Did any bros catch The Bern on Cuomo tonight? How do you think he did? Why did Cuomo write socialism like he was in the middle of an epileptoc fit?
Medicare4all Thread
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Is this Zig Forumsintelpro?
Are you mentally deficient. Do I need to call your custodian to have your internet privileges revoked?
So did you watch the interview? Any questions related to Bernie, Cuomo, CNN, or medicare?
If you notice in the OP Cuomo is crossing out socialism.
It went well for Sanders. My judging this by the response i got from my family members who dont follow politics, they agreed with everything Sanders said. Cuomo looked like a dumbass rich kid who never worked a hard day in his life. The part where he said "labor unions are the biggest cost on us" really made him lose the conversation. My mom who is 50s, was in a union, and voted for trump got pissed off when Cuomo made it seem like being a union was a bad thing.
Don't expect for Sanders to be invited back
You seriously need to grow up. A candidate running on being a socialist will not ever be covered in America media. Sanders is a 1st step to rebuilding a left in America. He isn't a final solution, just a step forward. That why he keeps calling for a political revolution.
fuck off social democrat
Cuomo ended the interview saying he's going to bring back Sanders many times before the midterms. Maybe he's a glutton for punishment.
I thought he said Healthcare was the biggest cost, not unions
fuck off internet revolutionary.
The time you spent finding some clip of sanders supporting imperialist war against serbia would have been better spent trying to fight against capitalist propaganda that supports those wars
You must not live in America because most of the ppl living here dont give a fuck about Serbia, Yugoslavia or Kosovo. They are too brainwashed to see past sport and entertainment and the latest celebrity to "diss" Trump this week. They have no class consciousness or know how imperialists use wars to promote their self interests.
If you loss family or friends in that war Im sorry for what my country did to yours. Alot of us in America are trying to wake up ppl here so they will gain class consciousness and not see and live thru celebrities.
i watched it live so i might be misremembering but the way Sanders said it was that unions negotiating for medicare takes alot of energy from unions. Cuomo followed up saying that unions are the biggest cost on America (under his breadth) before following up with the next question.
To most of my parents and friends parents who live with union benefits in our city, they had to fight and negotiate in the 24 years (since 1994-95) to get the BS healthcare they got today and that still doesn't cover basic needs of maternity and dental. The way Cuomo said it made him sound like an ass and it resonated with ppl with union jobs.
Isn't he a SAG?
You're a nationalist. You view the lives of people killed in unjust conflict abroad as less of a tragedy than economic stagnation at home. By belittling Sanders support for military interventionism you are also implying that the lives of foriegn innocent cilivilians to be worth extremely little.
Sanders is like you as well which is why he has consistently supported imperialism because Vermont's economy is dependent on military spending.
It's also surprising how people think Sanders is a new phenonemena. Social Democratic policies have always consistently been represented in order to sheepdogs leftists. It happened with Jesse Jackson, it happened with Obama, and it happened with Sanders. Even if Sanders got elected, he would continue to pursue imperialistic policies given his voting record but that would not matter to people such as yourself because as long as he pursues economic nationalism, the lives of people abroad is insignificant.
Jesse Jackson, Howard Dean, and Obama all ran with policies similar to Bernie. He's nothing new in the system and his purpose is to sheepdogs the left into supporting bourgeois politics. But for Bernie supporting all these imperialistic wars and you just shrugging it off implies that you really don't care about the suffering of millions of innocent civilians abroad. As long as Sanders supports economic nationalism and gives Americans a cushy life everything is all fine. Who gives a shit about brown people overseas? They're just meaningless numbers anyways.
If you call yourself a man of the people and have consistently supported imperialism, then you are simply a nationalist, which is exactly what Sanders is. A man closer to the neocons than to actual socialsts.
Still, would cnn be writing
No he didn't.
Although i kept waiting for Bernie to at least try to explain Marxist theory for the layman while Cuomo was prattling on about
He said he was "progressive"
Meaningless buzzword that does nothing but act as an identifying virtue signal to democrap tards.
Ugh I can't get past the first few minutes. I hate live "debates" because they always fall into the same trap: The attacker just blurts out unsubstantiated shit and never has to prove their position as long as they never shut up, and the defender has to both try to explain their own position while attempting dismantling the random word-vomit coming from the other guy's mouth but with half the speaking time.
luv all the suggestions for alternatives from antibern gang
No socialism til the worker's uprising comrade, it's how Marx wanted it.
Well unfortunately (in the US) there is no foreseeable revolution. Things must be really shite before there is an actual revolution. I understand that may not be the case in other, poorer countries, but in the US, that is reality.
Beep beep.
I have a liberal cringe delivery for this thread.
There's a reason most of them got bullied out of the board.
I choose to believe they're paid shills
It really is a more palatable alternative than believing there's a real adult male from NYC who writes things like: "ugh, no watchie" with his photo and real name attached.
Real estate "people" should be liquidated first. Turned into actual liquid.
Lol there's no one else so just support the imperiaist guys.
Lol there's no one else running against Trump so just support Hillary guys
Universal healthcare, ending wars overseas, raising top income taxes, strong banking regulations, investment in "green energy", investment in education, raise minimum wage, path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, restrict lobbying, close corporate loopholes, $1000 energy rebate powered by corporate taxes, make it easier to unionize by efca, etc
Difference between Sanders and Obama is that Sanders uses buzzwords like socialism and our revolution and acts as a father figure for retarded leftists. Supporting a proven imperalist is closer to voting for a neocon than a socialist. If you're fine with murder of innocent civilians abroad in exchange for economic nationalism then you shouldn't consider yourself a socialist
Sanders also voted to confirm mattis who oversaw the slaughter in Fallujah and John Kelly who oversaw Guantanamo bay. But of course this doesn't matter because Sanders calls himself a socialist and propososes bills he knows will never pass