So the DNC is now not going to allowed independents to run for President on the Democratic ticket anymore. Is Bernie 2020 already dead?
So the DNC is now not going to allowed independents to run for President on the Democratic ticket anymore...
It's ok AmeriKKKa is still going to feel the bern in 2020
Sanders, who is currently running for re-election, typically runs in the state’s Democratic primary, but declines the party’s nomination after winning. The move allows him to fend off Democratic challengers in the state while still running as an independent. Last month, the Vermont Democratic Party passed a resolution supporting this strategy and proclaiming Sanders would still be considered a member of the party “for all purposes and entitled to all the rights and privileges that come with such membership at the state and federal level.” That membership could inoculate him against the DNC’s rules change.
“I don’t have any worries that Bernie Sanders could meet the criteria to run as a Democrat in 2020, but it always puzzles me that there are some Democrats who want to do this and promote this. I scratch my head and ask why they would want to make the party more narrow and more exclusive,” Longabaugh said.
“We just came off a devastating presidential loss in 2016. It would seem to me the actual impetus would be to expand the Democratic party. I just for the life of me don’t see any motivation for this beyond personal spite,” said Longabuagh.
He should've taken the offer to head the green ticket offered by Jill instead of shilling for hill.
He still has to get the dems to work with him in DC. That's ultimately why he endorsed Hillary. He is career oriented above all else.
Isn't it a little late for career moves? Nigga got one foot in the grave, why not go out with a bang instead of a whimper?
Don't worry if he loses the primaries again he's going to suicide bomb the DNC.
Dude, have you seen him?
He's going to be at Trump's funeral.
Trips confirm the truth. Hooly fucking shit though, how did my countrymen prefer Hilldawg and Drumpf over this guy?
The foot in the grave part was a joke. I hope he has decades left of moving us towards full communism. Point still stands it's a bit late in his career to try and sell out. What does he honestly think Pelosi and Schumer and them are going to do for him?
If you told me 3 years ago that the most popular politician in America would be a self-proclaimed socialist, I wouldn't believe you. I can't believe how far he's come. Hopefully this signals the possibility of a real socialist movement being build in the US.
Nope. When he dies his movement will die as well. That's the problem with national politics in America. It's based almost entirely upon individual politicians. The Democrat Cops of America is actually better proof of a growing socialist movement and Sanders refuses to associate with them.
All extremist movements are dependent upon charismatic leaders because they lack functioning organizations.
It depends on exactly what happens in the future. If he starts agitating using actual socialist talking points once he gets elected, an encourages the development of dual power, then a legitimate, powerful, and lasting socialist movement could easily come into being. If he doesn't do that though, and just tries to push through Social Democratic reforms, or if he fails to get elected in the first place, then the movement will die. It all depends on him really.
You need to actually have a movement if you want to succeed, and an actual organization
He registered as a Democrat temporarily to run in the primaries in 2016. This doesn't change much in terms of him.
This actually goes beyond Sanders. They know he only has like 4 years left tops before he either retires or dies. What they are worried about is a potential split caused by the socdem-types that he brought in with him.
Really encouraged by the newfound commitment to Democratic Centralism by the DNC.
As was pointed out during the election, if Bernie did defect to a third party, the DNC would've crushed him and any hopes of socialism in the united states would died completely. By sticking around, he became a thorn in their side they can't remove.
Bernie's playing the longer game. Millennials will soon usurp the Boomers as the largest voting bloc, and under the guidance of grandpa Bernie, they'll demand a more progressive agenda from the Democratic party.
Yeah this is why the alt-right had difficulty getting their "Generation Zyklon" meme to stick. A handful of shithead white kids isn't going to replace the boomers. It's just simple numbers.
Are we back to shill this loser?
Oh no. The U.S.'s minority opposition might do some yada yada putting it all in peril we must concentrate on destroying them grumble grumble damn minority party the sole focus of all my ire.
Meanwhile what's going on with the U.S.'s majority party?
Well, on a party-line vote the House GOP passed the Trump-GOP rescissions package that eliminates Children's Health Insurance Program funding and cuts programs that create jobs & strengthen communities. The vote was strictly across party lines, and undercuts deals which were made to pass tax cuts for the wealthy which created a 1.3 trillion dollar deficit. The vote was led by Kevin McCarthy who is expected to take the House leadership role when Paul Ryan retires.
am I seeing this right, if the 6 Dem NVs voted Nay the bill would've lost? what the fuck?
If they didn't let the TOP take them away how could they campaign on giving us back the things we already had in the first place?
Something something an abortion on every corner.
I thought Non-Voting means the MPs who are from like Puerto Rico and Guam who don't have the right to vote on bills but are there just to talk?
They can enter a vote of present like they did in Gina haspel's intel committee vote.
after 2 years now of knows social democrats are shit, this man still brings a smile to my face
6 nv literally was enough. Rigged. Rigged. Rigged.
I've went through all the stages of grief. I just want to see the majority party burn first. Maybe my priorities are wrong, but I am more ar odds with the Hannity hegemony so much more than the liberals who shun my elements on the left. The liberals can keep strangling the socialism movements, but they'll lose without the progressive economic vote anyways.
Honestly what we need is the Democratic party to DIE like how the Liberals in Canada just died. Social Democrats might be misaligned, but they aren't the fucking ventures of movements like liberals are.
A man who gets blatantly cheated out of an election and doesn't fight back but just sits quietly in his place, and submits to the person who cheated him, isn't worthy of leading an entire country. I can't trust such a person to make hard choices.
To lead a country and make tough deals you need big, brass balls.
tbh famalams, this
it's nice to dream tho
explain please.
I hate Trudeau and know he has been making the liberal party look like immature girls, but is it that bad?
The Liberals lost so fucking badly in Ontario last night, they lost their official party status, became a third party while the SocDems took their place.
Let me put it this way, the greens were 6 seats away from beating out the Liberals, THE GREENS.
He's talking about the recent ontario provincial election probably. Libs got r8ped, socdem party made some gains, but big winners were the conservatards.
Yep. The fascist conservatards will seize the hegemony in the coming years. Liberals and moderates keep running """electable""" candidates and keep losing. They just can't acquiesce to socialists, because of donor issues, and they're up against the right wing theocratic fanaticism. I suggest a prescription to zoloft if you're a leftist, because it will get worse and stay that way for years to come.
Tbh the conservatards aren't theocratic. I mean Harper was in power for like 10 years and he never even tried to alter abortion laws or stop same sex marriage.
We don't need the liberals to acquiesce, we need them to become irrelevant in politics. As far as I'm concerned last night was a victory for Canadians, I wish we could topple the Democratic party in the US.
Why though. I see no benefit to giving a highly militarized nuclear super power into the hands of a hardcore right wing super majority. There is no telling what amendments they'll pass or wars they'll start. I don't think post scarcity will be an enjoyable experience for families with small children comrade.
I'm not saying I like the Dem party, because I don't. It just seems like toppling the right wing parties is more appropriate given the times and the international flashpoints.
But why would that make me support dems? It's not like they don't also eat babies.
that's kinda cool, too bad the conservatives are cuckservatives
The point is that you cannot topple a right wing party without something to replace it with. And the Democrats as they are now are weak. They themselves won't be able to stop right wing parties. In other words, the building up of radical left wing movements against liberalism and attacking right wing movements and one and the same.
how so?
Probably just being hyperbolic for the sake of it.
good, fuck socdems