Trump suggests dropping all tariffs, trade barriers at G7 summit

Anti-lolbert Zig Forums on suicide watch

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Trump knows what he is doing, you'll see. BAGA ::DDD

Didn't he threaten to block trade with Canada and the EU. I'm pretty sure him and Trudeau are beefing.

From the article:

The current feud with Trudeau appears to be some sort of theater the administration is doing to soften the blow to their base when Trump capitulates yet again to the neolibs


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imo Trump is being consistent here. He has time and time again said there's nothing wrong with free trade–the only problem with it is America's foreign trade partners have been allowed to get away with cheating for a long time. Therefore, America is only losing at free trade because other economies are not playing fair there's some truth to this imo, as concerns the West bloc countries, which arguably benefit more from American hegemony than the average American does

He knows that the G-7 won't cave to his demand to eliminate all barriers/tariffs/subsidies, so he can walk away saying that he tried to negotiate but the G-7 didn't want it.

I'm not saying its 4D chess or anything but he's always been a capitalist vulture. Protection was 100% a matter of money to Trump and not something that he strongly believes in as a program or principle.

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A totally different topic, but wouldn't the US be majorly fucked if they actually got into a trade war with everyone? They import a lot of shit and they don't export a lot. This means that they'll lose a lot of resources, and if those other countries feel like it, they could just steal the businesses that the US has invested in. Venezuela did that and it'd probably be a good idea if such an event were to happen. Like who's going to stop them?

Yes. The US is actually ripping the rest of the world off, (More on this below) but Trump - being functionally illiterate, and willingly ignorant - doesn't realize that.
Now in his defense: It's probably not him pushing this, but rather Bolton and Navarro. Trump himself is a pushover.

As long as the US dollar serves as the world's reserve currency, there's no need to worry about trade deficits. In fact, imports being higher than exports is beneficial here, as it represents wealth flowing into the country, paid for by worthless US dollars, which are practically infinite.

To be honest I thought that would be one of my more harebrained ideas, but it's nice to know that you think that's the case Naziposter.
I'm sure the most likely situation is that all this trade war nonsense is just theater for the base. He must be really pissed that the wall isn't ever going to materialize.

A lot of these "barriers" are health and safety regulations tho. Any sane person would want strict crossborder restrictions on the movement of food (particularly meat, fruits and vegetables) to prevent the spread of pathogens

don't forget EU protectionism on GMOs, burger porkies hate those, they want eurofarmers to pay for their seeds monthly like the rest of the world.

correct, and as the boat begins to rock more those countries will start looking to separate their financial systems from the US one and break their reliance on dollars as the reserve currency

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Civil War 2 when?

either shortly before or shortly after ww3

not sure which is worse

The US trade deficit (and petrodollar recycling) is best viewed as old fashioned imperial tribute.


"EU will put tariffs on US metals after ‘depressing’ G7 tweets by Donald Trump"


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I think Trump and his base are woefully deluded about America's economic strength. It's like they're all stuck in the 90's.

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I hope they put the tariffs on finished products in stead of intermediate ones like steel and aluminum. If you gonna trade war, war smart.

Its why the Dems were so terrified of Trump taking power, they knew he'd probably capitulate and do all the same bullshit but just fuck it up over and over and make it look as bad as it actually is

I was talking about the Europeans. Americans are always already fucked in this regard of course.

I see. I just get the feeling that Europeans don't really want to participate in a trade war cuz going all the way with it could threaten the globalized neoliberal order down the line, so they're doing small things to try and wait out Trump's retardation

It would be bad for American Metroploitan cities, but very good for the American Industrial Heartland (the midwest) because those areas were major industrial zones before NAFTA. Also remember the US has very large untaped mineral reserves in the Southwest and Industrialized on a 50% tariff.

They're waiting until closer to harvest time, then they'll REALLY roll out the tough tariffs.

I'm expecting Brazil to get a lot of new business.

I find Zig Forums has this weird idea of the Midwest. It's like they think these rural areas have the skilled labor or the resources to start producing again. It's pure fantasy.

So they go from $10/hour working for walmart to $10/hour working in a mine/factory. What an improvement.

You don't get it. Once it makes economic sense to do so through tax incentives (tariffs), companies will simply relocate and retrain workers, using favorable labor laws (charging employees to train and then taking a cut of their wages, or paying them below min wage for on-the-job training) to complete the task. The workers, who have previously suffered about four decades of economic divestment, will gladly throw themselves at these firms for graciously bestowing wageslavery onto them. These are people who can't remember when Unions were strong, when workers had rights or even stable employment. They're going to take it hook line and sinker then shit on anyone who tries to "agitate" by suggesting they organize for a better deal.

This goes hand in hand with the gradual repeal of labor rights, including the imminent Janus decision. Everything is gonna burn and people will cheer. It will take decades for the workers to realize they're still being ripped off, if there are any left by then (due to low birthrates caused by people working all the time).

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Wall St. isn't 'The Country."

Pick one

Put people want jobs in Steal and Aluminum. These jobs require very few skills are aren’t stressful at all.
t Burger

They’ll get 30$ an hour, there unions, back, as well as there dignity.

Not after an uphill battle. This is the US left's next move, unless they want to be rendered totally irrelevant.

Nice cargo cult mentality you got there.

This is what factory worker’s in America had pre-free trade.

They had that because of popular struggle. The nature of the jobs had little to do with it. Actual (communist) unions are still illegal and even the shitty ones we have now are being systematically dismantled by the court system. We won't be going back to the 1950s. If anything we will be going back to the 1850s (sans slavery.)

Many Americans are shifting leftwards, once factory jobs come back, so will class struggle, you can’t engage in class struggle if your a lumpen, and right now America is a nation of lumpen and labor aristocrats.

we're going back to the 1880s where workers are going to get fucked at every turn, and then get shot when they try organizing. Though when this happens society will finally realize why gun control happened and dismantle it as they move to dismantle corporate power (again)

maybe this time we can elect an actual socialist

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Why live

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