right, mostly because of her hatred towards muslims and her fear that they will suddenly make up 80% of the country. For my dad I guess the term "liberal" fits best, although he does usually vote for the nationalist party too (he doesn't have conservative social views but he thinks their climate policy is good etc). He likes people like Obama, Merkel and Macron and hates Trump.

How does one manage to reach this level of pleb?

it's called liberalism i guess. He's a pretty educated guy though, I actually have some hope that I could shill marxism to him if I go about it in the right way.

Fuck man I wish I had friends like that. Too bad I'm in aspie who lives in a town filled with bootlickers and liberals. Plus my only real friend is a borderline incel who lives in California.

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A lot of my closest friends are socialists straight up. After that I have a lot of Bernie-ite fanboys who like "socialism." I have one close friend who is becoming a staunch neo-liberal, and I have a few orbiting libertarian friends and one conservative asshat.

Most my friends are left leaning, right libertarian who hate police and love weed, or apolitical left and just in general discontent with contemporary leftist politics. My friends in leftist orgs are obsessed with idpol issues but they do good work. Family is mostly reactionary save for my sister who is probably just a radical socdem

My friends are normie Liberals/Conservatives. I have like 2 other anarcho-commie friends

Most of my friends are just liberals who want to tax the rich more and make the police and politicians all black diabled muslim transwomen.
A couple are libertarians who agree capitalism has problems but just want to be free and left alone by the state.
It's lonesome.
(Please anarchists, if you don't like your homes consider moving to Maine. We have a individualistic culture here and gay weed.)


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Absolutely based.

My friends are all Clinton-tier libs who respond on cue to every manufactured outrage CNN, twitter, and the like feed them.

Except for one who's a hardcore ☭TANKIE☭ that unironically thinks China is still a dictatorship of the proletariat.

Used to have a friend who was a Zig Forums-tier Nazi retard, but it was pretty clear he didn't have any actual beliefs beyond being an edgelord.

same here bruh. Just sit on it

Mostly fairly uncontroversial libs. I myself am more of a 'hippy' with an identitarian/libertarian streak. My own voting record is all over the place. Anti-EU, but also centre-left, not too hostile towards Trump, generally find 'Nazis' to be annoying edgelords as opposed to a genuine threat.

Family is Rethuglican. Little brother is typical lib I guess. My partner is a communist. Most of my friends are your average center-right liberals.

It sucks.

my best friends are completely apolitical, I guess liberals
my other ""friends"" are red liberals/upper middle class """socialists""" who conveniently care more about LGBTQ shit than wage labor

'save the white race' 'yo thats degenerate' 'reee brown people reee' despite being a tranny
Its very strange

all neoliberals with neocon characteristics. I try to argue about geopolitics but economics and class politics is difficult without revealing my power level.

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So, neocons? They're a faction of neoliberals.

My mother is far-left but ideologically uneducated. She cares a lot about idpol. My father and paternal grandmother vote separatist center-right because of family history (I'm from Belgium), but they tend to be center-left in their actual beliefs. My brother really has no idea but occasionally makes dumb comments about feminists.