'tfw no leftist gf'

Be happy you're not in a relationship centered entirely around politics. Never, ever go into a long-term relationship thinking your partner will somehow "enlighten" you - or worse, you will "enlighten" them - since all that will happen is the theoretically weaker one will drag the stronger down, or you two will mercilessly try to manipulate each other into taking each other's political views (many times through gaslighting or insisting that the other is irrational, liberal, stupid, etc.).

Trust me, I've been on the far-left for a while and I've seen plenty of this shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:


No one on this board will care.


Yeah, all those girls in the pick are ugos

Sounds hot tbh

Leila Khaled and Y*P*J women have been done to death. Besides, if any of those women are Muslims they aren't going to want to fuck an atheist white guy.

For some reason I'm now picturing a reimagining of Mr. And Mrs. Smith where they're both Maoist guerilla fighters or something belonging to different factions… shit man I would totally watch that.

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TBH the couple portrayed in the hypothetical film would probably be more stable than most Maoist coupes IRL.

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You two will break up once your political views change. Thjat's why you should never, ever date anyone based on politics: your views or their views will naturally evolve, and as soon as you start to hold strong disagreements on shit you will hate each other.


Women want to steal your sexual energy. This is why there has never been a good non-volcel leftist.

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I had a gf that was a """communist""" (liberal) when I met her, and I was going through a pol phase.
Now she's a pseudo-nazi and I'm an actual gommie
what do

Get married and start penetrating each other

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Make her read books.

Have a nazbol baby.

This make papa Dugin proud

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gonna do all 3 once she gets past the nazi fever phase, she's a sweet girl so I'm sad I did this to her

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it gets better, anons. You just need to stop expecting it to come to you, don't fall for the incel BS of thinking you'll get lewded just by treating women like a vending machine that you put niceness tokens into until sex is dispensed.

And you two will fall apart once she becomes a market socialist and you an ML.

you couldn't predict the hour with the assistance of a clock.

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While you're right OP, I want to stress that it's fine to include politics in your relationship provided it's not the foundation the whole house is built on, so to speak. My GF and I send each other leftist memes/news all the time; my friend is angry at me because last week we got drunk and yelled at him for being a reactionary (which he is). But we do plenty of non-political stuff too that forms the core of our relationship like watch garbage TV or whatever.

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what the fuck would you rather?, not look at a person's ideology before getting together and end up with a pseudo facist you share nothing with, even a ML and a market socialist are better than that, even an ancom and ml are better, or any kind of leftist for that matter

that actually sounds like a cute story, you loved each other so much you took each others 'ideology'

I want a cute fashy girl tbh
I imagine the sex would be amazing

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personal experience: They do.

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That sounds like the type of gf that would use a strapon to fuck you, ruins your orgasm and makes you lick your semen from his boot

shit i'm curious now, can you greentext us the story.

there is no greentext. We met through our mutual interests and did the typical boyfriend things until she put out. There was also a Jordanian woman I slept with. Anyone who thinks muslim women don't go for white athiests probably lives in a country without muslims or without white guys. Frankly, there are plenty of muslim sluts out there.

YPJ girls are supposed to be down to business and don't care about men, but that doesn't have shit to do with being muslin. because of their education, if they wanted a husband they'd probably have no hesitation in marrying an atheist. I know it's Haram, but it's not a big deal for a lot of people. I knew an atheist who married a tribal Tajik girl from Bukhara


Yeah, until you meet their parents and the parents force you to either convert to Islam or leave under threat of violence.

Says user with a ☭TANKIE☭ emblem. And no you'er thinking of a half chan /trash/ gf

or a /d/ gf from any chan

Does such a creature even exist.

Elzi… I'm not joking either. SHE (yes she) is an 'artist' who is VERY into /d/ fetishes: shemales, NTR, humiliation/degradation, foot-fetish, incest, male to shemale TF, BDSM, etc. Moreover she actively takes part in these fetishes to the closest she can whilst also making anime caps of said fetishes. /d/ is rife with this. Containing A SEPARATE thread just for her content.

Ironically she dislikes futanari (which /d/ discerns as a being with both vagina and benis)

Desire is desire of the other so this shouldn't be any surprise.

Sounds like the perfect gf

Read the op you faggot

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The eternal dialectic.

Dude Leila is like 80 years old now. You might as well fantasize about your grandma.

I did, dipshit.

Hate sex is fun user…

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Sounds retarded tbh. I have radical political beliefs. Why would I want to have a relationship with someone who is a centrist or worse?
That said I dont have a gf at all so fek off anyway.


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And yes, that is an Israeli made comic book series erotizicing the shoah.


got any more?

If you are attending syndie meetings they will mostly be coming to nothing and one of you will get tired of the fact it all comes to nothing and moves on.

t. still a member of the IWW but don't go to meetings anymore cos its all bullshit and they do nothing.

Why? The political banter could be really cute. Just don't go in thinking you could be a communist power couple. That's basic common sense.

my gf is apolitical
we've been together for like 6years and i never know who's she voting for in any serb elections
not that it matters who you vote for in serbia

The concept of having a girlfriend/wife is inherently fascist, fuck off retard.

Stop master baiting.

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I see Zig Forums is trying to shill us with the "all lefties are anti-tradition SJWs" card again.

Im in a relationship with a partner who i dont share political beliefs with at all and i kinda wish i did. I met her when i was a lolbert, now im a luxumburgist. Shes from japan originally where she was br ought up to see communism as scary north korean system where everyone is poor and and they kidnapped her countrymen and she idolizes tech company fuckheads in her city. I kinda wish we shared some commonality here instead of me trying to avoid politics with her and i wish to introduce her to leftist ideas somehow.

Both of my exes were libtards, and thought more or less "communism is social democracy on steroids " or thereabouts. I cba to try and convert either of them, i kinda only brought it up coz I couldn't think of anything else to talk about and they knew I was a commie from things I've been involved in.
Idek where the fuck to find a leftist gf, anyone got any suggestions? I mean idk if it would be a good idea irl but you only live once so eh.

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That feeling when I remember that I don't have and never had a girlfriend. It is a bad feeling, my friends.

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your views only change if they have been inferior
evolving and growing is something different, that'll help to bond even more by teaching and elevating each other
unsurprising a non-ML wouldn't know about this

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is it just me or is this a purely leftist problem?
put two leftists in a room and you will have 7 different organizations, leftist sects are fucking insane, "mass" movements with more isms than members

meanwhile right wingers, who do not even have any collectivist pretensions most of the time, seem like a perfect unified and ordered block
gun nuts, tax dodging porkies, religious fundamentalists, people who are pro military just for the sake of being pro military (dont even know the name of these extreme militarists who dont care about anything else), nascar/motorsport fans, football hooligans….
right wingers who seemingly have no politics at all seem to be perfectly capable of banding together for the most random reasons and never bickering or having sectarian problems

it's an illusion. the right is as divided as the left, especially as you move towards the fringe.

what makes the left appear more divided right now is the explosion of identity politics. it's inherently divisive and by nature HIGHLY VISIBLE. this forces leftist divisions to bubble to the surface at every opportunity, while right wingers tend to divide along less tangible things.

I can't get a gf period, much less a leftist one.

underrated comment