I here a lot of talk about idpol and why it's bad on this board, but i've yet to be told exactly what idpol is, why we hate it, and why it's bad praxis.
I here a lot of talk about idpol and why it's bad on this board, but i've yet to be told exactly what idpol is...
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We talk about this all the time.
You're just fucking new.
It's simple. People saw that liberals developed an anti-marxist and ineffective version of idpol so people use that as an excuse to condemn idpol per se. The sad thing is that just by looking at the reality of the American working class it becomes obvious that you can't build a large movement without it. Just think about it, if you put aside pressing matters that specifically affect black people that's naturally going to alienate a lot of them. People like Fred Hampton understood this which is why he became a threat to the American capitalist class. You can like or dislike idpol but either way it's a necessary tactical consideration.
Identity politics is putting focus on identity issues as the primary driving force of social progress.
The issues with that are as following:
- Splitting up the working class amongst different identities
- Promoting class collaboration within identity groups
This is different to adressing identity issues as secondary to and an expression of class conflict and is meant to concretize class struggle for an individual in a comprehensive way they themself know from experience and can relate to.
Contrary to identity politics we have the effect of attracting people to taking up their class interest, unite across identity groups and learn to differentiate and work against capitalists, no matter what identity they hide behind.
Anti-Idpol thus has two meanings:
The proclaimed identity of a capitalist does not matter, they are enemies. The identity of a worker does not matter, they are considered to be potential comrades that need to be educated on class and unite against capitalists.
Both liberal and reactionary identity politics are both tools of the capitalist class.
this is not what opposition to identity politics means
we do adress these issues, albeit from as conflicts based on class struggle
you promoting identity politics would mean to adress "being black" in opposition to class, as a matter of liberal emancipation into the capitalist system and promoting warcriminals like "obama" as a success for your struggle
An example an american like you, OP, would understand:
Not Idpol:
UNPOPULAR OPINION: Zig Forums is mostly made up of white males who have the luxury of dismissing idpol.
Shit take, now go back to reddit (which is more white and more male than leftypol).
If it wasn't for white people, we wouldn't need a revolution.
slav, about 30 million murdered in the last world war after being denounced as "subhumans" by an imperialist regime
also trans
eat my ass, faggot
Identity politics can refer to politics centered around identity. This sort of politics can easily be incorporated in a class framework. As long as you don't use a different definition than the one I brought up your conclusion simply doesn't follow but that's irrelevant, it should become obvious from my post that I wasn't arguing in favor of any sort of pro Obama rhetoric. Regardless of what you define idpol to be, the point was that there are currently people on this board who oppose idpol in the sense that they think it is good to ignore race, gender etc. specific issues because of the notion that a movement purely centered around class will somehow work out. This train of thought alienates certain groups and gives liberals opening, an opening we can't afford to give them. My sole claim is that this is a bad tactic. Nothing more.
i brought one up, you illiterate bafoon
your entire post is already adressed and invalidated in my first post
now go fuck off, retarded faggot
Thought I'd takle a screencap
Eh, thanks bruv
Here is a 100% dumbed-down take that any brainlet can understand. According to CNN, not a network known for partisan disloyalty to the Democratic party, the Democrats are looking at their worst showing in 100 years. Now, barring an economic collapse before mid-terms and wrong polling data, I think this prediction will likely come true.
After the Trump defeat, one big democratic party intellectual, Mark Lila came out and said that identity politics doesn't work for progressives even if it does work for the other side. Well, there was the lashing out on the part of the hysterics who have doubled down on this type of politics but I haven't seen any actual proof that smug liberal Jew is wrong yet.
You might wonder, "well, what does this have to do with us?" Well, if identity politics doesn't work for the democrats, who really only have the politics of identity to offer, than it isn't going to work for us. We won't gain anything from using the same type of toxic politics that the democrats are offering but with a little more class politics injected. Many parties have tried this and it just doesn't work.
If it did work, I would venture to say, there is a strong chance Zig Forums would have never been created in the first place.
Did you even read what I wrote or are you the one who is illiterate? I thought that I cleared up any semantic misunderstandings but apparently you need an extra explanation. When I talk about identity politics and you utilize a different definition than the one I'm using then anything that follows directly from your definition doesn't necessarily address what I brought up. In fact almost none of it did which is why my post isn't "invalidated". Maybe you're just deliberately trying to miss the point.
I can almost see what is in you tiny picture
how's the trans situation in russia?
Most likely a non-russian slav.
no he's russian
1) Idpol is the attempt to protect humans with cultural identities (ethnicities, gender, religion etc.) from discrimination. Cultural identity is the symbolic product of sublimization and idpol is the fetish to institutionalize collective narcistic phantasma which imaginary splits the human into countless identities and leaves him confused (cf. postmodernism). In this light, idpol is the hypostasis of cultural symbols to everlasting entities by raising these spooks up to real substances but simultaneously is culturrelativistic.
2) Instead of politics of equality and facilitation, idpol seeks a politics of difference and recognition. Idpol subverts the egalitarian idea which was inherent to what is called the political left. Therefore, political philosophers speak of a rift between the social and cultural left which we have to overcome. Hate is not useful for this purpose, but educated rejection is. Still, thanks to psychological flaws, many leftists fall for it.
3) In neoliberal capitalism, idpol instrumentalizes ingroup biases of cultural identifying humans for the imfamous divide et impera agenda. Moreover, in times of globalization, identity confusion can be filled in by old, passed on traditions and consumerism to further support the capitalistic system. The protected cultures are predefined and need a certain size and power to be political protected which again leads to discrimination of not defined and small minorities. Finally, it surpresses true individualism and naturalism because idpol tolerates repression and environemntal damages as valuable habits.
Well 20-27 million soviets died, if you add up the entire casualties from all slavic nations during WW2 then you do end up with around 30 million.
modern liberals do everything in their power to thwart meaningful quality-of-life improvements for marginalized communities. They don't care about mass incarceration of blacks, they're not comfortable with funding single-payer healthcare that would be super super helpful to the trans community, they don't give a fuck about preserving the land of First Nations peoples. They don't care about the homeless or the housing crisis. Many are pro-Israel.
They don't care about raising the status of the status-less. All they care about is making sure that Cartoon Network has enough pacific islander characters or whatever. THAT'S A VALID FIGHT, but the fight cannot stop there. That's what modern idpol is: limpdick lip-service paid to the marginalized to trick people into thinking things are getting better.
Didn't 80% of people want it?
Id pol has its place because there are political issues that affect certain groups over others. A lot of people who cry about idpol seem to be disingenuous where they want to just reduce every problem to 'but everyone has this problem!' in an attempt to avoid actually trying to solve the problem. A good example is sexual assault,domestic violence, police brutality, and poor schooling . I'm not trying to undermine the white males who suffer from these issues,but figuring out why these things affect not them more often is a good way to look into how to solve the problem for everyone. If certain conditions are more likely to cause these issues (like being female or not white ,) you can more easily find what conditions also occur in the lesser represented demographic within those issues as well . At the same time, I acknowledge that idpol needs to make its face more intersectional, and yes, that means bringing more white straight cis guys into it .Plenty of them are poor ,have health issues, have experienced trauma, etc
In the US a majority of people want it and have wanted it for a long time, but neither party will provide it because they'd have to tax their rich paymasters to do it.
Intersectionality only perpetuates the problem by reifying the delusion of identity. Read Marx's On The Jewish Question.
This seems like a very strange conclusion. If something is a problem for everyone, then the cause of that problem is a generally shared one. If however one group is affected more, then the factor that makes them more affected would be tied to that group.
I get that a group that is affected more by an issue will think of it as more important. It's the self interested thing to do. You don't have to sell it with shoddy logic.
I started making a video series about it a year ago but got bored after two videos.
YOU CANNOT PREVENT THE Nazi masturbation fantasy, YOU CAN ONLY
I don't get why you'd even want to accelerate given Nazis' incredible poor track record when it comes to winning wars.
Protecting chinese-americans is the pretext they'd use for intervening, not the actual reason behind it, you brainlet.
doesn't matter, they'd still lose
Azn militaries are a sad joke
please god tell me this is satire
When was the last time the U.S. beat an azn military? Japan in WW2?
You need to go back.
Acceleration accelerates deterritorialization, uprooting and anihilating every imaginary ancestral ephemera and communal bond you think of yourself as fighting for.
they'll come around eventually. I too used to be naive and believed i could play nice with the people of the color brown
It will only guarantees global racial HOLY WAR
Have you tried not being a nazi? Because I haven't had any problem getting along with brown people
read settlers
are u fookin srs m8
yep, I'm dead serious
And Sakai's world view is much more prominent among PoC than whatever anti idpol bs Zig Forums tries to sell
class war is inextricable from Nazi masturbation fantasy, if you don't see it coming you're blind
I'm a fucking minority and I don't hate white people
Zig Forums is en echo chamber that exclusively focuses on the crazies
Only if you believe that there is no such thing as poor whites. That said, I'm not sure what to expect from people who's greatest criticism of capitalism amounts to "muh jews"
Try actually reading the accelerationists you dumb fuck.
I'm not the one you have to convince. the hordes of angry PoC are the ones you have to convince. and even in far left circles they still hate their "white allies". sooooo good luck lol
Identitarians rarely consider where their argument is coming from. Perspectivism is not of the left.
Sure, I'll take your word for it since you're probably completely redpilled on what the darkies think from browsing Zig Forums
it's a pretty simple concept dudeā¦ when identity politics take priority over class that's when it becomes a problem.
no I got redpilled from reading settlers and realizing just how many PoC eat it up
How did you come to that realization?
by interacting with poc
All of them had read Settlers?
nope, and neither did he
Uh oh am I gonna get called a liberal for thinking the historical material legacy of chattel slavery and colonialism extends into the current base and superstructure. I've been a very bad boy leftypol, I think I'm going to need some spankings. tee her
depends in what context you make that assertion, but generally - yes. Subaltern studies and theory has no place in contemporary Marxism
I mean that in all candor. If you're making a statement regarding the symbolic order of contemporary capitalism, then you would have an argument at the minimum. But, in any instance, Subaltern theorizing ventures into racial and cultural essentialism and dissolves dialectical materialism