Predictions for Late Stage Capitalism

What are your predictions for what porky will do next? Here are some of mine:
If Trump gets a second term, I predict that republicans will try to remove the minimum wage altogether, using the excuse that "small businesses can't compete" and "you don't deserve that much for just flipping burgers"
As advertising becomes more ever-present in our societies, and advertising becomes less effective, restrictions on what adverts can and can't do will be loosened to "better reach the costumer" including the use of sexual imagery, the ability to advertise anywhere (including near schools and playground areas) and the introduction of "post-truth advertising"
With net neutrality over and done with, ISPs will move on to bigger and more profitable avenues under the guise of "helping artists" and "tracking down criminals" while they are given complete control to analyse all of uploads and downloads, using a content ID system (similar to YouTube's) that detects when copyrighted material is being uploaded to the internet without the artist's consent.

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AI is next for big changes

They estimate that before 2020 nearly all customer service will be completely automated via systems like this

The main and most obvious one:
American imperialism against its' former lapdogs like Canada and Mexico.

In general, America trying to profiteer over soft and unprepared "1st world nations", which it may very well do, considering they have no other alliances except America itself. The EU, despite its size, is also not safe, since it's extremely unstable, and Trump may play East Europe and Eurosceptics to do the work for him.

Honestly, it's a poetic justice. You used to ride on the back of an imperialist predator, and suddenly, seeing no easier prey, he decides to strait for you.

probably a steady increase in the first world of the permanently unemployed and underemployed followed by political measures to crack down on them

France and Germany aren't going to take American imperialism lying down though.

some gay shit is going to happen and we are all going to get fucked in the ass

The next recession will cause American house values to plummet, which will result in an actual depression since so many amerifats rely on constantly increasing asset prices to produce profit. This depression will force America to go even more fascist and they will eventually start a gigantic war with Russia/China over some dumb shit and get absolutely stomped.

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when do think this depression will happen? next year? next 5 years? 10?

pic related
What are your thoughts on nanotech,androids and shit?
what is the porky planning?

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It's going to be full blown union busting, they'll be banned nationally and the media (now completely consolidated into AT&T) will blackout all attempts at reform. Revolution will become necessary, and as increasingly large amounts of American society become permanently impoverished (from petite bourgs with college debt, underemployed factory workers or IC wageslaves) causing mass resistance.

We will see a repeat of what went down in the last century: workers will get shot by private cops while striking, and it will spread by word-of-mouth. Workers will organize into units then platoons and battalions, arming themselves and escalating the situation from civil disobedience to war as they begin shooting back. Due to increased reliance on privately funded prisons, forensics labs, and police the capitalist system won't be able to handle the shocks and will either collapse entirely or allow reformists in to rebuild the basic rights people have lost since the end of the cold war. We can already see the start of these problems inside our major cities, between the housing crisis and huge amounts of people displaced by the war on drugs.

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Most won't because it's shitty customer service, everyone who has had to use an automated call system hates it and the people who get the most out of it are ones who just stay on the line until they get a representative anyway. The real concern is when banks use this sort of software to cover up customer complaints and internal compliance procedures (ie managers not embezzling money or doing insider trading), which leads to a total breakdown of the bank when upper management realizes they were too fast and loose with things like subprime loans. This is exactly what happened to WaMu in their last days - bank branches were closed and replaced with ATMs while customers were instructed to call their regional office. The result was their computerized call system melting down while people panicked and moved money from the bank using wire transfers to other banks that had actual humans.

I don't say this to be optimistic but capitalists don't want to deal with all the technical problems automated systems like this bring, especially when they can just pay some rube a shit wage for the exact same job and blame them when customers get mad.

mass suicides perhaps but Americans are too pacifistic to do anything remotely revolutionary. I will keep my eyes on the developing nations reaction with US hegemony in free fall.

The next depression will be on the backs of student loans. Mortgages will get fucked too, but at least mortgages can be unfucked through a bankruptcy sale. People with college debt will be fucked for life.

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I doubt direct violence against the working class will become common again. Ameriporks know that it backfires by now.
What they will try to do instead is achieve full psychological control through media manipulation.

The fact that student loans cannot be discharged via bankruptcy (thanks Biden) is actually the reason why they won't cause a depression. They will probably contribute to it though, since it will eventually become a significant drag on consumer spending.

It's all fun and games until strikers shoot at police and suddenly gun control happens because companies all demand it. This is the exact point where Zig Forums takes the socialism pill and people start dying.

pics related, people forget about all the damage the OKC bombing and DC Sniper did, the latter of which fucked up gas stations in the Beltway because people were afraid of getting shot

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Americans will never embrace socialism as long as their global empire maintains intact.

That's what banks think, but it won't be so. Instead of high default rates they'll be high nonpreforming loan rates which will instead drag at the bank forever instead of being discharged in a bankruptcy and quickly written off. The banks expect the government to compensate them fully, but the government will (as with home loans) only compensate them for the value not the actual price. Which means if the loan is NPO it's value is near zero. This is exactly how subprime mortgages choked despite it being a supposedly worry-free, guaranteed government-insured investment.

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And what of that empire? The one Trump is dismantling as fast as he can because Americans are sick of paying for it. The Korean situation is wrapping up peacefully meanwhile a final mideast withdrawl is inevitable since the military wants to spend money elsewhere (like on their own salaries). The focus moves back to the Pacific and Americas, where there is no real threat large enough to galvanize support for fascism. The only exception is China but their bite will be much smaller after Trump enacts tariffs. In 20-30 years things will be different.

I think China's experiment with "social credit" is the way of the future. Linking all of your various data with a single digital identity key (integrated into an e-ID maybe) - credit score, health data, insurance data, criminal record, consumer preferences, and so on. Makes you, as well as your online face, perfectly transparent to all those who are deemed to need to know - that is, the controllers of capital. It can be done, doesn't even need much technological innovation, just effective linking of already existing, already collected data.

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Media manipulation didn't work for them in the twentieth century which is how unions got legalized in the first place. It will continue not working as the basic social contract between workers and owners frays. People have only accepted it over the past forty years because the largest sponsor of communism died, and people had this idea that just getting a house and going to college will somehow fix all their problems. It's that basic thing, loans, that will pull the entire system down.

It's already here though. It's called a "credit score."

I really want to see the US attack its allies for once.

To a degree - people's experiences with that herald what is to come. Note that it isn't as widespread outside of the US yet, so for most people even that would be new. And tie in health data, anti-social behavior, criminal record, blue checkmarks, and so on.

Credit companies actually do have the right/ability to take other things into account (such as lifestyle and character) when generating credit scores. Of course I don't think that is done anymore but it is allowed.

Capitalists aren't, but the feds are, and they would gladly subject the populace to thought control if it means the ebul reds are gone.

But they might have to take it on alone, or in staggered formation. A 120 - 150 million bloc will have a hard time dealing with the US, being in a position akin to Russia, rather than as a rough equal.

Not economical in medium term, specific task-robots will remain the standard. Able to do more things of course, but still rather specialized. Nanotech is mostly gonna be for mass industry at first I thin, a kind of beefed-up biomanufacturing (which we now have in the form of genetically engineered yeast making bioplastics and the like).

And now take that and generalize it over society.

France and Germany (especially Germany) more or less run the EU. If they need to combat America they will be able to rope the rest of Europe in with them.

within 5 years at most
probably by 2020

Native Yorkers and Jersey Shore Guidos will be something our children will only be able to experience in VR history books as they will go extinct in the next 3-33 years due to Mesothelioma.

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There's a thread on the dow over here.
I'm betting the kickstart to the financial collapse will happen around August-September but it could happen as soon as this July or as late as the March next year. There is no chance in hell that a recession isn't going to happen with Trump gone.

They - or rather their porkies - run the EU, and exactly that is the problem. Too many of the others would rather leave than keep submitting to that. All it needs is a little push, and the thing will pop apart, with just a core bloc of the France-Germany-Low countries left.

There won't be anymore Hurricanes under category 4 as of 2020 and the gulf coast, and southeast atlantic coast will have to suffer no less that 4 direct hits every year. Winters will dump even more snow in the north and also hit record highs.
Students will have to pay for loans while in school and there will be no deferments
Property values keep going up and so does the homeless population.
Full time jobs will be eliminated in all retail and fast food businesses.
Several large school boards will go bankrupt.
War with Iran and a subsequent conscription.
Japan becomes completely militarized again and fascist
Italy, Germany, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia all become fascist.
Macron is the new French emperor.
Neo-neo colonialism in Africa. All states break down.
Hentai has higher production value than non-porno graphic anime
Literally nothing isn't a subscription service.
Government surveillance cameras in "private" homes in the UK.
Homeless in the US are simply executed
NK and SK are glass
It's 2050 and China is saying socialism in 2120.
There are only a handful of companies left in the world.
The US is very close to just straight up anarcho-capitalism. The state is nothing but guns.
Food stamps are eliminated
There is no actual leftist movement anywhere.
Liberals are talking about how these Super Hurricanes are sexist
Feminists drop the pretense and call for the hanging of male niggers

v-vive jvpiter

Holy shit it all makes sense