Can you name any right wing false flags of hoxes since the burning of the Reichstag?
There are tons of fake hate crimes with race and sexuality. Seems like every time a college says they found a swastika it's only like 10 days till you someone admits it was them.
There was at least one girl in a hijab that lied about getting it ripped off.
There was the woman that said a white cop raped her a few weeks ago and had to recant over the body cam footage.
There was the Jewish center bomb threats that ended up being an Israeli teen and a black progressive journalist angry at his girlfriend.
Has to be a few good example from the right wingers!
Ehhhh…. can't say it's really what I'm looking for. Bush was a total war criminal and needed to hang, but since he was loved in the progressive press recently after not endorsing 45 they right hates him and the left loves him. Or at least the left has to pretend to respect him and his opinion. It's like every progressive I talk to suddenly forgot he was a war criminal and a racist. It actually kinda looks really disingenuous, but that's kinda how it is now.
Ireally looking for like hoxes from the real modern Nazis.
The thing with hoaxes and false flags is that you gotta ask yourself how far you can take the gambit. For example, suppose Person X does something masquerading as Person Y. Ok, but what if Person X is secretly Person Y trying to pull off triple agent-type shit? Not to advance any particular agenda, but simply to muddy the waters making any and all later assessments of attacks fundamentally unstable. This is why I pay very little attention to stuff like this, whether done by someone from the "right" or the "left." The media and the public are gonna run with whatever is up in the public consciousness anyway. Couple this with boy-who-cried-wolf syndrome (which can also very easily be manufactured!) and it's a recipe for a whole lot of confusion and non-answers.
All that being said, I don't have any from off the top of my head, but rest assured they're out there.
Henry Jones
Progressives 'like' bush now because their entire world revolves around lesser evilism and to them bush is the lesser evil repub president compared to trump
Thomas Jenkins
Landon Phillips
This was before the burning of the Reichstag, but it is a famous hoax. Some people still think that it is legit even to this day.
I don't thing Bush and 9/11 represent the current right wing and not many progressives do either unless they are looking to pin his war crimes on 45's current regime.
Jeremiah Cook
lol ok bud
Luis Adams
Thomas Johnson
So discovered left wing false flags are actually right wing triple false flag agents. Is there an example?
Or do you mean progressives have more to gain from false flags.
Bentley Scott
I mean, youre not wrong, but…
Christian Rodriguez
During the 1953 Iranian coup d'état orchestrated by the US and Great Britain, the US used false flag attacks. They posed as Communists in order to stir up anti-communist and anti-Mosaddegh sentiment.
Yeah it's probably best to never trust these Alphabet soup agencies like the CIA, FBI, NSA or others that the right considers deep state. Oddly I've had so many progressive friends fauning over people like Comey who got was part of HSBC bank board of directors and should have gone to jail for money laundering. The State Department totally let him off.
It's best not to side with veil shadowy state agencies and war criminals tho it seems like a lot of my progressive friend have and regularly speak their praises.
Neither. What I'm saying is that it's becoming increasingly difficult to determine who really commits a false flag, at least in modern times; I'm not saying that left or right-wing false flags don't happen. What I'm saying is after a certain point, it doesn't really matter. This isn't even considering unknown agent provocateurs provided by the government or some other organization. If you're familiar with what "post-truth" is, it's very much related. There is so, so much information out there, being created and reported by so many people and agencies that eventually, even alternative media will not be able to be trusted.
Everyone already distrusts the mainstream media. Imagine a world (that is coming, by the way) in which eventually alternative media is cast in the same light. Where will people go? What will we do?
Oliver Anderson
Oh I thought it was Ford. Ford talked about it in his ramblings. He was one of those rampent jew hater types.
Jayden Reyes
Seems kinda confusing to me. Maybe there are some instances you could provide?
Seems like a lot of false accusation and self attacks come out cut and dry as to what happened. At least there are many that come out definative it what transpired. A electronic trail or a body cam are usually pretty damning evidence that you did something or were set up.
Dylan Cruz
I had not heard of this one before. I hope the media accurally report of this from now on when V-Nom is in movie and such.
I'll have to remember that this is a right wing organization next time I think about prisoners of war. Are there any left wing pow organizations I could contact? Looks like it was John MaCane who was leading this tripe. I wish progressives were not trying to deify him right now. Why do progressive tend to forget whose side they are now?
Mason Powell
Ford was introduced to the Protocols by agents of Imperial Russia and promptly bought into it. "He" saying this because much of it was ghost-written much like Ford's quotes then decided to crib it almost word-for-word in his book The International Jew.
Brody Young
I remember the Blacks Rule guy; i.e. the old white man who had "blacks rule" spraypainted on his driveway lmao that shit was fake as hell.
IMO right-wing hoaxes are pervasive on the internet through false-flag accounts and such. I practically cannot click on a YouTube video, even for the most unrelated content, without seeing obvious fake "feminist-SJW" type accounts spouting a right-wingers' mental idea of what an SJW sounds like. And then I'll see those comments screen-grabbed, replicated and put up on right-wing clickbait media sites. It's a whole click-farming operation and it's astounding in scope – and in all likelihood the underlying motivations are probably not even political but completely mercenary and just designed to make money.
I've seen a few of these accounts from both sides really. People pretending to be "nazis" or "commies" and such.
Nathaniel Taylor
There was that right-winger who claimed antifa stabbed him for his haircut or something. A surveillance video later emerged of him cutting himself in his car.
Blake Parker
I remember that one now. I totally forgot about it.
Asher Howard
I hate that I can't watch anything related to European culture or history without the comment section being filled with a bunch of half wits larping about the british empire or vikings or whatever.
Ryder Walker
You are not forgotten, Ninb0's Negroes. May your war against squatting snowmen echo through the halls of the internet for all eternity.
Nathan Hernandez
This the one you're thinking of?
Back when the whole anti-SJW thing was relatively new I would occasionally browse r/TumblrInAction and it was extremely common for things posted there to be revealed as fake just a day or two later (and people would still discuss those things as if they were real because "it's plausible because that's what those people are like!", etc). There was one I remember that Fox News actually reported on as if it were real, Zig Forums's little "End Father's Day" debacle from a few years ago. When I actually checked the threads on Zig Forums where they were organizing it, a bunch of them were talking about their social media accounts where they pretended to be women and minorities, and they were treating the whole thing as a huge success because they got some random dumbass wine mom to think it was real. Lately they seem to be mainly false-flagging as Antifa rather than SJWs, that whole trainwreck with the WHAT ABOUT THE MEMES guy happened because one of their fake Antifa twatter accounts said they were going to protest some civil war statue
Ah I remember that. It was actually a statue of Sam Houston who (for Europols here) was the first president of Texas and a Unionist who opposed the Confederacy later in life. So even the anarchists and communists in Texas, the few of them there are, don't care about Sam Houston.
What-about-the-memes was William Fears who is now more or less out of the picture because of crimes. My feeling is that Zig Forums misunderstood both antifa and the chad right. The chad right are easily tricked by only to a point. There is a limit and signs that say "no blood for Israel" is one step too far. Secondly, they were trying to discredit antifa as they would any another political movement, but that's like trying to discredit the monkeywrench that gets thrown into a machine.
Dylan White
(me) It's like, they must have thought, let's pretend to be antifa so the antifa show up to protest a statue (that they don't have any problems with?) and then also get the chads to show up, and the chads will kick their asses. Except that… didn't happen… and instead one of their own guys got himself choked, strong-armed and then frog-marched out by the chads. Anyways, yeah they didn't think that one through. But it was funny.
Charles White
i wonder who is behind this post also there's nothing wrong in burning down anything american
Chase Sullivan
FAT chance, they've positioned themselves so they can screech about patriotic correctness any time they're questioned. My city government flies that flag from the courthouse.
Robert Howard
like, half the threads on this fucking board
Julian Flores
How about the whole thing with the FBI selling a fake letter to MLK pretending to be a deeply religious dude upset about his (non-fake) sexual affairs and asking him to commit suicide and also constantly pouring oil into the fire of the conflict between police and Black Panthers?
Joshua Clark
JFK and Oswald
1) Oswald profusely denied hisinvolvemnt in JFK's murder
3) What is a given is that the CIA was involved since they refuse to open files on these keyh subjects that would easily reveal wether or not he was involved.
4) The reason JFK, his brother and his son were killed off was BECAUSE of their more moderate approach to the USSR. Even murderous Khruschev with his revisionism was not stupid enough to want the destruction of the USSR and communism and Brezhnev kept the USSR in control and a good example of communism. JFK warned about a secret society in America and tried to take the monetary power of america away from the private Fed;
Robert was killed for trying to continue JFK's work, which meant going against CIA puppet LB Johnson, who continued the Vietnam war (which Kennedy was trying to back out of).