Americans unironically believe rationing water is socialism and that only people who can afford it should have water. Is there any hope for America?
Americans unironically believe rationing water is socialism and that only people who can afford it should have water...
You mean conservatives. I haven't been convinced that conservatives of other nationalities are any more politically literate.
Oh my god the pure distilled ideology
you can't make these things up
This, the Republican party is an entirely unique form of far right politics, classic European fascists would probably ration water if they were in the situation California is in.
There is hope. But only insofar as we can hope America gets obliterated by holy nuclear fire.
Only the Yosemite eruption can save us from this hell
Fucking burgers
Take a glance at her body of "work."
Ugh, this is going to be painful.
People who are against rationing scarce resources are functionally psychopaths.
They're basically saying that they think there own comfort is more important than other people having access to a basic human resource. Any time people complain about waiting times in national healthcare setups, for instance, they are essentially communicating that they would rather other people die or live in horrible illness than them having to wait extra time for their appointments.
The Bread Man makes a very strong case for why rationing is a basic human instinct and that the vast majority of people support it when they are in a situation where it becomes necessary.
Just goes to show that all conservatism at its core is misanthropy
They probably wouldn't even have to ration if the big agricorps weren't pumping the aquifers dry to grow pecans and bullshit like that.
I want to leave this garbage country so bad, but I know that as soon as left, some stupid shit this country does would effect the country I migrated to. Why bother?
Dude look at that thread. /int/ is a pozzed Zig Forums hellhole but even the europeans and latin americans agree the OP is pretty fucking stupid.
The way you can easily identify someone who hasn't read Marx is by looking at what they think Marx said class was.
There's no gulag cold enough.
The absolute state of American conservatism
And yet it manages to win power and keep power
don't stop the retards from self-sabotage
Because the game is rigged so that they can't lose.
love too gerrymander
The Republicans are basically contrarians at this point. They exist purely to make shit worse for everyone else.
I don't understand their logic either.
Do they expect people to not gang up and straight up kill them when conditions get terrible enough?
As they're being killed
America has a pretty massive police state. It also has a lot of indirect social control of its citizens. It would take a huge war to make them weak enough to actually succumb to internal violence.
They want natural reserves of water to run out so that Nestle or some other bunch of fucks can get a government contract to supply water at a premium. Why let people just pump all the water they need out of the ground when instead you can get a billion dollars to build a desalination plant, subsidies to run it, and then all the revenue of controlling he most important resource that people absolutely cannot do without?
that's my state
I hates it
The worst part is how household water usage isn't even that large lmao, it's cutting corners off a corner.
Also, fun fact, but the #1 district is a fucking hell hole. It's a wasteland of decaying suburbia and joblessness. It's absolutely horrific. Not that the other districts are much better.
I'm pretty sure OP is actually /ourguy/ redpilling people by falseflagging. It's the same tactic Zig Forums uses.
Fallout raiders are actually existing socialism cause they wanna take your stuff
luckily the yuros are taking the piss out of OP
There IS hope for america. In the form of mass evacuation of all its left leaning citizens, and then a few hundred IBMs.
Rationing is also a market solution. If water is rationed enough, people will start to leave.
/int/ is such an autist board, I posted there quite frequently for a while, but i don't look back to that with pride
The problem isn't people. It's farmers and farmers aren't people but an increasingly less necessary evil.
t. Stalin
Actually California has always had this thing going on with water. You will find that the rationing is forced on people to support some political stunt. The farmers will probably not be rationed.
I took a trip down into north carolina and the amount of homelessness there is depressing. Worst yet all I see is companies waving american flags (some of the companies wern't even american), parking lots and supermarkets. If you want the face of america it would probably be the western part of north carolina.
I think he ment ICBM's but he needs alot more to do the job.
What did you mean by that?
ironically provoked in anticipation of rationing of bread by the Russian authorities
If the government thinks they can take my water, they're in for a rude awakening. Come and get some, Commie Scum.
Try South Dakota. The Republicans have such control that they regularly kill voter initiatives.
Is this the whatever the government does is socialism meme or company subsidies is socialism meme?
or is it companies are socialism meme?
Why the fuck would we defend corporate subsidies?
We won guys, time to delete the board BO.
Socialism is human nature and you can't have capitalism without socialism.
You unbelievable mongoloids. He is saying that there is no rationing, he's saying that the policy is an Agricultural Corporation endorsed policy to keep people from using too much of it and cutting into their use of it. His comment "Defends Socialism" means that he is making fun of you for thinking you are a socialist for defending this fake "rationing" policy.
Kill yourselves you pathetic fucking retards oh my god just fucking stop.
we're joking that it's not socialist
why are you so angry?
Wew, ran out of anal cream, didn't you?
Because of three reasons
A) The Democrats aren’t much better
B) Gerrymandering
C) It’s normal for elections in america to ave a turnout of around 40%
America is huge, very huge, intact America is only slightly smaller then the EU.
Eh, I thought Russia had more than enough to turn it into a wasteland.
The american right is purely reactionary, they have no idealology they are following anymore.
This is basically it, really. This is the mindset of places where inequality is ingrained. Even feudalism had Noblesse Oblige.
holy shit, this spookery looks promising
Why americans can't into basic democracy? Why not have every city one, single district? Is there any situation when gerrymandering is actually good for voters?
I believe that balkanization of USA would help them to improve. No need for genocide.
In part because as far as they know this is basic democracy. They aren't taught democratic theory or about other democracies in the world beside the most superficial traits.
Because then Republicans would always, always lose, and the American system requires the illusion of dual party power.
Theoretically, but really it would just be better to throw out the antiquated districting system anyway. It only exists to disenfranchise people and control what candidates can run (and win).
i'd love to see what happens to people at the short end not getting any water while those higher up continue talking shit
all those amazing excuses they'd continue to repeat after their masters
"if i just work harder one day i can have a bath too, my master is just working so much harder to afford his pool"
lmao is mostly untrue to begin
to begin with*
that's what you get for happily turning California into a brown reggaton shithole
The only way regular people are going to be able to survive is by executing rich people.
Californians barely pay any property taxes. It's one if major reasons why they have a huge NIMBY problem ( as opposed to a YIMBY problem.)
Never knew that medieval Europe was socialist