Oxymoron much? Don't these people know how suppressed Christianity was in the Soviet Union? I can't wrap my head around how these people think.
Communist Christians
Because CHRISTCOM GANG usually isn't Marxist, although I've met a few who admire his economic works but not his dumbass social ideas.
God bless
Read the whole thing
why do really dumb people think Socialism = whatever the Soviet union did
There is no room for idealism in revolutionary theory and praxis. "Christian" or "insert whatever idealist dribble" communists are simply liberals
It was necessary to oppress the Church in Russia considering that the main internal enemies of the revolution were part of Russia's feudal system which relied heavily on religion to preserve/reproduce itself. Once feudalism was gone they should have relaxed their restrictions on religion. This is something that Khrushchev really didn't understand.
You were saying?
You don't have to be a socialist to leave in a socialist state.
We're talking about Socialist Christians now, though.
It's one thing to be a religious citizen of a socialist state and another to be a socialist.
Yeah, no that's rubbish. Religion was not suppressed, but many of the influences of religion were actively removed to make religion a purely spiritual thing.
Fuck off ultra-leftie
Religious practice wasn't suppressed, religious institutions obviously lost their authority though
Religion was undeniably suppressed in the USSR and other socialist states. Many churches, mosques, and synagogues were closed, and anti-religious propaganda was produced and promoted by the government. Obviously they didn't outright outlaw religion like le bunker man but I don't see how you can reconcile religiousity with Marxism-Leninism.
Marxism is primarily a socio-economic theory. You can accept all of its really relevant tenets without giving up your personal religious beliefs, it's basically irrelevant, if you want to believe in god you're the one who should know. Pic related is my opinion
also this
Stalinism was a mistake anyway
Hitler outlawed religion? Well Judaism obviously, but other than that?
I don't know if you are trolling but he means this fellow
Not at all.
It was suppressed differently at different times. For the most part, Christians could not occupy positions in elementary and school education, nor the party (or any administrative roles that required party membership).
Antireligiousness of Soviet Union was caused by all legal Churches being incorporated within the most oppressive and reactionary structures of the old government, and continuing to be counter-revolutionaries when it fell.
Same thing happened with Liberalism in French Revolution, but Liberalism is just as comparable with Christianity and other Churches as Liberalism is - that is, if Church embraces it in the first place.
It's not even about that, people greatly misinterpret how the USSR treated religion.
If you actually believe the USSR was too harsh on organized religion you're a fucking tool.
Who the fuck cares?
This but unironically.
This. Western Christians falsely assume that their hardline separation of church and state is universal in their religion when the Orthodox had substantial power in the Russian empire.
If there're any christian "commies" here please answer this for me. If christianity is leftist wouldn't Jesus have gave everyone access to his food materialization and magic healing powers? Forgive me if he did or tried because I'm not that read up on your bible.
Read the The Grand Inquisitor by Dostoevsky. It is part of The Brothers Karamazov, but it can be read on its own.
I think I will. I hope it answers my question.
t. never read marx
t. dogmafaggot without a thinking capacity of his own
I know this will be legitimately incomprehensible to you but it is actually possible to read Marx and not agree with every statement he makes
user, I..,
The Diggers are pretty based.
Moderate to mild gulaggings for their religious illness, but otherwise comrades.
religion should be suppressed
it's a backbone of fascism and should be wiped out
No that's the petite bourgeoisie.
It is that God (ideology) must become democratic and known, and with this, the alienated essence of God as being transcendent from humanity is instead subsumed into the social order because the social is made knowable. God is therefore dead because that alienness is gone.
Materialism is a working hypothesis though, not a metaphysical position. A marxist can believe whatever he wants in private if he analyses politics, history and economy in terms of material progression.