
curious user here
isn't weed and other drugs just a way to alienate the workers?
please enlighten me i'm not here to debate just get new perspectives

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yeah pretty much

Yup that's why yahweh or Darwin or Vishnu or whatever you believe made it and the rest of this green earth created it, to alienate workers. Face it God is porky.

weed is good actually

Alienate us from what? Boredom?

Drugs are bad mmk? Stay away from drugs. Under socialism druggies will be forcibly arrested and rehabilitated and the dealers will be deported off planet to go mine for precious minerals in our solar system.

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Weed isnt that bad
smoking weed every once in a while is no worse than alcohol
It's the constant use of it that makes you a brain dead zombie

Well on principal it is, since it is a form of petty-bourgeoisie escapism that offers an escape and hence dampens your will to commit to revolutionary activity. But if you're being honest with yourself, nowdays everything you do that isn't either studying theory or direct syndicalist action is in a sense escapism, from watching a movie to playing vidya.

gee how can I tell you've never touched the stuff

while on a massive scale it would have detrimental effects, i don't think the attitude against legalization makes sense when alcohol is legal. weed is a much better alternative that doesn't depress your thought like alcohol does

Literally degenerate,

incel trips

I was a daily smoker for 2 years and I was a brain dead zombie. If you actually think that smoking weed makes you think deep ass thoughts and creative and shit you are completely hopeless.

Apparently you're still brain dead because you think your personal experience means anything.

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How has your life magically turned around since you quit? Has porky stopped alienating you? Are you living in full communism yet?

Even if weed really was fucking up your life what makes you think all regular smokers share your experience?

On a side note is weed legal in some form where you're at? I hate stereotypes like weed makes you paranoid, who wouldn't be paranoid possessing something literally anyone that sees or smells you with it could dial three little numbers and make you a felon?

t. druggies

You literally don't know what that word means. Sage because you're a fucking mongoloid.


^Chronic masturbator.

Probably an alcoholic as well.

Or underage straight edge mommas boy.

I have ascended with the help of nofap. I strongly encourage others to do the same. I can only imagine how much harder it must be for druggies.

Straight edge is best edge.

Now I truly see spurdo.

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now I'm hungry.

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