Well this is an interesting development. I guess the aut-right psyop isn't even trying to hide its Dugnist roots anymore.
Cursed Images
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Wait, where? Because Hopkins was just in former Leningrad…
I dunno where but just look at this fucking shit
Извините, но я не буду смотреть это дерьмо.
and what did Dugin do wrong?
he's really just a nobody aside from memes about how he controls the Kremlin
Like said.
He's not really that important.
dindu nuffin. He's the reincarnation of stalin
t. nazbol gang heil dugin
he's right though
He is right wing.
I am sorry but I will not watch this crap.
What a hypocritical quote, by a piece of shit.
You know, this threat made me realize that the hammer and sickle iconography has been fully liberalised. If someone like Lauren Southern feels fine wearing it for the lols, then its lost its value.
isn't this the disgusting diaper fetish whore?
They also changed their Canadian gender ID to male as a joke (which they had to go to therapy for boths and pretend to be a transman to do).
Lauren Southern is the worst transman.
Lauren Southern for chairman of NazBol gang
nice pun
far right is against capitalism, consumerism, commodity fetishizing, and oppressive labor practices.
Need I say more? Read a book
you don't need unions if your laws are well made and efficient.
As long as capitalism exists you need unions.
Ignore nazi bait posts.
Do not reply to baitposters.
a nation should be interested in socialism at its own level, not policing or moderating the socialism of the whole world.
By that same retarded logic you don't need guns if the police are well staffed and efficient.
NAZBOL GANG GANG confirmed for alt-right.
Bad analogy. Guns are for immediate self-defense against life threats.
You don't need such extreme analogous measures when working somewhere. Unions have no place anywhere if your laws are well made and efficient.
And unions are for immediate self-defense against exploitative employers. It's no coincidence that pay stagnation has occurred as union power has declined in America, for example.
He's right you know.
Yeah I don't really get the point of this photo-op. Dugin is very good at having Zig Forums types in England or America, or alternatively journalists, believe he's some kind of guru or Rasputin-like foreign Russian mystery man who carries the secrets of how things (or Putin) Really Work from inside his dacha. Which is bullshit and most Russians think he's a crank. I live among the righties in America's heartland and suffice to say they're not studying up on the Fourth Political Theory. He's too weird and esoteric and just too fucking Russian.
work and salary related disputes are not immediate life threats in America or any developed country.
If your laws are well crafted and efficient unions are redundant and inefficient. In fact unions tend to act as barriers to entry for job seekers, also as crypto-mafias dictating employee behavior and choices.
Neither communism nor capitalism need unions.
40 million people in America live in poverty. Fuck off libtard and go back to >>>Zig Forums
This makes me want to read lamanov more. Fuck Dugin.
I'm sharpening my icepick as we speak.
Not gonna lie. Adam looks pretty badass here.
While we're posting cursed images…
that looks shopped
is this some sort of weird fetish porn
remember when this shit was not okay and you'd get beat up for being an autist?
i know that things keep getting worse but it keeps taking me by surprise how low it can actually go
It is, I think the original had rage comic faces which aren't any better.
What a surprise lmao
big words by the liberal, your right wing friends taught you good, i bet you really impress your brainlet friends in highschool
So you would prefer some 2edgy4me ass skull or maybe that dicks fuck vaginas symbol?
I don't have any tankie friends
"All that is solid melts into air. All that is holy is profaned"
of course you don't, liberal, that "antifascism is real fascism" is totally not something you spread trying to impress them
but by friends of course i mean ideologically, not personal friends, a faggot like you is probably too autistic to maintain relationships of that sort
there's such a thing as too cursed
antifa are anarchists, not retards
I hate e-thots so much
Nah, he had actual influence on Putin. He's not alone in this, but whether or not he was the primary architect, his stances outlined on international politics strongly resemble the course Russia has actually taken since.
Zig Forums memes really are fucking trash lmao
Are you simple? No matter how neat and "efficient", whatever that means, your laws are, they do not do anything in themselves. No law is self-enforcing. It is not enough for workers to have rights in the abstract, if they have no power to enforce those rights in practice. That's what unions are for.
I want USA fucking glassed at times like this.
because the course plotted is basic common sense for Russia, any other option is simply retarded
Can you go be an idiot somewhere else
No one here is asking the most relevant question: when is Lauren gonna start doing porn?
In some ways, but Dugin lost his job after he advocating going for all of Ukraine when Putin was pulling back a bit. Dugin stepped out of line. Dugin is more instrumentally useful at times to the people who really call the shots in Russia.
putin has a lot of weird advisers he surrounds himself with. Dugin is just one of the most well known
One of the guys around putin is Anton Vaino who claims to have created a device called the nooscope
Mr Vaino argues that the economy and society in general have become too complex to manage by traditional means. Governments need to seek new ways of regulating and controlling them.
The article describes a new device called a "nooscope" which, it says, can tap into global consciousness and "detect and register changes in the biosphere and in human activity".
The "nooscope" bewildered many in Russia this week. Does the device really exist, they asked. What does it actually do? Is Mr Vaino really serious?
BBC Russian tracked down Viktor Sarayev, an award-winning economist and businessman who has co-authored a number of articles with Mr Vaino.
He described the nooscope as "a device that scans transactions between people, things and money", and claimed it was an invention of parallel significance to the telescope and the microscope.
But he was less forthcoming about whether it actually existed, or was still under development.
Pourquoi Sankare deteste le anarcho-syndicalisme?
You mean like the laws of Nazi Germans which hyper inflated consumer goods based off the mefo bill Ponzi scheme which profited only arms dealers and the like?
Cockshottist nooscopes now
I mean, the tech to analyze literally any and all transactions already exists, it's just not something as exciting as some Hollywood-like evil mastermind device.
the alt-right has little to do with dugin
Richard Spencer's wife translated his work into English
ideologically, they have little to do with each other. dugin is an anti-western, pan-eurasian socialist
Tbh dugin isnt socialist he's theory is mostly
I'm always amused by the fact that the political faction Lauren and a number of other women on youtube represent are perpetually accused of being "far-right misogynists", yet that faction seem quite happy to welcome these women for their skills in debate and persuasion. Our side seems populated by persons who seem intent on demanding similar recognition to the likes of, for example Karen Straughan, by being thots. Mexie, regardless of what any of us might think of her, seems to be the only woman trying to do something equivalent.
But all women face misogyne in there side even sauthern has exprees that feeling
Also very few on the alt-lite ameretard sphere have debate skills most of them just attack other retards or strwmen especialy right wing females that just spout shity arguements
But every female on the internet is veiwed with distrust so …
Karen who??????
Only mexie is on our side as a biological girl so i do not understand what you say at all
Omg i forgot how to write on that post
You might know Karen by her handle "girlwriteswhat".
My main takeaway from Dugin is that he wants to create a Paris-Berlin-Moscow axis that would be "rooted" in the Eurasian soil as opposed to the "Atlanticist" U.S.-Britain system which are a stand-in for Jews and cosmopolitanism. It's goofy.
And I'd add that it's goofy because what does Moscow have to offer Europe? Gas. But the economy is a basket case with an economy the size of Canada.
Well he's not wrong. The Russian branch of pseudoscience really has an innovative je ne sais quoi aspect.
I read it as no scope. Is he trying to live his childhood playing COD4 all over again?
e-thots get the wall, for the sake of us all
Copying Million Dollar Extreme memes, are we?
I've never heard of this person.
Is he really made of a million dollars?
Ever heard of the house negro, you fucking idiot?
Mexie is garbage.
Just absolute garbage.
Quit trying to push her.
This isn't Million Dollar Extreme.
This is the school shooter known as Sam Hyde.
Not cool
I don’t understand Mexie
Her critics are idiots that call her names for no reason other than acting like a woman.
Her videos are really boring even for me someone that watches shaun
She looks like she is at her 40s
But we have a women e-celeb so that’s good
I don't care that she's a woman, I care that she pushes intersectional liberal baloney. She reeks of red liberalism.
Btw same with alt-right thots
Lauren Southern looks like a cheap ukrainian whore a bulgarian guy i know used to pimp
And the other bich (millenial wow???? or something ) looks and acts like a retarded 12 year old so……
Hardmode:No muh veganism
I want to see Lauren Southern pee her pants
Doesn't she have a diaper fetish or something weird?
Veganism is petty-booj as fuck, it's arrogant to think proles can adopt your lifestyle.
OMG 20 minute video from her is the worst shit ever but she just defends some idpolers for not understanding capitalism or that sometimes idpol is good under capitalism nothing extreme dude chill
"Anti-SJWs are stupid, SJWs are hardly a thing", they said. "SJWs just waste time on the internet, they have nothing to gain from it", they said.
She said that they don't read intersectional theory, like it's a good thing.
It's garbage.
That intesectional theory is a good thing, I mean
also, she says shit like this on twitter all the time.
forgot other pic
As i said acting like most women
Also in what way Mexie is different that other leftist tubers
She's not. They're all garbage, but there are still people who show up from time-to-time who think she's the exception.
Well tbh me and you both believe some pretty stupid shit.
Expecting e-celebs to be any different is retarded