These ☭TANKIE☭s are killing me. Let's have a good old fashioned anarchist thread...

These ☭TANKIE☭s are killing me. Let's have a good old fashioned anarchist thread. This board needs some lefty variety the MLs and cockshott folks get tiresome.
Thread topics

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honestly i feel the anarchism in the west is pretty shit ,not enough support no real movement (atleast in america)
everyone in the west who is left and anarchist is a ancom no new ideology .
its yugoslavia but without a government i guess they are left-wing its like with Nazis ,Nazi are predominantly right-wing but there are still some nazis like nazbols and Asserists who can be considered left-wing .Mutualists are predominately left-wing and some mutualists who focus more on the market part of mutualism are right-wing
post as much and interact with threads there .the more activity a board has the more alive it is

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Y'know sometimes a genuinely fear that any western anarchist revolution would be overridden by ☭TANKIE☭s and we'd become another shitty ML state. This board has become overrun with MLs and its very concerning.



your attempts to hijack this board are really obvious and embarrassing

What's wrong with Cockshott? Any anarchist who doesn't want to be an anarkiddie has to acknowledge the legitimacy of cybernetics and large parts of marxism. Just because most MLs are right-deviationists doesn't mean marxism is bad.
Rather embarassing. The best we do here is squatting. Anarchists need to take proper organization seriously instead of sticking to the smashie stereotype. Councilism, platformism and syndicalism are things we should look at.
Not a fan of new meme brands of anarchism. Anarcho-communism is fine.
Utopian socialism, Marx and Kropotkin were correct in critiquing it.
Staying on Zig Forums is more useful.

They love using red-and-black flags but they're staunchly anti-communist more often than not. Lots of "ancoms" don't take the red part seriously.

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This board IS ANCOM NOW

TBH this board is LEFTYpol not MLpol
Let leftist comrades be……

OP is the one trying to start shit

Decentralization is capitalism.


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It'a all fun and cool, but how about you make a good thread with a practical topic instead of shitty meta/bait?

t. Follower of the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism.

This thread now belongs to the state.


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anarchy blows
you heard it here first folks

when you define yourself merely in opposition to something else you already lost
enjoy your thread

fug, shitposting flag

I'm something of a ☭TANKIE☭. I like ansyns very well. All other anarchists are dumb however.

Hot take.

Anarcho syndicalism is ok, black flag is cute but utopian.

Remember when no anarchist project made it more than 5 years, if that long, after its "revolution" and usually made things worse for the people in the long run haha yeah good times guys

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There's a board for you already faggot:

>>>Zig Forums

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Faggot we just sit on our asses and talk shit all day we're not gonna split because of your ebic psyop.

New thread topic: when did Zig Forums get so fucking retarded? They were actually running a mildly successful brute force propaganda campaign on sites like reddit around like 2016 but by now they're completely transparent, disgraced, have lost all coherence and seemingly lack a legitimate set of goals since their idol got into office and proceeded to shit on basically every principle they projected on to him. They're antisemite zionists, neoliberal fascists, I don't fucking know anymore. The most I hear from the aut right nowadays is an occasional concern troll telling us about the totally epic style chad fascist gangs supposedly ruling the streets in other countries despite every available metric stating otherwise.
It seems to me that they've basically been absorbed by American conservatives. Does this mean they'll be made an irrelevant minority when the boomers stop voting?

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Please, there are plenty of chill anarkids on this board and we all usually get along p well. leftpol was almost certainly a (failed) attempt by Zig Forumsacks to split the board over the one bajillion US bases in Syria despite most users including anarchists having been disillusioned months before that.

This is a twelve year olds idea of COINTELPRO ops

Sure, I wasn't saying that all anarkiddies are bad and you're right that some of it is Zig Forums but if you think there aren't plenty of anarkiddies here who legitimately think they're the rightful owners of not just this site but literally all leftist spaces cuz "hiearchy is just as bad as capitalism" you're kidding yourself.

Rational and intelligent anarchists are the exception, not the rule. Most of them shoot from the hip because anarchism from its first principles is idealist and anti-materialist

It always was

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The only good anarchists are ones who respect ☭TANKIE☭s and support the DOTP tbh. There are some, but I doubt OP is one.

what do you mean, i always use this flag and MLs are pretty much the only ones that deliver quality posts. what are you, retarded?


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What are you even trying to say

if you're not able to or not prepared to defend your revolution then yes, your ideology is utopian trash

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How is this any different from the "communism has never worked" autism?

Ironic, it was the anarchists who wanted to abolish the army

If there were litterally no working examples of my ideology I would have a few doubts. Thankfully socialism actually worked in the USSR and other places.

the USSR lasted from 1922 to 1991 fought in many wars and even sent cosmonauts to space and back
Cuba still exist even with the economic shackle imposed on it
but nearly every anarchist experiment dies before the decade is out and does nothing but make the living conditions worse for the people after it dies out

scientific socalism has proven itself already but your fantasy still hasn't produced anything long lasting

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Is that my guy Oswald?