What is your opinion for European Union ?

What is your opinion for European Union ?
For or against?
How do you want to change it?

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Any serious leftist must be anti-EU because it's obviously imperialist



Modern or my vision of one.

op here.But EU supports part of your>>2550517
why EU supports most of yours ideas.The enemies of EU are from the wright

EU atm is anti democratic and shit, Tony Benn explains it the best: youtu.be/dQY2CHx4d3U
But a good EU can be built (or even rebuilt), how does one do it? Ask pic related.

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We must destroy the current EU before a good version can arise from the ashes, it's simple dialectics m8, also known as accelerationism

Doesn't destroying the EU in the context of other Great Powers still existing simply mean the subjugation of various parts of the EU to these larger power blocs? It's easy to see how a number of EU states would turn towards Russia, other to the US, etc.

Yes and?

We are at a time where European nations are finally uncucking themselves from the US, EU dissolution would see Russia and America carve up Europe and shag any progress made towards sovereignty over the last 2 decades.

The EU as it stands is irredeemable.


I meant soveirgnty not amnesty sorry im sleepy

1) it won't be one or two, it will split between thentwo
2) the dialectical option is to trend towards multipolarity, which allows for the insurrection and creation of a communist bloc.

EU is awful as it is, but I like the idea of a united Europe. Maybe if we had some sort of constitution that lays out an ideal third option to US neoliberalism or Russian/Chinese authoritarian-capitalism to strive towards instead of just being the 'united states of Europe' it could be good.

user, have you heard of our lord and saviour Yannis Varoufakis?

Attached: Varoufakis Berlin DIEM25.jpg (400x347, 32.99K)

That's what i was saying. To do a successful insurrection the contradictions within the current EU structure must reach a crisis point that causes the whole thing to crack up. My point was that one or two might side with US or Russia but in the midst of the crisis socialists could seize power and start constructing a new EU from the ashes.

the eu is already subjugated by usa.


Zizek says the emancipatory elements of the EU need to be rescued, but what the fuck are those emancipatory elements anyway?

One of Žižek's biggest fears are technological cyberpunk shit, like nano and bio tech. His thought process is that only transnational orgs can fight threats like that. Also a bloc like the EU could, in theory, withstand imperialism far better than one country. He is behind Varoufakis' DiEM because he thinks Yannis can fix it, or at least rebuild from the ashes.

back to reddit, chapo

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kys neoliberal

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The EU is probably the best great power in the world, even though its still absolute shit. Abandoning it isn't going to help anyone, it's only going to leave us more directly exposed to the capitalist world system, and impotent in dealing with the international crises of our century. Instead we should reform it.

it's impossible to reform. other institutions must be built in its place.

Its shit at the moment.
We need a socialist EU.


Attached: varoufakis.png (700x466, 708.28K)

I'm a strange position where I hate the EU because its neo-liberal, but also kinda want Germany to just annex all the nonsense countries in Europe, as the balkanization of Europe will lead to its irrelevancy.

How do you suppose that will happen?

Google DiEM25.