A question regarding Trotskyism

Greetings comrades, I'm back with another query.

It appears to me that ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ism is viewed rather negatively by those subscribed to other Communist schools of thought. It would be understandable if say, a capitalist were to denounce ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ism, but a Marxist-Leninist? That's just peculiar.

Does this antagonism arise from some sort of contradiction between ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ist principles and those advocated by other branches of Marxism, some kind of undesirable behaviour that ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ists exhibit in general, or something else?

Also is the person in the picture ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ or Kalinin?

Attached: leon-trotsky-9510793-1-402.jpg (1200x1200, 104.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=Wbsoyj9tMJwC&pg=PA263&lpg=PA263&dq=our clandestine radio transmitter from eastern prussia to russia&source=bl&ots=VterhV_kwN&sig=lHvoKuhZSKpZTEdPLmtbCb9KJ3w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzzfaBn9HbAhXDa1AKHR28AYQQ6AEINzAD#v=onepage&q=our clandestine radio transmitter from eastern prussia to russia&f=false
marxists.org/history/usa/parties/cpusa/anti-trotsky/Trotsky the Traitor - Bittleman.pdf
marxism.halkcephesi.net/Grover Furr/Furr tortsky japan.pdf

Trotsky was just really fucking annoying and most of his Anglo cultists became neo-cons. A lot of people (myself included) would explain why they became neocons as being because ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ism and neoconservatism both have a fixation on enteral global war to enforce their “values” (be they American hegemony or “communism”)

I like the way there every "Trotsky" is decorated with a couple pickaxes.

Yah same. B’O did good on that one



I think you'd find Trots predominately in the West, but even then they seem to be a minority among leftists. But even if most leftists in the West don't consider themselves ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ist, or haven't even read ⛏️Trotsky⛏️, many of them (including myself) adhere to the "Trotskyist" interpretation of the Bolshevik revolution.
Basically: the revolution began strong, with a popular mandate, managed to fight off the White Army, many other invading reactionary states, and a blockade. But at the point after Lenin died and Stalin and his faction began consolidating their power in the 20s and 30s, the revolution was "betrayed." ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ argued that Soviet society was bifurcated into two broad castes: the oppressive CPSU and its repressive state apparatuses, and the workers.
In my experience most non-Marxist-Leninist leftists agree with this ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ist historiography.

Trotsky's own principles in general aren't so different from General Soviet ones. However, his followers and the 4th International is a different story. I guess he, being an exile, an antagonist to the Soviet Union, a proponent of more radical approach, makes it more appealing for most cringeworthy people.

Still, what antagonism is there? Soviet Union always opposed him, but China did not view him in a negative light; I'm not sure about the rest.

"Leninism" was originally a term coined by a ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ite to slander Lenin as a despot. It was only later picked up by bolsheviks.

I would agree with it, however, ⛏️Trotsky⛏️'s USSR wouldn't make it different, in fact, party elitarisation would probably go further with him in power rather than ☭Stalin☭.

This narrative is so laughable though. ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ and Lenin are massive factors in 'the revolution being betrayed'. They hijacked it, set the party line as the only defensible position and then crushed anyone else (including allies, namely the left SR's and anarchists).
Just look at what Trostsky did about Kronstadt or the Free Territory. The 'material conditions' obviously played a role in opportunists taking over but the first opportunists weren't Stalin's faction but the upper party Bolsheviks.

👶anarchists👶 and SR's were only temporary allies. The ☭Bolsheviks☭ had no obligations for any long term relations with them. Ultimately, blaming someone else for winning while you end up with nothing is idealism.

the only good thing ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ ever did was cuck diego rivera

I honestly think that beyond a few paragraphs 90% of people haven't read any of his works and ☭TANKIE☭ anti-trot autism has just spread throughout leftism in general. Then as a result of being anti-tankie a bunch of weirdos adopted ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ism just to be different and in the eyes of everyone else became inseparable from the man himself. His meme status seems to be mostly a feedback loop of left tribalism than anything he actually said or did.

Attached: toothless shower.png (255x255, 9.04K)

trotsky wanted to militarily expand the soviet union and rejected Stalins plan from developing a socialist economy, trying to form a block with the right wing "market socialists"
he's nothing but an imperialist with cheap red paintwork in his rhetorics as cover

Trotsky was good(maybe a litlle selfish)
Also from an old post

Attached: ACCR_DB_Leon_Trotsky.jpg (714x323, 49.92K)

last time I saw this pic it was on an HTTYD thread discussing the new trailer, and the user was talking about how, while everyone was talking about 'manly Hiccup' he was thinking of Dragon dick. That was 3 days ago.


What a good bio of Trot? Not a Stalinist or anti-Communist stance.

Attached: 09_01_from_4x5_old_file5.jpg (1088x1080, 147.32K)

All i know about him is that he wanted socialism worldwide instead of socialism in one country.
Well that was impractical at the time.

Did ⛏️rotsky already have any body of theory before he was kicked out by Stalin? Otherwise it all seems like so much making up doctrinal distinctions after the fact, to paper over the very banal fact of losing a power struggle that was more about personality than vision. As far as I can tell, ⛏️rotsky's left opposition standpoints wrt economic policy, NEP and the collectivization of agriculture for example wound up being adopted by Stalin anyway after cleaning out both the left and right opposition.

Well most of his theories were stated in essays
some before some after the revolution.But most of "his" books were printed by the left opposition
after his exile.

Well you know , you can read him yourself……

He has: My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography but that was a little after his exile

Oh, hi again! It's me, the Anarcho-communist who talked about Stalin last thread :3
Here, read pic related. Click to enlarge.

It's a nice effect, although ⛏️rotsky was killed by an ice axe, actually.

Attached: Trots are traitors.png (1738x3267, 1.01M)

Nice pic retard
Nice try but all this happened before Leon was a boshevik ,when they were political enemies

Also cause you use Lenin(like a nice uneducated faggot that likes cults around leftists) lets see what Lenin said after ⛏️Trotsky⛏️raped the white army:

"Comrade Stalin, having become Secretary-General, has unlimited authority concentrated in his hands, and I am not sure whether he will always be capable of using that authority with sufficient caution. Comrade ⛏️Trotsky⛏️, on the other hand, as his struggle against the C.C. on the question of the People's Commissariat of Communications has already proved, is distinguished not only by outstanding ability. He is personally perhaps the most capable man in the present C.C., but he has displayed excessive self-assurance and shown excessive preoccupation with the purely administrative side of the work

lol dumbass.

i actually want proofs only for the last part dude

Trotsky collaborated with fascist Italy and imperial Japan to destabilise the USSR
Read some Furr bitches

I don't have access to Goebbel's diary either, but there's a reference here:
books.google.com/books?id=Wbsoyj9tMJwC&pg=PA263&lpg=PA263&dq=our clandestine radio transmitter from eastern prussia to russia&source=bl&ots=VterhV_kwN&sig=lHvoKuhZSKpZTEdPLmtbCb9KJ3w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzzfaBn9HbAhXDa1AKHR28AYQQ6AEINzAD#v=onepage&q=our clandestine radio transmitter from eastern prussia to russia&f=false

Intresting, I actualy do agree trot splits from the main parties did help anicommunist( tbh most of them were forced out of the parties).

Yes,yes and Stalin worked with the Nazi spys to kill Leon
Read "Los Nazis en México"
(pic related btw)

Attached: quote-i-m-not-a-conspiracy-theorist-i-m-a-conspiracy-analyst-gore-vidal-71-25-93.jpg (850x400, 51.09K)



He didn't though, and I've no idea why Tanks feel the need to lie about it.

The fact that you lot can't even accept that there are alternative forms of Leninism without slandering them does make MLs look pathetic.

It's you again.

Maoism is its own thing and thus different than M-L. Stalinism isn't a thing, and ⛏️rotskyism is opposed to Leninism when it suits them.

Lenin wrote much of this prior to 1917 however his relationship with ⛏️rotsky was barely luke-warm even after 1917 and closer to his death was quite negative.

"Trotsky has never yet held a firm opinion on any important question of Marxism. He always contrives to worm his way into the cracks of any given difference of opinion, and desert one side for the other. At the present moment he is in the company of the Bundists and the liquidators. And these gentlemen do not stand on ceremony where the Party is concerned." (Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 20 p. 448, 1914).

"Trotsky behaves like a despicable careerist and factionalist of the Ryazanov-and-co type. Either equality on the editorial board, subordination to the central committee and no one's transfer to Paris except ⛏️Trotsky⛏️'s (the scoundrel, he wants to 'fix up' the whole rascally crew of 'Pravda' at our expense!) – or a break with this swindler and an exposure of him in the CO. He pays lip-service to the Party and behaves worse than any other of the factionalists." (Collected Works, Vol. 34, p. 400).

"The struggle between Bolshevism and Menshevism is… a struggle over the question whether to support the liberals or to overthrow the hegemony of the liberals over the peasantry. Therefore to attribute [as did ⛏️Trotsky⛏️] our splits to the influence of the intelligentsia, to the immaturity of the proletariat, etc, is a childishly naive repetition of liberal fairy-tales… ⛏️rotsky distorts Bolshevism, because he has never been able to form any definite views on the role of the proletariat in the Russian bourgeois revolution… Therefore, when ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ tells the German comrades that he represents the 'general Party tendency' I am obliged to declare that ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ represents only his own faction and enjoys a certain amount of confidence exclusively among the otzovists and the liquidators." (The Historical Meaning of the Inner-Party Struggle in Russia, Collected Works, Vol. 16 pp. 374-392).

"It is impossible to argue with ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ on the merits of the issue, because ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ holds no views whatever. We can and should argue with confirmed liquidators and otzovists, but it is no use arguing with a man whose game is to hide the errors of both these trends; in his case the thing to do is to expose him as a diplomat of the smallest calibre."
(Trotsky's Diplomacy and a Certain Party Platform, Collected Works, Vol. 17 pp. 360362).

"The obliging ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ is more dangerous than an enemy! ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ could produce no proof except 'private conversations' (i.e., simply gossip, on which ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ always subsists), classifying the 'Polish Marxists' in general as supporters of every article by Rosa Luxemburg… ⛏️rotsky has never yet held a firm opinion on any important question of Marxism. He always contrives to worm his way into the cracks of any given difference of opinion, and desert one side for the other. At the present moment he is in the company of the Bundists and the liquidators. And thee gentlemen do not stand on ceremony where the Party is concerned." (The Right of Nations to Self-Determination, Collected Works, Vol. 20 p. 447-8).

"Trotskyism: “No tsar, but a workers’ government.” This is wrong. A petty bourgeoisie exists, and it cannot be dismissed. But it is in two parts. The poorer of the two is with the working class.
War. To end the war by pacifist means is utopia. It may be terminated by an imperialist peace. But the masses do not want such a peace. War is a continuation of the policies of a class; to change the character of the war one must change the class in power.
The name Communist Party is theoretically sound. The Left socialists of other countries are too weak. We must take the initiative."
(The Petrograd City Conference of the R.S.D.L.P. (Bolsheviks) APRIL 14–22 (APRIL 27–MAY 5), 1917)

Lenin on ⛏️Trotsky⛏️, revoking his previous warm feelings for him;


His influence was questionable and his rhetoric during Lenin’s last days and after, revealed his true colors. He WOULD have implemented a true dictatorship in the USSR and probably drive the state into the ground too.

marxists.org/history/usa/parties/cpusa/anti-trotsky/Trotsky the Traitor - Bittleman.pdf


marxism.halkcephesi.net/Grover Furr/Furr tortsky japan.pdf

Oh and inb4 Muh Lenin's testament:
Lenin’s Testament is a questionable piece of work written at a time when Lenin was no longer in a fit state of mind and when it was becoming obvious that a successor for Lenin was going to be needed. ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ at that time showed his true colors and struck out as the opposition, going against Lenin’s ideas, but instead of fighting with Lenin who was all but dead, he instead focused on twisting Lenin’s words for his own purposes against his opponents, and using the authority of Lenin’s words to try and discredit them. Lenin’s testament shows that Lenin did not KNOW that Stalin would be his successor but that it was likely regardless of his flaws.





Also on Vietnam:

Letter from Ho Chi Minh to the Indochinese Communist Party

Kwelin, May 10, 1939

Dear comrades: In the past, in my opinion and that of a good number of comrades, ⛏️rotskyism has seemed a matter of struggle between the trends within the Chinese Communist Party. So they almost were not paying attention. But shortly before the outbreak of the war, more precisely since the end of 1936, and especially during the war, the criminal ⛏️rotskyist propaganda has opened our eyes. Then we started to study the problem. And our study has led us to the following conclusions:

1 – The problem of ⛏️rotskyism is not a struggle between the trends within the Chinese Communist Party. Because between Communists and ⛏️rotskyists there is no tie, absolutely no tie. It is a matter that concerns the whole people: the fight against the country.

2 – The fascist Japanese and foreign fascists know. So, looking to try to create disagreements, to mislead public opinion and undermine the popularity of the Communists, making people believe they are communists and ⛏️rotskyists in the same field.

3 – The Chinese ⛏️rotskyists (like the ⛏️rotskyists in other countries) do not represent a group, much less a political party. They are nothing more then a criminal gang, the hounds of Japanese fascism (and of international fascism).

4 – In all countries, the ⛏️rotskyists gave good nicknames to mask their dirty work of bandits. For example, in Spain, their names are Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification (POUM). Did you know that it is they who are the nests of spies in Madrid, Barcelona and elsewhere in the service of Franco? It is they who organized the famous “fifth column,” agency of the army intelligence of the fascist Italians and Germans. In Japan, they are called Marx-Engels-Lenin League (MEL). The Japanese ⛏️rotskyists attract young people to their league, then reported them to the police. They seek to penetrate the Japanese Communist Party in order to destroy it from within. In my opinion, the French ⛏️rotskyists, now organized around the Proletarian Revolution Group (1) set a goal to sabotage the Popular Front. On this subject, I think you are better informed than I am. In our country of China [referring to Indochina, N. E.], ⛏️rotskyists are grouped into formations like La Lutte, War against the Japanese, Culture and Red Flag.

5 – The ⛏️rotskyists are not only enemies of communism, but also enemies of democracy and progress. They are the most infamous traitors and spies. Maybe you have read the indictments of the processes in the Soviet Union against the ⛏️rotskyists. If you have not read them, I advise you to do so and to read them to your friends. It is a very useful reading. It will help them see the true disgusting face of ⛏️rotskyism and ⛏️rotskyists. Here, allow me to extract some passages relating directly to China. The true repugnant face of ⛏️rotskyism.

Before the court, the ⛏️rotskyist Rakovsky (2) confessed that in 1934 when he was in Tokyo (as representative of the Soviet Red Cross) a high character of the Japanese government had told him: “We have the right to expect from the ⛏️rotskyists a change in strategy. I will not go into details. I only wanted to say that we expect from the ⛏️rotskyists, actions that favor our intervention in the affairs of China.” Responding to the Japanese, Rakovsky said: “I will write to ⛏️rotsky about this.” In December 1935, ⛏️rotsky sent to his supporters in China, instructions that repeatedly emphasized that phrase: “Do not create obstacles to the Japanese invasion of China.” And how have ⛏️rotskyists in China acted? They are in a hurry to know, is it not true? But, beloved comrades, I can not respond more in my next letter. Do not you recommend me to write short letters? Hope to see you soon.

1939: About ⛏️rotskyism (Letter to the Communist Party of Indochina)


(1) Revolución Proletaria: Newspaper published by a group of French revolutionary syndicalists.

(2) Revolutionary leader in the Balkans before the First World War, Ukrainian Prime Minister from 1919 to 1923, was then Soviet ambassador in Paris and one of the founders of the Left Opposition. Expelled from the CPSU in 1927 continued his work to capitulate in 1934.

marxists.org/history/usa/parties/cpusa/anti-trotsky/Trotsky the Traitor - Bittleman.pdf


marxism.halkcephesi.net/Grover Furr/Furr tortsky japan.pdf

This is literally a McCarthy-tier smear made up by paleocons like Pat Buchanan to paint newly ascendent neocons as "communist" in the 80s. Read the attached PDF and give up this myth, it's embarassing.

Isaac Deutscher's The Prophet Trilogy is the most famous and influential. If you want it from the man himself, there's also his My Life. I haven't read either of them so take that as you will.

His My Life is a self-appraising load of rubbish where he glorifies himself as THE great revolutionary of his time, smearing Stalin and anyone he wanted on the wayside. It's a rubbish book and frankly is only useful to show how arrogant he was.

*I meant to say self-praising. Damn I am tired.

Daily reminder to retarded ☭TANKIE☭s claiming ⛏️rotsky was a Nazi: He was literally the ONLY Marxist who wrote about opposing the Nazis before they came to power.

The Comintern-backed KPD supported the Nazis with the bizarre, idiotic slogan of "First Hitler, then Us". ⛏️rotsky was, again, the ONLY fucking Marxist on the planet who was criticizing this line prior to Hitler's consolidation of power.

Also, most of the talking points by Stalinists are actually just propaganda from when the Soviet bureaucracy was purging the government of the Left Opposition.

For an example of how utterly uncredible and ridiculous this propaganda was, consider the following example: The Soviet bureaucracy's official line and published materials until its dissolution claimed that ⛏️rotsky played nor ole in the October Revolution and was actively working against it. This is COMPLETELY contrary to all known primary sources of the period, who all unanimously agreed that ⛏️rotsky was one of the leaders of the October Revolution and that it probably wouldn't have succeeded without him.

*no role

Quote from Stalin himself:

Could you try posting something that *isn't* the spit-flecked ranting of mororns?

Ah yes, ⛏️rotsky, famously against industrialisation, so much so that the basis of Stalin's first five year plan was based upon ⛏️rotsky's criticisms of the NEP.

Jesus christ, and you lot call ⛏️rotskyists anti-Communists? The Soviet Union should have had no friends amongst capitalist nations. The international proletariat can't be 'friends' with the bourgeoise.

That's the funny thing about threatening to shoot peoples families and breaking their fingers, they tend to tell you what you want to hear.

Pickaxe ⛏️rotsky pickaxe is an anti communist retarded fuckhead

Nothing is more anti communist than killing communists. By this metric, Stalin was the biggest anti communist of all.

Before BO has an autistic tantrum and bans me, I'm obviously being hyperbolic here. I'm aware that Hitler killed many more communists than Stalin.

Stalin didn't kill any communists

Oh yes, I almost forgot; it's impossible to be a communist and disagree with Stalin.

This is why Bukharin was a communist when Stalin agreed with him, and then stopped being a communist when Stalin decided that he actually didn't agree with him anymore.

What do you think of those who claim that Trosky was shilling to betray the USSR for the nazis?

Complete nonsense. ⛏️rotsky defended the USSR to his last breath and scorned the Soviet leadership for becoming friendly with Hitler during the signing of the non-aggression pact.

Lies, lies and more lies. As for friendliness with Hitler… HAHAHAHAHA HYPOCRISY AT ITS BEST

Where? Last time I checked ⛏️rotsky said the soviets pretty much did the right thing with the M-R pact

The mental gymnastics here are amazing.

How is that being friendly you dipshit? Establishing trade is not establishing friendship. The USSR in 1923 was economically in ruin and something had to be done. The USSR had to use shell companies to establish most trade and was constantly being sanctioned and sabotaged.

HAHAHAHA stop reading Boris Souvarines rubbish. Stalin's 5 year plans were based on Lenin's statements, not ⛏️rotsky's. Additionally even if you try to attribute the first 5 year plan to ⛏️rotsky, the second and third and fourth plans were entirely the initiative of Stalin and Co.

You're just repeating the same old Trot apologist rubbish about threats and torture, based on…. next to no evidence whatsoever except a few choice accounts. The ironic part is that torture and threats do not exclude a documents truthfulness.

Which only goes to show that Stalin was the better man. While ⛏️rotsky derided and hated Stalin, with racist prejudice, Stalin remained polite, and criticized his politics only.

PS: "War Commissar ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ is often praised for being a great leader in the Civil War. However, in the summer of 1919 ⛏️Trotsky⛏️, stating that Kolchak was no longer a menace in the east, proposed shifting the forces of the Red Army into the campaign against Denikin in the South. This Stalin pointed out would have given Kolchak a much needed breathing spell and the opportunity to reorganize and re-equip for a fresh offensive. The Central Committee rejected ⛏️Trotsky⛏️'s plan and he took no further part in the campaign in the east, which led to Kolchak's defeat. Similarly with his plan for a campaign against Denikin through the Don steppes, an almost roadless region filled with bands of counter-revolutionary Cossacks. Stalin rejected ⛏️Trotsky⛏️'s plan and proposed advancing across the Donetz Basin with its dense railway network, good supplies of coal and sympathetic working-class population. Stalin's plan was accepted by the Central Committee. ⛏️Trotsky⛏️ was removed from the Southern Front and told not to interfere with operations that led to the defeat of Denikin." - Wilf Dixon, the Truth about Stalin.

Muh old bolsheviks
Muh revolution betrayed
muh excuses for being a failed ideology

PS Stalin only gained major power in 1927, trying to blame him for actions prior is like blaming a secretary for the actions of the person they're working for.

not this bullshit again

Neumann and Remmele wanted to split the KPD and Remmele himself left the party in 1932, after they lost democratically against Thälmann.

Margarete Buber-Neumann became an anti-communist propagandist after her husband resigned from his offices, wrote books about a horrible communist dictatorship and denounced the KPD's resistence to the far-right police in Weimar as "terror against the good German policemen".

Stalin saved the KPD you fucking tool.

Attached: everyone I don't like is a tankie.png (500x659, 128.99K)

Yet another retarded Trotskifag
Begone, wench


Trotsky’s own words beg to differ

The idea that ⛏️rotsky was trying to destroy a country when he was a main leader in the foundation and ensuing war for survival of said country was and is a myth created by Stalinists. It has no basis in reality: the only ‘evidence’ Stalinists ever provide for it is a list of quotes by Stalin and his supporters talking about how much they hate ⛏️rotsky, out of context insults by Lenin dated before ⛏️rotsky was even a Bolshevik (side note: Lenin literally insulted every left wing figure of any significance at one point or another, including his closest friends and allies. Being insulted by Lenin is not a damning thing), and confessions extracted under literal torture.

Forgot my flag

What does any of this have to do with the KPD’s ‘strategy’ for dealing with Hitler (i.e., doing nothing) or the USSR’s wholehearted support of that strategy you fucking twit.

Also the NKVD's archives and memoirs from those who did the torturing you tool.
The article you posted starts splurging out about how ⛏️rotsky was foolish for supporting the German Communists attempt to overthrow Weimar, when that's exactly what any Communist worth their salt should have been doing.

Well at least we both agree the Bolsheviks had no interest in workers control and instead had the aim of being opportunists

Also, is this a Trotskist? A Leninist? A Stalinist? Because every tendency blames the fall of the revolution on someone else


Any good books on this topic?
Always find sources which don't portray anarchists as useless to be interesting

I'm sure there's some alt-history fiction where that's the case.

lets see your "sources"

An article from an American newspaper about a biography written in Ussr year after Linins death (That i am sure you have not read). Nice

A Stalinist party that acted more like soviet agent rather than a workers vanguard
Whose leader was cucked by Stalin after the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact and later said:
"That's right. I meant that the Communist Party and the whole communist movement was changing its character, and in 1945, when I was kicked out, the parting of the ways had come, and if I hadn't been kicked out I would have had the difficult task of disengaging myself from a movement that I could no longer agree with and no longer help."

Nice dude very..very nice

No not really dude

"Lenin's testament presented the ruling triumvirate or troika (Joseph Stalin, Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev) with an uncomfortable dilemma. On the one hand, they would have preferred to suppress the testament since it was critical of all three of them as well as of their ally Nikolai Bukharin and their opponents, Leon ⛏️rotsky and Georgy Pyatakov. Although Lenin's comments were damaging to all Communist leaders, Joseph Stalin stood to lose the most since the only practical suggestion in the testament was to remove him from the position of the General Secretary of the Party's Central Committee.[2]

On the other hand, the leadership dared not go directly against Lenin's wishes so soon after his death, especially with his widow insisting on having them carried out. The leadership was also in the middle of a factional struggle over the control of the Party, the ruling faction being loosely allied groups that would soon part ways, which would have made a cover-up difficult.

The final compromise proposed by the triumvirate at the Council of the Elders of the 13th Congress after Kamenev read out the text of the document was to make Lenin's testament available to the delegates on the following conditions (first made public in a pamphlet by ⛏️rotsky published in 1934 and confirmed by documents released during and after glasnost):

The testament would be read by representatives of the Party leadership to each regional delegation separately.
Taking notes would not be allowed.
The testament would not be referred to during the plenary meeting of the Congress.
The proposal was adopted by a majority vote, over Krupskaya's objections. As a result, the testament did not have the effect that Lenin had hoped for and Stalin retained his position as General Secretary, with the notable help of A. P. Smirnov, then People’s Commissar of Agriculture.[3]

Failure to make the document more widely available within the Party remained a point of contention during the struggle between the Left Opposition and the Stalin-Bukharin faction in 1924 to 1927. Under pressure from the opposition, Stalin had to read the testament again at the July 1926 Central Committee meeting.

An edited version of the testament was printed in December 1927, in a limited edition made available to 15th Party Congress delegates. The case for making the testament more widely available was undermined by the consensus within the Party leadership that it could not be printed publicly as it would damage the Party as a whole"
t. Wikepedia
So i like how ☭TANKIE☭s make Stalin look like a retard(Tbh some staff in them are controversial but the larger part of the testament is considered true by all actual historians only faggots with no degree at anything resembling history say the opposite)
I think Lenin words are pretty clear:
Stalin is too coarse and this defect, although quite tolerable in our midst and in dealing among us Communists, becomes intolerable in a Secretary-General

Fun thing is that i know you are some type of nationalist slav and you just deny it.
You are just a naz.bol


You and the technocrat ought to read these

I'm also sure there's alt history where the USSR didn't become state capitalist either.



I'd also recommend reading the chapters which dispel him as being a warlord or an anti-semite.

I don't *hate* the Black Guard, or Nestor, but when you look at his choice of allies I start to cool on whether the Free Territory had any sustainability whatsoever.

I mean, for god's sake, this is the crew that welcomed Nikifor Grigoriev in with open arms once he brought his militia over to Makhno's side.

I have no problem with the man (nor with any anarchist, i think most of them were pretty succesful)
His nun raping army was the problem

You mean the nun-raping army that he'd have shot if they either conducted rape or anti-semitism?

He also briefly allied with the bolsheviks, until he deserted them, and during that time he committed several pogroms.

Makhno never trusted Grigoriev, and was pretty suspicious about him for three weeks until Grigoriev offered forming a coalition with the whites, to which Makhno had him shot, especially after he was revealed for being a pogromist.

I'm not a Bolshevik, so I'm not defending them on this, but my point is that idolising Makhno overlooks the mistakes that he did make.
The chronology for that's all wrong though, and what Anarchist writers keep doing. Grigoriev was already notorious for his anti-semitism, banditry and reactionary politics by this point, yet the Black Guard welcomed him and his men in until they realised he was about to defect back to the Whites.

Either Makhno's as opportunistic as the Bolsheviks were, or he was an utter fool who trusted reactionaries and criminals.

No shit, the notion of the black army "accepting him with open arms" is utter bullshit.

According to Peter Arshinov, Makhno and staff decided to execute Grigoriev. Chubenko, a member of Makhno's staff, accused Grigoriev of collaborating with Denikin (According to Arshinov, Denikin's emissaries were captured and executed) and of inciting the pogroms.

Another account states that Denikin threatened Makhno and drew his gun and was therefore shot.

Alexandre Skirda, Nestor Makhno: Anarchy's Cossack, p 125.

The only reason Denikin was """accepted""" was because he ran tail between his legs towards Makhno with an offer to fight off the whites/ the bolsheviks. However, considering Makhno hated aristocracy and monarchy as well as anti-semites, which Grigoriev was a part of, he wasn't """fully accepted with open arms"""

*no shit, but the notion of the black army "accepting him with open arms" is utter bullshit

I have read it that newspaper, that's why I cited it.

It's an ironic award that is quite legitimate considering your anti-soviet shitposting.

He is because he does historical research, The bullshitting about "a degree" is what i call a pathetic appeal to authority.

yes and? It's a socialist party, it's not nationalist and simply is agaisnt revisionism like yours.

Nice oversimplification asshole. If you actually watched any of his interviews you'd know that he didn't support Putin over-all however in terms of a position of leadership in Russia he was the best candidate at the time. Name me a single candidate in the Russian election that would be elected and not have Russia fall apart… you can't.

Oh yes it is.


a fucking bullshit myth purported by anti-soviet perestroika 'historians' looking to discredit Lenin and his movement. Something confirmed by the fact that you state "confirmed by documents released during and after glasnost", despite the fact that it is well known that during that period in time dozens of forgeries were "found" in such 'condemning' documents. And called out for the frauds that they were.

Stalin is too coarse and this defect, although quite tolerable in our midst and in dealing among us Communists, becomes intolerable in a Secretary-General

1) out of context rubbish
2) I literally addressed that statement as did my sources, GTFO

Please continue your tirade of slander. Your accusations are meaningless drivel.

PS you ignored about 2/3 of my sources outright and of the 1/3 you did address you nitpicked like a little bitch. And then you people have the gall to wonder why technocrats are seen as arrogant smart-aleks

Attached: Joseph Goebbels award.jpg (1132x890, 574.39K)

PS. I'm not a massive fan of Starikov, but if you're going to attack the guy, send HIM an email doing so, instead of talking shit behind his back.

OMG i read it and uses the criticism from Lenin again before Leon raped the White Army
(also I meant reading the biography)
Nice pic from r/Fullcommunisms
(Also i agree with that nice idea tbh)
I do to ,am i a historian?( inb4 no you don’t!)
I used the degree argument to show the fact that no one except spooked conspiracy theorists say that Lenin’s testament was falsified

Attached: vXbWQmm.png (326x160, 26.78K)

I used Wikipedia as source to point out the fact that Lenin criticized everyone so no bolshevik would had win something by lying about it]
