This is honestly fucking beautiful
John Oliver, Colbert, Jon Stewart etc are all shit.
This is honestly fucking beautiful
John Oliver, Colbert, Jon Stewart etc are all shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
I can't stomach watching even brief clips of John Oliver tbh famalams.
If you can find the inner strength to do so, it's worth it
Seriously hope this dude dies tbh
The map he uses is particularly disgusting
It was awful when the BBC tried to push him years ago. But just like Piers Morgan he was so shit he had to run away to America the cunt.
i'd be quite happy to hear that he get's killed with some radiation making grow cancer through his entire body
he's too much of an unimportant target but it'd be still pretty hilarious
BadMouse did it 9 months ago.
It won't make Venezuela's government smarter, thought.
venezuela needs tanks to arm the proletariat with
Economy fully depends on oil and they are buying tanks.
Ironically rightists consider John Oliver to be hardcore communist.
Just read the comments.
*audience claps*
*audience claps harder*
*audience clapping causes mild earthquake*
this is one of the few right things they've done, but buying them is only the first step
they need to put them to good use and burn down the capitalist rat holes to drive them out
If they will do it I will be first one to praise and cheer them.
But BadMouse is dumb
He reads.
Probably why we're sending John Oliver after them and not US Southern Command.
fugging anglos ::DDD
Thanks for posting this, it is quite well done. I wasn't aware of the original segment, but it's striking how dishonest Oliver was in some places (I was about to yell at the screen like a fox news grandpa when he said the thing about the PDVSA lockout).
That said I wish the video creator had disclosed from the outset that he works for telesur, (not that there's anything wrong with that, but it is kind of important information) and he also neglected to mention that Maduro obstructed the constitutional recall petition against him (if anyone wants to give me a rundown on the circumstances surrounding that, I'm listening). Overall though this has restored some of my confidence in the government.
(Also jesus christ oliver is so aggressively unfunny)
Maduro didn't obstructed the process. If anything it was the Electoral Power (National Electoral Council, an independent power just like Judicial, Executive and Legislative) that took the decision, because the opposition delivered fake signatures of people for the request of the recall referendum. Also the process of recollection was filled with irregularities. The evidence of such cases was presented at the time.
Leftypol has gone done the shitter.
Dropped your flag
what's the point of using that?
he has dyslexia and can't read
Not giving views and/or other analytics BS to right-wing channels
oh god this is the worst thing I've ever seen
I ever see this faggot again, I'm gonna bash the cartilage in his nose into his fucking worthless brain.
I think it's important to remind Crowder every day he breathes on this earths, including everyone else who knows him, of that time he got his face caved in by an old union man.
can you honestly sink lower than watching this shit? Honestly I feel fucking stupider by clicking on this fucking video. God this unironically needs a bullet put into his head. Bloody hell.
God this webm is golden
Stewart is still alright sometimes:
Colbert completely sold his soul to the fucking devil for the Tonight Show though. He used to actually ask Dems tough questions about why they were so shit but now he literally just parrots their propaganda every sing night.
Oliver, Trevor Noah, and that faggot from "The Opposition" are all irredeemable cunts and were never good
I remember in the North Korea episode he admits the US committed war crimes but then tries to down play them as not that bad.
Venezuela is a fucking shithole due to an authotarian government and every leftist that supports them should be ashamed of themselves
fuck off CIA
How do you do fellow leftists?
Your next line is "The US should intervene" TOYU
I don't think Oliver is irredeemable. Some of the obscure topics he highlights are interesting. It's like an otherwise terrible newspaper that has solid local reporting.
The US is being dishonest about the situation in Venezuela, but this does not mean they are worth supporting. It's a failure of welfare capitalism being reframed as a failure of socialism so retarded boomers can screech "VENEZUELAAAAAAAAAAAA" in any argument with a leftist
Wyatt Cenac presented the case for abolishing police on his show.
Also, I found the Oliver episode only mildly annoying at best. He didn't even speak against the Chavez government or the Bolivar revolution and actually showed that they were extremely popular with the people of Venezuela.
The main point of the episode was that Maduro is incompetent and has no idea how to fix his country, which is absolutely 100% true.
He's doing it again, but now, China.
dyslexic people can read.
Couldn't stand to watch more than a few minutes of John Oliver. It seems like it's politics for children.
his min audience are americans, which is esentially the same.